malfgang · 1 year
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malfgang · 1 year
I said I wanted to make Nancy recognize Johnny's existence (as her son) publicly, but wouldn't it be better to have her show (just as publicly) how much of a trans-/homophobic bint she is? So that she would be fucking cancelled by Sims all around the world, and lose her company (to Mal, for now, I decided he was "only" COO) because of the scandal?
I mean, I still have time to decide, since I'm way ahead in my making of stuff (this time should be a magazine spread, if I manage to write it - I only read scientific mags, so I'm not well versed in the way other mags "work", i.e. I don't know how to write an interview)(well, that plus a few Simstagram posts for Johnny/Mal side of the "storyline").
Anyway, I have a few renders to make before I have to worry about writing my article, so...
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malfgang · 1 year
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Oh, oh.
So, Alfie got into another fight with Kiyoshi over a text Mal sent him, then went to a club with Wolfie to vent some of his frustration (even if it's SO not Wolfie's scene; he just can't say no to Alfie). There was a looooot of drinking involved (might have been some other substances too, but shh!), and well... The heat, the booze, the maybe-drugs, the fed-up sentiment Alfie's been feeling for too long (plus some remains of his past crush for his friend, associated with the current massive crush from Wolfie on Alfie) led to some dance floor kissing and more in the toilets of the club (see under the cut; nothing explicit per se, but heavily suggested).
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malfgang · 1 year
you ever accidentally create a recurring theme in your writing. you start putting together an outline for something you’ve never written before and get partway through planning, rearrange the pieces, and go “GODDAMMIT THIS IS ABOUT GRIEF AGAIN”? because let me tell you,
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malfgang · 1 year
Active Simblr’s?
It’s hard to find active blogs in my current bubble, but I really want to see what other people are doing (cc, gameplay, lookbooks etc.). I look through my latest followers from time to time and follow back when I see Sims content, but this is not the best solution. There are probably a lot of small blogs that don’t get any attention, because no one sees them and it demotivates the blog owner resulting in leaving Simblr again.
So, if you’re an active Sims blogger (preferably Sims 4), like and/or reblog this post so I can check out your content and expand my current bubble! And others can check out the reblogs/likes and find new blogs too.
Maybe this will make Simblr more fun again (at least for me) 🤗
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malfgang · 1 year
I was looking at entries on Fandom for the different iterations of Mal through the different Sims games, and:
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Looks like my Malcolm.
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malfgang · 1 year
I'm working on something (well, two something, but one is only Mal-related) for the Landgraabs, and I'm wondering what positions Nancy and Mal have in Landgraab Industries. CEO/COO or Chairwoman/CEO?
I mean, Mal is not yet 23, so CEO is a bit much (tbh, COO seems too, but: it's the Landgraabs; they don't worry about such things - at least Nancy, and she forced her son to come and work with her). But CEO!Mal is quite an attractive idea...
I just don't know. Maybe Nancy became chairwoman and let Mal be CEO to have more time for her two little girls (yeah, in my save, she got pregnant twice, so Mal has two sisters - one is a toddler, and the other a newborn/maybe-infant-by-now), though I don't see Nancy Landgraab prioritizing her family above money, but what do I know? Maybe she doesn't want her younger children to be (as she put it) "degenerates" as she considers Mal to be (and no, she doesn't even acknowledge Johnny's existence)(mainly because she doesn't recognize that he is a "he", trans-/homophobic bint that she is). So yeah, maybe she wants to be more hands-on with her daughters' education (poor kids).
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malfgang · 1 year
Oh no. I caught Jeb Harris feels.
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malfgang · 1 year
I'm re-making portraits of the boys (because: reasons), and I have to physically fight myself to not just let Mal be naked (really, it's a crime to hide this body under clothes*). Same thing for Wolfie, actually, but it because I wanna show his tattoos off, since I added quite a few when (I'm pretty sure, he'll have some more, sooner or later, this man can't stay away from a tattoo parlour)(or if he can't go, he just does some stick'n'poke).
*I may be ace, but I have eyes (and damn, isn't he hot af)
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malfgang · 1 year
Groovy times
A wallpaper & flooring pack.
