mallowofmuses · 12 days
The more they cherish this affectionate exchange, he can feel the tension easing to fade this headache. His fingers twirled into her hair, lacing the texture into a ball at first before stroking it. It was a pleasant touch, especially feeling her cheekbone with his thumb.
"Maybe..." He leaned in with warm breath against her neck, a huff of air before smooching the bite marks. A tint of green light illuminated from his lips, cleansing any stiffness behind her neck muscles. It was a pinch of his magic, not enough to feel more fatigued.
He pressed down on her clavicle, his palm massaging the bone to ease any discomfort behind it. He cupped her shoulder muscles before squeezing it, leaning in to kiss her other shoulder to try and make her relaxed and contented.
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"All the battles we fought; you deserve this more than anything." A brief sigh, his fingers wrapping around to feel up her back underneath, intending to massage any physical strain.
Small shivers crawled upon her skin thanks to his gentle touch, a contrast to what she experienced in battle. But it Is these soft moments that she wishes to cherish and and imprint upon her flesh, these tender times were worth all the pain and struggle.
Because, in the end, you only live once why not seize those rare moments?
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"Heh, I doubt we will have to work too hard today. Not many creatures decide to attack my family village...except giants.....but those have become like an annual occurrence " she added with a soft chuckle reaching her hand behind his back, sliding fingertips down his spine gently.
"However, maybe with you here there will be fewer wounded civilians..." she added with a soft whisper leaning in to slide her lips down his cheek.
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mallowofmuses · 1 month
Send “How many shots would it take for you to sleep with ___ ?” questions for my muse’s response!
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mallowofmuses · 1 month
"Complicated at first, but that's just how it is to learn the ropes. Not every group is the same." The only difference is the brutality that associates with this establishment. It was a new experience, witnessing intestines poured out from a man's stomach, or decapitating until the walls were sprayed from the jugular, a deep scarlet layer of blood staining the room.
There was disgust but eventually, she seemed to take some delight into that ghastly act.
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She crossed her legs before leaning back against the seat with cup in hand. "Years fly after you pile more bodies. I never knew she had so much attention with outside rivals."
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"I'll get us some fruit tea then!" she waved to one of the waitresses and made an order for two cups for them. Toying with a streak of curly brown hair she offers Meryl that dazzling playful smile. "Hmmm, maybe a lil over 10 years, ah time files sugah and I don't really keep the accurate dates on that. But yeah, madam is mah savior so to say. How do you like it here so far?"
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mallowofmuses · 1 month
The entirety of his body slumped like a pancake, a sigh in comfort of her luscious arms providing security. He fluttered his eyes shut, before opening them again to trail smooches across her collarbones. Each chaste kiss left a popping after sound, each one lingering in his ear like serene pleasantness.
His index traced around her shoulder down to her bicep, his palm cupping the firm muscle and then a caress, feeling down her arm until his fingers interlaced with hers.
"You might need it more rest than me." A gentle murmur before sliding up more until they were face to face. "Who knows what this day might provide after all." His breath lingered against her jawline and then a warm smile, their lips pressed together under this exchange.
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One last kiss against her cheek as he nests himself under her chin. "But I'm sure the goblins and every creature out there we came across, they'll be too scared to fend us off. A name for ourselves, a fright to some, but I'm not close to being 'scary' at all."
He's just a healer he thought to himself.
Unlike him, she could handle the drinks much easier, since growing up in such a culture it was normal for her to learn how to handle herself even in the worst drunken state. Still, she found him charming when he was taking the challenge, much different from what he was used to but...being so accepting and trying new things, is something she adored about him. So spending a night like that was a pleasure on its own, one she would not mind repeating sometime again.
Snickering as he cuddled up into her and laid his head on top she would warp her strong arms around him in an almost protective manner. At the same time, she gently kissed the top of his hair.
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"Hehe it was more than lovely, but relax for now you need rest sweetheart " she would hum quietly letting him use her as a cushion as she too was not in the rush to get out of bed. Moments like these were rare and she preferred to cherish them before they were forced to go back to everyday mundane life.
