can you make a checklist on how to get into the gorillaz?? It seems like there is a lot out there and its hard to follow when i'm getting into it late.. thank you!!
Sure!! I personally got into them by watching their G-bitez and music videos and it all kinda spiraled from there.
The band itself was made by Damon Albarn (Lead singer of Blur, does vocals and writes lyrics for Gorillaz) and Jamie Hewlett (Co-creator of the comic book “Tank Girl”, draws and animates for Gorillaz) after they were both watching MTV and they were like “hey music today sucks you know what’d be cool?? if we made an animated band” “cool we could call it ‘gorilla’ because we were both born on the year of the monkey!!!” sadly animal planet had already copyrighted “gorilla” so they just added a z to the end of it to make it cooler.
Here’s a playlist of all of their music videos/unfinished storyboards i put together (they’re all in order according to the storyline, but keep in mind that “do ya thing” isn’t canon): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLupIZC02E6mRz_uqFp8BiLuEZ3-ZUjJZB
Here’s a list of all of their interviews I’ve been able to find (You can learn a lot about the characters from these babies): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLupIZC02E6mT1RKRtEIu2RA4AraQnGnqu
Aaand here’s a list of all of their songs (there’s a bunch). Every one of them sorted from oldest to newest, every song after “We’ve got the power” is either a demo, rare or unreleased: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLupIZC02E6mTeUgeN3TVDF1kUgM11wlFI
Something to know about Gorillaz is that they have “phases”. Phase 1 was in 2001, when they released their albums “Gorillaz”, “G-Sides” and “Laika come home”. Phase 1′s art style was cartoonish and used very thick lineart. Phase 2 was in 2005, when they released “Demon Days” and “D-sides”. Phase 2′s art style was a bit dark and looked more realistic. Phase 3 was in 2010, when they released the albums “Plastic Beach” and “The Fall” in 2011. Phase 3′s art style was almost the same as phase 2′s. Then we have Phase 4 in 2017, their new album “Humanz” is coming out April 28th. It’s art style is the one that stands out the most to me, you can find most of the art on Jamie Hewlett’s Instragram (Hewll)
Alright, a big part of me getting into the fandom was my love fore the characters. I’m assuming you’re not a fan yet, so let me introduce them to you (i’m going to use powerpoints to explain each member if u don’t mind):
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This lovely lad here is Murdoc Faust Niccals. - He’s the band’s leader/bassist, and he makes sure EVERYONE knows that’s it’s his band and only his.- He went through multiple other bands before he formed Gorillaz.- He was born on June 6th, 1966 in Stoke-on-Trent, England. As an infant he was abandoned on his father’s doorstep.- Had a very rough childhood, his father, Sebastian Niccals, would force him to preform on stage for booze money and it was absolutely humiliating for him. - His nose has been broken a of total 8 times. The first time was from a bully at his school, the 2nd time was from his older (and only) brother, Hannibal, because Murdoc had touched his records.- His middle name was originally “Alphonse” but he changed it to “Faust” after making a deal with the Devil in phase 1 to make Gorillaz the “biggest band in the world”. That’s also how he got his bass, “El Diablo”. - did i mention he was a satanist bc he is - He hangs around in his underwear a lot (especially in phase 2)- He likes to either get naked or start pelvic thrusting in like every video, so be careful, young anon.- He’s very crude but sometimes he can be very nice and adorable in some interviews ??? It’s so weird- He likes making weird noises, like, a lot.- Apparently can speak French- His reason for turning green all of the sudden in phase 2 is either because of alcohol poisoning or due to him tanning himself green. We really don’t know- He had a pet raven in phase 2!!! His name was Cortez and no one really knows what happened to him but Murdoc seemed to love that bird.- He also had a cape in phase 2 that he loved and wore like all the time but he lost it. Poor baby.- He was based off of a young 1960′s era Keith Richards.- He has a tongue longer than Gene Simmons’ and I’m not even kidding. His tongue is like a foot long- His genuine laugh can cure cancer- He had his own MTV cribs episode- Here’s a playlist of every interview he’s been in if you’d like to know a bit more about how he acts.- All of this sounds horrible but like half of the fandom sees him as charming and funny and the other half sees him as repulsive and downright mean so i guess listen to some of his interviews and make your decision (i’m part of the half that loves him)
