madmeatball · 3 years
More Heisenberg thoughts
More ideas people can use in AUs -I could see losing the factory being really hard for him in an unseen way. I doubt this man is used to the quiet at all, either from factory noises, his family bickering or the lycans so now being in the silent aftermath after the bomb must be hell. He probably jumps at everything for awhile.  -Though I love people writing him as very flirty and more dominating in sex I would also find it sweet if he was also written as being very inexperienced. I could see him being very flirty and the second someone/Ethan returns it and tries to get physical he gets flustered. Think about it, do you think any of the 4 lords really had much experience or interaction with regular people let alone anything romantic/sexual. I still like Heisenberg being the top but I also find the image of him having to be eased into it while still trying to keep up his bravado to be cute.  -I also see him being very upset if he lost his hat or coat in the aftermath. I like picturing him being closeted sentimental man.  -Sturm is Heisenberg’s pet, the one that acts up every time company comes over but he still loves him enough to keep around. 
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madmeatball · 3 years
Just an odd thought I had but wanted to share. Have you ever looked at a character who has alot of scars and wanted to do something like Kintsugi to them, as a way to show that those past scars makes them beautiful and unique. Or maybe just a way to help alleviate some of the pain they have in seeing them.
I've been on the Karl Heisenberg train and i would love to see him drawn or shown to have some kind of crystal/metal/electricity along his scars. A way to show that even though he was broken he can be put back together and more special then he was before.
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madmeatball · 3 years
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Unstoppable by Sia
All smiles, I know what it takes to fool this town I'll do it 'til the sun goes down and all through the night time Oh yeah Oh yeah, I'll tell you what you wanna hear Leave my sunglasses on while I shed a tear It's never the right time Yeah, yeah
I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable I'm a Porsche with no brakes I'm invincible Yeah, I win every single game I'm so powerful I don't need batteries to play I'm so confident Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
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madmeatball · 3 years
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Electric Love Song by Børns
Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle I can't let you go now that I got it And all I need is to be struck By your electric love Baby, your electric love Electric love
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madmeatball · 3 years
Resident Evil 8 fanfic ideas or thoughts
Throwing this out there for anyone who wants it because I am obsessing over this game right now and enjoying the fanfics or creative ideas people are coming out with so I thought I would share. Feel free to steal.  -What if the Duke was the first person to stumble upon the Megamycete and was transformed by it and is secretly stronger then Miranda and that is why he gets left alone. I like imagining the Duke as either it’s first connection or a being it made itself. Through him it gets to learn about the world and interact with others. Maybe he has a power of the ability to locate objects or read minds, something to help him better serve his clients. (I can also sadly see him turn out to be a bad guy in future games or dlc, where he learn he was working with the connections the whole time and was there to see how this played out) -Also, the ending where Ethan goes to blow up the Megamycete has an odd feeling to me. It seems like it came up out of the ground to see what the commotion was after Miranda died (because she was manipulating it), saw Ethan and then was just curious about him. I also think that the explosion did not kill it fully, and it either protected Ethan to let him live or is using him as its next connection into the world. I don’t think the being itself is malicious and is only being used by bad people, so I like to think it protects the Duke and Ethan because neither of them are malicious.  -I wonder if Ethan, if he survived, and is aware of his molded state can now be haunted by all the other people that were connected to it. Would be a cool horror idea for them to tap into. Imagine playing as Ethan and occasionally you keep seeing people like the Bakers. the 4 lords, Miranda, or also sweet visions like with Rose or the Duke. I think it would be cool to center a horror game around mind horror, being haunted by your past in a literal sense but also maybe helping them to find true closure.  Just some thoughts I have. I hope Ethan is present in the final game of the trilogy. I like Ethan in a sense, I do just think the writers or these games keep doing him dirty on giving him an arc or fully letting him grow.  Final thoughts: -Ethan is a nice twink dad representation  -Miranda was a much better wife in this game and I really felt bad for her losing Ethan -Chris should have listened to his damn team from the start -The Duke is great and I want more of him -And...I have fully succumb to HeisenbergXEthan at this point XD. I came for vampire mommy and ended up obsessing for chaotic metal daddy. (I love how Queer coded both Alcina and Karl are, I love the camp of them both.)
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madmeatball · 5 years
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madmeatball · 6 years
My argument for Gafou
agyI know this is way late and the fandom sadly has mostly subsided but I still want to say this. I’ve been a gafou fan since I saw the movie and have been arguing with myself on if I should write this or not. And well, I give in. Here is a list of some of my thoughts on why if Disney were to make another film in this universe it should be dedicated to Gafou. 
