marcelapeckova · 5 years
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Copenhagen always lure me - because of its spirit, because of many design spots, because you can breath there inspiration on every corner!  Early this October I spent there a weekend and here I would love to share with you some of my highlight from Copenhagen. 
If you are design minded traveler, then welcome in heaven :) There no matter to which street you are going to turn, there is always something to admire!  Copenhagen is for me a proof that a good design makes people happy!  In Copenhagen you can admire well crafted design, enjoy some extraordinary stores and boutiques, visit museums of your dreams or just watch the city architecture and then will never get you bored! It's a rush city but still looking classy! Modern architecture is in respect of classic architecture and it's nice to watch how the city deal with it! Second thing which will definitely got you is the atmosphere! As I mentioned , it's a rush, busy city, but you feel very cozy there. The friendly atmosphere in the streets, coffee shops, restaurants it's absolutely calming there - will make you happy !  Most of the people recognize Copenhagen from old colorful houses and spots like Nyhavn is (this old waterfront is probably the number one tourist hot-spot, but worth visiting nonetheless), but the spirit of the city breath in many other cool spots as well - those which are not in classical tourist guides but are worth to discovered by you! 
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Well know design brands turn from classical shops where they are selling their products to experience and I recommend to experience it! :)
I recommend to visit for object &Tradition “store” - it's a lovely spot for cup of coffee and inspire a bit in their house! Also HAY house is made to be something special and I promise you, you will definitely not feel like a shopping person! We visited VIPP flagship store to sit on their freshly launched sofa and to get some inspiration for the kitchen. The list of the stores which will give you a different experience is huge and they worth to be visited! 
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When in CPH, make sure to be ready to discover their perfect bakeries! They are all around you and are serving perfect bread or pastry to go or to enjoy with cup of coffee in busy atmosphere, which is very hospital and warming! On the photos bellow is Lille Bakery - take a bike and make it here as it worth it! The space is extraordinary, the atmosphere there is more than pleasant and the pastry is ... yuuuum! 
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When you will have a chance, try typical Danish Hindbærsnitter (raspberry slices) - it is a must-try for all the shortbread lovers out there! 
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Another “must visit” for design minded travelers is definitely gorgeous Danish Design Museum. You are going to find there every design icon coming from Danes! 
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Make yourself a stop for a lunch and let's continue! :) May I recommend you? Continue in danish way! Try Pariserbøf, it's something totally authentic and typical for this country! This tasty Danish dish consists of pan-fried bread that is topped with a thick beef patty. It is complemented with pickled beets, onions, capers, horseradish, and a raw egg yolk...oh yes...with a beer please :) 
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What else to do when in CPH? We visited our fav stores, make a nice long walk trough the part, went to see a classical parts of Copenhagen such as Nyhavn is or oldest Copenhagen streets Snaregade and Magstræde situated in Old Town of Copenhagen, we were in Danish Design Museum and we eat well too (as well as we had a few cups of warm coffee on the street) what about something truly cultural? Let's visit Glyptotek. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in the heart of Copenhagen displays ancient and modern art in truly unique surroundings. 
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Where to stay? 
In Copenhagen is many many great, design hotels so you have perfectly wide choice :) We were staying again on a bit extraordinary place! We stayed in the place formerly known as the old Carlsberg brewery. Hotel Ottilia has ben opened by Denmark's leading boutique hotel chain Brøchner Hotels. Nowadays is standing on place where Danish favorite beer - Carlsberg was brewed from 1847-2008. The design of Hotel Ottilia reinterprets the industrial and iconic architecture in innovative ways - the original and unpolished architectural details of the industrial brewery buildings are preserved and in perfect contrast to luxurious furnishing and contemporary design! In some of the rooms are round windows where you can relax. 
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When you stay in Hotel Ottilia, there is something more expect the design what you are going to love here!  In the evening they have there for all guests wine hour (in super stylish bar) and will welcome you there with a glass of wine and perfect atmosphere, that's the first thing and second thing is breakfast in the general! Absolutely amazing space on rooftop of the hotel, wide range of organic food, plenty variants of everything from homemade granola, pasty, cheese, fresh veggie, deserts, tea to champagne (because a day starts with some bubbles is better).  If you would like to take a look on Hotel Ottilia. here is a link to their web-site :) https://www.brochner-hotels.com/hotel-ottilia/ 
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I guess that would be everything from my weekend spent in motherland of Nordic design! However, if you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to write me, I will be happy to share with you my experience! 
Wish you a lovely day!  Marcela
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
Story Hotel  | Malmö, Sweden
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In October we made a quick stop our way from VIPP Shelter to Copenhagen in cozy town Malmö. I didn't make any planes there as we were supposed to arrive in the afternoon and leave in the morning, so all what I wanted to do is to walk around, stop where it will seems cozy and enjoy the atmosphere of the city. And so we did! 