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This is 2D!!- He’s the band’s singer, sometimes he plays the piano and melodica too.- He’s anxious and a bit timid around people. He’s not that intelligent, but he’s an absolute sweetheart to pretty much everyone. He’s … a huge dork.- He was born on May 23rd, 1978. He was born in Hertfordshire, England and was raised in Crawley, England. When he was 10 he fell out of a tree and landed on his head, his hair fell out and grew back blue. He’s had horrible headaches since then, but his mother was a nurse and gave pills to help him out.- His real name is Stuart Pot- He loves horror films!!! Especially zombie movies.- Apparently he smells like butterscotch- He’s VERY tall. he’s like 6′1 and his legs make up most of his body. He towers over the rest of the band.- He has a crippling fear of whales- His eyes are black due to an 8-ball fracture that Murdoc gave him when he crashed his car into the music store 2D worked at.- His eyes turn white when he’s stressed or scared.- His nickname “2D” stands for “Two Dents”. He’s called that because Murdoc also gave him two dents in his head after crashing his car into him- Murdoc is seen physically abusing 2D sometimes throughout phase 1-3, but there’s a very likely chance that he’s going to stop and make amends in phase 4!!!- Here’s a playlist of interviews that he’s been in- Everybody loves him. I love him. I don’t think it’s possible not to love him.   
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This is Russel Hobbs!!- He’s the band’s drummer.  He helps with remixes too!!!- The living embodiment of “looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll”- Quite possibly the most underrated character in the world- He was born in Brooklyn, New York on June 3rd, 1975. He got possessed by a demon as a kid and fell into a coma for four years. After he woke up the demon got expelled tho- When he was a teen, him and his friends were involved in a drive-by shooting. Russel was the only survivor and all of his friends possessed him, but the only one we really get to see is his closest friend, Del, he raps in Clint Eastwood and Rock the House, but we haven’t seen him since phase 1. - After the whole shooting incident he was sent to the UK to live with his uncle.- HE SAVED 2D FROM BEING EATEN BY A WHALE. HE’S SO UNDERAPPRECIATED - He’s an actual giant in phase 3 because he ate some radioactive jellyfish- He loves fezzes!!!- His hobby, besides music, is taxidermy.- He’s the dad friend- Here’s a playlist of interviews that he’s been in
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Last but not least, this is Noodle- She plays guitar for the band- Noodle is very energetic and nice but she can also kick ur ass- She was born in Osaka, Japan on October 31st 1990- She joined the band when she was around 11 but she’s like 26 now. I forgot to mention that the band ages with real time- As a kid she was a part of a classified child super solider project under the management of a japanese scientist named Mr. Kyuzo. this is where she learned how to be badass. She knew professional karate at like 10 how cool is that- All of the children in that project were deemed too unstable and dangerous, so they canceled the experiment and Mr. Kyuzo was ordered to kill all of the children (fuckin dark i know). After killing them all, Mr. Kyuzo was reluctant to kill Noodle, so instead he put her in a state of amnesia and smuggled her to the UK by shipping her to Kong Studios in a FedEx crate.- She didn’t remember anything!!! The only english thing she was able to say to say was “noodle” and that’s where she got her name.- She learned how to speak english and remembered her past in phase 2.- Murdoc, 2D and Russel raised her (mostly russel tho). Noodle considers Murdoc and 2D her brothers and Russel considers her his daughter how CUTE IS THAT- She loves Pokemon- She had a flying windmill island in phase 2 it was incredible- She had a cute radio helmet in phase 1 - She also has a robot version of herself called “Cyborg Noodle” in phase 3. It’s a long story but Cyborg might be coming back for phase 4.- The interviews that she’s in can be found here!!The backstory is too long for me to write down, but you can find it over here! I hope i explained everything clearly- if not, or if you have any questions, feel free to send me a message!! I hope this helps you c:
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I want to listen to someone and get to know them with no boundaries. But I know it’s nothing but a fantasy, as fear, pain, and doubt cloud up ones mind. Gonna leave you with this.
