maggiesuino · 2 years
PROMPT: Thursday 9/29 - In-Class Exercise GDES2399, Fall 22
1) What are the implications of Scarry's statement for Designers? 
I think that Scarry refers to Designers as those who are able to take one thing and change it to someone else to better suit the user throughout time. She uses the analogy of the chair and skeleton to represent designers and customers/users of a product of design. It is easier for us designers to change the object to better fit the needs of the client, than changing the clients wants or needs to better fit our designers. However, she does state that design can lead to the change in view from the user if done correctly. She states how designers have the ability to change the user through showcasing their skills and work, and not forcing it upon the client.
2) How might Scarry's observations relate to your own design practice? 
I think battle between what a client may want and what a myself as a designer sees as best can be a challenge. As designers we are always trying to design to meet our clients needs. Design doesn't just have an immediate impact, it can also can have a long term affect on the user or consumer. I think this important to keep in mind when designing work, and thinking about how my design can influence further users. Social Media can also shrink down distances and impact the way we live, creating its own culture. I think social media is a good example in how client and designer may interact via email or instagram dms. This communication between the two can impact the design and allow for me the designer to push the design and help best meet the needs of the user. In the interaction, I can communicate with my client and try to best meet their needs and hopefully positively impact the clients viewpoint hopefully creating an engaging and visual appealing design.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 22 9/29
Today, I consumed the song Stick Season by Noah Kahan on Spotify on loop. The song is a indie song, with ties to autumn and fall in the song. I woke up this morning and had the song stuck in my head after consuming the song on one of my friends Instagram stories last week. She lives in Vermont, which is where the songwriter is from and is often the focus of many of his songs. I had consumed the song a couple time last week, but I woke up this morning with it consuming my mind. After my ESCI 1007 class this morning, I consumed a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks and listened to the song on loop doing my homework. With the weather slowly getting colder and this morning being about 45 degrees outside, I think my mind is finally shifting into fall. The calendar year is also officially fall now, and it can be seen on campus with trees changing colors and dropping leaves.
I typically don't like Pumpkin Spice latte's but fact the song Stick Season was stuck in my head, and waking up with cold weather this morning, subconsciously me to ordering it. Especially since the drink is very mainstream, I try to avoid ordering it since its so socialized, but today was an exception. The drink reminds me of fall times baking pumpkin bars with my mom and sister. I consumed the latte in Walter Library while working on ESCI 1007 homework before my class over in Rapson Hall today. I consumed the song through my AirPods and using Spotify on my computer. I consumed my PB and J sandwich while also drinking my latte.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 21 9/28
Today I consumed the playlist Wanderlust on Spotify while at work. My work at the LAC is very flexible and allows me to listen to music while working. I listened to the playlist in Heller Hall on the 6th floor. I consumed it from my laptop and listened to it from my AirPods. I found that listening to music at work can sometimes be distracting, depending on what type of music it is and what activity I am doing at work. I consumed energy from my laptop to listen to the playlist. I consumed energy from my work monitor, keyboard and mouse to conduct work duties curing my shift.
I consumed the playlist to add some background noise to my typically, quiet office. One of my favorites to consume from the playlist is Cherry by Harry Styles. The song has beautiful lyrics and a soft guitar sound that makes it very pleasing to consume. Throughout the day I also consumed the Campus Connector which brought me to my job from the St.Paul campus. I consume energy from my sandwich and lunch to preform my duties for the day. I will consume money to buy a box of pasta for my Packaging and Display class for our next product. I consumed time on TikTok and Instagram on my phone to connect with friends and my family members. I plan on consuming some left over canes for dinner tonight and maybe an apple. I consumed Canes last night and had some left over to have tonight for dinner. I consume Adobe software to work on my design project and I also consumed Canvas to view my assignment due today and later on this week.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
In-Class Exercise 2399 FALL 22- 9/27
1) What did you buy for your Splurchase?
I bought Swedish Fish- Tails for my splurchase.
2) Briefly list some of the general conditions that that you remember from your Splurchase (these can be anything: your mood, the weather, the layout of the store, the music that was playing in the store, stuff you heard on the news, etc...)
weather was very cold and windy, around 50-60 degrees
the store was Walgreens that I shopped at
I had come from meeting a old friend at Caribou where we discussed Study Abroad in Denmark
The music playing in the store was very soft rock/pop music
The store was pretty quiet as it was about 9:45 in the morning
The store layout had a couple poles in the store blocking the view of many items in that aisle.
