mageliberation · 4 years
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mageliberation · 5 years
Superliminal- a fun size perspective game!
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mageliberation · 5 years
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mageliberation · 5 years
… A shrouded figure moves through a graveyard in the light of a lantern, swinging in the tug of no breeze. As they go, a whisper follows them, telling a tale of lost things, of shattered pride, and of dreams that never died.
… they raise their hand, with the echo of someone else in their bones. As their fingertips gently brush against the ghostly face before them, their heart aches with someone else’s grief.
… Steam rises from the tea cup as the old woman pushes it towards the flickering shadow sitting across the kitchen table. She smiles her gentlest smile, and waits for it to speak.
Some things refuse to let us go, and regret is a heavy burden to carry. That Which Remains is a submission to the Gentle Ghost Jam. It’s a game about helping ghosts let go of their regrets and move on to the afterlife.
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mageliberation · 5 years
Throwback to when I made this.
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Hey so, I recreated the character sheet from the Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay video. It’s got layers that you can turn on or off to make it look like you are selecting the different options. It’s also got a little clickable option so you can change the gender ID on the bottom left to match your choice. I’ve also added Other as a gender choice [it wasn’t in the demo] for those NB gamers/PCs and if you wanna change that to say Non-Binary/Third/Trans/etc the font I used is called Bahnschrift SemiBold & SemiLight. I don’t have access to Illustrator so I couldn’t make fillable version with all the different combinations of stuff ticked, unfortunately. The section where the portrait goes has it’s own folder so you can draw or add your PC with a straight edge cutoff.
 @ me if yo fill one of these for your “V”! :)
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mageliberation · 6 years
i wonder if da4 will finally address that tevinter has a lot of fucked up shit going on but the fact mages are free + use magic freely is Not the reason or cause
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mageliberation · 6 years
I was in 1st/2nd grade grade when the big Pokémon boom of the late 90s-early 00s happened. It was HUGE. Every kid was into it and we’d watch the show and play pretend and collect the cards and bring our game boys to school to trade Pokémon during recess. I was lucky to have supportive parents, but I remember how teachers and other adults would scoff and say how tired they were of Pokémon, how annoying and juvenile it was and how they couldn’t wait for us to “get over it already”. I might have been young, but I still remember how much these kinds of comments bummed me out. Why in the world are we being mean to little kids who like Fortnite
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mageliberation · 6 years
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mageliberation · 6 years
We need your help!
As you can see, I’ve been a bit last minute in sharing some recent comic ops –– I live in Australia and sleep on an opposite schedule from North America, which means a miss a lot of these when they’re going around social media.
If you spot a good opportunity, please submit it here so we can spread the word! Your help is appreciated and necessary in keeping this site a relevant resource.
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mageliberation · 6 years
Let’s review:
When Nott stole from a guest: nothing happened When Vex stole from a guest: she was mercilessly attacked on reddit, twitter, called a greedy bitch and had her alignment changed
When Fjord threatened Caleb with his sword because he was stealing scrolls during a mission: everyone called it a shippy sexually charged moment.  When Jester and Caleb disagreed over money management: she was called a spoiled selfish brat who had humiliated him
When Molly slapped Caleb out of a panic attack and when he got uncomfortably close to his personal space: it was called a sexy shippy moment When Jester insisted to check Fjord’s abs with a medicine check to solve part of the orb mystery (after Caleb’s insistence): everyone claimed it was gross creepy groping 
When Scanlan modified several allies’ memories to try to make them fall for him or get him drugs: it was all for laughs and giggles or interesting character choices that would eventually lead to his redemption When Jester denied the Traveler’s suggestion that she use magic to get a boy to like her: she’s suddenly seriously 100% considering roofying Fjord to get him to bed
When Vax waxed poetic through long conversation with his two romantic interests: it was all swoons and heartfelt moments the fandom wrote thousands of words worth of meta about When Jester quietly fumes over being jealous of an apparent romantic rival in the background: she’s stealing the spotlight and being catty and manipulative over someone she has no claim over
When Fjord cut off a man’s hand to take off his genie-bracelet: it was a badass and dark moment that had everyone speculating about his alignment When Jester tattooed a little smiley face on a sailor: she’s suddenly an abuser branding her victims like a r*pist
So I am really honestly sorry for all the people who have actual and real reasons to be critical of Laura’s character and who are genuinely uncomfortable with some of her decisions, but the double standard has rendered me unable to take most of those claims seriously or lightly because they exist within a context where the trend is to demonize female characters over things their male counterparts are celebrated for. 
And I didn’t even get into Marisha/Keyleth/Beau but you get the idea.
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mageliberation · 6 years
when you finally kiss jester but you get caught sleeping with avantika “””for business”””” and you have to explain yourself 
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mageliberation · 6 years
If sports games can give us all these Black/textured haircuts I don’t want to hear SHIT from film animators/RPG devs crying it’s too hard so they don’t include it. Nah, fuck that!
This is something out of anime.
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mageliberation · 6 years
If Jackie’s a member of the Valentinos we at minimum will be able to f-ck him so I’m hype.
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mageliberation · 6 years
Jackie getting dressed knowing he was probably going to have to wreck some shit.
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you: Jackie refused to sit down when Dum Dum told him so because he didn’t feel safe
me, an intelectual: Jackie refused to sit down when Dum Dum told him so because he’s wearing a belt covered in brads on his entire ass for some reason
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mageliberation · 6 years
when your favorite npc isnt romanceable
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mageliberation · 6 years
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They say no diamond can compare / to the greatest treasure there be; / no man can dream of gold again / after a night with the Ruby of the Sea
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mageliberation · 6 years
Okay so Beau and Fjord awkwardly complementing Jester after totally not get turned on by her mum is a work of art tbh
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