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Steven Universe + tumblr text posts, pt. 2 [pt.1] 
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I’m literally wheezing.
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Apparently Rubies hold quite the grudge, and you don’t even know it until it’s too late.  Steven universe, Lapis, Steven, and Navy belong to Rebecca Sugar: (@)  Comic was made by: @23a-skidoo Music by Toby Fox: (@) I own nothing except my voice!
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BillDip Semi-Smut Roleplay
Warning: This contains some (very) light sexual content.
This is just a small roleplay a friend and I are doing and I really wanted to share. It goes by paragraph. I’m Bill as a human. I didn’t put all of it just to be  a fun little teaser~
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Dipper sighed as he walked through the forest, the leaves crunching underneath his feet. He opened his journal, reading from it as he continued to walk, a sigh of peace escaping his soft lips as a small breeze blew by as he studied the work. Due to Dipper being oblivious to everyone, and everything around him, he tripped, falling onto the ground, groaning as he grabbed at the journal, beginning to get up until a familiar voice caused him to freeze up.
Bill had been watching from afar this entire time, waiting for Dipper to be distracted. He watched as Dipp tripped and finally stroll out to greet him. “Well well. I guess it’s true what they say, ‘When a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?’” He laughed, “This Pinetree seems to.” Bill watched Dipper freeze at the sound of his nickname strolling off of his tongue. It felt good to say his name. “C’mon kid, get up,” Bill outstretched his gloved hand to Dipper.
Dipper glared at him,rolling his eyes as he got up on his own, slapping his hand away. “What do you want?” He asked, crossing his arms. Dipper hugged the journal tightly, looking down at it, then back up at Bill.
Bill took his hand back begrudgingly and smirked as Dipper grasped the journal to him tightly. “Don’t worry, Pinetree, I didn’t come for the book today. I came for something else today…” Adjusting his eyepatch, he lays into the air and floats over to Dipper, chin resting in his hand, the other folded over his arm and holding to his cane. His eyes skimmed the boy up and down, he couldn’t help devour the feeling of uncertainty coming from Dipper. Bill snapped his fingers, and suddenly Dipper’s  hat was now his own. “Thanks for letting me borrow this, my hat was getting old.”
Dipper glanced up and felt the top of his head, checking to see if his hat was gone. His cheeks reddened, “I never said you could have it!” He yelled, charging toward him and trying to grab his hat off of him, dropping the journal in the process.
Easily evading the attack of the child, Bill laughed at the brightness of Dipper’s cheeks. “Ah, ah, ah. Is that how we treat your friendly interdimensional space demon friends?” Bill floated higher up just out of Dipper’s grasp. “Pinetree, you look a heck a lot cuter without the hat, I have to say.” He reached down and grabbed Dipper’s luscious locks between his gloved fingers. Even so, it was evident how silky and smooth his brown locks were.. What Bill wouldn’t do to feel it whenever he wanted, to tug it here and there.
Dipper’s red cheeks grew warmer at the compliment, swatting at his hand as he grabbed at his hair. “Just leave me alone,” he snapped, grabbing the untouched journal from the ground, beginning to dust it off. “I’ll just get another at the shack…”
Bill frowned at the fact Dipper wasn’t going to engage him in his antics. He picked the hat from his own head and hung it within Dipper’s grasp. “Aww, come on Pinetree, I’m just trying to have a little fun.” He outstretched his legs and stretched largely, casually placing the hat back on Dipp’s head. “There, no need to go storming back to that musty old place, right?” Bill’s feet touched the ground, letting him stand almost a foot taller than his human companion. From this height, he got a wonderful look of Dipper’s lovely brown hair he so desperately wanted to tug on and run his hands through.
Dipper fixed the hat back onto his head, sighing as he turned toward him, narrowing his eyes as he stared up at him. “Why are you so fascinated with me today?” He asked, raising an eyebrow, shivering as a cold breeze blew by.
