#writeblr intro post
coarsely · 2 months
The writeblr side of my dash is pretty inactive, so please interact with this post if you're an active writing blog! My main is over at @brw, so that's where follows will be coming from :)
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girlfromthecrypt · 4 months
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Such Happy Campers is an interactive horror/romance novel made in Choicescript.
status: demo consists of four chapters + prologue, currently at 105.725 words, last updated on May 12th.
You are an employee of the Cloverleaf program. Your job is to organize and oversee their seasonal vacation for kids from low-income backgrounds and troubled homes. This summer, said vacation will be hosted at the rustic Camp Solace, a cabin campsite situated right next to the picturesque Lake Solace and flanked by acres of woodland.
Camp Solace is idyllic, calm and far removed from the bustle of civilization. 
V̵̲̂e̶̝͆ŕ̸͍y̷͎̏ ̷͚̎f̵͈̀ā̸̦r̵̀͜ ̸͓͘r̴̜̂e̴͉̕m̵̺̎o̷̢̓v̶̒͜è̴̘d̴̳̐ ̴̀͜i̵̡͊ñ̷̘d̸̼̀e̷̪̽ȇ̵̯d̴̜͒.̷̰̚
It'd take you quite a while to reach the nearest town in case of an emergency…
Ý̷̭ö̸͎́u̷̘͗'̴̘͘d̸̛̰ ̶̢̐ḇ̸̌ẻ̸̦t̴̝̅t̷͚̒e̷͓͑r̸͔̿ ̷̱̆m̸̜̔a̸̳̍k̵̰̍ě̸̖ ̸̦̚s̷̛̺ṵ̴̔r̵̘̅e̸̝̽ ̸͈̑n̴̡̛o̶̬͑t̶̺̊h̸͖̋i̵͎̽ṅ̵̜g̸̗̽ ̴̹̿ḧ̵̘́ā̷̦p̸̖̎p̵̻̑e̴̗͌n̵̡̒s̶̜̈.̶̥͂
But you're not alone in this! Working alongside you are Basil Laurier, the free-spirited scion of the wealthiest local family, Anita Merrick, the smart but skittish university student intern, and the Malak siblings, both skilled and experienced teachers. 
Now go take care of those happy little campers.
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Customize your MC’s name, appearance, outfit and apartment!
Be a good camp counselor and protect the kids in your care!
Romance a charismatic heir, a chronically sleep-deprived psychology student, a temperamental musician or a reserved martial arts instructor!
Get to know your team and form lasting friendships!
Uncover the lakes long-forgotten secrets and save Camp Solace from the horrors that are slowly closing in on you.
TW: mentions of bullying, toxic past relationships, troubled childhoods, mental illness. Non-graphic.
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sapphicwizards · 4 months
Writeblr intro
Hi my name is Lyra. I recently changed my url from bargainbincheese. I'm looking for community on here that can help keep me motivated and inspired to write stories.
I have one active WIP that I aspire to publish and one science fiction worldbuilding project that I write for fun but don't actively intend to publish.
The active WIP is a cool wizards story descended from stories like Earthsea and Name of the Wind. Check out the WIP intro for it here. Or read snippets and thoughts about the worldbuilding in the tag for it here. Witch, Wizard and Weaver has a female protagonist who earns many names over the course of the story. Most importantly it is about cool wizards doing cool wizard shit but it's also about becoming the weirdo you really want to be in the face of immense social pressure to be normal. There is personal transformation as a magic thing and (imo) a cool original magic system + worldbuilding. It's sort of for kids but I'm hoping that it's accessible yet interesting enough for all ages.
My sci-fi worldbuilding project is an exploration of what cultures might look like during the earliest phase of humanity expanding to the stars. I like trying to figure out what life on other planets might be like and what sorts of people would be on the ships that go to them. I haven't posted much about it but if you're interested, read this and let me know what you think!
