madekesiworld · 2 years
The image in the clouds
It’s a rabbit, not a cheetah, And behind it I see no litter, My friend argues, we’re taking an evening walk, The rains are in the offing, nowadays it’s all we talk. Are you going to argue that’s not a pig over there, No you swine, that looks more or less a hare, And what’s that, you know I dropped out you fool, A wild rabbit, is it my fault you gave up on school? See us arguing over…
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madekesiworld · 2 years
Where you see wind
I’m going again, to my favorite place, Delighted, you should see my face, Don’t even feel the angry sun, Only the furious wind, it’s fun. A startled wild rabbit dash off, throwing its hind legs in air, Startled myself I stop and stare, admiring its flare, Wild and free, for a moment I feel jealous of it, Probably its only responsibility is finding what to eat. There it is, the wind I’m…
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madekesiworld · 2 years
Same Gender Parents?
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madekesiworld · 2 years
Bomoa-jenga Republic
It’s school opening day, at the gate there’s some scuffle, All the promises down the drain after a cabinet reshuffle, The parent and the teacher glaring at each other, student in tears, Not enough matatu fare for two and losing on classes, their fears. The village dispensary in a dilapidated state, no drugs, At the entrance a pharmacy filled with NOT FOR SALE drugs, No free condoms either,…
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madekesiworld · 2 years
Nightmares of a first-time father
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madekesiworld · 2 years
Dear Honeybee
Dear Honeybee, This is my apology to you, Wasn’t intentional, me spraying on you, Was accidental, meant no harm, Don’t blame you for being on the farm. I understand you were out foraging for food, Not a morning guy, you can understand my mood, And it’s no excuse, you deserve better, Deserve more than just an apology letter, You pollinate our crops, give us your honey, Bumper harvest…
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madekesiworld · 2 years
The Shadowed
The “Catapult Hero” live on Kindle It’s a beautiful story, only that no one read it, The song gives you goosebumps, no one heard it, No one seen it, maybe only your folks, Rest of the world doesn’t care, to them you jokes. Writing this for you, my overshadowed friend, The one in the pipe, a dreamer to the end, I know your pain, been in those shoes and still I am, No one sees your worth, so times…
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madekesiworld · 2 years
Collateral Damage
My writer’s neurosis, swear this time you led me astray, I blame you for everything, you know I wanted her to stay, Wanted her to, even though it was a mountain of a task, More than once tried, but it was too big of a ask. Anyway it doesn’t matter now, a decision has been made for me, by fate, Or maybe by my pen, and now she’s gone for good and with a heart full of hate, I know I should’ve…
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madekesiworld · 2 years
Is it Karma?
A year ago she left, to someone better she said, Cried for weeks; the pain excruciating, in bed I laid, No strength to face the world, to God only bitterness, Heartbreak is not a joke, for a while lost in that wilderness. One day hopped on bus home, focused to heal, Back in mama’s embrace and friendly faces around, I’ll feel, Love again; get better and someone said to me, ‘son first step forgive…
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madekesiworld · 3 years
Mind Slaves
Why are these strangers staring at me, I don’t understand, Is my food the problem, or cause I’m holding fork with right hand, I think that’s it, they’re holding their cutlery like the Whites, My date says I’m embarrassing her, keep mum; trigger to the fights. But I wonder who decided I must hold a fork in left, knife in right, Does it mean one is enlightened, does it make your black more…
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madekesiworld · 3 years
Zooming Kiev
I think now know, why the warring Russians are really in Kiev, Causing panic across the globe, if this becomes another Covid I’m find a cave, I know why this city is wanted by these atrocious Russians, And why they’re willing to die defending it, Ukrainians. It’s for sure a beautiful city, been there last night, Riding on Google Earth, the panaromic view; seen the light, In every street, in…
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madekesiworld · 3 years
The last Maasai
Habari ya mzee I called, papa sopa would’ve done just fine except there was a lingering doubt, Two fat fierce looking dogs were in the vicinity, fresh from feasting on carcasses of last drought, Was told here’s where I can find legit Maasai milk, the rest spoiled by impurities from other parts, Tempted to ask for sheep milk just to have a taste, out of curiosity coz I’d rather keep to the other…
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madekesiworld · 3 years
The Ballot Dream
I wasn’t surprised to see him at our doorstep, neither was mom and my three nieces, ‘Welcome visitors to our humble home, hope you won’t mind what we having for lunch,’ mom teases, To cut long story short, the man was our vile neighbor rumored to be vying in coming election, A loathsome character, selfish and probably most hated and now here he was preaching he’s our only hope of elevation. He’d…
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madekesiworld · 3 years
Walk Away
My head is screaming, my heart ignoring, Still holding on, but the feeling gnawing, A fool again, you’ll be hurt again, Walk away, save yourself from pain. It was all good, before the red lights, Been here before, I know the fights, The ominous silence, almost foreboding, Once beaten, maybe it’s part of the bonding. But what if it’s nothing, keep asking, Lose a good girl, scared of…
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madekesiworld · 3 years
Life & Moments
Life & Moments
In bed reminiscing, on my phone flicking through photos of the past, Was supposed to catch a siesta but now teary eyed, moments of my past and the memories vast, Faces I thought I had erased in my heart resurfacing, with force holding my head hostage, Where are they now, still single or married, many questions but only walls of my cottage. I still miss them, I still want some of them back; the…
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madekesiworld · 3 years
Dry wells
The story of leeches, only once I told it; to her, Stretched at her front yard, discreet but her mom not far, Eavesdropping from somewhere in the house, furtive glances as she comes out to feed her fowl, Showing leech bites on my legs; the cost of the lily, braved mama’s derelict fishpond with everything else foul. She smiled at the wilting lily in her hand and frowned at the gardenia for little…
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madekesiworld · 4 years
One who never returned
Bent in my tiny vegetable garden by the river, applying sawdust in the new bed, Trying to cushion the managu I recently transplanted from the scorching sun, so red, God must be angry at us for some heinous crime one of us committed, for the way it has been burning in recent days is suspicious, From a distance I hear them, in a tumult of noises: jovial shrill voices laughing and…
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