magaxdestroyer · 3 days
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magaxdestroyer · 2 years
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It’s literally the story of Count Von Roo turning this chick into a vampire!
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magaxdestroyer · 2 years
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Figured I’d share whatever the heck it was I just drew here xD Some days, I’m just really bad at lighting.
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magaxdestroyer · 2 years
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Flat colour commission for anon!
My commissions are always open! Message me for details.
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magaxdestroyer · 2 years
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I figured it was because of the AdCal animations and shippers.
Neopets characters that deserve more lore
Magax: FOR FRICK’S SAKE, you can’t give a character a cool “used to be the evilest guy ever but went through a redemption arc” Neopedia story, spend years not adding anything to that, and then just kill off his nemesis and reduce him to a mere Advent Calendar gag! Also, I would love for him to be in the Battledome, just to see what his stats are.
Lord Darigan: Quit pretending he was evil, TNT. He was trying to rescue his people and attacked Meridell because Meridell stole their orb, resulting in all of Darigan Citadel being cursed. QUIT PRETENDING DARIGAN CITADEL WERE THE VILLAINS OF CHAMPIONS OF MERIDELL! Also, it would be cool to see more of what he and the Citadel were like before being cursed. BRING ON THE DARIGAN LORE!
The Spider Grundo: There is so much you can do with a guy who was turned into a web-spinning monstrosity by Dr. Sloth but escaped from Sloth’s clutches, and now eats random Neopians. There is so much untapped potential, there. Instead, he’s kind of shoved to the side as little more than a thing that goes bump in the night that you can occasionally challenge in “Better Than You” and the Battledome. At least he gets some sassy quotes.
Count Von Roo: There’s a lot of stuff on the website suggesting he was going to get a lot more lore and backstory. He’s a really cool yet underutilized character…and the only confirmed vampire character in Neopets.
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magaxdestroyer · 2 years
I do want to address this tag here
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Neopets has recently been suggesting he and Nox used to be friends via some Advent Calendar stuff (mainly the framed photo item), but in the Neopedia article, Hubrid refers to Magax as a former “servant” and Magax bitterly responds that he is no longer Hubrid Nox’s “slave” suggesting the two did not see eachother as comrades.
However, there is also this Neopian Times image suggesting Magax was once Hubrid’s pupil:
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So if they ever were friends, Hubrid turned on and enslaved Magax. Heck, Hubrid may have been faking friendship to get Magax under his control.
Neopets characters that deserve more lore
Magax: FOR FRICK’S SAKE, you can’t give a character a cool “used to be the evilest guy ever but went through a redemption arc” Neopedia story, spend years not adding anything to that, and then just kill off his nemesis and reduce him to a mere Advent Calendar gag! Also, I would love for him to be in the Battledome, just to see what his stats are.
Lord Darigan: Quit pretending he was evil, TNT. He was trying to rescue his people and attacked Meridell because Meridell stole their orb, resulting in all of Darigan Citadel being cursed. QUIT PRETENDING DARIGAN CITADEL WERE THE VILLAINS OF CHAMPIONS OF MERIDELL! Also, it would be cool to see more of what he and the Citadel were like before being cursed. BRING ON THE DARIGAN LORE!
The Spider Grundo: There is so much you can do with a guy who was turned into a web-spinning monstrosity by Dr. Sloth but escaped from Sloth’s clutches, and now eats random Neopians. There is so much untapped potential, there. Instead, he’s kind of shoved to the side as little more than a thing that goes bump in the night that you can occasionally challenge in “Better Than You” and the Battledome. At least he gets some sassy quotes.
Count Von Roo: There’s a lot of stuff on the website suggesting he was going to get a lot more lore and backstory. He’s a really cool yet underutilized character…and the only confirmed vampire character in Neopets.
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
it is time for me to finally talk about my headcanons for sloth’s species. but just some of them. culture based ones.
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two of these individuals are women and two are men. to humans (and maybe faeries, by extension) it may not be easy to tell. sloth’s species usually tends towards broad shouldered builds and deep voices. so… how do they tell each other apart?
the rest is below the cut cuz this will get long.