My favorite authors are N.K Jemisin, Ursula K LeGuin and Kim Stanley Robinson. I'm also a fan of some big fantasy and sci-fi classics like Dune and Lord of the Rings. Oh and Star Trek! I like utopian fiction and I don't feel like there are many popular examples of it. I'd like to write optimistic sci-fi like Star Trek some day.
Anyway, if you're interested in any of my ideas or want to know more about any worldbuilding / characters / WIPs don't be shy! I'm friendly and I love sharing ideas with other writers.
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kbwritesstuff · 4 months
Writeblr Intro
Hello! My name is Kit. I am new to writeblr, but very old to tumblr. I live in the US, I'm 26 and use she/they pronouns.
I've been creeping on the tags for a while, but I finally made a blog just for writing. I'd love to share updates on what I'm writing, excerpts and talk about writing with other writers.
I'm currently writing my first novel, it's young adult high fantasy. I've written about 40,000 words in the universe, but I've recently finished a more detailed outline. So, I'm starting the real rough draft now that I know more of what I want to say.
A lot of my characters are queer and disabled, like me. I want to write books that are magical and that a lot of different people can see themselves in. I think fantasy serves as a cool conduit for imagining what the world could look like beyond a lot of the power structures we take for granted.
I'd love to follow other authors, particularly ones that are also working on longer term projects. I think it'd be cool to get feedback from people, or find other people who have been doing this longer and talk more about their thought processes. I'm open to following writers of all genres since I read them all and think there's so many cool things to learn from different styles!
Any advice on how to get started is appreciated, will be following anyone that interacts with this post.
I look forward to getting more involved in this community!
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writercoracain · 2 months
hi i'm cora !! ☼
elder bisexual | kinda cis idk | barista | struggling writer
i'm new the writeblr but i'd love to make friends. i'm working on a fantasy romance rn (love is blind + legends & lattes) with cozy vibes
super into:
☼ the hobbit/lotr
☼ dragonheart
☼ ren faire energy
☼ the witcher
☼ trashy reality tv
☼ star wars/rebel moon/dune
let's chat writing !!
current wip:
the love labyrinth
love is blind x legends & lattes !! an experiment channeled throughout the kingdom leads its suitors to the prospect of finding their lifemates
main characters -
amelia: sassy western elf with a pechant for fabric. she's a cloakmaker currently struggling with a bout of springtime allergies.
dimitri: handsome harpy who years to find his place in the kingdom. owner of an aviary, tavern frequenter and softhearted lover.
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magscrane · 9 days
Intro post!!
Hey! I'm Mags (they/them) and I'm a nonbinary lesbian autistic writer!
My current wip is a tragedy in a fantasy setting featuring a lesbian mc, a butch love interest, and nonbinary side characters. It also features mollusks. Love those guys.
My favorite genre is fantasy and my other favorite genre is lesbians (lol)
I'd love to make some writer/reader friends/mutuals so don't be shy!
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Writeblr intro post
So yeah when I first came here I didn't know this was a thing so I've been working on this in the background. Now that it won the poll, I'm making it now!
I'm going to edit this post as I go so it has more links as I make posts about my WIPs!
About Me
Hi. Call me Kaylin. It's a pen name but I like it. (Some people are just finding out this isn't my real name and y'all should've read the bio)
I'm an education major and do writing on the side and it's a huge passion of mine (hence why I want to teach literacy)
Asexual demiromantic sapphic (she/her) currently in a relationship - (I am comfortable within reason to talk about my experiences)
Love ask games and tag games and generally interacting with others
Love reblogging mutuals' writing talking about WIPs!
21+ but my WIPs are YA - I don't usually reblog anything with a mature community label (sorry in advance for mutuals who do), but when I do I mark it 18+ and I try to label content warnings (LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED SOMETHING)
I'm an educator by heart so I love giving feedback, know a lot about kids, and of course education psychology and theory
I have minor scoliosis, early start of arthritis in my hands, and chronic headaches and migraines attacks in control with medication if anyone needs to ask me about these experiences for writing purposes. I also occasionally use a cane due to knee pain from an injury.
