majowatarot · 1 year
Pls give me really bad occult practices advice
Join every discord witchcraft/magic community you can find. Find the one with as few members as possible. Pick one person in that community, preferably the person who is as toxic as possible to everyone else. Treat everything they say as gospel. Get into the DMs. Listen to as many hyper-panic-inducing true crime podcasts as you can. Read nothing but David Icke. Doomscroll. Go to a rave and buy as many pills and psychoactives as you can fit into your body. Become a stone paranoid. Stop drinking water or exercising or going outside. Mail order energy drinks to your apartment and spend as much time as possible getting into amphetamine fueled arguments with wellness shamans and goth otherkin on Twitter.
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majowatarot · 1 year
Wooo I love that you came back with such detailed feedback! I love that I interpreted the four of pentacles in the more broad manner and you having the full information could interpret it further. Its incredible how exact magical readings can be, though i will need to figure out a way to read them in a way thats helpful. Maybe I should use more specific spreads? I would have to prepare them ahead of time
The five of swords was not reversed and only eight was. Curious what idea you had?
Wanted to ask for a tarot reading about my work/relationship with Aratron in comparison to other Olympic spirits, any insight, advice on how to have amenable relationship with him and my future workings with Olympic spirits as a whole. The reading is up to you, it can be public if you want it to be public or can be private.
Hello! Sorry for the long wait on this reading. I fell into an adhd trap of executive dysfunction and i only pushed through rn. Its funny that you are currently working with aratron since saturn has been heavy in my conscience lately due to that very executive dysfunction
But for the actual reading: i decided to lay a seperate pile for your connection with other olympian spirits and for aratron specifically.
Surprisingly the one with aratron seems to be doing a bit better than others. For aratron the leading card is the Four of pentacles and though its reversed it seems that a stable foundation is slowly being built (or had been built) it may be a bit unsure still since its a reversal but I would describe this as growing pains, or time of getting comfortable with each other. Though I wonder if the way your connection works is not through destabilizing you a bit in the material world? Shaking you up a bit, having you question your connection with your comfort zone, the things you hold onto etc etc. Overall whatever is happening seems to be very fruitful as I got both the empress and the queen of wands. I can very much see you getting more powerful both magically and in your material word because of this. I think you have a lot of entusiasm and energy to make this work properly so it seems surprisingly lovely.
When it comes to the other spirits Im getting the Five of Swords and Eight of Swords reversed. Pretty tricky interpretation so feel free to come back around and let me know how you resonate with this. The way I would interpret it is that the connection with other spirits is not as strong. And you may have to watch out for more destabilizing forces. Im not sure what exactly is happening but I can see you “burning yourself” on accident if you are not careful. Your connection with the olympic spirits overall might require very “proper” way of going about things. Im getting the magician as a clarifier and the temperance is at the bottom of the deck so make sure you dont rush the process over here. Make sure to prepare super well for future interactions and that you follow the rules of whatever paradigm you practice magic in. Im not trying to scare you though of course, its just advice.
I also wanted to go in depth on your and aratron’s connection so I pulled two cards for each of you. Your cards are the Fool reversed and Death reversed. Very interesting energy for sure. Whatever is happening the connection can trigger some pretty huge transformation for you. I wonder if you are ready? We both know you are not a fool but I feel like you may be holding onto something that should die, before new birth can take place. You may want something new to show up before you let something old die, but unfortunately thats just not the cycle of life. Aratrons energy is the Seven of Cups reversed as well as Four of Pentacles Reversed once again. Very much a topic of limitation and limits your options/vision. If you are currently trying to manifest something rhrough working with him it may be blocked off from you for a period before you go through the lesson you are meant to integrate.
I also decided to pull some advice for you. Queen of pentacles, Ten of Swords reversed and Five of Pentacles. This is a very material and non magical advice I feel like, but it can definitely be also applied to your practice. Overall what Im getting is: focus on stability and abundance. A painful end may lead you to be in a difficult material situation for a time so do your best to set up safety foundations for yourself.
I hope this is helpful and please let me know what resonated and what didnt! If you have any of your own interpretations Im also curious about them!