"Nah, nothing I cant handle, rest assured you were adorable and quite bold as well~"
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mallowofmuses · 1 month
@tribus-semitae |x|
If there any energy left in his system, he would've bounced away with many layers of redness across his face. He could argue that this was a dream; it's not real, but he didn't want to fight with himself right now.
He attempted to lift himself up from bed, elbows propped behind him to fully sit up with a numbing surge of pain across the back of his head. His breathe smelt like lemon mixed with mint, the taste lingering behind the back of his tongue as his face scrunched up from the bitter sensation.
What happened last night? Those were his first initial thoughts.
All he could muster up is a drinking content of some sort. A burly broad-shouldered barbarian, with a beard as long as a sea-serpent, questioned his manhood for drinking tea all the time, resulting the offended healer to accept the challenge.
There was little idea as how it got resolved, but there was no care if he won or not. It was a meaningless challenge; one he should've denied. He tried to recollect as much as possible, but the bigger picture was mostly a blur. Two naked bodies grasped together and a needy kiss, sloppy within their exchange along with a bite and suck of the neck. He palmed his mouth to rid away this strange sensation across his lips, his teeth irritating him but there was nothing in there.
He turned to her abruptly and realization struck him. However, he proceeded to snuggle up beside her, pushing his body into her up until he was lying on top with head in between her bosoms. "The ale tasted like poor quality piss." He muttered tiredly with eyes closed, her body providing better comfort than the hard mattress beneath them. No wonder was back stiff earlier. "But least it's better than my people's beverages. I can give you guys that."
Shin sucked his lips in, negating himself from getting another taste. Instead, he wrapped his arms wrapped underneath and around her well-built body, trying to find more comfort in her warmth.
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"Last night, I hope I didn't-" He paused for a few seconds. "It was lovely." He leaned up to peck her neck riddled with a few hickeys, easing any pain behind them. "I'm sure I was a handful. Admittedly, don't remember how I acted or how I behaved."
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mallowofmuses · 2 months
@redlips-blooddrops-deux |x|
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"Any tea is ideal." Meryl prefers coffee, but this works instead. She laid her jacket on the top rail of the chair before taking a seat. "How long have you been working under her? Everyone here have been here long-term. Unless that's just me."
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mallowofmuses · 2 months
He flicked his finger index and thumb to light a minor spark near her torch. It didn't affect his energy whatsoever. "Last thing we need is a spider nest or rats hiding in the dark."
"Don't linger in there for too long. We need to stick together if something happens." He opens his side pack to give her a necklace. "Wear this, it'll horde off some entities, not all of them, but who knows if we're dealing with them in here."
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"As much as I hate the little crawlers, they don't really bother me compared to other things we dealt with."
"Mmmm, as much as I would like to go down and try our luck, maybe we should take a short break " She didn't want to further exhaust him honestly, and she also wanted to take care of a few things independently.
Letting him take a break she kneels down to open her backpack looking for things that might help them along the way. Thankfully she did pack two torches for these sorts of situations.
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"Got something to light a fire luv? We better not go in blindly there, Gods knows if there are any creepy crawlies hiding among the shadows "
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mallowofmuses · 2 months
There were stairs leading down into the dark depths. It was definitely a dungeon, the place where they needed to go to find treasures.
"It seems like it, I don't hear anything in the wind. No echoes, nothing yet. So, we're good in the clear." He leans back against the stone wall, taking his time to rejuvenate his energy right now.
Take a deep breath and then stand back up. He managed to do so with the help of the wall.
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"Stupid legs, i despise being weak." He attempts to plod to her. "Are you sure you're ready now to descend now to whatever's done there?"
"We will take a break for a bit, not gonna go in too deep..." She would observe the walls and ground of the cave as they stepped in. For now, there were no signs of life yet but she kept her senses up just in case. Slowly she would move deeper making sure to still have the entrance behind close by, she would kneel down helping Shin to sit down.
"Take it easy do what you need, I'll keep the watch for now "
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One thing she had going for her was her stamina, so she did not need that much rest. Squinting her eyes to the far deep end of the cave she wondered if they found something more interesting. "You think this place might be a dungeon of sorts? "
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mallowofmuses · 2 months
He couldn't mutter a coherent sentence. All he can do is rest his head on top of her shoulder with eyes closed. It was pleasant to take a break without feeling the frigid breeze across his skin.
