manjisubs · 4 years
Yo-kai Watch Episode 194 English Subs
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Top 10 Photos Taken Just Before Disaster Torrent this episode! (Softsubs, hardsubs, nyaa.net mirror, Anidex mirror) Watch this episode on Dailymotion or Vimeo! Haha look at this guys Halloween special part 2 even though it’s—oh screw it you know the joke by now. What, would you rather wait until October for a new episode? :P Anyways, I should probably clarify a couple things about this blog. I keep getting asks in my inbox that I don’t always have an answer to individually so please please please direct all questions to @spectersubs​ instead of this account unless they are about some post on this blog specifically being broken. This blog is still used to put my original series releases on since I did so many before the group was created but virtually all of my sub work on the series is a joint effort with them now so questions about release schedules and the other seasons of the show are best fielded over there. I’ve noticed people having problems with torrents and things; unfortunately there isn’t anything I/we can do about old torrents dying and mirrors being taken down so until we can find a permanent solution to that (we’re a little tied up with new releases for the time being), so for now use a streaming service of your choice if there are no other options available (but keep your antivirus and popup blockers on). But we have discussed this issue in our discord server that you can find a link to over on the SpecterSubs blog, so you can ask us stuff there too!
There’s no new Yo-kai or anything to exposit about this time, so just sit back and enjoy the ride! Episode 195 is probably going to be a while since the group is currently focused on Yo-kai Academy Y, so once again keep your eyes peeled on the SpecterSubs tumblr, twitter and discord for updates.
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manjisubs · 4 years
Yo-kai Watch Episode 193 English Subs
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(To the tune of “Who’s that Pokemon”) WHAT’S THAT REFERENCE?! Torrent this episode! (Nyaa softsub) (Nyaa hardsub) (Nyaa.net) (Anidex) Watch this episode on Dailymotion or Vimeo! Happy Halloween, my fellow fans of ghosts everywhere! I hope you’re enjoying the creepy festivi aaaaaaah who am I kidding it’s friggin March lmao. Seasonal dissonance aside, the only new Yo-kai shown off in this episode was Kizunameko from Yo-kai Watch 2. Kizunameko could have a couple of different interpretations: nameko is the obvious part, coming from the mushroom breed of the same name ( 滑子 /ナメコ, commonly written in katakana as shown here), but the rest of the name may come from kizuna ( 絆 /きずな), “bond,” or be a shortened form of the phrase kizu wo nameru (傷をなめる/きずをなめる), "to lick wounds.” Her English name, Tongus, combines “tongue” and “fungus,” removing any reference to her role as a healer from the name. She did have a cameo in the first movie, but surprisingly, this late in the series really is her episodic debut. And as for our little “What’s that reference” game, Jibanyan’s weird thing with the Yo-kai Sniper and the quote in the picture above is a reference to the rather popular classic manga Golgo 13, which started in 1968 and is apparently still running to this day, if you could believe it. The main character is an assassin with many different aliases, which could explain why adorable Jibanyan seamlessly transforms into an impersonation of his character. This episode is only part one of 2017′s Yo-kai Watch Halloween special (the last one of the original series!), so see you next time with part two of this Halloween-in-Springtime treat!
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manjisubs · 4 years
Yo-kai Watch Episode 192 English Subs
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Remember to keep yourself as nourished as you can during this crisis! Also this screenshot isn’t what it looks like I promise Torrent this episode! (Nyaa softsubs) (Nyaa hardsubs) (Nyaa pantsu) (Anidex) Watch this episode on Dailymotion or Vimeo!
We’re back again, baby! This release follows a number of episodes done by my fellow SpecterSubbers upwards of a year ago, so you’ll notice quite a few quality-of-life improvements in this one if you’re watching in order, namely:
FINALLY fixed up some mistranslations in this OP/ED set (done by me like three years ago...yeesh now I have to wonder how many other things I got wrong in my earlier releases o_o)
I decided to make the default font a little bigger. In hindsight, it’s been too tiny all this time.