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We are standing on busy street, in front of little lighthouse, on “boarders” with sea. Our hotel room is on 14th floor with view right to this street! It's cozy and it's stylish - our hotel pure connection of design modern and comfort. Concrete walls are in harmonious contrast with big heavy curtains and sofa in the middle of the room. With 2 red chairs on sides it's beautiful dominant of the room. It's hardly to say what catches my attention in the first moment - the view or the sofa? But I need to be hones, first I spent few minutes in window, then I made a cup of coffee and rest for a few minutes on the comfy Vitra sofa which is in the middle of Story Hotel Malmö room! 
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After we rest a bit from the road, we put ourself to the street - with no exact goal, only to enjoy a bit the atmosphere and tase a bit of local cuisine. I love the spirit of the city. It's not to rush, but everything is in very friendly atmosphere. We walk trough many streets, across the sea, trough the city center (also trough the cemetery, I know it might sounds strange, but it was very nice park in the same time) and settled on the street to taste some local cuisine. The weather was very nice, so we had dinner outside and enjoyed grilled fish with veggie. 
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We were trying to enjoy every single minute there (as we didn't have so much of them) in this city, so in the night on our way back to the hotel we stopped by the sea, sit there and just watch the city :) It was very lovely short stay. 
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When the night was really dark, and weather cold, we return to our comfy bed to the hotel. On next day we wake up to rainy day, but anything lost its magic!  Our view on rainy Malmö from the room was so beautiful! And we moved to even higher floor for a rooftop breakfast. Entrance to the restaurant was (as everything in this hotel) maximally stylish - in Japanese style. Inside was awaiting us bright airy restaurant where you would definitely like to sit not just for a cup of coffee! 
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Malmö, you are beautiful cozy town, and when I will be returning to you, I will be looking forward it!  If you are about to visit Malmö, take a look on Story Hotel Malmö, I can only highly recommend it :) I am adding here their web-site so you can review it : https://storyhotels.com/studio-malmo/ . By this way I would also like to thank them for my pleasant stay!
Thank you guys for reading. If you would have any questions regarding my stay, I will be happy to hear out from you! 
Wish you a lovely day,  Marcela
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
VIPP Shelter   |   Lake Immeln, Sweden
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Well, sometimes we all dream about a getaway, out of the city rush, a daily-life routine - a getaway to nature, to recharge our “batteries”. This fall I had the chance to get over greatest getaway I can imagine - in Swedish woods, over lake Immeln in autumn coloured countryside in one special “cottage” - if I can even call it so. It's a shelter designed by Danish design company VIPP well known because of their iconic & ageless and long lasting pedal bins.  This shelter is far away from an ordinary shelter - Black from the outside, black from the inside with spectacular view on blue shining lake and fully furnished in luxury and minimalistic style. 55 sqm of simple functional space in the highest quality with emphasis on the connection with nature is all you need for amazing experience and absolute “mind shower”.
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VIPP Shelter is liveable steel object in the middle of original Swedish nature. As soon as you open the door you are going to be impressed (I start being impressed even before we park the car ;) ) - the two grey felt covered walls, 2 big windows and grey concrete floor are creating surprisingly perfect coziness and warming feeling although it might sounds ironical.  
In the middle of the Shelter is located big fireplace. Just imagine - slightly dancing leaves in the wind, water level is shining like pearls under reflections from sun and while you are watch this beautiful natural picture you hear only calming melody of burning wood. These days spent in VIPP Shelter was for me all about enjoying simple little things, admire beautiful nature and also admire well crafted design. 
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VIPP Shelter is fully furnished with VIPP design products - from fully furnished kitchen including details like lids for spaghetti, chairs, lighting, or to bathroom bin :) You will find there all kitchen equipment to enjoy a cooking in this nest place. 
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While enjoying a Fika time in the Shelter I was asking myself a lot of questions regarding my own feelings and life phylosophy. I was feeling during whole time spent there absolutely great. From the first moment I felt like in home there. The design-infused interior of Shelter is made to bring you only things which you need and are making you happy. There is nothing what wouldn't have exact function. In the kitchen is space for everything and everything can be neatly organised, in the lounge zone are 2 chairs and library with design books, that's all. Suddenly when I realised that I'm not surrounded with things I start asking myself, what exactly do I need in my ordinary life in my home. 
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Waking up under clear skies only with a birdsong was amazing experience! In the comfiest bedding after well sleep night we woke up to bright morning. Trough the glass ceiling we were enjoying the feeling like we would woke up outside.  
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VIPP Shelter is a place where I didn't feel any rush of a daily life. After wake up I always love to spent some extra time in the bed - especially when it's such a comfy nest! I made a cup of coffee, bring a magazine back to the bed and enjoyed this well spent time of doing nothing! Suddenly there comes a rain. Leaves start slowly falling on the glass ceiling and rain drops created mono-thematic melody. I couldn't wish for more beautiful morning! 
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We were sitting over the lake and watching the pinky coloured skies till sun set. When night get darker my boyfriend set fire in the fireplace, in the fridge away us a bottle of champagne which was left there for us and I cooked quick dinner (By the way, I cooked our favourite spaghetti and from that time I have like non stop hunger for Spaghetti :D ). Sometimes in situations like this you realise how valuable is time spent just be talking to each other or caring about your inner you by reading some inspirational book. It was the night when there was no need of phone or TV! 
