madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
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exxiemercy started following you
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
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grin-gorgeous started following you
Hello! How are you today?
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
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verbatimetlitteratim started following you
Hello! How are you?
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
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betterpillpusher started following you
Hello! How are you?
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
The apartment wasn’t much to look at. Off white walls and minimal furnishings. There were a few bookcases here and there in the living room, stuffed to the brim with an assortment of coding books. There were a few folders tucked away, and papers stashed on some of the shelves, giving off the illusion that the space was more full than it actually was. The dark-colored couch had seen better days, and the coffee table between the couch and the television was scratched after years of use.
He shrugged out of his coat, hanging it on the coat rack by the door, dropping his keys, lanyard and wallet in the dish by the fruit bowl. “Uh, sure,” he answered, sitting himself own on the couch after setting his laptop bag down on the coffee table. It was strange, not being the one puttering around his kitchen to get a pot of coffee started.
"Good. Your friend from work mentioned you like coffee," Megan muttered to herself. She set to work in the kitchen, cooking and preparing. He hadn’t been lying. There wasn’t really much to work with, but for tonight, it would work.
"So what do you normally do in the evenings, Joey?" she asked softly, voice lulling off into something half-distracted but fully aware. The switch in tone meant little to her as she bustled, only slightly aware of the fact that she could potentially glitch again.
Alone Together || Joey + Megan
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
"Oh, god, I hope not," he grumbled. If he forgot his keys, he’d have three options: take the bus ride to the office and fetch them, then come back, call someone to bring them from his office, or, god forbid, go down to his landlord and asked to be let in. At this point, he would rather call James to bring him his keys than ask the landlord for help.
“Yes.” He withdrew his keys from the right front pocket of his pants, fitting his house key into the lock and turning it, opening the door and stepping into his apartment. “Please, come in,” he said, stepping aside to allow Megan in as well.
Her brows furrowed as she awaited any explanation given to his answer. When he produced his keys, she nodded, concluding he must have misplaced them from where he normally kept them. She didn’t particularly mind. She just wanted to make sure he wasn’t too much inconvenienced.
As the door opened, she stepped in behind him, looking around for a brief moment to orient herself. “Thank you,” she answered softly, parts humming quietly while she nodded and walked to the kitchen. “Let me see what there is here,” she mused nearly silently. “Take your coat off. Would you like some coffee while I make dinner?”
Alone Together || Joey + Megan
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
"There are,” he protested. He stopped at the aging building of his apartment complex, glancing over to make sure Megan was following before making his way up the stairs. “Hey, Monty!” Joey called to an older man crouching down in front of one of the apartment doors.
"Joey! Got yourself a lady friend?" The elderly man asked with a sly grin.
"Nah. She’s just a friend," Joey said, shaking his head with a chuckle. "After Alice, I figured I might slow down a bit, y’know? Too much rejection’ll break my poor old heart." He laughed, then. "I’ll fill you in later."
After waving goodbye to Monty, he led the way up the last flight of stairs, then to an apartment near the end of the third story hallway. He patted his pockets with a grimace. “Dammit, where are my keys.”
Megan followed behind him, noting their surroundings. She made a mental note of the name of the neighbor with whom Joey held at least a semblance of a conversation. Briefly, she wondered why everyone had to assume that she was Joey's "lady friend," but she came to the conclusion that it was to be expected.
The complex to which he had brought her was nice, but she didn’t expect anything less, honestly. She frowned slightly when he started searching his pockets. “Have you forgotten something?”
Alone Together || Joey + Megan
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
Mmmm… Water, ‘f it’s not too much trouble. //He settles into the couch, heaving out a content sigh. Good scotch makes him warm, fuzzy and relaxed.// Sora called a cab for us. She was real nice, gave me some cash t’ pay the driver with… I gotta pay her back the change t’morrow, though.
//She immediately goes to the kitchen and gets a glass of water, bringing it to him carefully. After a moment, she frowns.// Hang on. //She goes back and gets him a straw and brings it back to him, hoping to prevent any spills.// So you’re safe? You’re not hurt or anything?