I have an ultimate get to know me game here if you want to check that out
My asks are always open! Feel free to stop in whenever you want!
The Secret Portal
See linked intro post for more detail!
YA sci-fi/fantasy
Planned to be a five book series
Quick version: A bunch of adolescents discover a portal to a dimension populated by people with powers. There's also a war. Yayyy.
The first installment is currently in the process of being read by beta readers. Apply to be one here!
Tagged as #the secret portal, #tsp, or #teaspoon if you want to give it a nickname. #tsp updates and #tsp excerpt are used as well. All characters get their own tag and #alium will be used when talking about my world building
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
School of the Legends
YA urban fantasy fairy tale retelling
International school for people with gifts (born with), majicks (learn), and curses (given).
Currently in planning stage but five chapters have been written.
No intro post yet but I'm working on it!
Tagged as #school of the legends and #sotl. Also use #sotl updates and #sotl excerpt, though not as often as TSP
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @illarian-rambling @katwritesshit @wyked-ao3
Other Ideas
It Was All Just a Dream - high school senior gets an entire redemption arc via vivid dream
The Emerald of Secrets - temporary title for vague fairy fantasy idea
Perspectives - we watch the same event five times in a row from different perspectives
Eternity - temporary title for a supernatural detective story
The Others - temporary title for a sci-fi apocalypse story
There are more but these are the main ones
What I Post or Reblog
Updates on my writing
Tag games and ask games! I love them dearly but it may take a bit to reply! I have a lot piled up and not all of them are simple. But I will get to them!!
Writing from others
Writing advice
Beta requests, book announcements, and intro posts to help boost!
I try to keep things positive! If I see a negative post about writing I'll usually reblog it with some positive spin. Sorry if that's annoying but it makes me sad that people aren't happy about writing.
I always try to include image IDs to make my blog accessible - if something is incorrect or you have any suggestions for making IDs better let me know!
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madpunkart · 3 months
☆ writeblr intro ☆
Howdy, folks. I generally kinda hate social media, but I fuck with the vibe of tumblr, so I figured I'd give it the ole college try.
quick facts:
I'm 23
trans + queer
my nonfiction writing:
I'm a big fiction / fanfiction guy, but I also write a lot of essays - both personal and analytical. If you're interested in nonfiction writing about grief, mental health / illness, gender, political issues, disability, etc., check out my substack idiot archivist. Some of my personal favorite essays include:
☆ death knows my name and it calls me friend - an essay about my experience with chronic suicidal ideation
☆ All Men Are Dogs: How Sex Stereotypes Eclipse Desire - an essay about how my transition has helped me better empathize with cis men
☆ A Name is Earned - a personal essay / creative nonfiction piece about my experience growing up in a fundamentalist Christian church
my fiction writing:
Although I write a lot of fiction, I've yet to really consistently share it online. But! I finally made an account on Archive of Our Own (find me here), and I'll probably be sharing on other platforms very soon.
I write a lot of heavy shit, so I tend to write contemporary dramas, but I'm a sucker for fantasy and sci-fi as well. ADHD brain demands multiple sources of excitement, so I tend to just write whatever's ticklin' my fancy at the minute.
I miss being in (digital) community with other writers / creatives, so I'm looking forward to connecting with folks here. I'm also just trying to get out of my own way and stop taking myself so seriously.
Life is short, the world is on fire, and the imaginary gay people in my brain want to be free - so I reckon I oughta let them, yanno what I mean?
Anyway, nice to meet y'all.
See ya when I see ya.