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VIPP Shelter is opened as a one room hotel. As they said “There is no gym or pool at our hotel, but you can go for a run in the forest or take a dip in the mythic lake Immeln right at your doorstep.” and you can book it here or review all 3 of their extraordinary hotels here : https://vipp.com/en-us/hotel 
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Thank You VIPP for this kindly experience. This getaway was like cute out from the dreams and I'm so happy that I was able to spent there unforgettable weekend! 
If you would have any questions regarding my stay here, feel free to message me :) 
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
Spaghetti Nero with Garlic Shrimp
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Simplicity is always bit on win - not only in matter of interior, but also in the kitchen. 
I'm not sharing a food often, but this delicious dish deserve it! 
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Here is everything what you need! 
It's so simple and so improvised recipe :) 
I used black sepia spaghetti ( Spaghetti Nero di Seppia ), on one frying pan I roasted shrimps on butter, garlic with rosemary and then cooked for a few minutes with glass of white wine. In second pan I prepared tomatoes - tomatoes I cooked on olive oil, salt, a bit of garlic and if you like chilli, add a bit ;) 
When everything smells perfect, just mix it together, add a parmigiano and olive oil and voilá ! 
If this make you a tase for something quick and freestyle, enjoy it! ;) 
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
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To visit Iceland was my all time dream which come true. In the next few rows I would love to introduce you Iceland how I see it and how I experienced it. Warning, this is going to be a bit longer :)
Me and my boyfriend visited Iceland in the beginning of September 2019. For me it's a country of amazing nature, perfect calm and coziness!  
Last few minutes of the flight I was sticked on the window of airplane and stunned by how strange the country is! The glaciers, the amazing river beds, suddenly kilometres of orange ground and from time to time small dot - a lonely home in middle of nothing. It's hardly describe how exciting minutes it was! 
Our roads started in Keflavík- we picked up our car there and start our long journey :)
First of all what is going to “got you” when you are on Iceland is the relief of the ground - it's absolutely brutalism view. You are walking trough absolutely flat ground and suddenly you are surrounded with high mountains. By the long distances in between civilization you are sometimes totally alone in nature - green moss ground, lava mountains, nothing alive around you, no trees, really nothing only ships. And trust me, it's enormous mind shower. I enjoyed this feeling with full heart. 
Because we want to see always maximum what we can, we scheduled our “hotels”to have them always on “middle of our road” and because Iceland might be bigger as you can imagine, was normal to drive 400km per each day (and some of the days spent there we drove even more - I'm adding you here also a map of places which we visited. ) However, each km of this land was breathtaking and I was glad we decided to work whole circle around the island! Even now with distance of time I'm not able to tell where it was the most beautiful to me. Every part of the island has it's own magic and I just love this kind of magic :) 
Day 1, 2, 3 - Reykjanes and South Iceland
As I mentioned, we started in Keflavík, from Keflavík to Reykjavík where we stayed for 2 nights. First day we made just a long walk across the city and enjoyed a local atmosphere. Reykjavík is really beautiful and cozy so you will definitely not get bored here! The city is not su busy, with such a lovely architecture so walk with not an exact goal was exactly made for us :) 
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Next day we went to see the Geysir and from Geysir we made hike to the thermal river - on Google we found an info it's 5minutes from car so it seems to us as a great idea to end the day here, but on place we found it's one hour trough the mountains. However to see and to sit in Reykjadalur Hot Spring Thermal River really worth it :) Just imagine sitting in 40C stream, in a fogy weather surrounded with monumental mountains! It was absolute relax and I'm glad we made it here! 
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Day 3 started and our plan was to see the waterfalls located on East coast, Black sand beach and glacier. The plan was ambitious because in from of us was exactly 428km! First on our road was Seljalandsfoss waterfalls.
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 I can only highly recommend to visit this place as the waterfall was mesmerise! From Seljalandsfoss it's just a few minutes driving to Skógafoss Waterfall which is again absolutely beautiful. I would say that during whole road we meet with so many waterfalls but not all of them were easy to access, but Skógafoss Waterfall is really easy to access and you can enjoy the view as rom the down as from the up of it and it is going to be definitely one of the most beautiful waterfalls you ever seen :) 
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Then a Black sand beach - we didn't make it to the Solheimasandur Plane Wreck as it was like hour of walk across the windy beach so we rather enjoy the view on the beach from up (you will find there also Dyrhólaey Lighthouse ) and then spend some relaxing time on the beach :) Honestly said, the beach was totally rowdy although we were there already a bit of “out season” but still nice to see. The rocks there was shaped into amazing geometrical forms and we both just love it. 
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As we continue in our road to Höfn where our next accommodation was we were crossing magnificent lava fields ( Eldhraun ) - you will go trough a kilometres of black lava rocks overgrown with fluffy green moss and the picture you are going to see here is far more than amazing :) It's so unbelievable how the artsy nature is here! 
The sun was about to set and we finally arrive to the glacier lake Jökulsárlón. This place left in me really strong memory. It was my first time seeing glacier and again it was one breath taking view for me. In the lake was a group of about 20 grey seals which were totally curious about us :) However, standing there make you to realise how year after year we are closer to lost the glaciers and how important is to protect them. 