It didn't take long to see a cave right up ahead. The insides were hard to distinguish by how dark it was. Judging by the exterior, it was large enough to shelter a mammoth.
Peaking with one eye opened, he tried to muster a warning to her.
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"Careful, make sure there's nothing in there before we can rest up a bit. I need the rest." Who knows how deep the descent is. If it's truly an underground dungeon, they're at the right place.
Magic was truly something outstanding, she never truly had a grasp on it, and in reality, she was not the type to patiently unravel its mysteries. However, she admired those who did, Shin being more than capable of helping whenever the opportunity arose and he would really make their travels easier.
As soon as the cold wind stopped blowing in their direction she let out a relieved sigh, but when she saw Shin fall on the cold ground she would quickly pick him up and let him rest on her back.
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"Thanks love, you are a miracle worker hehe, come on I'll do the walking from now on, we shouldn't be too far from our goal so...bear with it a bit more "
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mallowofmuses · 3 months
@tribus-semitae |x|
"Well yes, but-" He sighed. "That would require so much energy out of me." The blizzard is getting worse, and a hindrance like that will only complicate their journey. "No, it's fine. I rather be moving on without freezing to death. Hold still, okay? This will only take a few seconds."
He released a white ball of energy before transferring it around them into a transparent forcefield, blocking out any wind currents aiming their way.
Unfortunately for him, he fell face first into the thick snowy floor, exhausted and mumbling incoherent whines of how his legs aren't working anymore.
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"Eh..bleh eh....." Shin tried to form words, but none are coming out.
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mallowofmuses · 4 months
It wasn't a surprise to see her discouraged after an incident like that. It's begging to go back home, shutting the curtains and leave the outside world to bask into its chaotic uncontrolled mess. that's the reality of it, and everyone need to get used to that fact someday.
"Every Saturday, they hold up the petting zoo in the...zoo. We can go there; they always have rabbits." It's better than watching monkey dung flung into the direction of annoying tourists. She held her hand to make way to the event. "Don't be afraid of the hawks, they won't bite." A simple reassurance before they make it there.
There seems to be three rabbits in total. One was enthusiastic, hopping around constantly with no stop whatsoever. Second seems to be sleeping on a chair, while the third and final rabbit is under the chair, shy with its ears down.
The energetic rabbit sniffed Nunnelly before bumping its head against her leg eagerly.
"Think little pal wants you to pet him." An amused chuckle, an interesting personality for a bunny.
Hopefully she's in good spirits now.
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Nunnally enjoyed the zoo. But she was trying to tone down her enthusiasm. She was trying to stay close to Meryl’s side and not to cause unnecessary problems. It was a perfect time for her until they reached golden snob-nosed monkeys. It was not that things went south immediately as Nunnally was enjoying the monkey. .
..until that happened…
The mud. The dirty shirt. Meryl’s comment. And that was, indeed, that comment that made Nunnally break apart. Her head went down and Meryl could hear a deep sigh followed by a long moment of silence. A silence that lasted until the princess spoke (or rather whispered) again: –
“I often feel like that monkey. When they make me stand on the balcony or ride in the open carriage. Smile and wave.” – she looked at the peacock, although even its beauty was not able to cheer her up – “Though I cannot even throw dirt at them.” – was she ungrateful? Probably she was.
“I am sorry. It’s just…” – just sometimes she did not want to be a doll showed to the world for entertainment and she often felt one; though Nunnally was aware that was her job to do – “Sometimes…I just would like to have a more average life…” – she shrugged – “Though we are what we are…” – she tried to smile, but it was difficult.
“Have you ever wanted to be someone else?”
She looked at a peacock and observing the bird let her get composed again.
“I’d like to see the rabbits… You mentioned you can feed them…?”
Though perhaps they should head home…?
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mallowofmuses · 4 months
@metalheaduo |x|
He kept that menacing stare to withhold some semblance of confidence within himself. Her presence won't deter him to absolute fear.
All of a sudden, eyes widened almost immediately, arms wrapping around her neck to keep himself from falling.