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teeth, mainly. double fangs on the bottom is most common in women, double fangs on top is most common in men.
identifying this sort of thing isn’t usually necessary or even relevant unless dealing with politics, strangely enough. although gender roles aren’t super important to the lives of civilians, when you get into the higher ups and their conquest endeavors it’s expected that men/patriarchs lead armies and do the conquering and women/matriarchs manage the planets that are conquered.
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on the left is some basic civilian attire, typical of the working class. it’s more functional and comfortable than anything, and lacks the shoulder pads associated with higher classes and politicians.
in the middle would be the attire worn by low level politicians and some higher class folks with ties to government. shoulder pads are usually made from solid metal and are a sort of symbolic reminder of the empire you’re expected to carry forward.
on the right is the attire of an accomplished conqueror. massive metal shoulder pads, big ol’ vampire collar, and banners to indicate the planet(s) they rule over or have conquered. that specific getup is very extravagant, less accomplished conquerors don’t wear quite as many bells and whistles
more miscellaneous facts i wasn’t sure how to work in:
collars that obscure where the neck meets the body are common because a more defined divide there is desirable
if sloth did manage to conquer neopia he would have “phoned home” to let his family know the good news and that any homeworld ships would be set to come and visit
back problems are not uncommon in older politicians, especially ones with more power. those shoulder pads get very heavy after a few years of being replaced with larger ones after every new. accomplishment. cosmic punishment for being asshole conquerors wherever they go i suppose?
there isn’t really much stigma around being LGBT or anything where sloth’s from. his family is more ashamed of him for being a shitty conqueror than anything else.
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
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The Neopets Advent Calendar
December 25, 2016
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
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Let’s attempt to settle this once and for all.
There’s plenty of art evidence to suggest Count Von Roo was just supposed to be an orange Blumaroo rather than a Halloween painted one, and then TNT couldn’t make up their minds on his color pallette after that (they never were great at making up their minds on character designs), hence why in some images his ears and nose are more reddish, so it’s safe to say Halloween Blumaroos are probably painted to look like Count Von Roo, and not the other way around.
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
So just to summarize...
What an NFT is:
A particular notation in a particular blockchain that says "xyz internet account owns the materials hosted at the following URL", typically an image, until sold to a different internet account, whereupon the notation will be updated, thereby allowing a chain of ownership to be established.
What NFT Bros Apparently Think An NFT is:
The Exclusive, magically-enforced right to share, display, copy, delete, and control the spread of the image hosted at that URL.
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
Time to go full nerd, here: I would argue Xandra had raw power, Hubrid had extra tricks and probably some powerful shield spells. Xandra probably is more powerful than Magax, though, since it generally takes Magax three hits to take out Hubrid Nox’s disguise in the game, and then you can’t hit him at all if you fail. We also don’t know how much the artifact impacted Xandra’s abilities, or whether it was boosting her abilities when she took down Nox.
Also, in Neoquest 2, while technically a simulation, he does help lock the sun into place, which is no small feat, especially since Neopia likely revolves around the sun like our planet does, which would mean the group actually altered Neopia’s entire rotation, and stopped an entire planet from moving. And if it doesn’t work like Earth, and the sun does revolve around Neopia, that’s an even more massive celestial body being frozen in place from roughly 93 million miles away. Either way, that’s powerful AF.
I actually took the time to analyze Hubrid Nox’s abilities while bored on a shift and later added them to the Neopets wiki, but what we know for sure he’s able to do is:
Necromancy: Hubrid Nox's most used ability, he can raise undead slaves, usually ghosts, to serve him and do his bidding.
Shape Shifting: Hubrid Nox can transform into a Cybunny to disguise himself. It is unknown if this is the only thing he can transform into, or if there are other forms he can take.
Scrying: With his crystal ball, he can look at events unfolding whether they be near his castle or elsewhere. It is unknown if he can also see the future.
Flight: Hubrid Nox can fly through the air, whether it be hovering on his own, or sitting upon a cloud.