Free magical readings are currently open. Read the pinned post for rules ✨✨
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majowatarot · 1 year
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the trad idea of classical college education is apparently reading the original primary texts behind scientific and mathmetical concepts you learn in high school????? like what is this. reading fucking Galen in a science course???? “this course is so tough, i have an excess of yellow bile due tonight at 11” nobody is allowed to make fun of gender studies ever again. also reading HUCK FINN as a COLLEGE SENIOR???? i hope tuition is like $5
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majowatarot · 1 year
On Spirit Guides
The word spirit guides has a half ton of connotations. To work through all of them is like having to sort rice from salt, and sort that salt into piles depending on how many structures are within each grain. At its base, spirit guide is an umbrella term for a variety of tutelary and guiding spirits. The personal Genius, the Perfect Nature, the Guardian Angel, the Patron Deity, the Familiar spirit can all be considered a spirit guide, as they aid and guide the magus along their path and along their work, providing guidance, protection, power and so on. I think the term spirit guide was coined to describe the phenomena rather than the actual spirit itself.
How does one go about contacting the spirit guide? I'm personally of the mind that since the spirit is, well, a spirit - it has the ability to communicate and does so. There's no limit to its communication, what does limit the communication is the person. A god can most definitely speak, they will do so, it is the person that chooses whether or not to hear.
The first step I would propose would be in the stilling of the mind. The Abramelin operation calls that the magus should do long-term prayers, giving formats and the such - prayer in of itself is a divine action, it stills the mind and increases personal ability and piety, raising the spirit. Beyond that, it acts as a meditation, calming the mind by focusing it on the Divine in some manner or another, from Lady Hekate to Ma Kali during mantra jaap, to The Divine Mysteries presented in the Rosary. So, one would have to find a way to be able to still the mind to hear, not to blot out in the rush of thoughts. Most simply, meditation and prayer can do this.
It isn't going to be quick, mind you, trust me I had to learn that aspect the hard way. The mind is made, in its base, to think and to perceive. It is meant to do that by nature and to try and get it to do absolutely nothing is like trying to hold air with your hands. Rather, we're trying to get the mind to focus on one thing, thus allowing it to rest, like our breathing or our prayer, or our mantra. That takes time but eventually, you'll find that you are able to hold these moments of stillness for longer periods of time. One thing I have noticed is that time in the astral and time in the real world are vastly different. What feels like a few minutes there might be more here, this is the wonderful part of meditation.
The second is the conduit. Spells are physical conduits through which we channel specific energy which then aids us in our affairs, it's like an anchor for the Will to come down from the Subtle into the Material. So too is this represented in Shrines, places where the divine are entreated and that their energy becomes more anchored and focused. It also helps with organization purposes, having all things in one place. Sometimes you might have to deal with spirit politics, for example the Blessed Virgin is not quite fond of Saint Cyprian and every time i placed something of his near her, it always ended up on the floor. So He sits on my downstairs altar while she remains upstairs. I remember one specific tiktok in which the guy said that the pagan gods should not be entreated with shrines as this is a remnant of monotheistic religion. Although I do agree that some spirits are better accessed in their specified realms, there's still the entire issue that there were always religious centers of worship.
So, setting up a small altar would be of good quality. What this altar contains is based on the person. Sometimes, a candle, an incense burner, a plate and a glass of water is good. Each day, go to the altar, light the candle and pray. Spending time there both increases the connection of that altar to the spirit, for one, and also allows for a time where the mind can rest and begin to "hear".
As time passes, you will begin to notice small things. Signs, symbols, angel numbers,s specific animals or occurences that seem consistent and out of place. I know the Gods are present when i do prayers outdoors because the wind will always pick up. After prayers, I will generally see one specific bird and I know "ah, ok, that's them".
When these occur, it is a good sign that your prayers are being heard.
Now let's say you have a specific spirit guide you're entreating. The guardian angel, Saint Michael, an ancestor, a folk saint, Ama Hekate, the Agathos Daimon - having a specific focus during rituals will often bear stronger results because the mind is more focused and the flow is more fluid. This also has the capability that one will also be able to receive specific signs, for one, and also be able to design the altar to better represent that spirit.