I plan on sharing the Swedish fish with my friends and I after project is complete so choosing a little bit larger of a container was ideal for me to share.
3) Look at your item and list some of the Graphic and/or Design Qualities that stand out to you.
The use of color and hierarchy stick out to me instantly when looking at the design of the packaging.
The colors used are very bright and eye catching. I had noticed that most packaging wasn't using yellow as much as Swedish fish did in the aisle. I think this helped with making the object stand out to me.
The hierarchy used also allowed for it to stick out to me. The logo of Swedish fish stood out to me instantly in its recognizable type face and red color and yellow background.
The use of patterns on the packaging was also eye catching to me and stood out compared to the other brands in the candy aisle. The fish scale packaging was very recognizable and added another create design quality to the packaging.
The shape of the bag container was easily flexible an allowed me to bring back to my apartment and allow for easy transportation.
4) List some of the cultural meanings/associations related to the item and/or its design (these can be either personal or more broadly social).
My grandmother always had some sort of candy out on her kitchen table and usually in the summer time it was Swedish fish.
I wasn't often given Swedish fish as a treat growing up so the opportunity to purchase was exciting to me.
Swedish fish design links to the Scandinavian roots of the product with the colors of the Swedish flag used in the design
The new flavor, "Tails" to the traditional Swedish Fish was included in the product, something unique compared to its competitors.
The product is very recognizable and is often consider the candy version of "fruit snacks."
5) How did any of the factors from any of the previous 3 questions impact your decisions to buy, if at all? 
The tie to my grandmother I feel like definitely influenced me to purchase the item, as I am planning on seeing her this upcoming weekend. I am sure that this thought was definitely in my head, influencing my decision.
After talking about Denmark and about Scandinavia to my friend about study abroad, I think I was probably influenced by the Nordic culture relating to the product and its background.
The new product, "tails" definitely caught my attention and influenced me to purchase the product.
The bright colors and hierarchy in the design made it instantly recognizable to me, allowing me to understand what the product was and influencing me to purchase the product.
The layout of the store also influenced what I was able to see and what products were available to me, making me focus in on the Swedish fish project.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 20 9/27
Today I consumed the playlist on Spotify called, Hozier Mix on MacBook using my AirPods to listen to the playlist. I find Hozier's music along with others in the indie genre very comforting. I often like to consume indie music when I am multitasking or needing to focus in as it helps tune my mind in on the task I am doing. I think it gives me a good amount of stimulation in mind to help me focus. Today, I consumed the playlist while working on my History of Graphic Design Poster on Tironian notes. I am finally to the designing portion of the assignment, after the past couple days focusing on the research portion of the assignment. While consuming the playlist, I consumed Adobe Illustrator to layout my poster and place text along with images into the design.
I consumed the playlist in Magrath Library on the St. Paul campus, in-between my Packaging and Discontents classes. I consumed the playlist in the basement of the library, facing an external window watching people walk by. Plants line the windows in the library, adding a bit serotonin to my day. My favorite song I consumed from the playlist today is Cherry Wine by Hozier. Due to it being very chilly out this morning, I am in a cozy sweatshirt. I consumed the weather app many times throughout the day today to see if it would get warmer. It was nice in the basement of Magrath because I consumed warmth from the sun rays traveling through the windows on the basement floor.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 19 9/26
Today I consumed the I consumed the Bach Radio playlist on spotify. I consumed the playlist while at the Smart Learning commons in Walter Library on the East Bank Campus. I consumed the playlist on spotify using my Mac and AirPods to listen to it. I decided to consume the podcast to help me focus on editing and writing my research paper. My research paper for my History of Graphic Design class is on Tironian script, which is a very niche topic, so I needed all the help I could get focusing in on my paper.
Consuming the playlist helps calms be and tunes out distractions around me I find that listening to music helps me typically focus in on the task at hand, but usually this only works as long as the music doesn't have any words. This often makes classical music or calm indie music the best for me to listen to. I consumed the playlist while consuming research articles and safari as a way to access sources. I consumed google docs as a site to compile my notes on. I consumed my notebook and pencil to write down additional notes for the paper. I consumed water and energy from my lunch to function and consume the playlist along with the research paper.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 18 9/25
Today, I consumed the playlist, "Juice" on Spotify. I created the podcast last year on spotify as a pump-up playlist when I am working out or doing anything exciting. Today, I consumed the playlist while working out at my apartment's gym. At my apartment, I consumed the treadmill while listening to the songs, and also lifted some weights while working out. I consumed water from my Yeti water bottle while working out.