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Day 3 - East Iceland 
We left our accommodation early in the morning and drive few kilometres to get Stokksenes - one of the place which you always see on the photos from Iceland. Well, here I can only write and reccomend - sometimes it's better to Google the place first ;) It was the only place which we visited and were needed to pay entry fee.  The Viking village which is here is in very poor condition, but I enjoyed a lot the view across black sandy beach on the majestic mountains! And benefit of coming early is - no humans around, only you and nature! ;) 
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Our next stop on map is going to be Seyðisfjörður but first of all, in front of us is long road around fjords and trough high mountains. When we were in the mountains, there was slowly zero visibility, no signal and turn after turn, but each time we drive down from the mountains there was awaiting on us something special - calming surroundings of the fjord, hidden waterfalls, or Cristal-clear rivers (and of course sheep ). 
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As we were closer to the Seyðisfjörður we entered to the totally different Iceland as we seen before! It's difficult to describe why, maybe it was because there were no clouds on the skies and no rain, maybe because there were a trees (yes, trees were missing in most of the areas) but that's ok as each part of Iceland seems to me unique in their own way and each kilomer of the land was different.  And now ... Seyðisfjörður - It's really small town with only a few cozy houses (about 700 inhabitants ). In the end of the town is fjord with the same name Seyðisfjörður and sitting there, looking on the town was absolutely peaceful feeling. You are surround by high mountains, over below them are colorful houses, nice streets and in the middle of that is blue wooden church. It left a very special feelings in my heart and I will always thing about this town as about one of the loveliest I ever visited. It's a bit out of the road, I know, but if you are going around, stop by for a baked cod with fennel! 
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Final destination of the day - Borgarfjörður Eystri - small village mostly know for beautiful nature. If you are coming in season from mid- April to mid- August then you definitely must see Puffins paradise here! In Borgarfjörður Eystri is one of the best places in the world to see the Puffins (however we were there in September, so not lucky us :D ). Anyway, the nature here is so beautiful that that you don't want to stop discovering it. We were accommodated here in Blábjörg Guesthouse and they do have their spa outside of the Guesthouse, so you can be watching how the sun set over the fjord from hot tup (and I did so and I love it! ) 
Day 4 - North Iceland
I'm still on East and just a very shortly about Stuðlagil Canyon in Jökla - It's mesmerising canyon of longest glacier river. Almost nobody knew about until recently ( for a long time it was hidden under water). There are 2 options how to get there and if you can, definitely go to see it as it really wort it. One option will bring you to the parking place and you can easily walk few meters to see the canyon from up. On the other (east) side of the river is option 2 - you will drive to the parking place and then you need to walk - walk for a really longer (8km) and you will be able to access to inside of the canyon. We didn't had so much time to make such a hike so we see the canyon only from up, but I have never seen such a shaped canyon - Stuðlagil Canyon has one of the biggest and most beautiful basalt columns formation in Iceland. 
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Let's go to another waterfalls. And not just any regular waterfalls, but the greatest waterfalls in Europe called Dettifoss waterfalls.
When you arrive to Dettifoss, first what absolutely got me was the rocky road here (from the parking place you go trough land of nothing only rocks, but not any regular rocks, the land was reminding me the pictures of moon and it was absolutely strange and breath-taking in the same time). Before we go there I saw a lot of pictures, read something about this place, but it absolutely shocked me when I was standing on the rocks over the waterfall. The volume of running water! The sound was so powerful! It was one of the feelings when you realise how small you are and how strong the nature is! I was trying to capture this place somehow, but on none of the pictures I took was pictured the power.
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Let's continue! This day was full of experiences! :) Our next destination was little fishing town over the fjord called Ólafsfjörður and there are 3 more interesting places to see by the road :)
Just a few minutes from Dettifoss you will drive around Námafjall and it's worth to stop there, because I have never ever seen something like this piece of land.  
Námafjall geothermal area known as Hverir, can be seen from distance due many smoking fumaroles. Whole are is dressed in orange/ brown color and on first look it seems like Mars looking-alike ground with boiling mud pots, surrounded by sulphur crystals of many different colours. This sulphur gives the area an overwhelming smell of egg (and the first moment was really uncomfortable, but the picture you are going to see will hypnotise you! ) 
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Just like a 5 minutes from Hverir you can find Grjotagja cave. A small lava cave with Cristal blue water - in the past it was popular bathing place for locals but due volcanic activities the temperature of water heat up to more than 50 degrees Celsius and that’s far too hot for taking a relaxing bath in and bathing is prohibited. However, it’s beautiful place to see anyway!
Next on our map is beautiful Goðafoss waterfall - Whole day we had “grey” weather and when we arrived to this The Godafoss waterfall (one of the most spectacular waterfalls in Iceland) the sun was shinning and in the middle of the waterfall was beautiful shaped rainbow! Goðafoss = The water of the gods was really looking like the name is, but maybe it was only because of the magical weather over this place. However, they stayed in my mind as on of the most beautiful waterfalls I ever seen!