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televisionjester · 4 months
writeblr intro
hello! i'm a college student who got into writing as a hobby and finally decided to make a writeblr after only privately writing for a while because i wanted to see more stories and meet more writers! i love sci-fi and supernatural elements (especially if the supernatural is in a modern setting!!) or stories that involve reluctant protagonists, enemies to lovers, or unreliable narrators but i'll read anything and everything if it catches my interest more info about my own wips:
Reverence Project
genre: fantasy, horror
A still unnamed project that explores the consequences of worshiping normal people to literal godhood. Simon Lacoste is a quiet, shy historian who simply wants to study the Gods as a distant observer, avoiding his heavily involved religious family in the process. This is not what happens. Shortly after finding out a secret that he shouldn’t have but had no intention of sharing, Simon finds himself stuck in between power grabs and petty squabbles of the Gods. He just wanted to record history, not make it.
All Roads Lead Home
genre: action, enemies to lovers
A story about grief and self-destruction that follows Damon Miller, ex-mercenary sniper turned reckless competitive race car driver through a series of unfortunate events and an accident involving his late brother. Once he begins to put his life back together, he (wrongly) assumes that the past he tried to shove down as much as possible will stay down.
Oasis Project
genre: sci-fi
The last and least developed project, the Oasis project is a story about girl named Nedra who worked extremely hard for the prestigious position of a botanist working in the Oasis that keeps her desert kingdom alive and thriving. Heavy worldbuilding with a found family.
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mjjune · 21 days
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as requested/voted on for my 1k follower celebration! thank you so much to everyone who voted and who cares enough about this story to want to know more 💕
artists featured: check them out!!!
@neapaulatan, @ichimakesart, @littlestpersimmon, @akiwitch, @vacantgodling
below the cut is a full image description and twtr's taglist! reply here or message me if you want to be added ✨
[Image Description:
A Comic Sans WIP intro of 9 slides with dark gray background and various images.
Slide 1: Title page with a dark background of green leaves with the title "TWTR: a comic sans wip intro as requested by my followers <3"
Slide 2: "So WTF is TWTR?" with an image of illustrated art of a forest scene with a tree growing through a cottage in the background, a silvery ax with a dragon design sticking out of the earth in the foreground. The slide reads, "a retelling, sorta, more of a sequel ! the prologue is a little red riding hood retelling, and the rest of the novel is the aftermath. red is not so little anymore. the wolf is back for blood and the woodsman has to finish what he started 6 years ago." In smaller font, a note in parentheses says, "and no i will not tell you what twtr stands for. it’s an ongoing joke now that half my betas still didn’t know what it meant even though it was on the signup sheet 🫠"
Slide 3: The Story. Has an illustrated gif image of the woodsman facing away from the audience, his cape blowing in the wind. He has an ax in his left hand, a raven sitting on his right shoulder in the woods. the slide reads: "the woodsman, an outsider, saves a little girl from a legendary beast, only to find out that she’s?? whoops?? the nearby kingdom’s princess and only heir??? so naturally, if you were the queen, and some strange outsider dude pops out of the evil magical forest with your 10yo daughter claiming he saved her from The Wolf™ ... uh, yeah, that’s sus. he’s arrested and has to prove (via dark shit i won’t go into) that he’s magic-free before he can join kingdom society."
Slide 4: Yikes, then what? Has a banner image of the woods with a cloaked figure in the center, fog rising from the bottom, with a raven with glowing eyes in the corner. The slide reads: "over the years, he works his way up to become red’s personal guard. he has his first real friend of his entire life?? 🥺 until the wolf shows back up, working its way through the kingdom devouring people. avery must kill the beast once and for all before it gets to red. as he tracks it, though, he uncovers lies that go deep not only within the kingdom, but his own past. he finds The Wolf™ in the woods, where it offers him a deal: the truth, for red. which will avery choose??? 👀"
Slide 5: Wait so who are these people?? Has 3 icon images of the main characters. First is "Avery, The Woodsman. known for being short, baby-faced, and a man of few words; mysterious past prior to saving red and joining the kingdom." His icon is an illustrated profile view of a short dark-haired tan-skinned man with freckles and a bit of scruff and a serious expression. Second is "Red, Princess Anara. the spirited heir to the throne; angry that she’s not included in royal affairs and wants to learn everything." Her icon is illustrated art of a young girl with blue eyes, red hair in a braid, wearing a dark hooded cloak looking at the audience. Last is "The Wolf™, a monster of legend, rumored to be immortal that lives in the dark forest surrounding the kingdom; the size of a room and devours people whole :P yum yum." Its icon is a dark image of a wolf with glowing white eyes looking at the audience.