Since I do not have spotify premium, I also consumed a variety of ads while listening to the playlist including on secondary institutions and halloween related activities happening around me including a pumpkin patch and a hay ride. My favorite song I consumed from the playlist is "About Damn Time," by LIzzo, as it is a very uplifting and powerful song to listen to when I am working out. I consumed energy from the treadmill to workout. I also consumed food from my dinner the previous night to have energy to work out including brat, beans, and popcorn. I consumed water and electricity to take a shower after my workout session. I consumed my yoga mat to stretch out after my workout session. After my workout, I consumed a smoothie and grilled cheese to replenish my energy from my workout session.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 17 9/24
Today I consumed Claude Debussy piano music on Spotify while at Walter Library doing research for a research paper outline I have due on Monday for my history of graphic design class. While on Spotify I consumed some pop up ads as well as audio ads for different in state universities and podcasts available to listen to on Spotify. Debussy is my favorite composer, I really enjoy his composition style and find listening to his music very relaxing and it helps me focus in on the task I have to do on hand, which for today is working on my outline and find going research material.
I am doing my outline on Old Roman Shorthand, so while research I also consumed information on the writing format and consumed energy to record important pieces and facts. I listened to many educational videos on the subject and consumed knowledge about the writing style. I consumed energy from my laptop, AirPods, light from the library to conduct my research. I consumed the library great hall to study and consume. I consumed water while working on my research. I consumed safari browser to look up things, and consumed google docs to keep track of my notes. I consumed Canvas to look at other students past example on research paper outline and final products. I consumed the beautiful architecture in Walter library while doing my research which consisted of amazing crown molding and yellow warm lighting, and gorgeous old tables.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
RP3- $2 Splurchase
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For my splurchase I purchased "Swedish Fish Tail" at Walgreens on Washington Ave in Minneapolis. The Swedish fish are in a candy bag with and are a new flavor which I have never tried before, "Tails, 2 flavors in 1," this means that each fish gummy is two flavors. The flavors include blue raspberry-strawberry, watermelon-pineapple, and raspberry-mango. I purchased the gummies at 9:53 am on Saturday, September 24th. I spent about 5 minutes in Walgreens I also picked up some bread for my lunches the upcoming week.
The Walgreens atmosphere on Saturday morning was quite calm, there really wasn't many people in the store during the time I went. Maybe about 1 or 2 other customers. There was a female that helped check me out once I had gotten my two items. The lighting was yellow and subdued. The music was a mixture of offbeat pop and classical rock. Some sounds I heard while there included the opening and closing of the enter and exit doors, the cash register pepping as the cashier checked out customers, and the sounds of other customers walking around the store. The day so far has been a bit cold and windy about 59 degrees this morning when I purchased my item. I had come from Caribou down the street where I met with a friend to discuss her study abroad experience.
When entering I first went into grab a loaf of honey wheat bread in the first aisle on the wall, I then wandered around the store for a bit to find a spluchase. After a very long week of classes and projects due, I was looking for a food item to pick me up and as way to reward myself. This past week I had a major packaging project and a quiz for a lib ed class I am taking. I focused in on a small candy food item as a reward to myself for all the hard work I had accomplished.
While in the candy eye, I was looking for something familiar to me also something slightly different. I am always the type of person who likes to try something new when going out to eat or getting food. The Walgreens candy aisle was about 60% stocked with items. The aisle was designed poorly as there was two big pillars in the aisle, limiting access to items on the shelfs depending on where you stood. This made it difficult to see what they all had to offer and made making my decision harder. Initially, I was thinking a candy bar, however with the design of the aisle and the height of the shelfs, you really weren't able to see much of the candy bars, rather the cardboard box they were put in. Rather, I went to the other end of the aisle where I spotted the Swedish Fish. There was a couple empty spaces of candy around where the Swedish Fish were located. The pillar perfectly positioned my viewpoint while walking past them and framed them in my line of sight. The shelf was eye level for me so I instantly was drawn to them.
