madncsslives-blog · 7 years
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whoa there,  look who’s back !!    i missed my  harlequin of crime,  so  HIT THE HEART  to receive a starter yu-uuuhh  uwù    or feel free to scream at me in the IM thing for plotting or ooc chatting  :D
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
just so you guys know, i'm still alive! i only have been caught up with uni &&. exams. but tonight i have my last exam of the session, so i will be active from tonight / tomorrow :D
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
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TEAM STARKID MEME ↳ five scenes: [3/5] bat wayne
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
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                                        ❛ Ladies &&.  JERKS!  There’s been a slight  change  in tonight’s show.  Insteada the  opera  robbin’ you for somethin’ like a thousand bucks a seat  –  we’re gonna rob  YOU!  Believe me folks,  I’ve seen it already.  I’m doin’ ya a big favor!  ❜
                                            INDEPENDENT,  PRIVATE &&. SELECTIVE                                               HARLEEN QUINZEL / HARLEY QUINN.                                      FOX’S GOTHAM VERSED.  WRITTEN BY BIANCA.
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
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hello from verona! i'm melting, but it's all fine lol
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterward
one small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other
pressing their foreheads together while kissing
speaking normally, then after the kiss their voice is hoarse
guys furrowing their brow when kissing passionately
staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in
running their thumb over the other’s lips
when they lean forward a fraction as if to kiss the other person, then realize they shouldn’t and pull back to stop themselves
ripping the other away - “no we shouldn’t” - but when they kiss them again they moan and hold them close
one sliding their hand into the other’s hair slowly
their entire body freezing for a second when their love kisses them
accidentally being forced inches apart from each other, staring at each other’s lips, and just before they kiss someone pulls them back apart
when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more
a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
then licks their lips and says “please”
following the kiss with a series of kisses up to suckle an earlobe
following the kiss with a series of kisses down the neck
lightly running the very tip of the tongue around the outline of the lips with darting touches before actually kissing
raking a hand through the hair and getting a good handful to pull the other person closer (before or during the kiss)
starting with a kiss meant to be gentle, ending up in devout passion
softly moaning into the kiss
smiling just before or during the kiss
kissing tears away
kissing at laughlines/crow’s feet/frownlines
kissing pouty lips
lightly running fingers up along the neck while kissing
bringing up the hands to cup the other person’s face while kissing
slowly letting their fingers twine together while kissing softly
a huge smile on face(s) when the kiss ends
a gentle “i love you” whispered after a soft kiss, followed immediately by a stronger kiss
…. I like fictional kisses, mk?
also: •jawline kisses •when someone kisses the other person’s hand(s) •shoulder kisses •cheek kisses •when one person’s face is scrunched up, and the other one kisses their lips/nose/forehead •that thing where someone turns into an unexpected kiss, like there were turning around and the other person was just super close •accidental kisses that turn into a giggling fit •kissing eyelids to show reverence •top of head kisses •when one person says “move away if you don’t want this” and the other person moves in for the kiss •height difference kisses where one person has to bend do wn and the other is on their tippy toes •kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap •awkward fumbling kisses where their both so excited that it’s sloppy and teeth clash •kisses where a person punctuates every word with a chaste kiss •kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing •KISSES
breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close that you’re murmuring into each other’s mouths
moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall/onto the bed
hands in each others’ hair
kissing so desperately that their whole body curves into the other person’s
throwing their arms around the other person, holding them close while they kiss
hands on the other person’s back, fingertips pressing under their top, drawing gentle circles against that small strip of bare skin that make them break the kiss with a gasp
lazy morning kisses before they’ve even opened their eyes, still mumbling half-incoherently, not wanting to wake up
routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing
fictional kiss things that end me
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
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so sorry for the lack of replies  (both ic &&. ooc),  but i had a gig yesterday &&. i’m leaving for verona early in the morning tomorrow because of robbie williams’ concert  (yay meee!).  i’ll be back saturday in the afternoon,  so i’ll try to write some replies later  (after packing lol).
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
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❝ at what point did we as a society decide it was okay to put your fucking make up on with a paintball gun?? ❞  
❝ I’ll alert the media shall I? ❞
❝ Jesus fucking christ it’s only wednesday. ❞
❝ what time is it acceptable to start drinking? ❞
❝ i woke up murderous today, I don’t even know why. ❞  
❝ is it coffee time yet? ❞  
❝ she does realise it’s dress down, not dress like a hooker, right? Maybe someone should tell her. ❞  
❝ i volunteer as tribute. ❞  
❝ i done it last week I don’t volunteer as tribute. ❞
❝ well that’s an hour of my life I’m never getting back. ❞  
❝ i really hope no one listens to that call I muted him twice to call him an asshole. ❞
❝ look, a mocha is not coffee. It’s chocolate masquerading as coffee and frankly I’m offended. ❞  
❝ what the fuck is wrong with people? ❞
❝ why are people so stupid? ❞
❝ what kinda fucking moron barbecues inside? ❞  
❝ no it’s fine, I love doing other people’s jobs. ❞  
❝ what kind of magic sorcery is that?? ❞
❝ oh my god when will this day end?? ❞
❝ I’ve already accepted that i’m going hell, so fuck it, i’m in. ❞
❝ is it friday yet? ❞
❝ shouldn’t evolution have weeded out that kind of thing by now? ❞
❝ i emailed you, ignore it until i come talk to you. ❞
❝ where the fuck did he get his degree, a christmas cracker?? ❞
❝ i can’t even look at you right now. ❞
❝ i’m so angry i could punch babies, i mean not literally, babies are cute, but people. i could punch people. ❞
❝ i like ruining peoples lives, it’s fun. ❞
❝ i’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that. ❞
❝ fuck my actual life. ❞
❝ oh my god, it’s too early for this shit. ❞
❝ yeah — can you like, say that again because i know i look like i was listening but i honestly have no idea what you just said. ❞
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
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so sorry for the lack of replies  (both ic &&. ooc),  but i had a gig yesterday &&. i’m leaving for verona early in the morning tomorrow because of robbie williams' concert  (yay meee!).  i’ll be back saturday in the afternoon,  so i’ll try to write some replies later  (after packing lol).
