majkainredshoes · 2 years
I am moving house and it is absolutely not a process that in any way combines well with chronic pain and adhd.
I have no idea what I’m even doing anymore. Mortage papers, painters, realtors, floor guys, how does the sprinkler system work, WHY DID I ORDER LIKE FOUR FURNITURE DELIVERIES ON THE SAME DAY?
Trying to imagine keeping track of all this with a job and maybe some kids and pets and it becomes glaringly obvious to me how disabled I actually am while NT ableds just smile at me and go «oh but everyone thinks it’s hell that’s normal» and I… I am dissociating from the stress of it. SURELY the key to being a functional adult isn’t dissociating and pretending everything is fine? Right?
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majkainredshoes · 2 years
I know I posted about Goncharov and Defunctland last night, but that was an earnest desire to see this trend examined under a microscope because it’s fascinating to see it escape containment.
However, while I know most folks are just having a bit of fun with it, the number of people complaining that others are “ruining” the joke by tagging it for unreality is too damn high.
I’ve answered far too many asks in private in the last 24 hours from folks with psychosis begging me to tell them if Goncharov is real or not because they trust me, someone they don’t know beyond my medical advocacy posts, not to lie to them.
So in case you need this: No, Goncharov is not real. It’s Tumblr having a bit of fun with a made up gangster story premise from the 1970s. Most of the gifsets you are seeing are from The Godfather and some other 70s and early 80s films. The musical scores are being composed by some very talented people here on Tumblr, as is most of the art and quotes.
I’m sorry if people are telling you it is real and are refusing to reassure you when you admit it’s causing you distress. Some people are just taking things too far for the bit and aren’t acting with kindness. I hope they will reconsider.
If you were unaware that the Goncharov is causing some people some considerable distress, that’s okay. Tumblr is huge and you can’t be expected to know everything, but please do tag all your posts and reblogs with unreality to assure people that it’s part of the site-wide joke.
If you’re one of the people complaining that tagging it with unreality “ruins” the joke, please reconsider and examine why your enjoyment of people’s distress is necessary to your enjoyment of an otherwise fun and crowd sourced bit that many people are having fun with without being cruel.
Anyway, go have fun you creative little gremlins. Just do it with more kindness.
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majkainredshoes · 2 years
Idk what part of twitter you’ve seen but after blocking every brands promoted posts over there I promise you I have seen some shit it gets weird fast lol
Also this week a whole bunch of people bullied someone for making some chili for the neighbours. «Problematic» is gonna be a breath of fresh air
twitter users please migrate to instagram instead. you wont like it here we say bad words and hate brands and are very problematic
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majkainredshoes · 2 years
Tumblr Basics
We were all new to Tumblr once. Let’s be nice. 
REBLOG gifs, art, just anything you like really. Likes aren’t public like how they are on Twitter. The only way to spread stuff is to reblog. It’s the icon next to the like button. 
If you also want to organize things or comment on something, put them in the tags NOT the comments. That is marked “#tags”. Just type whatever you want. Feel free to ramble. You can add spaces and such too. 
You can also block certain tags under blog settings –>content you see. Then add the tags of things you don’t want to see. 
NO CENSORING. You can say kill here. No need for k-wording, unaliving, or k!ll. Don’t do this in the tags either because then the tag filtering will be ignored and others may see content that triggers them. 
Add a profile picture or header. If you don’t have one, most will assume you to be a bot and you will be blocked. You can either find your own through some twitter resources you have saved or you can check out various blogs that create icons and headers. Check out @iconheadersource for some fun icons and headers. 
You can mark you spoilers under a read more. if you hit enter, there will be an icon of a camera, video, gif, or 3 dots. Hit those 3 dots for a read more. Put your spoilers under that and tag it as #[thing] spoiler. 
You can also customize your blog with coding on web. On a desktop either click on the @[blogname].tumblr.com or blog settings and click on the url. www.[blogname].tumblr.com. Go to the top right corner and there is an icon that looks like a paint platter. You can either browse themes or check out cool blogs like @seyche or @codingcabin for tumblr codes to copy and paste under “Edit HTML”. 
I hope these tips helped!
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majkainredshoes · 2 years
Via alokvmenon
“It’s #transawarenessweek please remember it’s not that #trans and #nonbinary people are new it’s that our disappearance has been naturalized. We have always been here.”
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majkainredshoes · 2 years
At this moment, children’s hospitals are at capacity and are turning away sick children. WEAR A MASK.
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majkainredshoes · 2 years
Well in case the bird flies headfirst into a window I guess I’ll actually start using this account for other stuff than lurking…
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majkainredshoes · 7 years
Forever this...
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majkainredshoes · 7 years
Tumblr media
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majkainredshoes · 11 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Presented without comment
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majkainredshoes · 11 years
I would feed him the newspaper! :p 
Tumblr media
This woman was sitting across from me last night on the subway, working intently on a crossword puzzle. The man next to her leaned in, and said: “Can I help you?” “Not if you want to be my friend,” she said. “One time I spent all day on one of these things, and the motherfucker next to me shouted out the last answer.”
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majkainredshoes · 11 years
racism towards white people
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majkainredshoes · 11 years
I watched you eat my spirit with silver cutlery, reveling in the taste of my courage and resolve as you washed it down with the wine of my outrage.
I silently bowed my head to your demands that I be less.
Less outspoken, less angry, less human.
You swallowed my pride for me and I conformed to your version of a woman.
Enough is enough.
I purged you and grew.
I am now. 
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majkainredshoes · 11 years
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