A few retranslations/term changes here and there for the Busters Treasure segment and Treasure Yo-kai stuff, since this is my first time translating an episode that has those things.
I know the constant bouncing around in quality can get a little jarring...such is the strange history of Yo-kai Watch fansubs :V This episode’s new Yo-kai were Yamatobokeru and Darumacho. Yamatobokeru is a terracotta figure who is apparently a reference to the legend of this guy, a Yamato dynasty-era prince named Yamato Takeru (how many Yamatos were in that sentence?). Tobokeru (惚ける/ とぼける ) can mean “to have a blank expression,” referring to...well, his expression, and boke (ボケ) refers to the funny man of a manzai comedy duo, which is basically what role Yamatobokeru here plays all the time. You’ll also notice a few other legendary figures/beings referenced in YW in the Wikipedia article I linked, though that’s neither here nor there. In English, Yamatobokeru’s name is “Fitwit,” which...I guess is “fit” and “twit” or “nitwit?” Yeah I kinda don’t get this one much. Darumacho’s name is much less complicated, being a simple combination of “daruma,” as in a daruma doll, and “macho.” He’s a Yo-kai Watch 1 Yo-kai, so his localized name has been known for a while...it’s the same! Always nice when a Yo-kai’s name works out perfectly as-is when bringing it over (because the name contained an English loan word to begin with :P). 193 is a...Halloween episode? Never too early for Halloween, I guess (no I will not take until October to release it). In the meantime, I hope everyone stays well during what is surely a difficult time for many let’s overthrow capitalism when this pandemic is over.
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manjisubs · 4 years
Why do i not see yokai watch! EP 4 in here?
It was quite a while ago but YW! eps 4 and 5 were both released (primarily done by Neon from SpecterSubs), we just never made a tumblr post. I don’t remember exactly why :V the easiest way to find them is through the links provided in our carrd.
In the future, you would be best off directing questions about YW! to the group inbox @spectersubs.
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manjisubs · 4 years
Yo-kai Watch Episode 178 English Subs
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I’ll give you one guess as to how this turns out Torrent this episode! (Nyaa softsub) (Nyaa hardsub) (Nyaa pantsu) (Anidex) Watch this episode on Vimeo or Dailymotion! And here we are! Two and a half years and 60 episodes later, THE GAP IS CLOSED. Thanks to everybody who’s stuck by me all this time. As I mentioned in my post for 176, though, I’ll be continuing to manage the rest of the series for the ~20 episodes remaining, and don’t forget to follow my group at SpecterSubs if you’re looking for the other two three Yo-kai Watch series, though I usually reblog those releases here as well. This episode has the last Nyanpachi segment in the entirety of the series, though he’d continue to get some nods here and there. I don’t remember if they brought him back for Yo-kai Watch! mostly because I didn’t care enough to watch it but I wouldn’t be surprised. The middle segment of this episode is about the holiday called Tanabata. Chances are you’ve heard of it before if you like other slice-of-life anime. It’s officially celebrated on July 7th, though some areas of Japan have their festivities on other dates during July and August. The July 7th date comes from the traditional Japanese calendar, but the day falls on other dates in August according to our Gregorian calendar, with 2020′s being on August 25th. The episode explains the most important part of the celebration, but you can read a brief article about it here or browse its Wikipedia page.
This episode’s new Yo-kai were Tsubuyaki and Treet. Tsubuyaki comes from the verb tsubuyaku (呟く), which has been adapted in the modern era to mean “to Tweet,” but also means “to murmur,” which explains why Tsubuyaki is sort of soft-spoken. The ki part of his name comes from the word for tree, ki  (木). His evolved form Treet is pretty much exactly the same pun, but from the English words instead of the Japanese ones. Things may get a little confusing if you follow both the Japanese and English localization, as Tsubuyaki actually gets renamed to something closer to Treet’s name, “Treetter,” and Treet himself is called “Retreeter,” which I think is pretty clever. The next OS episode by me will actually be 192. If you go back through my reblogs, as well as Noroino Hanako and Lumpstud’s (both from SpecterSubs) blogs, 178-191, as well as 200, have already been subbed by them. Why the episodes are so disjointed is a bit complicated...but that’s a story for another day.
