manchineelpkmn · 1 year
Oh LORD I completely lost track of the blog after getting into college, Whoops.
I'm thinking of reworking the current "setting" to something a little more straightforward, I did too much planning and I got too nervous to interact with others. Whoops, again!
Arséne's past will stay the same, as will events that have happened up until now, but I think I'll jump a little further ahead into the future. It's a little hard to talk about your Pokemon if you *can't have them.* I'll probably make a little "canon" board later, if I have the time. Thanks for everybody who's stuck around :0
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manchineelpkmn · 1 year
fish ask game
tentacrool - how many arms is the perfect amount of arms
horsey - you ever ride a pokemon and was it fun
seaking - whats the most beautiful part of yourself (you cant say nothing i dont want none of that self-deprecating shit)
magikarp - what kind of secret talent u got
lantern - whats the coolest electric pokemon ever
remorid - how good is ur aim
sharpedo - whats the last thing u ate
barbroach - whats the slimiest thing u ever touched
feebas - whos ur favorite fish pokemon of all time
huntail (this one is badass holy shit) - could u kill a man
luvdisc - do u have a partner or partners and do u ever want a partner or partners
lumaneon - can u swim like at all or do u need floaties
frillish - whats scariest thing u ever did see
alommom- fuck- alolo- shit- alomalo- the bigger pink one - can u spell stuff
skelp - whats the most badass costume u ever wore
bruxish - whats ur favorit color and also second favorite color
tapu feni (this one is like a fish in disguise i looked it up) - u ever meet a legend pokemon
arrowcuda - could u outswim an arrowcuda
basculegend - whos ur best friends
dondozo - do u watch any sports and what team are u rootin for
tatsujeri - whats the tastiest shit u ever did darn taste
chi yu - whats ur most prized possesion. not the most expensive just something u really like
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manchineelpkmn · 1 year
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I think I may have missed that anniversary by... a significant margin. Has it really been that long that I've neglected my online journal?
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manchineelpkmn · 1 year
Pokémon Asks
Pokédex: Your perfect/favorite team
Exp. Share: Your first Pokémon game & when you played it
Lucky Egg: Your gym theme/team
Premier Ball: Favorite Gen I Pokémon
Pokéball: Favorite Gen II Pokémon
Great Ball: Favorite Gen III Pokémon
Cherish Ball: Favorite Gen IV Pokémon
Friend Ball: Favorite Gen V Pokémon
Luxury Ball: Favorite Gen VI Pokémon
Moon Ball: Favorite Gen VII Pokémon
Ultra Ball: Favorite Pseudo-legendary(ies)
Master Ball: Favorite Legendary(ies)
Apricorn: Favorite Fossil Pokémon
Bug Buzz: Favorite Bug type(s)
Dark Pulse: Favorite Dark type(s)
Draco Meteor: Favorite Dragon types(s)
Volt Switch: Favorite Electric types(s)
Moonblast: Favorite Fairy types(s)
Close Combat: Favorite Fighting types(s)
Flamethrower: Favorite Fire types(s)
Aerial Ace: Favorite Flying types(s)
Shadow Ball: Favorite Ghost types(s)
Razor Leaf: Favorite Grass types(s)
Earthquake: Favorite Ground types(s)
Powder Snow: Favorite Ice types(s)
Extreme Speed: Favorite Normal types(s)
Venoshock: Favorite Poison types(s)
Extrasensory: Favorite Psychic types(s)
Power Gem: Favorite Rock types(s)
Gyro Ball: Favorite Steel types(s)
Hydro Pump: Favorite Water types(s)
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
Girafarig and Farigiraf
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
Managed to get through yesterday without much incident, but unfortunately I could not bring myself to do anything else but sleep after work was finished. Aside from spot-cleaning the ‘zolts, there wasn’t a whole lot that needed to be done, but I found myself thoroughly exhausted anyhow.
It appears Lucy has cemented herself within the Arctozolt group. She no longer topples them over to sit on them, but she does climb on them when they are spending time in their pool. I will have to keep an eye on them to ensure no accidental injuries to Lucy, but my coworkers and the Professor have all assured me they are unlikely to hurt each other.
No dreams to recall last night, which is a shame. Much less pain today, but I am feeling somewhat... off. Not ‘impending doom’ levels of anxiety, but there is some negative feeling I cannot quite puzzle out. Today I get to muck out Bud’s stall. Wish me luck.
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
If you try and imagine me just make sure you include the fact that I am perpetually tired. There are always bags under my eyes
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
It has been suggested to me that keeping a sort of journal may be beneficial for tracking my personal growth, as well as combatting some of the memory problems I experience by putting them down on paper… or digital space, as it were. 
So here I am. Writing it down.
I had a very vivid dream last night. I wasn’t myself, but I didn’t understand that until after I woke up. I was alone, in a swampy area full of old rock pillars and dead trees. The entire place was a rusty red, which I suspect was because it looked to be around sunset. 
Nothing much happened, I just sat and watched Yanma flitting around the sky for a while. The whole scene was very peaceful, but I remember a distinct feeling of dread for no apparent reason. 
Then I simply woke up. I wish I had a little more time in that scenario, because every joint in my body feels like it’s been pumped full of concrete, and it hurts to walk around. I anticipate rain later today.
That’s all that’s happened this morning. I’ll get back if anything interesting happens today.
SO it’s taken me until now to realize that maybe if I’m running an RP blog, that I should actually do more than just drop by with a picture and some information about a Pokemon every now and again. Mr. Manchineel is going to start being a bit more open about what goes on in the day-to-day.
If this is not to your liking, all journal entry posts will be tagged accordingly.
