manikuzzamanriyad · 4 years
Admin Dashboard
Master lists, records, reports, users, maintenance.
Master list
Student list
Record every page, view LRN number, name course, and profile, add new entries, search.
Subject list
List of topics, record on each page, apply, apply, describe, edit, add new topics, and search.
Curriculum list
Add the program section, syllabus, description, edit, new syllabus.
Academic record
LRN number, name, gender, syllabus, and search.
Promote candidates
LRN number, records per page, promote, gender, and search.
Candidate list
Select and search for Promoted Student Candidates, Show Entry, Remove, LRN Number, Name, Gender, Curriculum, All.
Form 137
Show entry, LRN number, name, gender, syllabus, printable report, and searches.
User list, record every page, name, username, type, edit, add new users, and search.
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manikuzzamanriyad · 4 years
1. php.ini codes =============== upload_max_filesize = 256M post_max_size = 256M memory_limit = 256M file_uploads = On upload_max_filesize = 128M max_execution_time = 300 max_allowed_packet_size = 524288000
2. .htaccess codes =================== php_value max_input_vars 5000 php_value max_execution_time 300 php_value post_max_size 128M php_value upload_max_filesize 128M php_value memory_limit 256M
3. wp-config.php code ===================== define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’ );
0 notes
manikuzzamanriyad · 4 years
WordPress is the most popular content management system (cms) worldwide website that uses WordPress. WordPress site the best SEO plugin is the Yoast SEO plugin.
Get more visitors from google and bing attract more visits from social media readers increase engagement in your WordPress website.
Yoast Seo plugin available free version in WordPress org.
I provide this plugin as a premium version Yoast SEO plugin.
0 notes
manikuzzamanriyad · 4 years
Best Adsense Optimized Themes for WordPress 2020
Are you looking for a free AdSense ready to WordPress theme to increase your AdSense revenue? In this article, I have made a list of some Best Adsense Optimized WordPress Themes that are going to be shared with you.
0 notes
manikuzzamanriyad · 4 years
Step 1: Select Install Python Version
Official Python in the installation method. This includes downloading the .exe installer and running it on your system.
The version you need depends on what you want to do with Python. For example, if you’re working on a project coded in Python version 2.6, you probably need that version. If you start a project from scratch, you have the freedom to choose.
If you are learning code in Python, we recommend that you download the latest versions of Python.
0 notes
manikuzzamanriyad · 4 years
Every year, around autumn, ESET releases a new version of Windows offered to its customers. This year has seen the arrival of the fourteenth version of the Home Windows lineup, with a long list of new and improved features for users. As Cybertax has grown exponentially over the past few months, this update meets the widespread online security needs of users in times of uncertainty and growing threats.
0 notes
manikuzzamanriyad · 4 years
Top 15 gadgets saving money in your life. Or maybe a gadget-obsessed within the world. Unlike a couple of generations back when kids actually leave to play and pass the time, today they stay indoors twiddling with their high-tech gaming consoles and gadgets. Adults can rarely be seen without a mobile tablet or laptop pc. Workplace and residential can’t function without a slew of gadgets to remain connected with the surface within the world.
0 notes
manikuzzamanriyad · 4 years
Best WordPress themes for blog website 2020
While you can use WordPress themes for free, you can’t deny premiums. Premium WordPress themes give you more power to customize than free layouts that become clearer and simpler tend to remember: the design of your site should help you stand out from other websites and create a positive impression on your visitors. A well-organized theme can help your website better in the major search engines – this is helpful, especially if you want to get more traffic to your site.
0 notes
manikuzzamanriyad · 4 years
WordPress is the most popular (cms) content management system in the world, but also it’s the most vulnerable.  ranging from small blogs to large corporate websites are struck by more than 9000 hacking attacks every minute, every second.
Here’s a look at the best WordPress security plugins for protecting your website from malware, hackers, force attacks, and other kinds of malicious security threats.
What are the best security plugins for your WordPress Website?
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