Slide 6: Surely there are other characters, MJ??? Slide is plain with a bulleted list of info, which reads: "Honorable Mentions: MAGNUS, the elite guardsman who trains avery and has a complicated history (an unintentional fan favorite); QUEEN ETIENNE, the queen of the kingdom and red’s mom; "GRANDMA", an elderly woman who red liked to visit (secretly) in the woods and was devoured by The Wolf™."
Slide 7: Also Featuring. Slide reads "a badass ax, hand-crafted by avery’s long-deceased parents; giant trees the size of houses; giant burrowing lizards; religious coercion :); magic metal; magic plagues; magic soup; intimate platonic hair braiding; cute child cameos; southern hemisphere world (aka the north is warm and the south is cold)". To the right is an illustration of avery's ax, a dark handle with silvery ax with an etched dragon design.
Slide 8: Ok, but is it gay? with small parentheses note: "how dare you ask me this honestly." Bullet points read: "unfortunately this is classified :) (tbf even in the book i keep it loose and open to interpretation), but here are some themes which may or may not be queer: “(unconscious) true love’s kiss breaks the spell” except does it tho???; princess “uninterested in courting”; handsome shy wallflower guy gets asked to dance by 100 girls and declines them all (think cullen from dragon age lmao); shapeshifting as a metaphor for... things :); found family / family doesn’t have to be blood / adoption; lights vs. dark not being a clear-cut good vs. evil, nuanced morality etc.
Slide 9: Art credits! Slide reads: "a HUGE thank you to all the artists i’ve commissioned! they’re all linked below! check them out! in order of appearance: dark forest scene by neapaulatan; avery cape gif by ichimakesart; foggy banner and wolf icon (fan-made); avery icon by littlestpersimmon; red icon by akiwitch; avery’s ax by vacantgodling. Below the credits, it reads, "Thanks for reading! and as a reminder, all my works have a taglist! if you want a notif every time i post about this wip let me know :)"
End Image Description]
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@aether-wasteland-s @annetilney @artbyeloquent @ashirisu @bebewrites
@cljordan-imperium @dogmomwrites @dustylovelyrun @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue
@faithfire-writes @flowerprose @forthesanityofstorytellers @ghafasinej @helioscenic
@isabellebissonrouthier @jamieanovels @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @marlowethelibrarian
@marrowwife @mr-writes @macabremoons @perasperaadastrawriting @phantomnations
@tate-lin @thyroidhormones @verba-writing @vsnotresponding @wildswrites
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digital-chance · 11 months
Things to Include in Writeblr Intro Posts
I wanted to make this list because whenever I create a new story, I always scour tumblr and other people's posts for inspiration for what to include in my own posts. I always end up forgetting what I found and liked so here's everything compiled.
You don't have to include everything within this list for your own posts, this was just a general summary of everything I saw. The bolded items are things I strongly think you should include, but again it's up to you and your preference.
Below the lists, I've also included character development resources and writing advice. Hope you enjoy! Everything is beneath the cut.