Increasing Strength of others: Hubrid Nox was revealed to have strengthened Lord Darigan's troops in the Champions of Meridell plot.
General Spellcasting: Hubrid Nox has been known to cast a variety of spells, including healing spells, taking part in a spell locking the sun in place while under mind control, shooting fire and ice, manipulating green energy, and many more spells.
There’s not enough Magax and Hubrid Nox content, so here’s some Neopets headcanons
As I posted earlier on my main today, while Magax used to be evil and became good, Hubrid Nox used to be good and became evil. I’m working on the details, but basically his study buddy crush (they were attending some magic school) was turned to stone because of some prophecy about an evil dark magician rising and she happened to be studying dark magic, but it turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy because he became the evil dark magician in response to what happened to her, and then slowly became consumed by a lust for power. It’s a whole fic I’ll probably never actually write outside me head, but she gets un-stoned some time before the events of Faerie’s Ruin (or after, I haven’t decided) and it gets awkward, because it’s been almost a thousand years. Also, he kept her stone figure in his castle.
I’ve mentioned Magax still has a villain laugh, and it’s freaking hilarious because it scares the crap out of everyone in the Brute Squad every time someone tells a joke that he actually likes.
Neopets live absurdly long. Just look at Lord Darigan and King Skarl. Their truce has canonically been going for one thousand years, and they’re both still alive. Darigan didn’t even age, probably because of his curse and stuff. Magax and Hubrid Nox use some sort of magic to stay relatively young, but Neopets in general age really slowly. BTW Hubrid Nox canonically helped Lord Darigan in Champions of Meridell, so he’s probably EVEN OLDER.
Xandra basically got lucky in killing Hubrid Nox. If it had been, say, a Battledome challenge or something, Hubrid would have overpowered her. Xandra had to rely on opportunity, and having the artifact to boost her powers.
Hubrid Nox, unlike Xandra, knew that the Feaeries were the source of Neopia’s magic, and thus wouldn’t have even considered turning them all to stone.
Everyone involved in the Faeries Ruin plot were at some point asked why they didn’t consult Magax. Brynn kinda stammered before admitting she should have thought of it, King Altador was unaware that Magax had turned to the side of good due to all that time Altador spent trapped in a time bubble, but upon finding out said “Good for him” and stated he would have sought him if he had known, Jazan generally doesn’t answer, and Hanso said, “Who’s Magax?”
Had they consulted Magax, they would have found out Hubrid Nox had an alibi the whole time. He was busy trying to figure out how to take over more of the Haunted Woods, specifically Neovia and the Werelupe Woods sections.
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
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LMAO look at this non-apology. They literally start off by trying to defend themselves. Your admin singled out a minor’s insta and sent your hordes of NFT supporters to harass them so badly that they had to deactivate their account. And check out #3 there, which basically boils down to “if you disagree with us you’re getting banned.”
Anyways I’ll say it again, you totally shouldn’t open this discord report form and write up a ticket describing the MANY ways the metaverse discord has broken the ToS, you also shouldn’t use this pastebin (warning: contains links to racist, homophobic, and ableist remarks and actions) as a resource and template for said report. That would be a tragedy.
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
Seriously though, I know I'm the only person who cares, but can we please stop with the whole "Neopets was owned by Scientology" shit? It's blatantly not true, the owners retained ownership of Neopets during the time that a company with ties to Scientology was investing in the site, Neopets never had Scientology or anything Scientology adjacent on the site, and the owners cut ties with the investors a long time ago. The original owners aren't even in charge of Neopets anymore and haven't been for YEARS. It's just a wild retelling of what actually happened just so people can have shocked reactions and "This will ruin your childhood!!" posts. It's so unbelievably annoying that any time people outside of the very niche community of Neopets players is talking about the site it's always nonsensical bullshit that's easily disproven and has been parroted back and forth for ages despite this
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
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Found on Facebook. I right clicked to save this image.
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magaxdestroyer · 3 years
im so disappointed that neopets is turning to nfts as a cash grab. please let me imagine my little guys from my childhood in my brain without adding more capitalism
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