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To get to the Ólafsfjörður we were crossing beautiful city Akureyri. Did you ever seen a traffic light where is instead of basic red light heart? Iceland is full of simply lovely details light this and when you saw them, they just made you a day better :)
Ólafsfjörður is a really really small town  - fishing is the main industry here (mainly herrings) but it's also a home of many whales in waters around, so if you would like to watch the whales, you are on the right place! We were not on a whale tour (although it's very attractive) so I am not able to tell you more, but what I can tell you that the local people here are absolutely kindly and friendly (but I don't meet with unfriendly Icelanders anywhere! ) and we got so many tips what to see in this are of Iceland from locals! I am really thankful for that :) Nature around is so beautiful that this a bit out-of hand place worth to visit.
Day 5 - West Iceland & Westfojds
A road from Ólafsfjörður to Westfjords (city Hólmavík ) can be done trough highway or a bit longer variant - across the coasts. I love the view from cliffs and the atmosphere on the coasts so we took it - as locals recommended, across the cliffs and coasts.
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 I'm glad we did that, because we stoped on eastern shore of Vatnsnes Peninsula to see  Hvítserkur . The view on 15 meters high monolith or sea-stack, an eroded volcanic dyke standing out of the water is quite spectacular! Hvítserkur is a home of many seagulls and if you come here in the right time, you can spot a grey seals - we saw a group of maybe 20 or 30 seals sunbathing a small island 50m from the land.
However, if you come to watch the seals, I have one more place which I can highly recommend to visit :) About 15 / 20 minutes from Hvítserkur is located Illugastaðir farm where you  can view seals in their natural environment! Their quarrels and their love for each other. You can sit and watch their life - You are going to see there seals in groups spend time chilling on the rocks, sleeping and relaxing or playing in water. Most of the seals are quite social, so if you will sit on rock, in calm and quite maybe some of them will like to see you and will naturally swim closer to you, however, keep on mind that they are wildlife, shy animals. From my experience : Me and my boyfriend were sitting on rock and watching 3 seals which swim in front of us when suddenly senior German couple in neon green nylon jackets start “running” around and loudly talking each other - seals were immediately away. By the way, sending regards to these 2! Basically I don't remember random strangers, but I would still recognise them :D But back to the topics - on Iceland is many seal watching places, but Seal Colony Illugastaðir is definitely one of the best places to see them.
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Our next stop is our final destination of the day - Hólmavík. In from of us is absolutely amazing road which we both enjoyed as the view will totally entertain you :)
Hólmavík is a small village but still largest settlement in the region. We stayed there because we both just love the countryside. Everything around seems to me very cozy. When the sun set, we went to the local restaurant for a local fish and can only recommend :) (And in this point of view is no needed to describe the restaurant more, because there is only one ;) ). During whole our stay I wish to see Northern lights (Aurora Borealis) - Northern lights on Iceland can be seen between September to April - of course during winter it's more easier to hunt Northern light. In September when it's only starting you need to be more lucky and more far from city light. From what I read Westfjords is perfect for seeing Northern light so that was also one of the reason why we decided to visit Hólmavík. During whole our stay on Iceland I was carefully watching Aurora forecast apps (yes, I downloaded more of them to be sure :D ) and each night wherever we were we stayed a part of the night outside watching the skies. Honestly? I really felt a lack of sleep but the will was stronger :D Each night we had very low prediction of to see it and when there was higher chance, there was a heavy clouds. This night in Hólmavík was prediction for Aurora Borealis on level 2 (so not so much - locals said when it's on level 3 you will probably see it If are good skies), but I see the place as the only chance to see it, because our next day will be on more populated place. Over the town is a small hill (right over the church) where we walked in the night - it was maybe 11:30 p.m. and as we were a bit more far from the street (only a few meters) we start see green light on the skies. In the beginning it was only a week visible green lines, but suddenly it start shinning bright, moving around the skies and dancing above us. We spent there maybe a hour and it's the experience I wish to had - my dream come true and it definitely worth the hours of waiting while others were sleeping :)
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Day 6 - Snæfellsnes peninsula
Ok, Snæfellsnes peninsula is truly reach on interesting places and things to see, so I am going to try to take it in a nutshell :) You can see there amazing waterfalls, beautiful Gerðuberg basal columns, popular spot with little black wooden church Búðakirkja church, gold beaches and amazing cliffs, rhyolite mountains, Mt. Stapafell which is high palagonite volcano few amazing cozy little colourful fishing towns, caves and Snæfellsjökull glacier which second largest glacier on Iceland after jökulsárlón. Snæfellsnes peninsula definitely deserve your attend and I'm sure each visitor of this land will find there your “piece of cake”. In Arnarstapi is “bridge” over the sea made of basal columns ( Gatklettur - Arch Rock ). We spent there whole day and I can absolutely imagine to have there more days to discover all of these beauties more! In Hellnar you will find a lovely spot for a coffee & cake stop called café Fjöruhúsið located just over the sea. Next to that you can see there Berserkjahraun Lava Fields - absolutely extraordinary place where volcanic rocks are formed to many shapes and are overgrown with fluffy green moss and red blueberry bushes. Huge tourist attraction and one of the most photographed places on Iceland is Kirkjufellsfoss not because it’s very big but because it has the uniquely shaped Mt. Kirkjufell as a backdrop - when we arrived there whole Mt. Kirkjufell was hidden in rain clouds but it's beautiful place anyway :)
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This night we stayed in very charming place - Staðarhús - Horse farm guesthouse in middle of nothing (but really, there was no village around, nothing). When sun set and we come out, it was the darkest night I ever seen. There was no sounds of civilisation, only a sound of wind. It was truly magical. However, there is one interesting place which I would like to mention on way from Snæfellsnes peninsula to Staðarhús! Geothermal tub where you can chill and warm up after a windy / rainy day - Landbrotalaug Hot Springs! It's very random spot close to the main road and when you are in, you are surrounded only by wonderful scenic landscape and nothing else. Iceland is full of geothermal areas and hot springs, but are not that popular. Most of the visitors know Blue lagoon or Myvatn Natural Bath, but there is plenty places where you can stop and chill for a couple of minutes before you will go to another journey. We were crossing 4 places and many left undiscovered. It's one of the things I absolutely enjoyed and highly recommend :) On Google you can find a maps with marked areas with natural springs where you can bath.
