madmoonink · 4 years
A Proper Hiatus
Thinking back, the only times I was able to keep track of my Tumblr this year were in lock-down or when I was on vacation.
My life situation changed somewhat and now normal day life with work, dog, cats, chores and writing is hard enough as it is with my low levels of energy without trying to run a blog.
Which is why drumroll I decided to do a proper, indefinite hiatus. It’s basically the same as I’m doing now, but without feeling guilty about it :D
I’ll check in every once in a while, but probably nothing more. I’ll just wait and see what 2021 holds for me!
I’m going to miss the writeblr-community and I’m going to miss talking to people, but I think it’s for the best!
I’m still active on Instagram @finntastic.wss (it’s my doggo account, but I follow lots of writing peeps there), if you want to keep in touch and I’d be very happy to see you there!
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Keep writing and come find me on Insta!
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madmoonink · 4 years
As someone being responsible for some of the dog pics I now feel obligated to share one:
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Also, we talk about writing - it's awesome <3
Welcome to Plots And Pages - your virtual hangout for writers!
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What is it?
Tumblr taught us that writing does not have to be a lonely activity. Inspired by quarantining, my friend @pizzadragons​ and me wanted to bring writers together even closer, so we started the discord channel “Plots And Pages”, a virtual writer’s café!
What does happen there?
Meeting up for word sprints? Talking about your WIPs? Asking for advice? Looking for a writing buddy? Discussing writing techniques? Planning/ executing online writing workshops? Just rambling about writing via chat/ video chat? All is possible via our 3 channels! Introductions etc. will follow soon!
How do I get in?
To get access to the server, just pn @trashplanetsandmagicforests​ or @pizzadragons​ to get an invitation!
See you there!
P.S.: Reblogging is very appreciated!
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madmoonink · 4 years
someone, reading my writing: wow great story!
me, sticking my hands in the plotholes: thanks it has pockets :)
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madmoonink · 4 years
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introduction post;
Hey there. I’m Venti and I’m new to the Tumblr writing community! I am looking to find more writers to connect with and wanted to make a little post about myself and my own writing to kick things off. I’m a 31-year-old guy in the Midwestern United States and I’ve been writing seriously for 13 years. I have a degree in creative writing and have been publishing under a less cryptic name since graduating college. I wanted a place to write somewhat anonymously so I could experiment with language, subject matter, technical aspects - just about everything - with no pressure (or at least very little).
I’m slightly verbose so the rest is under the cut!
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madmoonink · 4 years
Happy (belated) Storyteller Saturday! Do any of your OCs have any pets or companions? If so, what makes them special?
Thank you for your ask and here is your (belated) answer!
Well, you know of Aria’s companion so let’s talk about Brianna!
Brianna has one animal companion and that is her horse, Kip. Short for Sgt. Kipper.
He is a roan, stallion palfrey. He is about 6 years old and Brianna raised him herself. He is quite fast and with a strong, and rather indignant, personality. Despite that, he is well trained and can easily be transitioned from a riding horse to a proper war horse.
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Image Source (x)
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madmoonink · 4 years
me, about a character: tiny baby child. smol and precious.
also me: *leaves the character to suffer alone with nobody to save them*
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madmoonink · 4 years
Acacia Arcana
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Basics: magical prodigy since young age | former Commander of Aural army | Leader of the Rogue Mages | Discover of 5th Magic
Role in the story: Main character, POV character
Appearence: long blond wavy hair, tall, stormy blue eyes 
Traits: Creative, passionate, diplomatic
Acacia finds beauty in magic against cultural norms that regard it for its usefulness and weaponization.
She follows her dreams and lives her beliefs against the society pressure and the cruel reality of the war.
Fascinated by all mage types, accepting and open-minded of differences, her way of learning from each type has helped to discover new ways of magic in each.
Her younger brother Casey adores her. He is a over her head in height now, but still looks up to her like when they were kids.
Left the army she was forced to join by law after finding the 7 years old war orphan Nicole in the Elemenal territory and adopted her as her sister.