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manjisubs · 4 years
Yo-kai Watch Episode 177 English Subs
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Psh, this is amateur-level time wasting. Haven’t you people heard of sitting on the toilet staring at the wall for hours? Torrent this episode! (Nyaa softsub) (Nyaa hardsub) (Nyaa pantsu) (Anidex) Watch this episode on Vimeo or Dailymotion! As promised, here we are again with another quick episode. This one happens to be one of the more infamous from the show’s latter half for...uh...let’s just say you’ll know why when you see it. Also, this isn’t the last Oni Stars but I believe it is the last one I get to translate because the other episodes it was in have been subbed already, so I suppose I’ll say my goodbyes to it as well. It wasn’t revolutionary or anything, but a pretty good showcase of tried-and-true slapstick comedy. Today’s two new Yo-kai were Himatsubushi and Shiranpudding. Himatsubushi (暇つぶし) is a phrase referring to either a waste of time (noun) or the action of killing time (verb). Bushi (武士) means “warrior” or “samurai.” This Yo-kai is the evovled form of a game-only Yo-kai called Hitsumabushi, which in addition to the bushi pun also references hitsumabushi  (櫃まぶし), a grilled eel dish, which explains why these Yo-kai resemble eels. Himatsubushi (the one in this episode, just to avoid confusion :V) is renamed to “Time Keeler” in the English version, from “time killer” + “eel.” And maybe “killer,” in general, because I guess warriors do that :V. Shiranpudding comes from the phrase shiranpuri (知らん振り), which means “to pretend not to know” or “to feign ignorance,” and the loan word for “pudding,” purin (プリン). Some of you might recognize purin from the Japanese name of the Pokemon Jigglypuff. Shiranpudding in the English version is “Life-is-Parfait,” a pun on the phrase “life is perfect” and “parfait.” Both are pretty good wordplay imo. See you shortly once more with 178!
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manjisubs · 4 years
Yo-kai Watch Episode 176 Subs
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Who said Whisper wasn’t helpful? Torrent this episode! (Nyaa softsub) (Nyaa hardsub) (Nyaa pantsu) (Anidex) Watch this episode on Vimeo or Dailymotion!
I̝̰̩̪̦̫̭T̳̣̹̟̜'̥̻̭̗̭̱S ̧̙͓͍B̳̱͍̠͜E̟̼͉̠E̼͎̝̲N̰̲ ̶͍̤͙̗3͈͟,̼̤͟0̯00̕ ͏̫̘Y̭̪͖͘E̛A̷͉R̞̝̤̗̼̠̞͢Ş̞̲͍̰ͅͅ Okay but really, yes, OS is back for not one, not two, but three consecutive episodes! A nearly three-year-long era comes to a close as 176, 177 and 178 will be released in succession over the next few days, finally closing the gap between 117 and 179. I was gonna prepare a touching speech for this moment at some point because my plan was originally to step back from OS after this, but now that there’s four series we have to work with we did a little restructuring and so I’ll be leading the remainder of this series. Not without help of course but in short, I won’t be going anywhere :P Today’s Yo-kai was Gomathree, a play on the phrase gomasuri (胡麻すり), a noun referring to a brown-noser (or, even less eloquently, an ass-kisser), which itself comes from the word goma ( 胡麻), “sesame seeds,” and suritsubu (すり潰す), meaning “to grind.” The phrase comes from the gesture made while doing the sucking up in conversation, which looks like someone grinding sesame seeds. We had to take some liberties with this explanation in the episode since the phrase doesn’t translate over well but that’s the literal meaning. The surii part of the Yo-kai’s name is a romanization of the English word “three,” since they’re a trio, hence why I the name is spelled “Gomathree.” Its English localized name is “Percrushionists,” from the word “crush” (I guess from the act of flattering your crush?) and the fact that they evolve from a Yo-kai resembling a taiko drum, Taikomochi/Pergushin, from way back in episode 117. Technically, Genma Shogun/Reuknight also debuted in this episode, but he had already cameoed in the first movie. Genma Shogun is a combination of the two kanji 幻魔 , which can be read as gen and ma respectively and mean phantom/demon, and obviously shogun. It could also be a reference to an old franchise called Genma Taisen (Genma Wars). See you very soon with episode 177!