Eventually, the small intuitive nudges and occurrences will be come much larger. You may see the spirit in your dreams, you may hear the spirit properly or obtain visions during prayers and ceremonies. Take this all in good faith and know, you've established a strong contact.
Thereafter, you carry on working. In some events, the higher guardian angel, the guardian angel or the agathos might reveal its name for calling. You may be able to invoke this spirit for aid more consistently. It's a long process and one that does have its ups and downs but it is well worth it.
This experience trains the mind to be more receptive but that also comes with a few caveats if one is inexperienced or inconsistent in their cleansings or wardings because you might hear or pick up something that is not quite the best for you.
Anyway, I hope this helps - much love.
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majowatarot · 1 year
Sacred odors then were notably complex. As in the graves of would-be saints, the smell of sanctity often mingled with the stench of decay and death. Ancient cities, Thurkill wrote, were characterized by “the stench of human excrement, refuse and disease, accompanied with soothing floral scents and perfumes.” Sacred smells like frankincense and myrrh were used over the centuries to demarcate sacred space — but also to disinfect and disguise putrid areas. […]
This gave holy smells a fundamentally paradoxical nature. In a world where breathing foul-smelling air was seen as the cause of many diseases, incense was seen as a barrier against illness, and, with its holy associations, against demonic possession. But equally, powerful scents could be used to disguise a deeper decay, or to tempt the pious with worldly delights and bodies. Even bad smells had an ambiguous quality. After all, the rotting stench of a starved ascetic’s mouth was simply more proof of his profound holiness.
It’s this ambiguity about smell, […] that gives scent its power as a theological tool. In addition to its flexible moral significance, the experience of an odor often reflects our understanding of divinity. Like God, smell can surround you from an indeterminate source, filling spaces with its invisible presence. But unlike sound, which might do the same, to experience a smell it must first be taken within, in an act — breathing — that is both life-giving and volitional.
—John Last, The Centuries-Long Quest for the Scent of God, Noema Magazine
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majowatarot · 1 year
Hello! I come with offerings of a really crisp piece of sourdough with warm butter 🧈 🥖 please can you read on what’s coming up in my career? Do you see any new jobs coming my way? Thank you! L 🧚🏼‍♀️ ✨
Hello! I only do readings on magic and spellwork etc unfortunately. Its written in my post :) Good luck with the job though!
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majowatarot · 1 year
Wanted to ask for a tarot reading about my work/relationship with Aratron in comparison to other Olympic spirits, any insight, advice on how to have amenable relationship with him and my future workings with Olympic spirits as a whole. The reading is up to you, it can be public if you want it to be public or can be private.
Hello! Sorry for the long wait on this reading. I fell into an adhd trap of executive dysfunction and i only pushed through rn. Its funny that you are currently working with aratron since saturn has been heavy in my conscience lately due to that very executive dysfunction
But for the actual reading: i decided to lay a seperate pile for your connection with other olympian spirits and for aratron specifically.
Surprisingly the one with aratron seems to be doing a bit better than others. For aratron the leading card is the Four of pentacles and though its reversed it seems that a stable foundation is slowly being built (or had been built) it may be a bit unsure still since its a reversal but I would describe this as growing pains, or time of getting comfortable with each other. Though I wonder if the way your connection works is not through destabilizing you a bit in the material world? Shaking you up a bit, having you question your connection with your comfort zone, the things you hold onto etc etc. Overall whatever is happening seems to be very fruitful as I got both the empress and the queen of wands. I can very much see you getting more powerful both magically and in your material word because of this. I think you have a lot of entusiasm and energy to make this work properly so it seems surprisingly lovely.
When it comes to the other spirits Im getting the Five of Swords and Eight of Swords reversed. Pretty tricky interpretation so feel free to come back around and let me know how you resonate with this. The way I would interpret it is that the connection with other spirits is not as strong. And you may have to watch out for more destabilizing forces. Im not sure what exactly is happening but I can see you “burning yourself” on accident if you are not careful. Your connection with the olympic spirits overall might require very “proper” way of going about things. Im getting the magician as a clarifier and the temperance is at the bottom of the deck so make sure you dont rush the process over here. Make sure to prepare super well for future interactions and that you follow the rules of whatever paradigm you practice magic in. Im not trying to scare you though of course, its just advice.
