madame-jupiter · 9 months
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madame-jupiter · 10 months
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Anya was in trouble, it only took her two tries to realize (Incorrect Quote)
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madame-jupiter · 1 year
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Fanart of /that/ scene! I actually used the translations from the brazilian portuguese version, so it might look like fanfiction lol but I swear that's (basically) what Bakugou says to Izuku in this chapter!! >:0
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madame-jupiter · 1 year
Yakuza Bkdk: The Credit Card Switcharoo Part 1
It’s a chance encounter where Katsuki bumps into skinny, green haired guy that looks like he hasn’t slept for days. The resulting collision results with both of their wallets and the contents to spill onto the ground.
Katsuki curses while the skinny man apologizes profusely.
He ignores him, hoping his dragon and tiger tattoos would spook the man off as he gathers his stuff. Gladly they did, the green haired man hightails it away from the blond Yakuza member. After this, Katsuki goes to buy himself cigarettes… Only for his card to decline.
“What the fuck…?!” Katsuki glances down at his card and notices that while it has the same All Might print, it’s not his name on it.
It belongs to a Midoriya Deku.
He grinds his teeth, thinking back to the green haired man he met earlier.
He must of rammed into Katsuki on purpose and stole his card!!
Katsuki’s going to find that bastard and get his fucking card back before that thief drains his bank account.
Meanwhile, Midoriya Izuku, in his sleep deprived mind after working 8 days straight at his crummy warehouse job, is attempting to get himself something to eat from a hot meal vending machine.
Izuku wonders why he even bothers. His card always gets declined even if he attempts to get the cheapest thing on the machine.
To his surprise, his transaction goes through and he almost cries when he gets his favorite flavor of cup ramen. The warmth of the broth and noodles fills his stomach up.
Stomach satisfied for now, he believes it’s a fluke from the machine and it giving him a free meal.
To sleepy to pay attention to the name on the card as he slips it into his wallet, he makes his way to his home.
Which is his car that has seen better days.
Laying down in the backseat that is uncomfortably lumpy all over, he uses a bag full of shredded newspapers as a pillow.
He snuggles underneath a thin blanket and an extra jacket he knows to keep warm.
Not knowing his world is going to completely change…
It’s been three days since Katsuki’s card had been stolen. He had planned on locking his card, but he wants to see what this thief is buying and where he is buying the items from to get a better location.
So far, to his surprise, most the purchases are from cheap vending machines.
One vending machine even being one of those hot meal ones.
Besides those, no exuberant charges are placed. For a thief who stole a card with an account with over 3,000,000 ¥, he’s seems to be cheap.
And so far, no one has been able to locate a Midoriya Deku.
“Are you sure you’re reading the name right?” remarks his right hand man, Kirishima. “You may be good with guns, mathematics, and other things, you are not the best at… reading well.”
Katsuki glares at him.
“Fuck off.”
Kirishima shrugs. “At least let me see the card and read the name.”
Katsuki begrudgingly hands over the card. The red haired man takes it and glances down at it, reading it. Then he clamps down his lips, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. But a few giggles slip out.
The blond doesn’t take to kindly to this. “What?! What’s so damn-“
“His name isn’t Midoriya Deku, it’s Midoriya Izuku.”
Katsuki feels like he’s falling into a pit of embarrassment at such an error. And it seems it doesn’t end because Kaminari, Kirishima’s boyfriend, is also sitting at the long table Katsuki situated himself at to investigate. It doesn’t even take a second for the electric blond to start laughing his ass off.
“Oh my Gods!! Hahaha!!” Kaminari laughs, holding his stomach. “The great Bakugou “The Red Eyed Dragon” Katsuki making such a blunder is hilarious!! Hahaha-AHHH!!!”
He couldn’t take it the moron’s laughing. Katsuki practically launches across the table at Kaminari, about to strangle him. But the little shit is quick and hightails it to hide behind his mountain of a boyfriend.
Katsuki seethes. “Come out from behind him, you coward!”
“Kirishima, protect me!” yells Kaminari, still hiding behind his boyfriend to get away from Katsuki’s clutches.
“Whoa! Whoa!” says Kirishima, holding his hands up in order to placate the red eyed blond. “No killing boyfriends here. What we have to focus on is that we now know this thief’s true name.” He clasps his hand on Katsuki’s shoulder, giving him a sharp toothed grin. “So we can go and find him much faster and easier than before.”
Katsuki begins to calm at this.
That green haired thief will pay for stealing what’s his!
There’s no telling by now what this thief is cooking up to buy with Katsuki’s money next.
“Alright. Tell everyone to look for a Midoriya Izuku and report his whereabouts to me ASAP!”
Kirishima and Kaminari nod their heads.
“Yes sir!”
