malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
I know it’s a little early on the Christmas front, but I wanted to get these out early so you could enjoy it throughout the holiday on your tree or wherever you choose to hang it! I’m so happy to have found your friendship this year! Merry Christmas!
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
[ text ] In all honesty I can only write with one hand right now, and it's my left so it would look funny, but if I can help at all let me know. [ text ] You're sweet
[TEXT]: Maybe ask some of your friends to do it? And if you want to send me some messages, I’ll make some for you.
[TEXT]: Oh, it’s nothing.
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
[ text ] For a practical stranger?
[TEXT]: We do it all the time.
[TEXT]: When Sarah’s Mom went to rehab the last time, even though she wasn’t 100% sure where Mama went, I told her that Mama was sick, and she needed Get Well cards to make her feel better. Sarah asked if there were other people, and I said yes. We made cards for as many people as possible. They all went to the hospital the next week, and it made quite a few people’s days.
[TEXT]: We’re doing it again this year for a local psychiatric hospital. The Mighty does something similar. 
[TEXT]: I know you probably aren’t alone. I just don’t want you to feel it. I don’t know your situation, but holiday cards always make people feel better... right?
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
[ text ] There's nothing for you to be sorry for. [ text ] You don't have to send me anything.
[TEXT]: I hate hearing you’re in pain.
[TEXT]: Think of it as an early Christmas gift. 
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
[ text ] ... the hospital.
[TEXT]: I’m so sorry.
[TEXT]: What room? I’m going to send something up.
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
I’ll trade you, I like, never cry.
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Unless I’m pissed af, which, also doesn’t happen often.
I don’t mind it. I think being a dad just made me softer.
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I cry when I’m frustrated. I just get real quiet when I’m mad.
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
[ text ] Why not? She's going to grow up selfless. That's pretty awesome.
[TEXT]: I sure hope so.
[TEXT]: Where are you?
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
[ text ] You're incredibly sweet and I definitely don't deserve it. [ text ] Sarah is a lucky girl to have a father like you!
[TEXT]: Everyone deserves kindness. Love always wins.
[TEXT]: I wouldn’t go that far.
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
[ text ] I'm sorry. No, things are pretty bad right now. But I can't ask you for anything, you don't really know me and you have your own responsibilities.
[TEXT]: Well, ma’am, I sometimes know talking to a stranger who has no bias is easier than asking someone you know for help.
[TEXT]: I once vented my whole struggles to a Jewish grandmother on the subway once. We’ve all been through hard stuff, and it’d be bad of us to not help one another when someone else is down.
[TEXT]: Even if it’s just some coffee, or Sarah making you a Christmas card, let me know.
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
Please don’t cry. Dudes crying is a weakness of mine.
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I cry too much sometimes.
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
My parents are coming up, and I’m so stressed, oh my God, they are meeting Sarah, seeing my tiny apartment, hopefully giving me money because I might get another job and take online classes, and they are meeting Sarah. What?! I can’t believe it. I might cry.
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Happy finals, by the way. Make sure you get sleep-- and send some my way. It’s been a crazy week. I’ve been saying my Hail Mary over and over, in hopes of getting some strength.
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
Is anyone looking to celebrate the end of finals (my finals) in a safe and sober manner?
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If you mean by sleeping, yes. 
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
The best way to celebrate the fact it’s Friday? Drinking at 3 am.
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I prefer sleeping.
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
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Well, all my finals are over.  Anyone else done and want to celebrate?
Care if a 2 year old tags along?
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
Break is way too far away.
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You okay, man?
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
[ text ] I actually meant to message you, I won't be able to for a while now...
[TEXT]: Is everything okay?? Do you need anything?
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malachiwilde-blog · 7 years
[ text ] Sure, how does Tuesday sound? :)
[TEXT]: Sorry this is late. My phone got shut off.
[TEXT]: Maybe next Tuesday? Sarah’s been sick, it’s finals week.
[TEXT]: I’m struggling in my own personal hell.
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