I also wanted to go in depth on your and aratron’s connection so I pulled two cards for each of you. Your cards are the Fool reversed and Death reversed. Very interesting energy for sure. Whatever is happening the connection can trigger some pretty huge transformation for you. I wonder if you are ready? We both know you are not a fool but I feel like you may be holding onto something that should die, before new birth can take place. You may want something new to show up before you let something old die, but unfortunately thats just not the cycle of life. Aratrons energy is the Seven of Cups reversed as well as Four of Pentacles Reversed once again. Very much a topic of limitation and limits your options/vision. If you are currently trying to manifest something rhrough working with him it may be blocked off from you for a period before you go through the lesson you are meant to integrate.
I also decided to pull some advice for you. Queen of pentacles, Ten of Swords reversed and Five of Pentacles. This is a very material and non magical advice I feel like, but it can definitely be also applied to your practice. Overall what Im getting is: focus on stability and abundance. A painful end may lead you to be in a difficult material situation for a time so do your best to set up safety foundations for yourself.
I hope this is helpful and please let me know what resonated and what didnt! If you have any of your own interpretations Im also curious about them!
Free magical readings are currently open. Read the pinned post for rules ✨✨
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majowatarot · 1 year
i always had a feeling these are bullshit so its really enlightening to hear its a made up zodiac! it makes a lot of sense, since, in contrast to other forms of astrology, “tree zodiac” has never seemed to make sense or hold accuracy
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Celtic Zodiac (Trees)
The Celtic Zodiac is an astrological system that is based on the beliefs and mythology of the ancient Celts, who lived in Europe during the Iron Age and Medieval Periods. The Celtic Zodiac is closely related to the Irish, Welsh, and Scottish cultures, and it is believed to have originated in Ireland around 500 BCE.
The Celtic Zodiac is based on the cycle of the moon and consists of thirteen signs, each of which is associated with a specific tree or plant. Each sign represents a different personality type, and each person is believed to be born under a particular sign.
The thirteen signs of the Celtic Zodiac are:
Birch (December 24 - January 20)
Rowan (January 21 - February 17)
Ash (February 18 - March 17)
Alder (March 18 - April 14)
Willow (April 15 - May 12)
Hawthorn (May 13 - June 9)
Oak (June 10 - July 7)
Holly (July 8 - August 4)
Hazel (August 5 - September 1)
Vine (September 2 - September 29)
Ivy (September 30 - October 27)
Reed (October 28 - November 24)
Elder (November 25 - December 23)
Each sign is associated with specific traits and characteristics, and these are believed to be influenced by the tree or plant that is associated with the sign. For example, people born under the Birch sign are said to be creative and motivated, while those born under the Reed sign are believed to be empathetic and intuitive.
The Celtic Zodiac was an important part of Celtic culture, and it was used for both personal and societal purposes. The signs were used to determine the best time for planting and harvesting crops, as well as for predicting the future and making important decisions. Today, the Celtic Zodiac is still studied and used by those who are interested in Celtic culture and astrology.
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majowatarot · 1 year
I hate the dog-ification of werewolves >:( I by making them happy dumbos it misses the best part of transformative monstrosity: repression. If you aren’t afraid of the beast within what’s the fucking point. It’s the big bad wolf lurking on moonlit nights it’s not your golden retriever in the park at noon. Justice for repression!! Justice for the beast within!! Justice for the fear of who you could be if you really let loose! Is the monster your true self? Does the thrill of the wild outweigh the guilt that comes in the light of day, when there’s mud on your feet and blood on your hands? What does it mean that you crave that which disgusts you, that the wolf isn’t just something you become, it’s something you always were
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majowatarot · 1 year
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majowatarot · 1 year
New Agey channels on YouTube will post the most milquetoast relaxation music and title it with stuff like "BLAST OPEN YOUR CHAKRAS! UNLOCK YOUR THIRD EYE! DON'T LISTEN TO THIS UNLESS YOU'RE READY FOR THE MOST PSYCHIC EXPERIENCES EVER!!!"