Izuku sneezes.
“Achoo!!” He covers his mouth with his elbow, sniffing a little.
“Bless you!” says his coworker Hatsume Mei. Both of them are covered in grease from loading car parts and other metal objects into boxes; they should be shipping out right about not to their destinations. “Someone must be talking about you.”
He playfully rolls his eyes. It’s an old superstition that people still spread about.
“Don’t know who would be talking about me though…,” he mumbles to himself.
But then only one person comes to mind…
And it makes Izuku’s skin crawl.
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madame-jupiter · 1 year
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Kiss day!!
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madame-jupiter · 1 year
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whole bunch of dekus
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madame-jupiter · 1 year
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A little father and son moment
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
Prince with the Scalpel Chapter One
Izuku, a renowned doctor and surgeon, dies from an unknown heart condition he had. And ends up waking up in his past life the day after he entered a loveless marriage with King Bakugou Katsuki.
A marriage that a bratty prince Izuku forced upon the king after getting rid of so many suitors vying for Katsuki’s attention and the empty throne beside him. Eventually even scaring off Katsuki’s fiancé that Katsuki had actually loved and cherished.
But Izuku is no longer the same person he used to be.
A prince once more, but the heart of a caring doctor with regrets…
“Umm, P-Prince Izuku?” a maid watches silently as Izuku just casually sits, a book in hand. “A-Aren’t you going to see his majesty on his walk?”
“Hmm?” Izuku looks up, a gentle smile on his face. “Nah, I don’t want to bother him.”
The maid is flabbergasted, looking at Izuku like he’s a foreign entity. Well, Izuku doesn’t really blame her.
Regarding how his personality was before, it would seem like his personality made a 180 in just one day.
But, Izuku wants to right some wrongs in his old life that he didn’t think he could amend. The books he’s reading is the political and martial affairs of the Bakugou Kingdom.
He’s trying to find a way to peacefully divorce Katsuki that won’t lead to a war breaking out. At least, from his kingdom and his doting father.
Just then, he catches a little head peeking into his room. Red eyes looking at him in curiosity. Izuku gently closes his book, smiling at the newcomer.
“Hello, you must be Princess Eri.”
The maid looks behind her just as the Princess comes out of her hiding spot.
She’s a small thing, her little hands fiddling with her dress. “H-Hello Prince C-Consort.” She does a curtsy.
Izuku smiles more, but the maid gently reprimands her. “Princess Eri, it’s not lady like to stutter. You need more tutelage in ways of speech, my lady.”
Eri flinches, fiddling with her hands again. Izuku glances up at the maid, starting to remember what a bitch she actually is underneath her “niceness”. “Leave us.”
The maid looks at him. “B-But your-“
“I said leave us. And have another maid come in with tea and snacks.” He then smirks. “It’s not lady like to stutter.”
The maid’s face flushes a bright red, but she does as she’s told. Once she’s gone, he gently beckons for Eri to come to him. The little princess does so. Setting his books aside, he gets out of his chair and bends down to her level.
“You know, I used to stutter a lot when I was your age,” he says, Eri looking at him with wide eyes.
Izuku nods. “Yes. I couldn’t pronounce peoples’ names right either. Some words were harder for me to say back then.”
He scoops the princess up by her armpits, settling her down on the sofa. Izuku sits beside her. “If you need any help or anything else, then you are more than welcome to come join me for tea.”
Eri looks down at her dress, once again fiddling with it. “W-Will that be okay…? If I-I come see you… when I’m lonely…?”
Izuku pats her head. “Of course.”
Eri gives him a wobbly smile just as two maids comes in with a tea set and some snacks. If they are surprised to see the young princess and prince consort together, they don’t say anything.
Izuku glances at poor Eri. She is sadly a bastard child between Katsuki’s mother and one of her unofficial male concubines. He just couldn’t remember which one since he never really interacted with the previous queen and her concubines.
But the few times he did, he could honestly say it now that he knows better.
She was a two faced bitch.
She mostly ignored Eri and would belittle Izuku under false complements. He also doesn’t remember Katsuki interacting much with his half sister either.
He watches Eri tentatively take a bite out of a cookie, her eyes shining in delight.
Much like the children Izuku would sneak their favorite snacks to back in the hospital he worked at. He pats her head again.
“Enjoy all that you want, Princess Eri.”
He’ll make sure she’ll have a good life this time.
And not die from a disease like she did before…
“It seems like your stalker is busy these days, your Majesty,” pipes up Sero, dodging a blow from Katsuki’s sword. “Haven’t seen him following you around like a lost puppy in days.”
Katsuki grunts, hitting Sero in his unprotected side before the fucker could defend himself. Sero holds his most likely bruised side as Katsuki marches over to an attendant to take his practice sword.