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
three word starters pt. 2
“don’t you dare.”
“look at me.”
“just forget it.”
“i’m not mad.”
“you’re being mean.”
“what a mess.”
“you are perfect.”
“jesus fucking christ.”
“you’ll be okay.”
“take a seat.”
“don’t let go.”
“oh my god.”
“you’re the worst.”
“you’re my favorite.”
“i ruined everything.”
“you ruined everything.”
“just trust me.”
“i’m not drunk.”
“i feel lost.”
“i’m so alone.”
“you’re not alone.”
“hold onto me.”
“just come here.”
“stay the night.”
“please just go.”
“please don’t go.”
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
featheredfiend.    ⟆ OSWALD COBBLEPOT ⟅
Oh dear. What a question. 
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Truthfully, there’s no correct way to answer such a query, especially from such a young girl, but he there is a pause while Oswald contemplates. “Miss Quinn,” He begins, resting his glass of Brandy against the thigh of his good leg. 
“It isn’t how many you kill. It’s whom you kill. Understand? Now, I know that there are some,” Who, for the sake of keeping this conversation civil, will remain nameless. “That believe in chaos for chaos’ sake. I don’t believe that to be necessary at all. I believe it’s entirely the message behind the act rather than the act itself.”
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                            She listens  attentively,  hanging off every word of his.  So she needs someone that will make her be  remembered,  a big boom of sorts that will finally prove that she is indeed  DANGEROUS.  Her eyes now sparkle,  a newfound confidence building up as ideas start to flow.    ❛ I see...  Someone famous then,  important  even.  But not  too important,  I guess?  Just that much to provoke the public?  &&. maybe a little bit of  chaos.  Please? ❜
                            Harley is well aware that Oswald’s methods &&. hers  differ  in many ways,  but this doesn’t mean that by following his advice she won’t put some of  HER ATTITUDE  into it.
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
@cranephd  replied to your  post:
That blog isn’t me but I needed 2 alert u to their presence waves hands at everyone, b friends, love each other
//  oops,  my bad!  but yeah,  i agree with you and thank you  c’:
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
@cranephd  replied to your  post:
omfg yESSS !!
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
i need a moment because
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if this isn’t
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
chaosvessel.   ⟆ SCARLET WITCH ⟅
@madncsslives // starter call
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      ❝This building is OFF limits.❞HARSH TONE, eyebrows that raise as scarlet chaos builds between her fingertips. EMERALD EYES FLASH IN WARNING, she’s already had one run in with this w o m a n and she doesn’t want the compound d e s t r o y e d. Wanda was the only Avenger currently home, she’d get the blame.
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                            ❛ As if that’s gonna  STOP ME,  sweetie. ❜    a laugh bubbles out,  as she prepared for what is going to be next:  one hell of a fight.  Since last time,  Harley has learned that the  RED GIRL  shouldn’t be underestimated  --  especially with that  thing  that she produces from her hands.  (seriously,  how the hell does she do that?)  &&. so she points her hammer against the other,  as ready as she will ever be.   ❛ Let’s put an end to your  magic show,  shall we? ❜
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madncsslives-blog · 7 years
featheredfiend.   ⟆ OSWALD COBBLEPOT ⟅
“Ah! Miss Quinn, always a delight.”
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“What is it that you need, my dear?” Is it that no good, and he’ll use this term loosely, ‘boyfriend’ of yours dead? Because, if so, The Penguin is all too glad to be of service.
@madncsslives ||��
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                            ❛ Oh,  Mr. P!  You really know how to make a girl feel  WELCOME,  don’t you? ❜    she giggles childishly,  yet genuinely,  as she settles herself &&. sits at his feet with her legs crossed.  Big eyes are set upon the man.   ❛ I came here for  advice,  since----  well,  you’re the  KING  of Gotham... ❜    she then proceeds to look down,  as if it’s too embarassing for her to say  --  the struggle is real.  When she finally looks back at him,  she is pouting.    ❛ How many people should I  kill,  before I’m finally taken  seriously  as a criminal? ❜
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