A cruel smile played at the demon’s lips as he looked to Dipper. His one eye drank in the lovely soft skin, the silky hair, the plump lips, the rumpled clothing.. “Don’t flatter yourself. Who ever said I was interested in anything?” Bill looked away to hide the small tint of red burning it’s way onto his cheeks. Slowly, he used his cane without looking to hook around Dipper’s ankle, tugging the boy closer and inching himself closer as well. “Say Pinetree..” Bill’s head swiveled in Dipp’s direction, “Why don’t you ever give me the pleasure of having my way? Not even once. Not everything I do has evil intent.” He winked.. Blinked?.. At Dipper, lowering himself to be eye to eye with him. His smile was sly as he pulled Dipper in close to him, forcing the boy into looking at him. Bill’s eye dropped to Dipper’s lips, but for only a moment, before he looked back into the two glazed brown eyes.
Dipper’s eyes widened, gulping. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” he muttered, turning his head away from him. He froze up at the feeling of something hooking around his ankle, blushing heavily as he was pulled towards him. “That could be true, but everything that you have done is evil. There’s no way I could even trust you” A wave of confusion hit him as Bill eyed him, keeping his eyes off of him.
Bill noticed Dipper’s clear intent to not make eye contact with him, but leaned in ever closer until he was at Dipper’s ear. “Who ever said you should trust me?” His voice whispered deeply, coming out smooth and warm like liquid gold. Bill’s face was buried in Dipper’s hair, his lips only a mere whisper away from his ear. Slowly, the tip of his tongue made contact with Dipper’s sensitive ear, tracing the outline thinly. The boy’s skin tasted of innocence, fear, and confusion, and Bill fed off of it like he was starving. Bill pulled back to look into Dipper’s face again only to see his skin tone had flushed into a complete red. “A demon wants what a demon wants, Dipper. And sometimes.. I just want to have some fun with you humans~” Bill’s  voice was hoarse and deep, and he couldn’t help but use one gloved hand to walk up Dipper’s arm as he held his gaze captive.
Dipper shivered at the sound of his voice, his eyes wide and cheeks a deep red as he licked his sensitive ear, causing it to twitch. “Wh-What are you talking about?” He stuttered, shivering at the sound of his seductive, deep toan. Dipper flinched at the contact, jerking away as he scowled at him. “Let me go, dammit!”
“Oh? And here I thought you were enjoying me~ How silly.” Bill looked away from Dipper,  taking a step back before he looked back to the boy. “I guess I’ll just.. Make you like it.” Bill snapped his fingers and suddenly golden chains appeared around Dipper’s ankles and wrists, pinning him to the moss covered forest floor. “Gold is so your color~” Bill’s grin was wide as he watched Dipper fall to his knees in front of him. Crouching down, Bill reached forward and grabbed Dipper’s chin harshly with his large hands. His one eye looked deep into Dipper’s two and flashed down to the boy’s lips once more. “You look so delicious Pinetree…” His body slowly leaned in, his muscles screaming for the contact of their flesh. The taste of fear and the passion of hate was prominent on Dipper’s plump lips as Bill pushed his own into them. Dipper was the savory part of just the first half of this demon’s midday snack.
“Make me like-” He was cut off as the chains forced him to his knees, grunting as he hit the ground. “Y-You’re crazy,” he murmured, low growls escaping his mouth as he grasped his chin. He shivered at the compliment, his eyes widening as Bill smashed his lips into his own. He wanted to pull away so badly, tears beginning to blur his vision before he started to lightly sob, holding his mouth shut.
Bill pulled away, looking at Dipper longingly. “Dipper,” his voice was hoarse and low, “Don’t fight it, you’re making this almost too fun for me.” Bill removed his gloves, setting them aside on a nearby fallen tree. His fingers were delicate and cold against Dipper’s warm flesh. He trailed them down the sides of the boy’s face, smearing his tears. “Dipper.. Don’t make an interdimensional demon beg for pleasure.” Bill pouted at Dipper, but only received more sobbing noises and trembling from him. “Fine, if you insist…” Bill pushed his way on to straddling Dipper, his tall frame looming over the lightly chubby boy. His eye held a hungry look as his hands made their way up into Dipper’s shirt. His human flesh was so warm that a gasp escaped from Bill.