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manjisubs · 4 years
Yo-kai Watch Shadowside Episodes 35 & 36 English Subs
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Episode 35 Softsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1206422 Hardsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1206418 Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/381207681 Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7pjul3
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Episode 36 Softsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1206423 Hardsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1206420 Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/381207741 Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7pjule
Yay for more Shadowside! Lumpstud here.
Like with the last YW! bunch, this was another split. Noroino Hanako took on translation & timing for 35 (and typesetting for both eps!) and your’s truly, Lumpstud, did such for 36. My first time working with Shadowside and it was fun, and I’m glad to help push these episodes out while they’re still in-season. Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone!
Wakame-kun, Konbu-san, and Mekabu-chan, are all simply different names of seaweed with honorifics at the end. If you’ve seen the original series, you might recognize them - or, in the dub as Wiglin, Steppa, and Rhyth, the dancing trio.
The new guy in 36′s Lightside name, “Momy,” is pretty straightforward since it’s explained in the episode - he’s a momi fir tree.
Episode 35 Credits: Translation/Timing/Typesetting: Noroino Hanako QC/Review: Lumpstud, Manjiknights, NeSubs Raw Source: Leopard Raws, TV Tokyo(TX)
Episode 36 Credits: Translation/Timing: Lumpstud Typesetting: Noroino Hanako QC/Review: Manjiknights, NeSubs, Noroino Hanako Raw Source: Leopard Raws, TV Tokyo(TX)
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manjisubs · 4 years
Yo-kai Watch! Episodes 6 & 7 English Subs
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Episode 6 Softsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1200194 Hardsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1200189 Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/376747850 Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7op2d4
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Episode 7 Softsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1200195 Hardsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1200190 Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/376747858 Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7op2d8
Hi-dee-ho! Lumpstud here! Late release post. Earlier this month we went ahead and did a double release with both episodes 6 and 7 of Yo-kai Watch! with a ! at the end.
Something you’ll see similarly in the next post - these episodes were split between two, NeSubs handled the translation & timing for episode 6 and I (Lumpstud) handled it for episode 7.
Todorokijishi means “roaring lion.” Fun fact - in Yo-kai Watch 1 his name was spelled in all kanji (轟獅子). Subsequent games and media - including this episode - spell it as (とどろき 獅子). Denjin (でんじん) on the other hand, is more literally just “electric being/person.” Not the most punny bunch.
Tune in next time!
Episode 6 Credits: Translation/Timing/Typesetting: NeSubs QC/Review: Manjiknights, Lumpstud, Noroino Hanako Raw Source: Leopard Raws, TV Tokyo(TX)
Episode 7 Credits: Translation/Timing/Typesetting: Lumpstud QC/Review: Manjiknights, NeSubs, Noroino Hanako Raw Source: Leopard Raws, TV Tokyo(TX)
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manjisubs · 5 years
Yo-kai Watch Episode 175 English Subs
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Whisper is God I go to church now Torrent this episode! (Softsubs) (Hardsubs) (Anidex) (Nyaa pantsu) Watch this episode on Dailymotion or Vimeo! Well that sure was like two and a half months of nothing. We’re making progress slowly but surely though. Also, this was the episode I had to translate entirely by ear. I think it went slightly better than I expected :L Also some really nice typesetting work was done on this episode so huge thanks to the rest of the team @spectersubs. The Yo-kai Meeting part of this episode references the TV Show 101st Marriage Proposal, except Whisper gets one less proposal for some reason. Whisper’s always getting the short end of the stick, huh. Also this is the last episode of that segment which makes me kinda sad because it was pretty good. Am I the only one who would actually want to watch a movie where everyone is Whisper? The new Yo-kai this episode was Sutton-kyou, a combination of suttonkyou (素っ頓狂), which I translated a bunch of different ways in the episode but in dictionary terms is an adjective that means “in disarray,” “wild” etc., and the honorific kyou (卿), meaning “lord” or “sir.” In English, this Yo-kai is called Lord Shrillington which is pretty much a one-to-one translation with a little posh flair so that turned out pretty good. Release schedule will still be pretty inconsistent from here on out, but in good news I’m done with all the translation for the next three episodes. So yes, the gap-filling will happen even though it’s been over two years now damn it.
