mama-turtle · 8 years
i can’t relate to a character more than i can with Rick Sanchez
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mama-turtle · 9 years
if we lose busta lime, i cannot control
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mama-turtle · 9 years
RIP David Bowie. I think your spaceship knows which way to go now. 💎✨
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mama-turtle · 9 years
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Senses by Oz Sawdayee
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mama-turtle · 9 years
reblog if you’re part of the holy trinity of unrecognized and dismissed sexualities
bisexual, pansexual, and asexual 
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mama-turtle · 10 years
Anyone else have experience with an episiotomy healing opened, or with scarring tearing apart after it was thought to be healing properly? I just discovered that somehow mine healed completely apart. I had the regular checkups to monitor healing up to six weeks after, but somehow after that my scar must have split open or the doctor just didn't think that it healing apart like that was a problem. Except now it's a huge problem. It is still uncomfortable and painful. There is huge raised scarring on either side of the split that goes almost to my bum. Sex is PAINFUL. After sex is painful. I want to enjoy sex with my husband but it's so sore and intense for me during and afterwards. My husband is so caring and understanding and puts no pressure on me but I still feel like I am causing tensions and strains because of it. I feel strained personally. What can I do? I know there is reconstructive surgery but is that covered by OHiP? (In Canada) I have been reading some accounts where doctors have determined that reconstructive surgery isn't necessary even though sex and other things are painful. I've also heard of further complications called fistulas and that is also equally as terrifying. (Don't look at pictures of fistulas on a weak stomach) I have a doctors appointment in two weeks to talk to them about it but I'd like to be as informed as possible about the situation so anyone experiencing this also and is comfortable with sharing, pleeeeeeeeease tell me any advice or your personally stories. I am in tears over this constantly. I want to be sexually active again in a healthy and safe way with my husband without the constant pain and the emotional repercussions too. I feel like it's really messing up that part of my relationship. I nee that part of my life back. My sexuality is important to me, you know?
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mama-turtle · 10 years
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mama-turtle · 10 years
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mama-turtle · 10 years
So I went to a sweet 16 birthday party tonight and there was a photo booth with these photo props made and one of them was a dunce cap that you can hold up but the person who made it wrote dunts instead of dunce and I can't even. I just can't.
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mama-turtle · 10 years
me: my job sucks
people: why don't you do what you enjoy
me: capitalism has determined that what I enjoy has no value
people: ??? ??????????
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mama-turtle · 10 years
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RJ’s super brekky🌱🌸🍚🍧 Homemade brown rice baby cereal (ask me how!) with berries, apples, vanilla bean and cinnamon, with a layer of blueberries and strawberry Greek yogurt on top!! I’m sorely tempted to gobble this up myself, but mornings are so busy so I’ll leave this alone until tomorrow. 🌸⭐️
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mama-turtle · 10 years
Reblog if...
You went to a school where popular kids were favored by teachers and those not popular weren’t taken as seriously, if at all, regarding bullying, harassment, and violence. 
I’m doing an experiment of sorts, this would be VERY helpful. 
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mama-turtle · 10 years
Reblog if...
You went to a school where popular kids were favored by teachers and those not popular weren’t taken as seriously, if at all, regarding bullying, harassment, and violence. 
I’m doing an experiment of sorts, this would be VERY helpful. 
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mama-turtle · 10 years
Reblog if...
You went to a school where popular kids were favored by teachers and those not popular weren’t taken as seriously, if at all, regarding bullying, harassment, and violence. 
I’m doing an experiment of sorts, this would be VERY helpful. 
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mama-turtle · 10 years
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mama-turtle · 10 years
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mama-turtle · 10 years
Today in the park I was walking my dog and there was this other girl walking her poodle. She was really pretty and very very nice. Our dogs played for a little while. And then her poodle squatted and pooped, and when she leaned down to pick it up a dude started yelling obscenities about how he’d like to put his dick in her ass.
She got up and literally threw the bag of warm poop at him.
It hit him in the face.
I got to witness that. This might be the best day of my life. 
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