Wallpapers: 60 swatches (patterned) Floorings: 50 swatches (patterned) + 15 swatches (fluffy carpet in solid colors)
DOWNLOAD (Patreon - free, as always)
🔸 Don’t claim as yours 🔸 Don’t re-upload 🔸 Eat broccoli! 🥦 🔸 Enjoy! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Preview under the cut
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malfgang · 1 year
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Alfie: Why were you so aggressive with Mal, tonight? He's your best friend.
Kiyoshi: Umpf... As if. He's a dick. And you know why.
A: Ki... Stop.
K, starting to be agitated: No, Alfie, I won't. He is a fucking dick who keeps trying to get in your pants.
A: He doesn't.
K: He kept hugging you! He's as bad as the Gloom.
A: One, will you stop calling Wolfie that? And two, he hugged me twice. It was my birthday party. Everyone hugged me. Tabitha must have done it, like, a dozen times.
K, more agitated: She's your aunt, it doesn't count. But those two assholes? They can't touch you.
A: I wonder if you would say the same thing if it were someone else other than Tabi. Like Morgan.
K: Morgan would rather die than hug anyone. (sounding dangerous) And I don't like what you're suggesting.
A: What? That you're in love with her? I'm not suggesting it. It's a fact.
K, angry, shouting: What's a fact is that fucking Landgraab is in love with you! And you encourage him! Both of them!
A: How? I don't encourage anything, with anyone. I can't control what they feel.
K: Then stop seeing them.
A: What? No! They're my friends. You can't tell me who I can be friends with, Ki.
K: Yes, I can. You're MY fucking boyfriend, not theirs!
A: Ki... Be reasonable. Please. I told you countless times. I only love you.
K, still shouting: You were in love with the Gloom before we got together!
A: I had a crush, and it passed! I love you! Come on, Ki. You know that.
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malfgang · 1 year
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malfgang · 1 year
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malfgang · 1 year
rb and respond with your top unromanceable video game character/s that you think should have been romanceable
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malfgang · 1 year
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Today, I come with a recolour of a BG t-shirt I started because I needed something specific for my beloved Wolfgang. Then, it got out off hands, and well, why not share it?
-60 swatches (including 20 solid colours - no specific palette) -BGC -For male, but not restricted, so should work with female sims too -most designs are textures lifted (and sometimes modified - like the first one on the preview) from CP77 or Fallout
🔸 Don’t claim as yours 🔸 Don’t re-upload 🔸 Eat broccoli! 🥦 🔸 Enjoy! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
DOWNLOAD (Patreon - always free)
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malfgang · 1 year
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Just Malcolm casually posing for [REDACTED].
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malfgang · 1 year
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A little something I forgot to mention about Alfie and Kiyoshi's relationship: not only Kiyoshi is extremely jealous of Alfie's friendship with Wolfie (he knows that before they got together, Alfie had a massive crush on his friend - Wolfie rejected him when he confessed -, and thinks that it's still the case) and Malcolm (who he knows is in love with Alfie), but, hypocrite that he is, Kiyoshi has a big crush on Tabitha (he even confessed to her - while in a relationship with her nephew!).
Alfie, though hurt, doesn't even is jealous (mainly because he knows nothing would even happen, as Tabitha is a lesbian), and he forgives all the verbal abuse Kiyoshi gives him (yes, this is a very toxic relationship, even if it didn't start like that); even make excuses, like: it's not his fault, he had a hard life, with his father verbally abusing him because of his sexuality and throwing him in the streets (Alfie's new step-dad, Simon, convinced - quite easily, as she wasn't opposed to it to begin with, Alfie's mother to let Kiyoshi live with them).
So, here we have Kiyoshi checking on Tabitha, and being sad that she doesn't want him, right in front of Alfie (and Wolfie in the back, who swears that Kiyoshi will pay if he continues to hurt his friend).
(I never intended for those two to have such a toxic relationship, they were actually very sweet at first, they even exchange promise rings, but then Kiyoshi developed a crush on Tabitha, and well... I rolled with it)
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