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majowatarot · 1 year
What type of witch are you?
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend"
Do you do curses?
"I'm pescatarian"
Can you answer my questions?
"It's Friday, I can't eat meat, I'm making fish tonight".
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majowatarot · 2 years
The Casting of the Circle: An Exercise
I've made a former post that spoke about the circle in occultism, then and now, but I never really made a post describing how it was made. So, that's what this is. Now from the prior post, we established a few things:
The Circle serves to protect the magus against external influences
To create a field of saturated energy
To centre the magus in their own semi-microcosm
To create a liminal space for power.
Furthermore, I gave another post that spoke of a prelimary practice. So, all in all, here's a way of casting the circle.
First off, sunwise or against the sun? This refers to the motion of either going clockwise or counter-clockwise and it's generally accepted that the former is for creating the circle and the latter for dispersing it. That's one way to do, but there are others. Walking against the Sun is representative of walking against the norm, the flow, the Right Hand of the Witch and so is associated with sinistral rites, such as those of cursing, spirit work, initiations into the Path and the like. If one wished to do spirit work in relation to the underworld, one could start at the west and move counterclockwise while saying the incantation of their choice, imagining their circle burrowing into the earth and into the underworld proper. If the magus wanted to do a general ritual, the clockwise would be preferred.
Then we come to the idea of directions. North and East are most noted in the craft because they're both points of power. The South can be used to invoke the elements of fire in the craft, the west for water and spirit work, the north for the earth, and the east for the air and sun. Many more influences can be established here as per the desire and discretion of the magus.
So, we have a base list of work, what now? Well, we begin with the cleansing of the space, to ensure we're not keeping anything we don't want in our circle. To start, we could make khernips, or use holy water, sun water, moon water, a fumigation such as rosemary or frankincense and so on. You can do an elemental cleansing where you sprinkle sanctified water with salt to represent Earth and Water and bring incense around the circle for Fire and Air. A candle can be used to establish all four elements with Fire as the top one, as fire is cleansing.
The circle is then established. Some traditions call for the marking of the circle on the floor with either four quarter marks or something like chalk. In an area where there is dirt, this can be done with a stick but in the home, the former two would suffice well. The marking isn't enough, however, and requires energy to work and so we begin with our first rite:
The Magus sits and focuses on their breathing, drawing the breath down into their feet then up their spine and back and forth ten times. One the last breath, the magus begins to feel an orb of golden energy above their head. Its very presence is enough to shape the energy around it as it vibrates with a warmth and feeling of electricity. This is the representation of the Divine Energy, or the Cosmic Energy, or the state of Wu Ji, Shen or Universal Qi. The magus draws this done into their head, they feel their brain and all sections therein igniting with divine consciousness. They draw it down into their heart where it begins to infuse their body with cosmic energy, they say:
Descendat Columba, I call upon the Holy Powers of the Cosmos to grant me compassion and wisdom. Enlighten my mind and suffuse my spirit with Great Benevolence that I may act in this work with conscious wisdom and peace. Through the Stars, the Sun and the Moon, may it be so.
The Magus then feels that light permeate through their body, through their aura and into the space around them. They focus on the firmness of the floor beneath their feet and feel the thrumming of the earth beneath it. Using their breath , they draw up a second line of energy into their feet and up their body, feeling it warm their legs and their abdomen before reaching their heart and uniting with the Celestial Energy there. They say:
Ascendat Serpens, I call upon the Sanctity of the Earth to grant me will and clarity. Enlighten my mind and suffuse my spirit with Great Benevolence that I may act in this work with consistently and focus. Through the Five Sanctious Elements, Their Rulers and their Powers, may it be so.
The magus feels the energy begin to permeate their aura and their body. They sit for a brief moment and allow the energies in the heart to play together, the magus then brings their hands into prayer position at their heart and says:
Heaven and Earth, come together manifest Wisdom into Form and Form into Wisdom, that through the Holy Jewels, the Sacred Earth, I may obtain the Sanctity of Illumination, succor for me great wisdom and dignity. So May it be.