This was utterly embarrassing, even more so with how close his face was to hers. He leaned away with cheeks lighting up to a dark red.
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"YES, I AM SURE!" Shin crossed his arms against his chest. "YOU HAVE AMAZING STRENGTH, THAT'S FOR SURE! I didn't know your muscles were made out of pure iron. You can easily lift up a bear for all I know!" He sighed out of annoyance, despite complimenting her.
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mallowofmuses · 5 months
Past dilemmas associating with his desire for travel was never acceptable in his household, nor his hometown in general. All had a role to play, building a better society without stranding away into the unknown plains.
He was one of them; if not the only one who was bold enough to travel alone and meet all kinds of characters, one of them was his barbarian friend here.
"She can get lonely. It's best, as a son, to visit from time to time. No one else here visits her unfortunately." The pets aren't enough to alleviate the lonesome atmosphere, but they're enough without falling into a state of depression, with her mind all to herself.
His mother came back and gestured them both to sit on the living room couch. She offered two cups of green tea on the table before sitting down on her own personal wooden chair.
"So, mind if I ask who you are? You haven't been taking my son to these 'dangerous adventures' are you? I know how your kind behaves. And I'm mostly concerned how much my Shin endured out there."
Her eyes glanced at him with firm intimidating eyes, hoping her son is listening intently. "And it's sacrilegious, if you two are romantically involved. That's not acceptable here. Friends is one thing. But I wouldn't forgive a vulgar person for tainting my Shin's pure soul." She glared at Vanya.
It seems his mother is questioning if they're truly friends or not. She suspicioned his son was forced into a relationship. He wished to open his mouth to clear up the misunderstanding again, but no matter what he says, it won't get through her skull. They never agree on anything after all. He thinks it's best to let her rant irrationally before saying anything.
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There was a rule here. It's imperative that healers marry each other to keep the tradition alive. It's punishable if one were to date a different race. If they knew it was a barbarian, one would be chastised severely than usual.
Vanya could not help but raise a brow, now she may be brash but this lady was not beating around the bushes wasn't she? Her people may have been on the crude side but even they welcomed people despite being vastly different. Seems like the same could be said for Shin's hometown. Ah well, she was already prepared to meet plenty of prejudice.
"It's a lovely home you have madam, cozy I must say " she spoke simply remembering her mothers advice that sometimes it's better to put your claws back. However, having a small bird landing on her head did cause her to chuckle softly at the little critter.
"Pleasure is all mine little Zander!" she adds with a broad grin reaching her hand to gently tap the small bird's beak if it allows her.
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Shaking her head she wanted to reassure him that all was well, but the more she observed him the more she noticed his posture. He was rigid as if he was tied up and unable to sit more comfortable. Was he truly happy to visit his home?
To somewhat soothe him she reaches her other free hand to stroke his back gently, trying to encourage him. "You wanted to speak with your lovely mother haven't ya mate?"
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mallowofmuses · 5 months
🐝  *  ―  𝑵𝑶𝑵-𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. (  some triggering content ahead. add " + " to reverse the action.  )
[ wipe ] sender wipes away receiver's tears [ hurt ] sender hurts receiver with words [ lonely ] sender finds receiver alone in a dark room [ wounded ] sender patches up receiver's wounds [ crying ] sender finds receiver crying [ help ] sender runs to receiver when they scream for help [ nightmare ] sender wakes receiver up from a nightmare [ dying breath ] sender talks to receiver before dying [ hold on ] sender pulls receiver into their arms [ anger ] sender takes their anger out on receiver [ argue ] sender gets into a heated argument with receiver [ scared ] sender scares receiver [ sick ] sender cares for receiver while they are sick [ palm ] sender places a hand on receiver to stop them from doing something [ fight ] sender gets into a physical fight with receiver [ comfort ] sender tries to comfort receiver [ blood ] sender notices that receiver is bleeding [ collapse ] sender collapses into receiver's arms [ pressure ] sender puts pressure on receiver's wound [ slap ] sender slaps receiver in the face [ panic ] sender helps receiver through a panic attack [ lie ] sender catches receiver in a lie [ sobs ] sender sobs uncontrollably while receiver holds them [ hiding ] sender finds out that receiver has hidden an injury from them [ death ] sender just died, receiver finds out [ chin up ] sender lifts receiver's chin to stop them from hiding their tears [ fears ] sender talks to receiver about their fears [ scream ] sender screams at receiver [ coping ] sender teaches receiver some coping mechanisms [ loss ] sender is there for receiver after they've lost someone important to them [ needs ] sender asks receiver what they need [ bullet ] sender takes a bullet for receiver [ bruises ] sender finds bruises of unknown origin on receiver [ rainfall ] sender finds receiver out alone in the rain [ hospital ] sender wakes up in a hospital bed and finds receiver sitting by their bedside [ intrude ] sender walks in on receiver treating their wounds [ calming ] sender tries to calm down receiver [ inspection ] sender holds receiver's face while inspecting an injury they got [ rescue ] sender carries receiver to safety [ clean ] sender cleans blood off of receiver's body
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mallowofmuses · 5 months
@metalheaduo |x|
He grumbled under his breath from the numbing pain in his chest. "Honey would be very much appreciative." His tone was melancholic, defeated and unable to get some fresh air for once. The taste of honey would surely make him jubilant again.
