marcovolta · 4 months
@bleedingwings location: Lupercalia notes: probably not their second date but you, they've been dating
"First festival together." Marco pointed out as he put his hands in his pockets because he didn't really know what to do with them otherwise. He was still waiting to meet her family but Marco didn't know how to broach that subject, or even how to introduce Sariel to his. How he would even do that and what that would look like. Considering the fallen's history, it seemed like it'd probably be a touchy subject. "Who are you putting money on to win the Alpha Gauntlet?" Things like this always ended up deciding a lot, he couldn't help but wonder what things would look like here when all was said and done.
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marcovolta · 4 months
@rileyyildiz location: Lupercalia notes: dahlia pals thx
Considering the events of last year's Lupercalia, Marco was glad to be here and celebrating rather than nervously cooking up a storm in the kitchen. It was a year since the war had broken out and since Theneras had wiped the Amaranthus almost off the face of the planet. The Dahlia was lucky, so as he saddled up next to Riley he waited very patiently to hear what his horoscope was for the day. "So, what's the word?"
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marcovolta · 4 months
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Hello my old heart, how have you been? Are you still there inside my chest? I've been so worried, you've been so still barely beating at all.
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marcovolta · 4 months
It wasn't like Marco had never had a girlfriend before, he wasn't a martian, but this was the first time that he'd felt this strongly about someone. "Really -?" For some reason he was surprised but that didn't stop him from jamming his elbow down with a closed fist as he said yes a little under his breath. "I should um, maybe we should clean this up, yeah? I'll have to whip us up something else quick." Marco flushed as he looked at the absolute disaster that was the spread he'd laid out for them.
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"Oh. Oh." There is a moment of dawning understanding as the reason behind his nervousness connects and she can't help the growing fondness on her chest. Endearing, to see that she had let him eat her out in the middle of a restaurant and then she had returned the favor and he was nervous that she wasn't going to say yes. As if that answer was ever on the table. As if she was going to deny him after wanting this for longer than he realized. A tender smile dances on her lips as she leans in and bumps their noses together. "That sounds nice, yes. And I would very much like to be your girlfriend. All you needed to do was ask."
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marcovolta · 4 months
"Propose?" The panic in his voice was immediate as he started stammering through the paces of how they'd really only just met and they're really only just- Marco didn't finish that thought though because he wasn't about to talk about his or their sex lives. Especially when everything was still so new. Marco felt his cheeks get hot as he tugged at his collar and actively tried not to think about the night they'd spent together before the opening of his restaurant. "No no, I definitely um, I definitely want to know about her but I'm not looking at rings that'd be crazy."
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"Sariel?" Oh, oh. The Fallen eventually realized what was happening and cleared her throat. Atarniel's eyes were open wide while the confusion began to subside. Luckily Marco had made his intentions clear or else Atarniel would've been none the wiser about his actual plans, awkward as he was. Real cute, definitely someone for Sariel. "Sapphire blue, so any sapphire ring will do if you do propose. You have my blessing," was she joking? Probably not. With one eyebrow raised, the Fallen smirked at the witch, "she also loves chocolate muffins, so why don't you take her out on a picnic underneath the stars? We're ancient, doesn't mean we don't love to be worshipped and courted." the Fallen shrugged, "are you... trying to collect as much information about her as possible? You found me via a locator spell."
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marcovolta · 5 months
"Can this be..." Marco always got nervous around women and relationships. Men too, but this was different. Harder. He never slept with someone before the third date, but here they were, dateless. Dateless and smelling like each other. "Can we... Do this again? Maybe after a nice date where we don't destroy a table spread?" Marco rubbed at the back of his head and managed to look at Sariel in the eyes because despite everything that they'd been through to date he could say with absolute certainty that she was one of the strongest people he knew. Very quickly and all at once, Marco asked, "Wouldyouwanttobemygirlfriend?"
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"I could have gotten up, you know," Sariel drawls playfully, eyes flicking up to meet his eyes and giving him some privacy as he composes himself. It wouldn't be as nice, standing up, because she wouldn't be eye level, but it was still an option. Anything to make things easier for him, truly. A satisfied sigh escapes her lips as she leans into the touch, and she smiles at the soft tenderness of the action, and the heat on his cheeks. There is an intimacy to this that she isn't used to, not the staying after sex, the basking on the moment because she cares about who she slept with. It feels right, to be next to him. "You can ask me anything. I won't promise that I will answer easily, but for you I will try."
