Tim Wright fictive, and just.. interacting with MH fictives and kins is exhausting. I wish I could find sourcemates who don't openly hit on me with the knowledge I have a boyfriend, sourcemates who don't expect me to be some soft, uwu, shy boy when.. I'm just like this? I'm just low empathy, I don't have much of a reason to try and figure out what's the best way to try and seem more emotive than I am. I wish I could find literally anyone who's my age, understands that I'm not hiding some softer part of me and understands I have my own ways of caring. It's such a struggle, and even more so when I join as many discord servers as I can, and just.. nobody respects me as me. I'm seen simply as Tim Wright, some hard ass with a heart deep down. I just wish it was easier, or I wish I could be easier to be with, easier to like, easier to understand. I want a lot of things, I think friends who respect me would be the best though.
- Tim🦷🫀
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the murder pseudomems came back. unfortunately. -💜tim
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hi my name is jay merrick and not only do i have zero memories from my tl, i actually forgot the vast majority of the marble hornets plot immediately after finishing it. canon compliant but at what cost
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the relationship between a jay kinner and a tim kinner from different tls can be so beautiful actually. let's take ibuprofen together
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-Just Another Alex Introject
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hahahHAH. its me. the tim. the one the recent jay knows. i have no idea how he thinks that i 1) dont follow this account and 2) wouldnt immediately recognize his typing style but im having a good laugh over this. hi jay (waving)
- timothy 'car thief' wright
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They Fucking Kilt Me
- that recent jay
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man. ok. well. hi. im new here.
my friend [who kins tim] kinassigned me jay so i ended up watching marble hornets to prove her wrong.
i did not prove him wrong.
this was a week or two ago but im in a jay shift rn and my throat is sore as shit [par for the course for this shift ofc but like. still annoying] and i got a memory that i Really Dont Want To Process
but uh. hey. hi.
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pros: new sourcemate! hi jessica :)
cons: oh my god why did we split
i'm adjusting pretty well since tim's been able to show me the ropes! still a little confused on some things but i guess thats just the way it is.
- 🟣 tim & jess
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To anyone else out there that’s been getting dragged down and in their own head about everything that happened.
It can always get better. You can heal. You can mend. You have a second chance, to do it right, to do it healthy, to do it happy. To make friends and make it work this time, without anything otherworldly messing it up. And even if the healing is slow going, even if it feels like you’ll never be done…isn’t it worth it to *try*?
Find some hope and latch onto it and never let it go.
Make it good. Make it count.
-Just another Alex introject
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im just here to talk about how much i miss my tim. ive done a lot wrong by him and i wish i had the time to fix it all. he was there for me when i was all alone, even after i did some messed up stuff, and i just wish i got a better ending with him.
sincerely, jay merrick
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got some fronting time and picked up the ukulele again :] our callouses are completely gone bc . no one else in the system kept playing after i went into dormancy. BUT the muscle memory is still there and it was very nice. have some memories of playing for jay and brian.
- 🟣 tim
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to the tim worried about being noncannon, as someone who is non cannon to the source, i'm always welcoming to any and all who are cannon and non cannon to the source! if you ever want to talk my dms are open! and that goes for anyone who shares source as well!
and on another note i would like to appreciate and gush over my cannon jay and brian i found because they are amazing friends and great people and i care about them so much!!
- lee marchetti (non-cannon)
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to the tim alter who's worried about being noncanon;
hey man. don't worry too much about being removed from the source, it's honestly more common to see folks that aren't canon than people that are. i know personally i'm pretty far removed in some of my canons.
- timothy 'car thief' wright
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came out of dormancy after years and everything has changed so much. i feel so connected to my source material but then i look at myself and im so different. but i remember it . i think i used to be two different alters, a tim and a masky but we fused and now im tim but also,. not. i want to interact w/ sourcemates but im scared that im just too far removed.
- 🟣 tim
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and my jay. god, my jay.
let me let you all in on a secret here. i don't like jay all that much. absolutely nothing against the man. he's ... a fine person? a good guy? he just. as a character, i never personally enjoyed him. as a person, he was always a little bit stubborn and insufferable. but honestly, as tim, thats to be entirely expected.
i don't have a lot of memories with him. just putting that out there. i remember him approaching me to ask about brian. which. at that point me and brian hadn't been talking for god knows how long. not that i didn't try but. thats besides the point. i remember he liked music that i didn't like very much. it's funny though, because if i knew him now i'd like his music taste a lot.
i remember the feeling of him being around. mild agitation coupled with the inherent comfort of being around someone else. and i remember the feeling of him being gone. thats some heavy shit. and its frustrating to grapple with because, honestly, jay and i weren't that close. i didn't even know him personally prior to when he approached me about brian. i knew him for what, maybe a year? two? before he. you know. yeah. hell i even knew alex longer than that.
i dunno. my minds too scrambled right now to write anything too cohesive. sorry about that
- timothy 'car thief' wright
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hey mod ark. happy 1:10 am, i'm not sure why i'm up. good morning, in a way.
i miss my brian. a lot. and i. you know, i think he's probably still mad at me, if he even exists in this world with me at all. not so much over the car thing. though it wouldn't surprise me if he was upset over that.
and it sucks. i see him very fondly - i mean, that's my best friend. i knew him for years. we were close as all hell. then i up and leave for six months, no reason. hotel hopping and all the works. alex finds me at some run down old building and by god i look like hell. i look like i'm driving myself to the grave and i just don't know it yet and STILL i don't tell anyone. i don't tell them why i stole the car. don't tell them that i crashed mine. or what i'm running from or why i'm hiding. and it's so frustrating because it's something that's so .... how could i tell anyone. how could i even explain that.
sorry for going on a tangent in the inbox tonight. i just miss my friends man. especially brian.
- timmothy 'car thief' wright
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