1. Getting the hard hitter out of the way, I do not like the character of Stanley (The CHARACTER, the actor seems to be a great man). To me Stanley felt like Disney  making it’s cake and eating it too. He came off like the safe way to have inclusion without taking any of the risks or actually being inclusive which Disney is good at. He has no lines through the whole movie, we wouldn’t even know his name if it was not included in the song, he goes along with Gaston’s schemes happily which many of the fandom seem to forget, his cross-dressing scene is used as a gag, and his ending dance with Lefou really bothered me for a few reasons which I will get into. 
2. That dance scene was so built up and hyped up when it ultimately meant nothing, and something at the same time though that something isn’t good. It only lasted a few seconds but it irritated me for days. Removing how much I think Lefou should be with Gaston out of the argument, I do have some solid points. One being that Disney is still too scared to come out and state someone is gay or just be upfront with it, so that and the Gaston song was the best we got. Second, Lefou and Stanley have no real romantic or relationship connection through out the film so it comes off as forced. And one of my big nagging points as a person of the queer community: just because you have 2 queer characters in your film, it does not mean they are attracted to one another! Lefou seems to be fully gay with no real interest in women. Stanley from what little we know about him seems to be interested in cross-dressing or being trans, and is hinted at being not straight though we don’t know much more. With that said, Stanley does not seem to be Lefou’s type given what we know about his previous crush in Gaston. Gaston is the pinnacle of masculinity and Lefou seemed very keen on that, while Stanley is more feminine to the point he may be trans which is the very opposite of Gaston. So to me, it seems like Disney was trying to push a man on Lefou to try and give him a happy ending without taking into consideration his own character or interest. Stanley in the fandom community from what little I've seen is a fine character, but that character is completely fan made. He was Disney creation to appear to be trying without actually saying anything. 
3. The ending to this movie fell so flat for me. The build up was so good, and then....it just seemed rushed. The moment I felt disengaged was when Gaston left Lefou behind. Here we spent alot of the film seeing their relationship devolve and degrade, into this pinnacle moment when Gaston would leave his best friend behind and we only stayed on it for about 5 seconds. The music didn’t even really slow down or change to fit the drama, it just came and went. It especially felt off because, well honestly most people seem to click with their relationship over Belle’s and the Beast’s because we’ve seen that story so many times, while these 2 charming men’s relationship has had more time and weight throughout the film. I wish they would have scrapped all the scenes about Belle’s mom which amount to nothing in the film and given the ending more time to cover this particular scene and give more to the actual end for Gaston as well. Which, going back to my past point is another reason I hate the dance scene is because tonally it clashes with what came before and leaves the audience unsure of when it takes place. No matter what, Lefou would have went to look for Gaston and would have mourned his loss if he died (though again I would love for him to be given a second chance as well at finding happiness but I digress). Lefou spent most of his life with Gaston and even though that moment would have broken his heart and trust in Gaston, he would’ve still held feelings for him and mourned him. 
4.Another major complaint I have with the film regarding Gaston and the implications this brings up but the movie kinda implies his moral shift being Agatha’s fault. I’m not saying Gaston was the  perfect man or even really a great guy, but paying attention to his dialogue with Lefou you can pick up what was old and what is new behavior for him. As a person who has been through alot of abuse in my life, I am keen on picking up dialogue and body language cues. From the beginning of the film, Lefou and Gaston seem very close and warm to one another.Sure there is a power imbalance, but neither seem to be abusive to the other or unhappy in their company. Lefou in the tavern even relishes in the idea of living with Gaston and sings to cheer him up. It is only when the scene with Maurice happens that Lefou begins to show concern in how Gaston is acting and later on is shown speaking to Gaston about how much leaving Maurice behind is bothering him which shows us that this hasn’t happened before at least to Lefou’s knowledge. And from there he gets even worse in a short amount of time. People with anger issues or narcissm personality issues can do some drastic things when stressed, and Gaston is also shown to have a form of PTSD in the film (though they didn’t write it right but whatever), that doesn’t mean they turn on a dime in personality and continue to act against their normal morals. Gaston seems to have changed in that amount of time way off his usual character as seem through how Lefou starts to distance himself from him and speak his concerns. And it just so happens the Beast’s time was running short and something had to help get things in motion. Hmmmm....
5. Coming off my last point, I think the worst addition to this story was keeping Agatha there. Because there is no way to spin it, she is the real villian here far worse then Gaston and should be the one condemned. She was willingly going to let all the servants dies (turn into inanimate objects completely), had already separated them from their families and maybe if it had failed would have made their existence lost to them forever. She actually kept Gaston/Lefou/Maurice from saving Belle when they went looking for her because it would have kept the curse from being broken(or at least in that manner) by putting the tree back up to confuse them. She never once tried to help find women to break his curse and made it very difficult to get to him which seems counter intuitive. She let Gaston go off the handle (or made him in my theory) and never cursed him for any of his actions so essentially she let him die. Overall, she felt poorly planned and didn’t follow her own rules really or wasn’t clear on her goals. 