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
Huh? //He glances up, grimacing slightly as he sees her. It’s not her he’s grimacing at, more the fact that she’s still awake.// So’ry, Megan. Didn’ mean t’ wake you. //He sits himself down on the couch.// ‘S the new year, y’know. Sora brought booze for us t’ drink.
You didn’t wake me… //She watches him carefully, moving forward slightly and backing away again slightly once he’s seated.// Oh… Do you need anything, then? How did you get home?
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
Joey glanced over, shrugging his shoulders. “There are worse evils in the world, especially ones to be addicted to.” Like violence and drugs and alcohol, for starters, he thought to himself. Being a workaholic was actually a fairly innocent addiction to have in the grand scheme of things.
"I’m sure," she quipped with a roll of her eyes. She looked around, wondering briefly how far it was back to the house which she would call her residence until… She realized now she didn’t even know how long she would be with Joey. With a slight, ‘humph,’ she decided she would let those questions answer themselves and focus on understanding what she needed to do for Joey.
Alone Together || Joey + Megan
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
//She's up in the kitchen, frowning over a pot of coffee that she's sure she'll have to remake if he wants it hot. She glances at the clock again and sighs. When he walks in, she flicks on the light in the living room just in time to see him stumble.// Joey...???
//It’s late—into the wee hours of the morning—as he stumbles into his apartment, fumbling with the locks on the door. The neighbors are “celebrating” rather loudly, but he still tries to keep his footsteps light as he all but trips over his own feet on his way to the couch.//
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
He smiled wryly. “I know,” he told her softly. He’d had no delusions as to why Megan had been sent home with him. That didn’t mean he was still entirely comfortable letting her do everything she was programmed to do. Work was so engrained in him, he wasn’t sure what he’d do with himself if he wasn’t working. “Not all people, but I’m hardly the only workaholic.”
Admittedly, Megan should have had a deeper knowledge of everything, at least normal basic human action and interaction, but she assumed that was just one more thing she was supposed to do. She knew a good deal already, so she rationalized that it wouldn’t be a far stretch that everything else was…individualization. Everything else was learning about the person with whom she was for the time being. She nodded slowly. “What a horrible addiction to have,” she mused softly.
Alone Together || Joey + Megan
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
He couldn’t remember the last time he sat back and just lounged around. He was always busy with something. Even when he was hanging out with friends, they were usually friends from work, and conversation tended to drift back to common ground—work. Part of him wondered if he was even capable of properly relaxing anymore. He hummed noncommittally, grimacing slightly at the thought of her actually keeping her word.
He sighed, shaking his head. “I can’t say just yet. It depends on what’s glitching,” he told her softly.
"I’m sorry," she sighed a little, "but that’s obviously why I’ve been pushed off onto you. You need to learn to stop working. Are all people like you, or is it just you that does this?"
She nodded slowly in answer to his explanation. “We’ll see then.”
Alone Together || Joey + Megan
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
Nah, full call-sign’s Wilda Beast, Wild’s just less of a mouthful.
Oh… That makes sense. Are there a lot of people with names like that?
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
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technohavoc started following you
Hello? Can I help you?
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
"No," she disagreed simply. "You oughta rest. As in not do anything for awhile." With a sigh, she thought of a million options of ways to help him cool down because he very obviously needed it. Eventually, she settled on one and straightened herself slightly. "If you work before dinner, you actually rest afterward. Even if I have to tie you to the bed or couch and force you to sleep," she only half-joked.
Megan bit her lip softly and shrugged a little, her eyes avoiding his. "It's nothing serious...is it?" she asked quietly.
Alone Together || Joey + Megan
"Is that resting for you, then? Doing work even when you’re not at work? Do they pay you for that?" She was about to respond to his passiveness in meal selections when something faulted and caused the smoothness of her gait to become disturbed. She stalled slightly for a brief span of time, only to move herself onward, though the action took more effort this time. "I’m sorry… I’m not sure what that was…" She looked down, knowing she should seem embarrassed for the mishap and acting accordingly. "I’ll be happy to make what I can," she tried to continue as if nothing had happened.
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madejust-for-you-blog · 10 years
Oh... Is it just Wild or is there more to it?
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