The packaging on the outside is full of bright fun colors and patterns including yellow, blue, red, and pink. As a child, I loved Swedish Fish and they were always a favorite candy of mine whenever I went Halloween trick or treating. With Halloween candy popping up now of days, I was reminiscent of the time and felt called to the Swedish Fish for nostalgic purposes and the visual appeal of the packaging. Swedish Fish also remind me of my Grandmother's house in Wisconsin, as she always had a glass jar of them sitting on her counter. She always had some kind of candy in that glass jar of hers and during the summer it was almost always the small mini multi-colored Swedish fish. Because I like to try different things, I decided to pick up the Swedish fish tails bag. The bright colors and logo instantly drew me to the product. The hierarchy of the design is easy to follow, and is very recognizable in a crowd with its bright yellow and scale pattern on the packaging. The design of two flavors and how it was portrayed on the packaging interested me in the product. The convent size too was attractive to me to be able to take on the go at weight in at 8oz. I have always admired the Swedish Fish logo and packaging, how it ties in Swedish colors and connects well with its candy personality and fish shaped product. Overall the products connection to me personally, placement in the store, and eye catching visuals in the design led me to purchase the product as a way for me to celebrate a long week of school.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 16 9/23
Today I consumed the playlist "Copenhagen Vibes" on Spotify. I listened to the playlist in bedroom in my apartment on my MAC. I did not create the playlist, it was created be another user. I consumed the playlist as a way to increase my excitement as I am applying for a Study Abroad program this upcoming Spring in Copenhagen, Denmark. I consumed the playlist while filling out parts of my application process.
I consumed songs in danish as well more calmer songs. It helped me put into a mindset of what it might be like living in Copenhagen next semester. I listened to the playlist while filling out academic forms, and filling in questionnaires. I also consumed my dinner which consisted of a salad and a cookie my roommate had made while working on my application. I have yet to complete and it and plan on consuming and completing the rest later on tonight. I also feel like consuming the playlist helped me design in my head what I would want out of a study abroad experience. Additionally, I consumed articles and places online of things to check out in Denmark to add to my bucket list. I also talked with my parents and uncles who have been their to get their feedback. I consumed their information over the phone and wrote down some things to keep in mind.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption day 15 9/22
Today I consumed various digital, media, and print related materials for my quiz tomorrow in my lib ed class on biology. I consumed videos on DNA transcription and translation. I consumed the lecture today in class and took notes which consuming my professor speak. I consumed my study guide and past notes over the past three weeks. I consumed other videos by Crash Course and the Ameba Sister to gain a better understanding on the course material.
I consumed my lecture today in Tate Hall at 9:45am. The rest of the studying I have been going from my apartment bed room. I consumed the print material from my binder, and the rest on my laptop. I am preparing to consume the quiz tomorrow on canvas. I consumed a cookie from my roommate who made them to celebrate the end of her week. I consumed a call to my parents and extended family to see how their days had been going. I also consumed a calming indie playlist on spotify to help me focus when studying.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 14 9/21
Today I consumed the song Angeleyes by ABBA on my way back to my apartment from my work today in the Learning Abroad Center in Heller Hall on West Bank. I consumed the song with AirPods in while walking back with my phone. I also consumed other songs on the very popular playlist of mine but found angeleyes to be the most calling to me when walking back. Today for the Learning Abroad Center, I consumed the large yearly fair on the West Bank Plaza. While working the fair I consumed various students walking by and interacted with them on opportunities to study abroad during their time at the UMN.
Also at the fair, I consumed people representing different universities and programs for students to study abroad. I consumed energy talking with peers, students, and fellow employees from my job. I consumed flyers and advertisements for different programs. I was gravitated to the DIS Study Abroad Program table as Copenhagen is a place I'd love to study abroad in this upcoming semester. Consuming the song Angeleyes after a long but very exciting fun day at the fair filled me with energy and happiness for adventure to come. I look forward to consuming various applications and program details later on tonight for the program!
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 13 9/20
Today I consumed many different services at the UMN for complete my Packaging Project. Early on in the day I consumed the campus connector bus which consumes gas to get to me Rapson Hall to print my packaging labels. From there I consumed the Rapson Hall printers and plotters to print out my label. I consumed my x-acto knife, double sided tape, ruler, and scissors all from the UMN bookstore to cut and apply my packaging label to my product. Next, I consumed the imaging lab at Rapson to photograph my work. There, I consumed a camera, tripod, lighting, and aid from lab assistants to photograph my work. I used my laptop and the lab's desktop to upload my photographs, edit them, and add them to my presentation.
