maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
I...can’t deny that one..
Yesterday morning, I was waiting for the city bus to take me to where I do my volunteering work… Finally the bus rolls up, the doors open and kids pour out as I hear the driver yell. “So kids, it’s nice out. A nice day not to die!” I knew what was coming… I step on the bus and put my money in. Driver motions out the window to the high school across the street from the bus stop and asks me, “what, don’t feel like going to school?” “I’m out of school, actually,” was my super smooth answer, but he gave me a surprised look and laughed. ”Well, lucky you!” ………….. He thought I meant I wasn’t in school today. Oi.  "I’m 21 and going to work, sir…“ He gave me the biggest ‘yeah sure you are’ look as I grabbed my ticket and went to sit down out of his talking range…
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
Y’know, I haven’t had that issue yet! Apparently you really do look younger than me.
Though I get the opposite, they lower the bus for me because I look ‘weak’ or something. (to be fair, I am.. but apparently it shows)
Yesterday morning, I was waiting for the city bus to take me to where I do my volunteering work… Finally the bus rolls up, the doors open and kids pour out as I hear the driver yell. “So kids, it’s nice out. A nice day not to die!” I knew what was coming… I step on the bus and put my money in. Driver motions out the window to the high school across the street from the bus stop and asks me, “what, don’t feel like going to school?” “I’m out of school, actually,” was my super smooth answer, but he gave me a surprised look and laughed. ”Well, lucky you!” ………….. He thought I meant I wasn’t in school today. Oi.  "I’m 21 and going to work, sir…“ He gave me the biggest ‘yeah sure you are’ look as I grabbed my ticket and went to sit down out of his talking range…
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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Houkago no Pleiades; Episode 4 Eyecatch
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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Houkago no Pleiades; Episode 3 Eyecatch
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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My idea of what Mega Leafeon could look like. I absolutely adore the Eevee line (as a lot of people do..) and Leafeon is amongst my favorites!
Should I do the rest of the Eevee line as Megas?
P.S. Apologies for my horrible drawing skills...
P.P.S. Yes that is a giant leaf as a tail, I mean it already had a leaf tail so why not make it... bigger? :D
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
He fell asleep in my hood
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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So my cat Kaylee was sleeping in a funny position.
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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So I’ve been working on a set of twin OCs and I’ve only started on this one so far. I don’t have a name for her yet but I do have some information on her and her twin. (Quick note: She doesn’t actually have purple eyes. I was just messing around.)
This girl has been deaf since birth and because of this she has a strong speech impediment. She knows this and is always very embarrassed to talk around anyone. She knows sign language, as does her mute twin (I’m doing a crap ton of research into that too, I don’t want to offend anyone or do anything wrong in writing them) and the two will often communicate this way.
I’m still deciding on whether to make her twin a male or female, if female I can’t decide on whether to do fraternal or identical... Tough decisions. I’m leaning more towards male because I already have two sets of female twin OCs so it would make sense to change it up a bit.
*edit* I completely forgot to mention I used a base with this, I’ll have to find the link to it later
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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Houkago no Pleiades; Episode 2
They are totally girlfriends and no one can tell me otherwise.
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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Houkago no Pleiades; Episode 2 Eyecatch
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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Houkago no Pleiades; Episode 1 Eyecatch
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
Watching OUaT? More like
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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I honestly think my computer wants me dead
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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Fate wtf happened to your hair where did it aLL GO??
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
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maki-fuu-blog · 9 years
nico-karin and I work for the SPCA as volunteers, we are at the petsmart 3 days a week to play and care for the kitties waiting to be adopted. Most of the cats we get are adults, and many have some problem or another. We’ve actually had multiple cats with neurological issues, ones with no ears, a missing eyes and missing legs, deaf ones, ones with breathing issues, blind ones, everything under the sun. Every single adult cat we’ve gotten has been the sweetest, most loving thing ever.
The one-legged one? Adored jumping into our laps and giving us cuddles and hugs and stuff. The deaf one? Would come RUNNING every time he noticed we were looking for its attention and would play with everything. The neurologically challenged one? Struggled to walk around and did look a little funny but my goodness was he the most loving cat you will ever meet.
We’ve had a fair amount of kittens, and each set is nearly the same as the next. All stereotypically ‘cute’ looking and just... playful. They don’t really love you because they’re too busy exploring and you have no idea (like the comic says) what your getting. Remember, they only stay a kitten for 1/10th of their life. And yet, when we get a bunch of adult cats and a few kittens, the kittens all go instantly. It breaks our hearts to see because we always can see just how loving and caring these other cats are.
Please, if you’re adopting, give an adult cat a try. I promise you, you won’t regret it.
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This was meant to be a quick warm up, but it turned into a comic that I’ve wanted to draw for a while. This is something that is extremely important to me, and I appreciate it if you read it.
A while ago, I heard a story that broke my heart. A family went a cat shelter to adopt. The daughter fell in love with a 3-legged cat. The father straight up said “absolutely not”. Because he was missing a leg. That cat was that close to having a family that loved him, but the missing leg held him back. Why?!
Many people have the initial instinct of “nope” when they see an imperfect animal. I get it, but less-adoptable does NOT mean less loveable. 9 out of 10 people will choose a kitten over an adult cat. And those 10% that would get an adult cat often overlook “different” animals.
All I want people to do is be open to the idea of having a “different” pet in their lives. Choose the pet that you fall in love with, but at least give all of them a fair shot at winning your heart.
Don’t dismiss them, they deserve a loving home just as much as any other cat. They still purr, they still love a warm lap, they still play, they still love you. Trust me, next time you are in the market for a new kitty, just go over to that one cat that’s missing an eye and see what he’s all about!
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