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manjisubs · 5 years
Status Update
So I have gotten a few questions in my inbox about YW (specifically OG) subs and the situation is that I’ve been working on a few episodes when I can, but our group is pretty busy as we have personal lives and other projects to attend to so I can’t make any promises on releases atm.
I have 175 and 176 at about 75-80% complete and am translating 177 now. So the project is not abandoned but our backlog is huge and we’re all going through a lot outside of YW subbing. I apologize and thank you for your patience.
That all being said, please do not send me any more inquiries along the lines of “when is x episode” because this is pretty much gonna be my answer for now anyway.
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manjisubs · 5 years
Hello, Firstly Thank you so much for subbing the Yo-Kai Shows/ Movies. I was wondering though if anyone has added subtitles to the First and Second Yo-Kai Watch Movie? I haven't seen these two and I had a look but couldn't find much. Do you know if they were subbed and where they can be watched? Thanks so much!
The first movie was subbed by mongeesubs.
I think a few different subs came out for the second movie, but the one I most commonly see floating around is here. Movie 2 came out at an unfortunate time where there were no actively consistent subbers for the series so it was sort of in limbo for a while.
And you’re welcome!
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manjisubs · 5 years
What episode is your icon from? Mega cute!
Hi, sorry I haven’t gotten around to answering this until now—I seldom have time to check the inbox nowadays. Anyway I believe I got it from 165. Thanks for asking!
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manjisubs · 5 years
Apologies for the lateness in this post! But in case you didn’t know, we have released subs for movie 5! I hope you like the movie as much as we did!
Yo-kai Watch Movie 5: Forever Friends English Subs
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It’s here! …And our post is late by several days. Well, better than nothing, right?
Softsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1157964 Hardsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1157963 Dailymotion Part 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7cyyrw Dailymotion Part 2: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7cyze5 Vimeo Part 1: https://vimeo.com/347405916 Vimeo Part 2: https://vimeo.com/347405955 Anidex: https://anidex.info/torrent/255461 nyaa.pantsu.cat: https://nyaa.pantsu.cat/view/1020517
Ohagi (おはぎ) are rice balls with a coating of sweet red bean paste or soy flour. Obanyaki (大判焼き) is a type of Japanese will with sweet red bean paste.
Credits: Raw Source: Blu-ray Retail Translation/Timing/QC: Lumpstud, Manjiknights, NeonToaster, Noroino Hanako Typesetting: Lumpstud, Noroino Hanako Encoding/Distribution: Noroino Hanako
We all enjoyed putting together the subs for this movie, so please enjoy it and keep looking forward to our future Yo-kai Watch releases!
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manjisubs · 5 years
Yo-kai Watch Episode 174 English Subs
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Silly Yo-kai, don’t you know you can attack its weak point for massive damage?