In continuation with my theme for posts, throughout the day I also consumed many video and audio clips. I consumed Gilmore Girls on my phone, I consumed an episode of the podcast Office Ladies on my phone, I also consumed a zoom call about study abroad options on my phone. These video and audio clips helped separate me from a long day of working on my packaging project for class.
Below is an image of my final packaging design called, "Love your Jam-ma," a homemade jam based on my grandmother fruit garden and passion for gardening.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption day 12 9/19
Today I consumed the song Woman by John Lennon as well as other songs on my Spotify playlist titled "Daydreams." I consumed the song and playlist on my MAC with my AirPods. I consumed in Bruinnicks hall on East Bank on the 5th floor while enjoying a view of the UMN campus and Minneapolis skyline. I worked on my History of Graphic Design homework and notes while consuming the song. The playlist is a popular one for me as it is full of songs that remind me of summer and time spent in La Crosse, Wisconsin during my summer internship.
The playlist was consumed as a way to help focus and bring attention the tasks I have on hand. Attached below I have a screenshot of the playlist. I consume the playlist often walking back from class or even working out. Today, I also consumed a PBS movie about the history of the alphabet for my History of Graphic Design class. I also consumed energy to walk to the 5th floor of Bruinnicks from my science lab to eat lunch and work on homework for the day.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 11 9/18
Today I consumed the Top Gun playlist while working on my project 1 packaging design logos and presentation on Adobe Illustrator. I consumed the playlist to help focus myself and make good headway on the project as it is due this upcoming Thursday. I listened to it at 1 am as well as throughout the rest of the day to ground myself and help me focus in on my projects. I was up late today because I consumed a sparkling water beverage and the carbonated drink helped give me energy to stay up later.
I consumed the playlist while also consuming my mind and energy to write down my to-do's lists of projects to complete and plan out my timeline for the project. I consumed the playlist in my bedroom in my apartment while consuming electricity with my computer charged in and lamp lit. I consumed water to help keep myself hydrate while working. I consumed ink from my pen to physically write down notes. I consumed my energy from my dinner to design my logos. I consumed a variety of apps on my computer including Adobe Illustrator, Acrobat, Mail, Safari, and Photos to work on my presentation and project. My favorite song from the playlist to consume at the moment is the opening theme song.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 10 9/17
Today I consumed the UMN football game against the University of Colorado. I consumed the game with my roommate and two friends. We arrived at the game around 1:30pm for the kickoff at 2:30pm. However, we only consumed the game until 4:10, after the first half because of how hot it was. My friends and I have student season tickets to the game and enjoy consuming the games and being apart of the student section atmosphere.
While at the game, I consumed energy to stand and cheer on the gophers. I consumed electricity to access my ticket on my apple wallet to get into the game. I consumed sunscreen to protect my skins against the sun. My friend consumed money to purchase a water bottle during the game because of the heat. I consumed other student's conversations around me while at the game and chants. I consumed music, and advertisements from the video board while at the game. Some of the highlights of what I consumed include the jersey mikes fan cam, hakuna matata child cam, and goldy's hero (featuring a child at the UMN masonic children's hospital). Some songs I consumed included shipping out to Boston, queen, and techno oooo song.
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maggiesuino · 2 years
Consumption Day 9 9/16
Today I consumed the song "Be Right Now" by Ed Sheeran while working out at the REC on campus. I recently rediscovered this song and it has been replaying in my head ever since. I consumed it on a new playlist I created called "daydreams" which features songs that are currently my favorites along with some popular consumed songs of mine from the past summer. I consumed song with working out on an elliptical machine. I consumed my energy from my sandwich and yogurt from lunch to workout on the machine. I consumed power from running the workout machine in order to workout on it. I also consumed different facilities at the REC including their water fountain and login gates while there.
While working out, I consumed various people conversations and workouts next to me or walking around me. I consumed the song because it feels nostalgic to me and I am also a big Ed Sheeran fan. I consumed the song on Spotify using AirPods. Ed Sheeran is one of my favorite artists to consume as I find his music upbeat and have good lyrics.
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