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My personal remarks and recommendations
Iceland is amazing island! Full of natural beauty! Wherever your roads will take you, you will be amazed. That's why it's better to not have your itinerary planed tightly. We were stopping on many place we didn't ever know about them and I was enjoying it. Sometimes we even stop next to the road to just enjoy the landscape view more!
When I read about weather conditions on Iceland I didn't know what to expect. On most of the blogs I read that I should be prepared for crazy weather! Yes, it's true Iceland is very windy, better jacket is better :) However, when it's not windy, the temperature is more or less friendly. What I highly recommend is to take sure you have comfy good shoes, because you will be not limited with where you would like to go if you shoe well :)
Local cuisine - try as many fishes as you can! They cook them absolutely delicious! Also Icelanders bake perfect kinds of bread and amazing rhubarb cakes ;) If you are planing to order beer with your baked cod, you might be surprised that the beer can cost half price of the main dish or even more. Me and my boyfriend were not eating in restaurants often, we had our gas burner and were cooking our dished and making tea on camping places by the roads (and Iceland is rich on camping places - you can find them very often and they are all clean, in beautiful nature).
Grocery stores - well this might be something you should google. There can happen to you that you will be passing 100km without any grocery store by the road, so It's better to google it and cross to some city around you. Icelanders have a map with grocery stores and we were using it too (for object this one ).
Geothermal pools / hot springs - bath in as much as you can, it's awesome relax to be sitting in 35C + water in such an amazing scenery nature!
Sheep are everywhere.
I got many questions on Instagram if is Iceland expensive? So the answer is yes and no - it all depends on you. Most of the activities on Iceland are for free. We were only on one parking were was required to pay (some were voluntary and some absolutely free). What was very surprising for me that was toilets - slowly on all of the parking places where we were was a free or voluntary fee toilets in absolutely clean condition with no lack of toilet paper! If you want to eat in restaurants, you can find cheaper restaurants or expensive - In standard restaurant costs dinner about 15€ - 20€.
Another frequently question was - what kind of car do I need to rent? And here it again depends on you :) We had 4x4 car and I would suggest it, because some roads required it, but if you are going to see only Golden circle then it's Ok if you don't have 4x4. In winter it might be different and if you are going here in winter I wouldn't consider anything else only powerful 4x4 car :)
Right at the moment I feel like I write it all, but if is there anything what interested you, feel free to write me! :) I will be happy to share with you my experiences! 
Where we stayed
Reykjavík - Norðurey Hotel City Garden Höfn - Lilja Guesthouse Borgarfjörður Eystri - Blabjorg Guesthouse Ólafsfjörður - Brimnes Hotel & Cabins Hólmavík - Finna Hotel Borgarnes - Staðarhús - Hestaland Guesthouse Maybe not all of these hotels were perfect butter us were good located. If you are going to visit Iceland, I suggest to find a place to stay “on your road” because the distances there are big and driving 50km extra just because of sleeping seems to me too much :) And other factor of choosing the hotel is availability.... well :) I got this trip in August for my B-day from my handsome boyfriend and our journey was starting in 20 days so we were meeting with already booked out hotels often. 
Thank you for reading! Hope if you are about to go to Iceland my experiences help you a bit :) 
Wish you a lovely day!  Marcela  
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
Sunny weekend morning
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I love weekends mornings - having a slow morning with magazine and coffee means for me huge recharge of my brain batteries after a long work week :) And when there is a smiling sun, it's hard to imagine a place where I would be rather (if even exist better place than home is). Now when the winter is coming is sun more shy and mostly hiding over the clouds, but it's creating even more magnificent art trough the windows. 
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Tableware: Iittala from Arki 
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
Kitchen nest
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Many people say “Kitchen is a heart of the home” and I can not disagree - Kitchen is a place, where the family first meet on breakfast before the rush day, where all of us enjoy not only a food, but also a quick talk before the daily rush :) And that's why it's so important how you feel in your kitchen = my kitchen is my nest. I love to sit there, drink coffee, cook or bake there, meet there with my nearest ones, when a friends comes to us sitting on behind the kitchen corner till I finials the dish - it's the most “social” place of our home! 