Feeling this energy form in their body, the magus then focuses on expanding it outwards, feeling it shift the air around them to a space more conducive to their work and stopping at the desired length. It goes upwards and downwards, forming a sphere of powerful energy around the magus:
Through Empyrean Heights and the Chthonic Depths, through the Five Elements, the Holy Stars, the Sun and the Moon, this space is gathered and brought into being, made manifest by Will. May it stand to guard me against the forces malign and hindering to my work. So may it be.
This is a basic guideline for the casting of a circle, it is not firm nor concreate, one is able to experiment and decide on a system that best suits them in their practice.
Now we begin with the four quarters, as said - the four quarters resonate to the four elements and each element has a power and a guardian. By doing the invocation of the four quarters, you create a small microcosm, reflecting the energy from the Unmanifest as the circle and the four columns at the quarters, which represent the Four Pillars of the Universe. It is also a good way of invoking elemental energy and upon the casting - the magus may then proceed to the main element of their choice and say a further invocation. The simple format for each of the quarters are:
I call upon and raise the quarter of the (Direction: north, south, east, west), Holiest Power of (Element), protect this space, empower it with your pneuma, through the Eternal IAO. Exat!
Thereafter, an invocation may be said to the specific element that is desired such as:
Open the Gates of the Sacred Watchtower of the (Direction), Cardinal of (Element), I call forward the powers of (Element) to aid me in this work that (Statement of Intent), through the Eternal IAO, exat!
The banishing is then simple, the magus goes to each of the quarters, gives thanks with prostration with an incantation such as:
Hail to you, Guardians, Spirits and Powers of the (Direction), Watchtower of (element), as you have come in peace, may we depart in peace and may glory remain between us, with us, forever and ever. Amen.
The Circle can then be banished by way of drawing the energy back into the self and it being grounded, or placed into the altar. An alternative is to bring it back into the heart then raise the right hand up and the left hand down saying:
Heaven unto Heaven, Earth unto Earth, may the Polarities be balanced and Unity achieved. Amen.
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majowatarot · 2 years
hello~ its been a long time coming but i think i really need my roommates out. not in a banishment or baneful way though and thats where im finding it problematic to know how to go about it 🕵️‍♀️ whether its them all of a sudden finding something better, or whatever. (just so that my involvement is minimized and they dont hate me even more (incompatibility to an uncomfortable degree)) i think i want to try getting some entity involved but im not sure which one. i have some experience with planetary energies and greek pantheon so i was thinking mercury? what would be your way of going about this?
Hello again!
Banishment should not understood to be baneful or mean. If we consider the word, we might come to this conclusion: that you have authority over your space, and that you claim your authority to such a degree that you have a right to send people away whom you no longer want to be in contact with.
Banishment, at its core, is that you as the practitioner have a right to choose to send away someone. We can make this a very nice sending away (omg! dream job opportunity across the country!) or a very mean one.
You say you do not want this person to hate you even more - have you built a personal protection for yourself against this person?
I recommend Saturn and a broom, or a rock. A waning moon, a Saturday. Find your ritual zone, and cast away. Sweep the house often with intent. Conjure energies that are counter to their way of being.
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majowatarot · 2 years
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majowatarot · 2 years
You don’t need to go into a mantic trance to receive “more correct” prophecies.
Oracles of Apollo actively used other divinatory methods. The Pythia used other divinatory methods. They interpreted dice and lots, they didn’t just constantly use an Ancient “godphone”; it was a rare occassion seen as special because of the preparation it took to partake in - not because it was more right to do.
You don’t need a godphone to be a good diviner. You don’t need to subject yourself to a complicated ritual of trance divination to be a good diviner. Use whatever feels right. You’re fine.
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majowatarot · 2 years
Glaze is out!
Tired of having your artwork used for AI training but find watermarks dismaying and ineffective?
Well check this out! Software that makes your Art look messed up to training AIs and unusable in a data set but nearly unchanged to human eyes.
I just learned about this. It's in Beta. Please read all the information before using.
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