Her hobbies are dancing, reading and cliff jumping. Beware the danger of getting into a philosophical discussion with her, she loves difficult topics worth hours of time.
Emphatic and caring.
Never lies. Staying true to herself is her greatest value.
Can inspire people and reach their hearts without meaning to. Just how she is.
Never expected the hideout to grow so much. Never wanted to become a leader either. Cue lots of pressure.
Analytical, plans things through and sees the bigger picture. Seems impulsive, but is actually very careful about what she reveals.
Can be absent-minded, needs her alone time and quite stubborn.
Wip: 5th Magic
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madmoonink · 4 years
Reblogging for the last answer. Thank you for voicing kindness towards yourself, your work and others!!
I feel pressured to make most of my characters a POC because of the tumblr community :/
The call and the pressure for representation did not begin with tumblr communities, but I can help you relieve this pressure:
Step One: When people call for diversity and representation for an underrepresented group of people, pay attention. Don’t get defensive. Don’t use a :/ in response as if characters of color are inferior or as if someone wanting representation is a bad thing.
Step Two: Research POC in fiction, research problematic portrayals, research what not to do, research why representation is important, research harmful tropes. and read blogs written by POC that are about POC in the media and in fiction.
Step Three: Write characters of color. Keep your research in mind when writing.
Step Four: If you make mistakes, learn from them. It’s okay to mess up as long as you correct your mistakes and respond to criticisms of your mistakes in a professional, calm, and respectful way. Keep writing.
Step Five: Don’t expect praise.
Step Six: For lgbt+ characters, well-written female characters, and for writing cultures or religions other than your own, repeat steps 1-5.
Step Seven: By following these steps, you are bettering yourself as a writer, as a reader, and as a person. Writing should not be a chore.
When you stop seeing the act of writing POC as a chore or as a burden and when you realize the importance of representation, the pressure will be lifted.
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madmoonink · 4 years
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I’ve evolved as a writer
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madmoonink · 4 years
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Characters of Born to the Sea: Caliyan de la Vere (PoV Character)
“Those who try to trick fate will pay the greatest price.” [Chronicles of the Eranthi]
❖ He would have his vengeance and the whole world would watch.
❖ Monster. Throughout time, he had given himself worse names. He had despised what had become of him, but that he of all people called him that was cruel. He might as well have driven his sword through Caliyan’s heart. It would have had the same effect. They were both doomed. Destroyed by the ritual that had taken everything from them.
❖ The corrupted magic demanded the price for his hesitation. What would it claim from him, who had already lost everything?
❖ His dream died with him.
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Born to the Sea explores a dark, twisted fate between lovers and a truth so harsh, that it might have been better if it didn’t come to light.
[Wip Tag | Caliyan | Laudan | Vaelen]
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madmoonink · 4 years
I never mind reminding you who a character is, what their role is, what they look like, their personality. I never mind answering the same question, or explaining something more than once.
I am thrilled you are interested in my work. 
my work is big and sprawling, and tumblr is a mess. there are tons of writeblrs on here, and i’m sure it’s as hard for you to keep track of things as it is for me!
so this is a friendly notice that if you have a question, ask it! i’m always happy to answer, and no question is too silly, or over done, or repeated.
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madmoonink · 4 years
Now this looks cool!
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Demons of the Rose as a Netflix series
(template by radwrites)
I am kind of late in the game but I felt like doing this anyway. It was harder than I thought, but that’s what you get when your wip is mainly inspired by music ^^’>. I hope it looks ok.
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madmoonink · 4 years
Please add me to the party!! I can't promise I'll be super active as Discord is exhausting ™ for me, but I'll give it a try!
Welcome to Plots And Pages - your virtual hangout for writers!
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What is it?
Tumblr taught us that writing does not have to be a lonely activity. Inspired by quarantining, my friend @pizzadragons​ and me wanted to bring writers together even closer, so we started the discord channel “Plots And Pages”, a virtual writer’s café!
What does happen there?
Meeting up for word sprints? Talking about your WIPs? Asking for advice? Looking for a writing buddy? Discussing writing techniques? Planning/ executing online writing workshops? Just rambling about writing via chat/ video chat? All is possible via our 3 channels! Introductions etc. will follow soon!