Torrent this episode! (Nyaa softsub) (Nyaa hardsub) (Nyaa pantsu) (Anidex) Watch this episode of vimeo or dailymotion! Pretty average episode here. Last Bushinyan is kinda cute (his central gag kinda crosses the line for me though). Oh, and there’s a pun about an eggplant in the Oni Stars segment. The wordplay is that the word for scalpel (mesu) and eggplant (nasu) sound similar. The more you know. This episode is a new Yo-kai double feature. First is Morura, from moru (盛る), which has too many definitions but in this context is meant to indicate something being exaggerated or piled on to an extreme degree, and Mothra (spelled モスラ), you know, that Mothra. I mean, I guess it looks like Mothra? In English, they went with “Amplifly,” which honestly I think is actually a better name than the original believe it or not. The second new Yo-kai is the aforementioned Last Bushinyan, an obvious homage to the famous movie The Last Samurai, but taken very literally (I kinda flip-flopped between calling him “the Last Bushinyan” and just “Last Bushinyan” depending on context). It’s pretty clear to see why, then, the English localization went with “The Last Nyanmurai,” which doesn’t draw from the Yo-kai he’s a variant of (Bushinyan/Shogunyan) like the Japanese name, but sounds a little bit less awkward. I feel like I don’t really need to explain his recurring gag since you’ve probably seen it before :V So the next episode is one I’ve been dreading for a looooong time because I have to translate it entirely by ear, which isn’t always easy when there’s a lot of screaming and colloquialisms and fast talking and stuff as this show tends to do. Normally I have closed captions for the whole episode’s script, and even in the professional anime translation industry the translators are usually given a written script, but kitsunekko is being unfair >:( I’m pretty far in the script already but I’m still gonna need a little extra time to get this one right.
Also I was totally like over 12 hours late to getting this post up whoops
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manjisubs · 5 years
Yo-kai Watch Episode 173 English Subs
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Sometimes we are all Jibanyan Torrent this episode! (Nyaa softsub) (Nyaa hardsub) (Nyaa Pantsu) (Anidex) Stream this episode on vimeo or dailymotion! Back in business once again for the home stretch! Well, the good news is that even though this silly gap is almost closed, I won’t be going anywhere for a while as I’ll be working in conjunction with the rest of @spectersubs to finish up the original series. Spectersubs is a new group that’s basically me and everybody else who’s currently working on subs for any of the three YW anime series now combining our efforts because it was getting to be too much to all be working independently. I made an announcement post about it earlier. Check out our snazzy credits at the end ;) Believe it or not, thanks to some miracle (and probably my incredible slowness), the seasonal episodes now sync up with the actual time of year this is being uploaded! Let’s see how long that lasts...any way, this episode coincides with Japan’s rainy season, being June, although it’s usually April for North America (though this year it was also most of May too where I live >:/) This episode’s new Yo-kai was Nanskunk, from the colloquialism nansuka (なんすか/ナンスカ), meaning “Say what?” “Did you say something?” and a whole host of other phrases used sarcastically to show apathy or disgust in this context, along with the English word skunk and probably sukashippe (透かしっ屁), “silent fart.” His English localized name is “Stinkeye,” which relates to both his farty stuff and the expression “to give someone the stink eye,” which means to show disapproval. Pretty good name if I say so myself.
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manjisubs · 5 years
Yo-kai Watch Shadowside Episode 34 Subs Released!
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Softsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1149096 Hardsubs: https://nyaa.si/view/1149095 Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7admde Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/340584099
Other torrent sites: Anidex: https://anidex.info/torrent/249684 Nyaa.pantsu.cat: https://nyaa.pantsu.cat/view/1019504 Translation notes: Senpai (先輩) and kōhai (後輩) are a pair of Japanese words which describe an informal hierarchical interpersonal relationship found in organizations, associations, clubs, businesses, and schools in Japan. We’ve localized these words into “Senior” and “junior” in this episode respectively. (See more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senpai_and_k%C5%8Dhai) Credits: Noroinohanako: Translation/Typesetting/Timing/Karaoke/Encoding Manjiknights, NeonToaster, Lumpstud: QC/Peer Review Raw Source: Leopard Raws, TV Tokyo(TX)
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