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─── wip
audience / rating
setting / location
plot summary / premise
aesthetic / vibe / tropes
content warning / tw / disclaimer
progress / wordcount
short character introductions
tags & taglist
moodboard & aesthetic banners
quote / excerpt
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─── character
nickname / alias
role in story
bio / summary / description
build / physique
notable features
clothing style
tag for your oc
aesthetic / vibe / tropes
traits / quirks
fun facts / headcanons
hobbies / skills
moodboard & aesthetic banners
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─── other resources
here's some links to posts and other resources to help with your story and character development. i believe that most (if not all) of the tumblrs below are writing blogs in some form.
how to write convincing dialogue by @projecttreehouse
writing romantic subplots
how to write romantic love by @novlr
how to write summaries thread
writing advice
how to pick which pov to write in by @aethersea
how to level up descriptions by @writingwithfolklore
character development
blorbo character sheet by @bitegore
character quirks list by Reedsy
character hobbies list
list of talents and skills
how to develop characters by @referenceforwriters
how to write unique character voices by @novlr
fleshing out character relationships by @liv-is
questions to make your character unique by @lyralit
picrew database to create oc visuals by @needlekind
how to make charming characters by @novlr
other masterlist posts on tumblr
blogs to follow to flesh out ocs by @overwatchocweek
useful websites for writers by @nakajimeow
websites for writers by @2soulscollide
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nbwriteschaos · 3 months
writeblr re-re-intro...
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...about hello again!! allow me to re-introduce myself. my name is grace, pen name nicole blue! whatever name you decide to associate me with, i'm still the same 21 year old pink haired caffeine drinking writer with a passion for all things strange, spicy and queer :) i've been writing over ten plus years and have finally found the courage to embrace my interests and be who i want to be as a future published author. so join me on my adventure of self-discovery and chaos!!! ...my writing my favorites are almost always changing, but i mainly enjoy writing/reading queer fantasy fiction. my goal is to get a little more spicy and mature with my work rather than stay in my comfort zone built up of young adult content. i tend to stick to mm and ff romances and don't intend to branch much farther out than that, but i will always stay diverse in regards to sexuality, race, gender, etc. there is no place for bigotry in my stories ever!!!! almost all of my stories will be created with the intention of representing the parts of life that a lot of people don't talk about. that includes mental and physical health. there is nothing more that i want than for my readers to relate to my writing and my characters, even if it's just one small thing. some of my favorite tropes and random things in stories are enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst, fantasy creatures and monsters (especially fae!!), actual witchcraft/pagan rules and beliefs implemented into magic concepts, overly detailed descriptions, and sooo much more. this is a lot of stuff that will be a common theme in my stories and blog!! i also enjoy writing reviews from time to time, so i'll be posting those around here too. ((most of my writing will probably contain with darker themes and angst, so i will always leave detailed trigger warnings beforehand and of course advise readers to be 18+))
...my goals - eventually i want to actually finish a wip - i want to leave lots of book reviews and get in touch with indie authors to review their books for free!! - i would love to launch a blog of some sort soon - do more commissions!! other stuff: commissions info | goodreads | original posts/rambles/reviews | open to tag games and lists from anyone <3
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revenantlore · 4 months
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Hi, hello, or as the brilliant and psychotic Jason Dean once said, greetings and salutations. You can address me as Raven, Kaius, or Rev, or Klaus if you’re a particular sleepy potato. I like neon flashy things almost as much as I like decrepit graveyards. Also dinosaurs.
As the banner suggests, I am elbow-deep in more WIPs than I know what to do with, and many of them contain vampires and jackasses [affectionate].
While I am trying to focus on no more than one or two at a time this year, chances are my attention will stray away from that goal and I will end up with even more WIPs than the year began with.
Here are my two main projects right now … there are many more, but these are the ones I am focusing on at present :
an elaborate liar named java is frequently teetering on the precipice of danger and poor decisions until he finds himself on a promising path of self-improvement while living with his brother … just to veer off that path the moment he meets a charming facade named colt and lands himself in a world of drugs and deception.
more here
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there’s a new drug in town and it’s turning users into bloodthirsty vampires that crave the neon substance and its supernatural side effects. a detective and his android partner—both on and off duty, though unofficially—set out to end this endemic while trying and failing to dodge noxiglow’s temptations
more here
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— looking for more fantasy writeblrs! ⚔️
after a few years of hiatus, I’m back! but…that means almost everyone I followed went inactive. please like, reblog, or reply to this post so I can find some folks to follow!!
particularly interested in writing blogs that…
- write fantasy, especially fae/elves or less popular fantasy “species” (dwarves, angels, orcs, you name it!)