“That bratty prince is nothing but a thorn in my side since this whole bullshit started,” he grunts, taking a towel from another attendant to wipe the sweat off. “Caused so many damn problems. Glad the fucker isn’t around to bother us.”
Just then, Kaminari comes into the training grounds with his arm in a sling.
And a flower crown on his head.
Katsuki glares. “What the fuck is on your head? And why the hell is your arm in a sling?!”
Kaminari laughs, scratching the back of his head. “I had a bit of an accident two hours ago and sprained my wrist badly. The Prince Consort and Princess Eri helped me.”
“Ha?” Katsuki looks at Kaminari like he has lost his mind. “Why the fuck are my sister and that brat doing together?”
Kaminari looks puzzled. “Brat?”
Sero snickers. “I keep forgetting you were away for a while with Shinsou. Midoriya Izuku is known as the Brat Prince.”
“He didn’t seem like a brat to me,” remarks Kaminari, a blush and smile coming across his face. “In fact, if he wasn’t married to our “mighty king” here, I would have taken the kind green haired beauty for myself!”
“I don’t think kind is the word I would use to describe him.”
Kaminari glances at Sero who shrugs his shoulders. “I’ve been stuck with him for a week when his convoy was being escorted here. My Gods, he could complain and wore such expensive clothes too.”
Kaminari blinks. “The clothes I saw him wearing today were what stable boys wear.”
Sero and Katsuki look at him in shock. Then the raven haired knight begins to laugh. “Hahaha! Very funny! The Brat Prince wearing stable boy clothes? You almost got me there!”
“But I’m not-“
Suddenly, some nearby knights scramble to the other side of the training hall where the windows lie. Many have awestruck faces, some pointing in astonishment out the windows.
Katsuki, now irritated, marches over to them. “Alright, what the hell has all of you so fascinated for?!”
A knight strutters out, “T-There’s someone out there riding your horse.”
Katsuki is deathly silent that everyone slowly turns to look at him, waiting for the king’s reaction.
“Someone… is what?!” He hollers out, making the knights jump. “Who the fuck is riding my horse?!” Better yet, who is, besides Katsuki, able ride Inferno?
Inferno, like her name, is a wild one. Katsuki has been the only one in the kingdom to be able to ride her. So who the fuck is-
“I-It’s the… Prince Consort, your Majesty.”
…. What….? How…?!
With the thought of murder on his mind, Katsuki storms out of the training hall and marches his way towards the horse training field. Some squires heading to the hall quickly get out of his way just by seeing the look on his face.
The sounds of other knights and horses reaches Katsuki's ears and he steps onto the field to find himself staring instead of yelling like he had planned on doing.
There he is, the Brat Prince, riding the HIS horse without any difficulty at all. In fact, Inferno looks rather pleased, the prince petting her mane.
"Such a wonderful horse, aren't you?" the prince coos, Inferno eating up all his compliments and Katsuki swears he can see that demonic horse smirking in pride. "She's a pretty horse, isn't she, Eri?"
His little half sister is sitting in front of the prince, a smile on her face. In fact, Katsuki doesn't remember the last time his half sister even smiled. She always stood towards the shadows, as to not be seen or heard. Eri glances up at Izuku. "She definitely i-is a pretty horse!"
The prince smiles, one that Katsuki has never seen on his face. Usually the prince's smiles are deceitful and untrustworthy. This smile looks may appear nice, but the king will not let his guard down. Loudly clearing his throat, he gains Eri and the prince's attention.
Eri's smile quickly fades, a nervous look replacing it.
Katsuki doesn't know why, but he feels something bad churn in his gut at her expression. That the moment she sees him, she no longer smiles. The prince, on the other hand, doesn't lose the smile, but it appears forced now.
Like being in Katsuki's prescence is a bother to him.
That the king is nothing more than an eyesore.
Katsuki feels irritated, growling out, "Why the Hell are you on my horse?"
The prince raises a brow, appearing to be feigning ignorance. "Your horse? This sweet thing? Why, I had no idea, your Majesty."
... Your Majesty?
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
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Halloween couples! 🎃🦇
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
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this was inspired by an idea that @chibifoxai has told me
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
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Deku and Kacchan have had a lot of fights recently ;)
(I thought about this shitty situation after watching a Brazilian show called “Vai Que Cola”)
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
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some weird Pink&White swap!au that suddenly popped up in my mind
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
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souk eye*  ||  Artist: (@neonbur)
※Permission post was granted by the artist. ※Do not remove the caption/source & do not edit/repost the art.
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
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let yang be an auntie!!
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
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Stay away from him
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
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 No thoughts just… them
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madame-jupiter · 2 years
toga: i think that romance is becoming the person that you love and acting just like them and
izuku: say no more.
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