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Our kitchen is bright and very airy - in the middle is kitchen island - perfect for preparing or serving food, for a quick cup of tea, while I'm cooking I often sit there and read a few pages from my magazines. All the colors of our kitchen are from one color pallet - you will find there white bricks, creamy white kitchen doors, warming wood black details. I think that biggest benefit of “open” kitchen is the practical issue - everything is around you and it's ready for your using . As in every corner of our home, also in kitchen you will find some plants - most of the plans which I have on window are edible, so again it's also a practical issue - in the meanwhile I'm cooking spaghetti for a dinner, I can cull some basil :) However, I believe surrounding with at least a few plats helps you feel cosier and bringing a bit of nature inside! 
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Get the look: Kay Bojesen wooden monkey here / Kählers design Hammershøi tableware and tea pot here / 
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
Let the sun comes in!
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Summer days means high temperatures, windows open and a calm mood around! 
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I absolutely love sitting in front of open window (when on balcony is the temperature too much and sun is too much direct), reading there and calming there. I'm always surrounded by my indoor plants thanks to that I feel so fresh :) 
Wish you guys a perfect summer joy! Get the look:  Kähler design Light houses here / Kählers design Hammershøi tableware here / House Doctor Flowerpot here
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
Good morning, or better say, whole day in bed?
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Who don't need from time to time a day for “nothing” ? Just to woke up and have the laziest day ever - bring a breakfast to the bed, bring some magazines and stay there till.... till you want to?
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I need it - often, hihi. To make a day with super slow start to the new day, with a sweet treat in the bed and as much “me time” as I want to :) 
That's why I love Sunday! 
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
Sunday breakfast time
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Sunday morning - a time when is everywhere a silence, people are drinking their coffee and enjoying a quick talk - and in our home it's the same. What I love about Sunday morning is the calm and joyful time feeling in the air :) The time when I am not in rush, or better say, my very lazy time ;) 
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
Game of shadows
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When the morning light knock on my living room windows, the game of shadows there is just an magnificent! 
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The sun sat on my little plants, books I was reading and created unique addition in our living room! Oh how much I love Saturday mornings :) Wish you an amazing weekend guys! 
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marcelapeckova · 5 years
Easter time
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Easter time is for many a times when we put our easter bunnies on windows, colourful eggs in basket and everything is dressed into shinny colors. Unfortunately, that's what I absolutely don't like about this fest so here I would like to get you friendly with very minimalistic and elegant Easter table set up! 
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White classic porcelain with ageless pattern, dried field flowers, linen tea towels and colourful porcelain eggs with matching pattern - but not in  significant orange, green and yellow colors, however, in minimalistic pale color pallet! 
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You can put on each plate once egg in favourite color and create an unique table set up for each memeber of Easter table! 
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Eggs and tableware is from Lyngby Porcelæn - Rhombe collection / CZ - SK Kolekciu Rhombe od Lyngby Porcelæn nájdeš na Milky.cz 
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marcelapeckova · 6 years
Just imagine!
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Just imagine.... the sound of sea, the fresh air when you are sitting by the sea, and the atmosphere!
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Skandinavisk HAV scented candle always reminds me sitting in from of the cold Baltic Sea. However, this time they come with a wonderful body care. My morning ritual turns into something more now - the beautiful fragrance always takes my mind to a place where I love it - to the cold sea and salty wind. 
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Discover Skaninavis HAV Hand & Body Care here
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marcelapeckova · 6 years
First Spring blossom
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After a longer winter I can finally sit in front of the open window, watch how first trees start blooming and enjoying this very welcomed season!
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You might like to: 
Lyngby Porcelæn curve vase here or if you are from CZ/ SK here 
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marcelapeckova · 6 years
VENN is turning 2!
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This lill guy is turning 2 Today! So for us is 1.1. not only beginning of new year, but also a a big day for this one! :) So wish you a wonderful New Year, may it be full of filled of your dreams! 
Regards from Marcela and Venn 
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marcelapeckova · 6 years
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Visiting Cuba was my childhood dream and this fall my dream come true :) We spent 12 days on this magnificent island in Caribic. Most of the time we spent in sunny Varadero, but of course we went discover Havana, see Caribbean Sea and more! 
In this blog I don't want to focus on classical  topic such as which season is best for visiting Cuba, local money, how much cost what, flinging etc. as you will find a million of blogs about that. It was my first time in Cuba - we visited Cuba in November and everything was just an perfect - the weather, the temperature of water, I have nothing bad to say ;) 
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We were looking for “easy” vacation - not too much of traveling, mostly relax - you know, just switching to the off mode, haha. And Varadero is a perfect place for that! There is plenty of amazing hotels which will offer you perfect hospitality. My daily program was to grab a coconut on my way to the beach and spend whole day in the sea! After this vacation will Varadero stay in my heart as a piece of heaven - a tropical paradise with sparkling blue water and sandy white beaches with coconut palms everywhere :) 
Local cuisine pretty good, although it might seems to you like the dishes taste pretty similar :) My favourite became baked plantains.
