mahonetv · 11 months
Indulge in the ultimate Gear Guide for the most discerning Dungeon Hunter 6 enthusiasts. 
We will now discuss the forging section, specifically focusing on enhancing, reforging, and crafting. Additionally, we will provide an overview of gear-related topics. Before we proceed, we would like to acknowledge our sponsor, Blue Stacks, an emulator that enables you to play mobile games on your PC or laptop. To download Blue Stacks and enjoy playing Dungeon Hunter 6 with a mouse and keyboard or a controller, please click the affiliate link provided in the description box below. Let's begin by delving into the enhancing process. Personally, I prioritize enhancing items that increase both attack power and penetration. This primarily applies to your main and support weapons. Other gear pieces, such as head, shoulders, chest, and hands, primarily
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affect your HP and defense. Accessories, on the other hand, contribute to increasing your attack power and penetration. The enhancement process starts at the initial level of plus one. Each subsequent enhancement attempt involves a certain level of risk, denoted by an RNG-based success rate. It is crucial to maximize your attempts to achieve a perfect three-slot enhancement, which fills all the available bars. Doing so will grant you a bonus, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your gear.
When you reach the bonus, you will receive a plus4 to your crit. However, if you choose to use auto-enhancement, it will randomly
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enhance your gear one by one, without trying to get the perfect roll. It will enhance your first gear by plus one and then immediately open up your plus two. This will continue down the line, enhancing your gear by plus one, plus two, plus three, and so on. It is not necessary to get perfect slots on all of them, but it is important to prioritize getting the perfect roll to activate the crit bonus. The success rate is higher on your first time, so it is recommended to get to plus 10 as quickly as possible. Occasionally, you may get a double effect when enhancing, which will fill up two bars. This is random and there is no rhyme or reason as to why it happens.
It is fortuitous that you have embarked upon this endeavor, for I shall guide you through the intricacies of your pursuit. Should you encounter failure, it shall merely be a fleeting moment, inconspicuous and devoid of significance. The simplicity of this task is undeniable, effortlessly accomplished with a mere touch of your hand. However, do not overlook the significance of your total enhancement bonuses. With each celestial milestone reached, a cascade of additional rewards shall be bestowed upon you. Once you have attained the illustrious 336 Stars, a level 7 effect bonus shall grace your presence, an augmentation that shall escalate with each triumphant endeavor. The game, in its wisdom, impels you to embark upon these seemingly random quests, for it yearns to witness the ascension of your enhancement Mastery level, soaring to unprecedented heights. Now, let us delve into the realm of
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reforge. Within the realm of your accoutrements, substats shall adorn each piece of your gear. Whether through the art of crafting or the serendipitous acquisition of new gear, you shall encounter items of similar rarity and tier, yet distinguished by their unique attributes. To rectify this disparity, you shall require the aid of gear reforge Stones, a bountiful resource within the game. Behold, I possess a veritable treasure trove of nearly 2,000 of these precious stones. With meticulous scrutiny, I shall peruse my inventory, seeking the gear with the most modest gear score. This shall be the chosen one, the vessel upon which I shall bestow my efforts, endeavoring to elevate its stature. This delicate dance of refinement ensures that no piece of gear languishes in the depths of mediocrity. As I traverse the realm of my possessions, I discern that the gear with a meager score of 23 requires my immedia te attention. It is imperative that I bestow upon it the blessings of reforge, for it yearns to transcend its current limitations. Furthermore, there is another facet that shall influence your journey.
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e epitome of elegance lies in the pursuit of perfection. As you embark on your journey towards acquiring higher tier Rarities, a realm of unparalleled substats awaits you. Unlike the realm of lower quality gear, where mediocrity reigns supreme, the realm of opulence unveils a plethora of extraordinary attributes. Your discerning eye must be drawn to the Reds, for they are the pinnacle of Mythic stats. With focused attack, red rate, and a defense boost of 24, these Reds are a treasure to behold. To safeguard their magnificence, I implore you to employ the lock icon, ensuring their preservation amidst the reforging process. While the oranges possess a certain allure, their potential pales in comparison to the Reds. Fear not, for the abundance of Stones at your disposal allows for endless refinement, as you tirelessly roll and reforge. Cherish the Reds, for they are the epitome of excellence. Alas, a caveat befalls those who tread the path of a freet to-play or a modest spender. Without the acquisition of a certain pack, the third lock icon remains elusive, limiting your ability to safeguard more than two of these extraordinary stats. However, should you choose to indulge in the monthly pass privilege, a world of additional lockable entries shall be bestowed upon you, granting the power to preserve even more of these coveted attributes. And let us not forget the invaluable curing crystals, the key to unlocking the potential of these locks. Though their availability may dwindle, their significance remains unwavering. Observe the subtle arrow, indicating their scarcity, and exercise restraint in their consumption. Should you ever encounter a moment where a roll yields a lower rating than your current gear, yet possesses a red substat, I beseech you to retain it. Embrace this newfound crimson gem and promptly secure its brilliance with a lock. For in the pursuit of perfection, even the smallest glimmer of red holds immeasurable value.
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