How do I get in?
To get access to the server, just pn @trashplanetsandmagicforests​ or @pizzadragons​ to get an invitation!
See you there!
P.S.: Reblogging is very appreciated!
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madmoonink · 4 years
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WIP Introduction ~> Demons of the Rose vol. I
type: 1st book out of a 4-book series (if it gets too much it might end up 5)
genre: dark fantasy, horror, supernatural, music, lgbtq+, drama, comedy, romance
setting: the fictional suburban town of Hyakki in Japan. (Working on a different name for it, though)
trigger warning: This story contains profanity, descriptions of violence of various kinds, blood, murder, abuse (both mental and physical), incest, nsfw (not heavy) and mentions of rape and suicide.
status: 2nd draft
(After introducing the general theme of my WIP, I wanted to introduce each of the books, consisting it, separately to get more specific on the content of each of them, so, here’s the synopsis to the first one…)
“Three friends from the suburban town of Hyakki, Japan, are going about their normal teenage life, without a care for the world, when a series of unexpected events comes to disturb their daily ways. Two of the boys go missing and the whole town goes crazy. The incident brings back bad memories to its residents and arises fear from another time. People start talking about the forest surrounding the town, again, and rumours spread like wildfire. Meanwhile, the single boy, left behind, is dealing with the inexplicable disappearance of his friends, when an unexpected and rather peculiar help comes his way and offers he took the case in his hands. Having come across clues the police had missed, the peculiar man offers the teen the most unbelievable adventure he could have ever imagined of experiencing, to which the boy agrees. What happened to the two boys and how was there no evidence left behind? What secrets does this town hide? Behind the grand forest stand two mansions, for one, one way far from the other. The one is dressed in dark tints and the other, in light. Voices resound from inside, but none of them reaches far beyond the walls, when the humongous windows close shut. What’s hidden in there is not known. The residents of Hyakki never dared cross the forest to find out. Someone is soon bound to, though…And it will be way more than the amount of different rose species blossoming, there, without the proper and needed care.”
WIP blog | posts about and on my wip and ocs | vol. 1 WIP page | main theme intro
If you wish to be tagged, or removed from the tags, let me know. Tag list: @astaera-writes , @catharticallysarcastic , @kainablue , @i-rove-rock-n-roll , @theouterdark , @inesnenci , @atbwrites , @madmoonink
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madmoonink · 4 years
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Won’t you be my neighbor?
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madmoonink · 4 years
I'm new to the writeblr side of tumblr so I wanted to introduce myself! My name's Arianna or Ari, I'm 26 and I've been writing fantasy and poetry for years. My latest WIP has been a wild ride. It's taken me over a year and a half and I'm finally close to the last few chapters of the first draft. It feels like a long time and I'm relieved that this part of the journey is ending and the next one (pulling everything apart and stitching it back together) is about to begin.
To tell you a bit about the WIP that I've dubbed Thunder and Opal, I'll give you my pitch: Quillan sells illegal books. When a new bookseller makes a complaint to the council, she finds herself on trial for crimes against the kingdom. As the accusations keep coming, she will have to grapple with her skills in opening the magical, strong-willed books to do what the council wants, in hopes of steering the trial in her favour.
It centers around a young female protagonist and her fight to break from the chains of censorship in a world where books are regulated and stories can be considered dangerous. 📖🕯🌠
I have other seeds in the bank that I'm planning on outlining too (one that will let me play with the idea of a dark, sentient forest 🌲😈).
I'll be posting snippets, thoughts on writing and random magic-related things. I hope to immerse myself in the community and get to know some other writers!
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madmoonink · 4 years
when it comes to writing, if you get to choose the people who engage with your work (be it alpha readers, beta readers, agents, or arcs)
maybe don’t treat it like a numbers game?????
it’s not a numbers game. this is your passion. your hard work.
you want the people who will be good for your book. no one at all is vastly better than someone (or multiple someones) who will be bad for your book
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