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
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I don’t like making portraits; I consider them a practice in vanity. I told the Professor as much, and he told me that I was talking like I was still a part of Galactic. After that, I really had no choice unless I wanted to be harangued about it forever.
It’s very difficult to look at pictures of yourself I find. This may not be perfectly rendered, but I don’t want to work on it anymore.
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
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Had the pleasure of seeing a trainer’s non-battling Eevee, did some more gestural drawings while I had the chance. I think she has some kind of bone density problem, which disqualifies her from any activity more strenuous than a romp in the park. She is however perfectly suited to the very difficult job of being too cute, all of the time forever.
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
Why aren’t you allowed to have any Pokémon?
I’ve let this message sit in my inbox for about a year now. I’m still not sure how I should answer it.
The short explanation is that my trainer’s license was revoked after I was convicted of a felony. This was during my stint in Galactic. I will be able to earn it back, eventually.
The long explanation… is just that. Very long. I will expand upon it when I am ready.
I hope you can forgive me for the waiting period coupled with the short response.
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
Hello! I used to volunteer at my local shelter and would doodle the Pokémon there but I’ve been bedbound for the past couple months, and the only Pokémon I’ve been able to see is my Jangmo-o, my mom’s meowth, Or the odd Pidove flying past my window. I stumble over your blog and seeing all your art has been a delight. Thank you.
I am delighted to have had some positive effect with my silly drawings! I know the feelings of being stuck to the bed, it isn't pleasant. I hope your condition improves, and that you may see a wide variety of Pokemon in your future. Send your little Dragon and your mother's Meowth a hello from me!
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manchineelpkmn · 2 years
Do you have Hydreigon over in Galar? If you ever see one, would you mind drawing it? ((OOC: I’m not sure if you take requests, but I would love to see what a Hydreigon would look like in your style.))
Hydreigon are extremely rare in Galar, but they are around. There's plenty of pictures that the Professor has taken of a few named specimens around the Lake Of Outrage. I can't draw one from life (nor would I like to approach a wild Hydreigon), but I can certainly reference a previously taken photograph.
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Hydreigon are not closely related to other Dragon types. To my knowledge, Hydreigon are not closely related to anything alive today. The changes they go through during their evolution are bizarre: They have perfectly functional eyes but rarely use them. They begin with perfectly functional forelimbs, which degenerate and disappear with later evolutions, only to have them replaced by Hydreigon's lesser heads. None of its six wings can achieve powered flight; Its body is filled with gas bladders that allow it to levitate while the wings are used primarily to steer. It is not efficient, at all.
Hydreigon's brain (singular) is not located in any of its heads, it is nested deep in the center of its body, in a position analogous to the human heart. Only the greater head is capable of sight and actions like swallowing food. The lesser heads have no such abilities, they are both completely blind and despite being covered in taste receptors, have no method with which to eat or drink. The holes present in the 'throat' only lead to the Hydreigon's respiratory system. As it stands, they may be better compared to an extremely convoluted set of nostrils capable of biting a human arm clean off.
Hydreigon is best known for its destructive capabilities and foul temperament. The reputation is not unearned, as they are incredibly brazen in picking battles, are highly territorial, and are very capable of killing a human being with little effort.
One thing they are often accused of is human predation. This is patently false, as any UltraWeb search engine could tell you. A Hydreigon may grievously injure a human with a 'test' bite from one of the lesser heads, but there is almost no Pokemon that will intentionally target any human as a prey item (I hear we are not very nutritionally dense or tasty).
Most recorded attacks by Hydreigon on humans are taste-tests, followed by territorial bellows and Dragon Pulse warning shots. They will inflate the ring of wattles on all three of its heads, scream, and fire colorful pulse-type attacks until the offending party has been successfully escorted an acceptable distance away.
Often, those who have experienced this threat display will swear up and down that they were almost mauled to death, and that they barely escaped the hellish rain of Dragon energy with their lives. Anybody being regaled with this type of story should know: any Hydreigon can cleave a person in two with very little effort. It can fly faster than any human sprinter, and it can smell your sweat a mile downwind. If it wanted them dead, they would be dead.
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manchineelpkmn · 3 years
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I mentioned a while ago how a Pidove managed to get caught in the lab’s chimney, right? This one’s rougher, as I drew entirely from memory as opposed to having a reference.
After being checked for any injuries or irritation resultant from the chimney soot, the Pidove was released without incident.
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manchineelpkmn · 3 years
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Something quick to get back to posting with regularity, perhaps. Featuring one of my coworkers, and their previously drawn favorite Toxel. Her name is Rosetta.
I’ve yet to see her throw one of the species’ famed tantrums, despite being close to a year old. We thought she may have some underlying health problem as she’s a bit inactive, but one thorough examination by a medical professional later, we’ve concluded she is just very easygoing.
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manchineelpkmn · 3 years
So, basically, magikarp can drink half a can of beer without getting drunk? That's weird.
Long-term ill effects, anon. Firstly, if we're doing this by standard drink, it'd be closer to a glass of wine (~150ml of 12% alcohol) than half a can of beer (~355ml of 5% alcohol). Secondly, they still get drunk! That glass of wine impacts them the same way two shots of high-proof alcohol would impact a human. They'll start showing signs of drunkenness, such as increased risk-taking behavior and decreased coordination, but if they sleep it off they'll be fine the next morning. And they're not going to experience liver or kidney injury, or stomach damage, or any of those other fun symptoms of acute alcohol poisoning. Of course, if you were to habitually give them half a can of beer every day, they'd become alcoholics and start suffering from chronic alcohol poisoning.
Just don't get your magikarp drunk. That's all you really need to remember.
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