- write myth, fairy tale, or folklore retellings
- have things published (whether that means on a retail site or just on your blog; I want to read!)
- write lgbt+ characters, double points for lgbt+ fantasy stuff
- write new adult or adult books. i love YA too but I write and read more new adult these days!
— about me
I’m a 20-something author who writes…pretty much what I described above. Fantasy novels that focus more on emotions and characters and world than wild adventures, often with lgbt+ characters or romances. I love elves of the Dragon Age variety, Greek myths, fairy tales, and moral ambiguity.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
WIP Intro Post
The Secret Portal
Realize I probably should've made this a while ago
TSP is a YA sci-fi/fantasy series planned to be 5 books in length
Queer and disability representation with ethnic diversity
Ensemble cast
Multi POV (most first person, some third)
Found family
Themes of loyalty, innocence, cycle of abuse, interpersonal relationships, power, and more!
TSP follows a group of adolescents discovering a portal to another dimension, called Alium.
Alium is similar to our world, but is populated by people with a variety of powers, though there are a minority of people who do not have powers.
The divide between those with powers and those without have risen to an extreme, where a war has now broken out.
TSP has an even mix of comedy and drama, thanks to its cast of teens. There's action, there's filler, there's suspense, there's cliffhangers!
Where Am I?
I have been working on TSP for over a decade. Find out more with the backstories I've posted giving an overview of my progress: (Masterpost here).
If you wish, you may now read draft one in its entirety here.
TSP Part One is fully drafted and is in the process of beta reading (Sign up here).
My focus at the moment is fully refining the pseudo-science magic system.
TSP Part Two is currently being drafted.
I tag all TSP related content as #the secret portal, #tsp, and #teaspoon (as a fun nickname) so it's easy to find by whichever you want to search for it in my blog
#tsp update and #tsp excerpt are used for self explanatory reasons as I post my progress or excerpts
#alium is used whenever I talk about world building related to TSP's dimension
Reply to this post or send me a message if you want to be added to/removed from the tag list!
@thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites @nebula--nix
@literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
I will be adding to this post more later down the line!
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shepardsherd · 4 months
New lil Intro post since I found some things out about myself and I'm comfortable sharing:
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Hi I'm Hal, or Ash Shepard (call me Shepard)
I'm 27, non-binary asexual
I'm British.
My favourite hobbies are Diamond Painting, Video Games, Crochet, Reading and Writing
My favourite book series is Skulduggery Pleasant
My favourite movies are the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies
My favourite musical is Little Shop Of Horrors
My favourite Video Game Series is Mass Effect, followed by Xenoblade Chronicles
I'm a big Lilo And Stitch fan
Luigi is the best character of the Mario Universe
Latias is my favourite Pokemon
On to writing wise:
I mainly write fantasy adult novels/screenplays/short stories ect that cover Angels, Demons, Gods, Reapers and the Humans that have to cope with them and work with them ( I write other stuff too but you get the idea)
I love murder mysteries, young adult, all types of fantasy and many more things. I'll read anything so if you wanna reach out and let me read something, I'm your pal
I handwrite my wips cause it's easier on me to get thoughts and words down
I wrote 4 wips in 2022 back to back and it caused a writers block
My highest word count on a draft goes to Raising Hell draft 2 with 70k
My Wips (only some, I have so many)
Raising Hell
Not You
Scars Of Fate
Trials and Tribulations
With God As My Witness
I'd love to get to know you!
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