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"Wait, you're not thinking of finding a hives nest right?"
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mallowofmuses · 5 months
"That's a confusing reward, a bit too general don't you think?" He can admit there was some insecurity on his part while staring at the bulky axe.
Lifting the weapon wasn't that much of an issue, but it was quite heavy for his frame.
"Huh? No no no- I can throw it. Don't worry about me. I've had my fair share of weapons like these. It's not a problem at all." A gentle reassurance that's a complete lie. He never held a weapon of this caliber.
He stared at the target set with surging confidence swarming through him. He threw the axe, but it landed on the grass right in front of the target.
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"Uh....maybe the wind is too strong in this area..."
There's no wind currents present...
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"You know we should definitely have an axe-throwing competition! The winner gets uuhhh....whatever they want and the loser gotta be the servant or whatever "
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mallowofmuses · 5 months
It took quite a bit of time to reach their destination. The cottage is filled with varieties of flowers on the stone walkway. Butterflies were swarming the area, but not without some bees as well.
The pollen made him sneeze a few times before wiping the snot from his nose. "Maybe it was a mistake to visit here." A half joking comment before proceeding ahead to knock on the door.
Her mother had a skinny lean frame, her expression showing that of a fatigued woman who's devoid of emotions. "Oh hello, Shin..." A dry tone in her voice before continuing. "When I said look for a lovely significant other, I didn't mean a brawny barbarian who's out looking for trouble."
Shin instantly corrected the mother, saying she's a friend of his. However, she gave him a disproving look before making way into the kitchen to make tea for them.
The inside of her home has many bookshelves, potted plants around every corner. Every room is crystal clean it seems. Suddenly, a cardinal bird flew inside the room and landed on Vanya's. hair.
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"Every bird has a name. That's Zander-" A bobcat entered the room and stared them both down. It slowly plods its way to sniff them both with curiosity and caution. "That's Gambino. You can pet him. He's just a bit shy and all. Hope the pets in here don't overwhelm ya."
Another sneeze from the man. It seems Shin is more rigid in his body language and voice, as if he was an obedient student who's deeply afraid of offending a strict teacher. He could say he was genuinely overwhelmed himself.
It took her quite a bit of effort to refrain from walking over and scolding the mother herself. She wanted to say anything in the child's defense but, this was not her hometown and she was not a local. Biting on the inside of her cheek she took a deep breath and calmly observed as the gentle-looking boy was being dragged off.
Vanya made a promise to herself that if she was to become a mother someday....she would try to be better.
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"Discipline isn't a bad thing, it can teach when is the good time to take a step forward and when to wait. Though, everyone has a different view on that it looks like "
Giving a soft smile she would join his side once again as he would take a lead, she was growing more curious to see his home and meet his mother eventually. "We are a community back in my home, help one another, stay close, keep eyes on lil devils or well kids " she added with a snicker remembering briefly her own childhood.
Nodding she didnt want to make any comments until she meets the woman herself. One thing she hopped that she was at least not as cruel as the mother she just saw.
No child deserves to have its spirit crushed like that.
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