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Traveling and discovering Cuba can be done by many ways - you can rent a car, go with a tour bus, go with some locals, or call a taxi. We found one fantastic taxi driver. With old classic car he drove us to Havana and make us a wonderful tour around. Show us all the beautiful corners of this historic city told us a bit from history which is very colourful and rich. It's a city which you just simply must see when you are in Cuba! 
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Few days later we decided to visit a Caribbean Sea which is perfect for snorkelling and diving - the sea life is here truly rich. I was never swimming with such a huge amount of colourful fishes from the smallest ones to truly huge fishes :) 
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Our hotel was offering a day trip to go diving with diving instructor to the ocean so that was my another childhood dream which turns to the reality here :) In the morning comes for us a bus which drop us to the harbour and from harbour we went on boat for about 15 divers somewhere to the open ocean. I was that much looking forward it that I forgot to be scared of Morays , haha. When I saw the first one I was in such a happiness that it didn't event seems to me scary. 
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What seems to me amazing about this piece of heaven on the Earth is the perfect calm which you can feel anywhere you step to. How friendly are all the people there - old or young, English speaking or not, they are all so positive. 
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marcelapeckova · 6 years
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London is a city which has a very special place in my heart and no matter how many times I visit this unique historical-modern city, I always love it and never get tired of the all the beautiful streets, corners, park, museums and perfect restaurants & pubs!  Here is my “ London travel guide ”!  
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London is definitely one of the most world's most visited city, it has something for everyone: from history and culture to great street food, restaurants, cozy traditional pubs and a lot of fun! 
Every time when we are in London, I'm trying to accommodate as much closer to the Hyde park as possible! The morning walks there are just a perfect way how to start the day! I always buy a sack of nuts and feed the squirrels there :) 
Hyde Park is possibly the most famous park in London, and it is one of the largest. The park has historical significance, any time of the day you visit Hyde Park it's full of life - even if it's rainy, cold, sunny. I love to take a coffee to go and sit in the middle - in front of the lake with swans, birds and ducks. This part of nature is truly calming and it's joy to be there. 
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This is a view from our hotel room a which was just a street from Hyde Park and only about 3 minutes from metro station - so a perfect for transporting :) 
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Museums and galleries in London
When it's rainy in London, it always worth to "hide” in the museum! Most of the London's museums and galleries are for free. This time we visited more of them :)
The National Gallery (in Trafalgar Square) has something for everyone with work by da Vinci, Turner, van Gogh and Rembrandt on display.
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On Exhibition Road in South Kensington, you can find many museums close together - let's start with Natural History Museum! In the main hall is hanged a skeleton of blue whale and by exploring the museum you can find there (of course) skeletons of dinosaurs, stuffed animals and old fossils
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Next door you can find Science museum - that was much bigger fun for my bf - all the old cars, old & modern technology displayed, a model of space ships - it was like cute out of the sci-fi dreams ;) 
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Victoria and Albert Museum is focused on cultural history. The V&A Museum has artwork on show alongside fashion and living tools from around the world. From modern Japan to old Mayans! 
And finally - British Museum - Let's go there discover centuries and centuries of archeological discoveries from all over the world, see the Easter island statue, famous double-headed serpent an Aztecs sculptural treasure, mummified remains from Egypt and old China porcelain (I spent there so much time! :) ) 
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Ok, I think there is truly a lot to discover from the museums, but let's switch the theme! Let's talk about sightseeing tour - what you should definitely see? A trip to London is incomplete without strolling through Green Park to catch a glimpse of Buckingham Palace. Make sure to not skip Big Bend, although it's in the reconstruction now and... one more must see - London Tower and London Bridge - if you have some extra time, take a cruise ride on Thames (when you go there by metro, make sure you will get off on Bank station, so you can pick also most delicious macaron from Ladureé, oh they are so yummy! 
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Let's continue! When you are somewhere around London Bridge and still hungry, make sure to stop on a small square in from of the Dickens Inn for a delicious street food! It's a truly cozy place with a lot of small stands with food of your choice! 
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But of course, what kind of tourist you would be without stopping in some old pub for traditional Fish n Chips??? You can find the slowly on any corner! 
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A part of visiting London is of course shopping! Oxford Street is not only London’s top spot for shopping but is Europe’s busiest shopping street! Bond Street connects to Oxford Street and is a popular shopping district in its own right! You can find there from the most luxurious boutiques slowly to any kind of store you even think about... and me? Oxford street is of course a must stop and but I'm always looking for something different - Of course it's an interior design shops! So I always love to visit Skandium store *.* It's a pure design heaven - you will find there all the iconic & ageless design treasures!
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During our wanderlust across beautiful London streets we stopped in the most beautiful and cozy coffee shops - we wanted to stop also in Instagram favourite Monocle coffee, but it was too much busy! 
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What's beautiful to visit is China town! Chinatown is located in heart of SoHo and you can try there authentic taste of Asian cuisine 
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I'm sure any time of the year you will visit London you will love it! Your program there can be as diverse and colourful as much you would like to and can enjoy this city with slowly any budget! 
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