Dipper panted, his tongue hanging out as he smeared his tears, continuing to sob as he shook. He let out a small squeak as he pushed his way onto him, his eyes widening as he snaked his hands underneath his shirt. “B-Bill… Quit it…” he muttered,trying his best to not show how much he wanted him, doing an awful job at it.
Bill smiled, feeling Dipper’s defenses slipping. Or was that just his sanity from finally getting to pleasure him? “I’ll only stop if you can make me~” Bill traced his fingers in small circles on Dipper’s torso, leaning in ever closer with his face. His lips came into contact with Dipper’s agonizingly warm flesh on his neck, tasting the savory flavor. Moans began to shake themselves from BIll’s throat as he peppered Dipper with love marks. His teeth lightly plucked at the thin skin of the boy’s neck and he sucked until the skin beneath changed color. His hands continued to work Dipper out of his vest and shirt, exposing his white skin to mark even more with his explorative mouth. “Mm..nnm..” Bill’s lips traveled southward at the success of getting Dipper’s upper half naked, nibbling and suckling at his chest, leaving more and more marks.
Dipper let out soft moans as Bill’s cold fingers rubbed at his torso, trying to pull away as he leaned in. He gasped as Bill’s plump lips came in contact with his neck, his breath hitching as he sucked on it. Dipper winced in slight pain as he nibbled at his pale, warm neck, feeling a wave of arousal hit him at the sound of Bill’s moans. He panted loudly, blushing as he removed his clothes, “B-Bill… mmm….D-Don’t stop…” he murmured, the chains rattling as he tried to wrap his arms around Bill to keep him from pulling away, grunting as he did so. “Can you undo the chains please?” He asked softly, leaning forward and doing something he never thought he would do. He laid his face down on Bill’s head, pecking it before snuggling into his soft, blonde hair.
Not even thinking about it, Bill let the chains go free, hearing Dipper’s moans of pleasure drove him insane. His pants began to grow tight the moment Dipper restrained from him, but now he was so aroused it almost hurt to think about not getting touched by him. Just as he was about to go back to devouring the taste of Dipper, he unexpectedly received a light kiss on top of his head. Dipper just shook his world.. Bill tore off his shirt and trench coat, throwing it to the side,  knowing it wasn’t even important. He pulled Dipper in close to him their skin an electric shock,  one cold and one hot. “Di-Dipper..” Bill’s breath came out ragged, almost painful sounding. He pushed his lips into Dipper’s hard, his body tensing against the shivers and goosebumps. His pants strained against his excitement and he couldn’t help but use his hand to feel for his human lovers. His hand felt Dipper’s hard cock hidden beneath his shorts and he let loose an Earth shaking moan as she stroked along Dipper’s full length. “F-Fuck..” He moaned out, shaking with such want.
Dipper’s eyes widened with want as he stared at Bill’s body, a squeak coming from his mouth as he pulled him close. “Y-Yeah?” He asked, gasping as he stroked his length. “Hah~...” He gulped, glancing up at Bill, then toward his crotch, his cheeks red. “Your u-um…” He trailed off, pointing to his crotch. “I-I can suck it” He stuttered, staring down at his crotch, shaking nervously as he leaned onto his body, laying his hands down on his body. “Please?” He begged, removing his hat and laying it on the ground on top of Bill’s clothing.
It was surprising, yet entirely arousing, to hear Dipper beg to suck him. Bill’s head rolled back in pleasure as Dipper leaned over him now. He reached down and slowly began to unbutton and unzip is his pants. He felt his bulge pressing against the fabric and slowly inching it was past the pants as he undid them. Finally, his yellow brick patterned boxers showed, pitching a large tent for his partner to marvel at. Bill’s tongue lolled from  his mouth and he panted in anticipation of his manhood being exposed. “Dipper~” Bill’s voice called to him, “Please.. Don’t make a demon beg.” He grabbed hold of Dipper’s silky locks, intertwining his fingers deeply in the mass of hair. He pushed the boy’s face to his navel, and gently rested his hands on top of his head, shaking with lust.
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