marauders-addict0 · 2 years
Molly and Lilly
I always imagine that Lily is the girl that loves to give hand-made gifts and she knits. Lily would make everybody knit sweaters including two boys from her defense against the darks class, Gideon and Fabian Prewett. As we all know, Gideon and Fabian are Molly Weasley’s brothers. So one day, Molly gets introduced to Lily, and the next Christmas, Lily makes Molly a sweater. Molly adores it and wears it all the time and Lily sees Molly in a worn-out sweater and realizes that it is her own. The following summer, Lilly teaches Molly to knit. 
When Lily dies, Molly finds out when knitting a sweater for Harry as a Christmas present. From then on, she made everyone sweaters for Christmas and gave Harry a sweater first year out of the yarn that she wanted to make his first sweater in 1981. 
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marauders-addict0 · 2 years
Molly and Lilly
I always imagine that Lily is the girl that loves to give hand-made gifts and she knits. Lily would make everybody knit sweaters including two boys from her defense against the darks class, Gideon and Fabian Prewett. As we all know, Gideon and Fabian are Molly Weasley’s brothers. So one day, Molly gets introduced to Lily, and the next Christmas, Lily makes Molly a sweater. Molly adores it and wears it all the time and Lily sees Molly in a worn-out sweater and realizes that it is her own. The following summer, Lilly teaches Molly to knit. 
When Lily dies, Molly finds out when knitting a sweater for Harry as a Christmas present. From then on, she made everyone sweaters for Christmas and gave Harry a sweater first year out of the yarn that she wanted to make his first sweater in 1981. 
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