6. Finally, I will end it here with what good I think could come out of having another film based around them. The major two arguments would be that a movie focused on them becoming an item is that it would fulfill the actual moral of the story with Gaston seeing the beauty in someone he didn’t before (though he already thought Lefou was the best and good husband material so really the beauty he would be finding is the beauty being with a man can offer or that being with a woman isn’t the only way to fulfill his dream) and the other would be to finally balls up and make another big budget gay romance. Also, a movie focusing on Gaston’s redemption would also present some great character growth for the both of them. Gaston would have to actually see the world for what it is, acknowledge his misdeeds and try to make up for them, but also would see that Lefou truly did help make him the man he thought he was and come to terms with how much Lefou contributed to his life and respect that. Lefou could grow by finally not being in Gaston’s shadow and learning to become more independent in finding his own strengths and such, but also maybe getting more of a reality check that Gaston is not perfect and maybe praising him all the time without chastising or punishing him possibly helped to lead him down that road. They could both grow as characters and see that they aren’t perfect but also see how much they compliment each other. Lefou is the conscience and the heart Gaston needs (and also should teach him to care less about how others see you), while Gaston helps Lefou stand up to others and chase his dreams. They both obviously care for each other and it would be amazing to see them end up happy together, especially if the movie can show them come together naturally and maybe not perfect but happy.  Well I think that is all I have to say, feel free to leave comment although please nothing malicious. I do not go and attack Stanfou shippers and i do not respect people searching for something to hate on. I love the Gafou fanfiction community for their amazing thoughts on this pairing and have been thinking of returning to it with a fanfic I have been thinking up in my head but we’ll see. Feel free to spread this around and if anyone wishes to send this to any of the Batb crew feel free, I don’t really have a twitter or anything that I could pass it on. Anyway, I hope some of you might read this and agree or give you something to think about. 
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madmeatball · 6 years
Been listening to random songs lately and I stumbled upon an old favorite, "When you Believe" by Whitney Houston. I love the song even though im an atheist, but I think the song would make a good gay anthem or support song. In these turbulent times it is hard to hold faith if your of LGBT community. I think the message in that song can speak to all communities of a minority and I hope it can bring someone else hope. Just a little thing I wanted to share.
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madmeatball · 6 years
Every time I listen to this song I picture a Nightmare version of Lefou singing it to Gaston. Wish I had money to commission something on this idea.
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madmeatball · 6 years
Attention I don’t know how many people are waiting the gafou comic, but… I said many times that i have to do my graduate work this year And I don’t do this work like people in ordinary universities - everything is much more complicated. I was pretty tired in first semester of the fourth year, and the current one would be the hardest. So Right now the future of this comic depends on the amount of people who want it - either you have to wait until summer or there wouldn’t be any comic at all. I hope for your understanding.
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madmeatball · 7 years
I feel like a good amount of music fits this couple so much. Just found this song and I already love it for them, especially from Gaston’s point of view.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0z45UdhoWc
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madmeatball · 7 years
Don’t know why but I’d love to see a Pennywise vs Oogie Boogie showdown. 
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madmeatball · 7 years
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I’m so happy  (lately I did not feel very good, but now I’m better. and finally I drew something really good)
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madmeatball · 7 years
I just listened to Karliene’s cover of Nothing Compares to You and now I can picture if Gaston sitting at the harpsichord/piano in the dark, playing this song and singing it to himself. In the distance Lefou and maybe some of the other characters are eavesdropping and everyone is just an emotional mess.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mHwVDQVTRE
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madmeatball · 7 years
i’m… i’m so sorry
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madmeatball · 7 years
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madmeatball · 7 years
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Hi :) So some time ago I began to feed you gafou spoilers from my comic and I’m not lying it will see the light of day. The plot of the comic is based around canonic movie ending. Gaston survives, Lefou helps him recover from his injuries. Gaston changes as a person, he becomes a different man. But don’t worry you’ll still see the same self-absorbed handsome man ;) But that’s all I’m going to say right now. I plan to show the first five pages at the end of December 2017, or at the beginning of January 2018. (And of course I would really like to apologize for my communication skills, it’s just very difficult for me to answer you, because I’m not really good at English, but I will answer all of you eventually, just give me some time) 🍀🍀🍀
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