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marcovolta · 5 months
"Good," that wasn't good enough. "great!" Marco said far too quickly before he cleared his throat. The witch got down to her eye level as he loosely tucked himself away, feeling suddenly exposed and sentimental all at once. "Can I ask you something now?" His fingers moved delicately through the side of her hair; Marco could feel how he was blushing, and while it was embarrassing to be sat in front of her like this after she'd just done - that - there were some things he had wanted to say before the two of them had gotten so carried away. Sex or anything along the borderlines of sex wasn't something that Marco took lightly; it was severe to him, and he hoped it meant the same to her.
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There is a particular delight that comes from making the object of her affection fall apart before her. Feeling particularly like a cat that ate the canary, she waits patiently as Marco orgasms and once done, she swallows all that she can, a few drops falling down her chin. Pulling back, she swipes her thumb to catch them and meets Marco's gaze as she pops it on her mouth and sucks, giving the witch another cheeky wink as she does. Then, in a fit of softness, she leans forward and presses a soft kiss on his thigh, before carefully stretching up and grinning. "So, verdict?"
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marcovolta · 5 months
Oh so she was - ? That was going to ruin her palette for the rest of the night but it was so - Marco felt his face flush an even deeper shade of scarlet as his body seemed to react entirely on his own. The witch's fingers threaded deeper into her hair as Marco felt his release rising from within, coiling and uncoiling like a rope pulled taut and prepared to snap. He'd been thinking about this forever so when Marco came it left his body quaking as warm flooded his features and he drained himself against the back of Sariel's throat.
Sariel is sure that if it weren't Marco, she would be rolling her eyes at the attempt to warn her about the upcoming release. That is the point of the whole endeavor in the first place. But, it's Marco, and she knows he means well, so rather than rolling her eyes, she glances up and winks at him encouragingly in hopes of getting her message across. To emphasize her point, she maker the point of pushing until his tip hits the back of her throat and moans around his dick.
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marcovolta · 5 months
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Lucien Laviscount
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marcovolta · 5 months
Marco looked up again and closed his eyes as he thought about Midsommar, crushed eye balls, ground liver pate, chopped fingers and shredded skin cheese. Nope, it wasn't working; Marco looked down towards the blonde on her knees in front of him, cheeks flushed and lips spread around him as she worked over his balls and his cock. That image was something that was burned into his mind, something he'd revisit time and time again; especially at night when he was in bed by himself. "I'm going to-" it was polite to tell her that she should probably pull off soon otherwise she was going to get a mouthful. "Sariel I'm gonna-" no, he couldn't say it.
Sariel almost wants to coo at the sight, devilish delight settling on her chest as she meets Marco’s eyes and watches him snap his eyes closed. Feeling particularly like the cat that caught the canary, she shifts and begins moving on the rhythm of his thrusts, her tongue moving to press against the underside of his cock as he speaks and she pulls back to moisten her lips and lean forward to lick his balls. “Good, I want to make you fell good,” she stares firmly before she presses a kiss to his tip and wraps her lips against him once more.
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marcovolta · 6 months
Truthfully Marco loved food because of the way it brought people together, the war and everything that had happened before was so divisive. One thing everyone could agree on was the worth and value of a good meal, Marco often felt that there weren't many disputes that couldn't be resolved by sitting down and sharing a meal together. "I'm glad you like it, there's plenty more where that came from." He smiled, "So, will I see you next month?"
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Circe had always been plant-based, or vegan, as they seemed to call it these days. Even before she had turned man into pigs, she had not been inclined to eat meat. Even while she had been upon her island, she had turned to the fauna to supply her with what she needed. Which may have been why her interest was piqued at the mention of this plant-based menu. "How odd, as it seems so few around here care for such things," she stated, though she would wait to make her decision once she had actually tried what he had made. These younger creatures had certainly become quite useful in how they crafted their foods. "Thank you," she mused, as she accepted the item he had offered her. For a moment, she inspected it, ever curious. Before she finally lifted it to her mouth, a small bite taken to gauge whether she proceeded. It was barely a moment before her brows rose of intrigue, her gaze shifted to him once more, "This is divine. You certainly know what you are doing."
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marcovolta · 6 months
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Lucien Laviscount
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marcovolta · 6 months
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lucien laviscount
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marcovolta · 6 months
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Marco ll Saturchella
Tie me up like I'm surprised Let's role-play, I wear a disguise
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marcovolta · 6 months
It wasn't going to take long... No really... It really, really wasn't going to take long but Marco didn't want to seem like a chump so about the moment that Sariel wrapped her lips around him he was thinking about literally anything else. Death. Dying. The current news cycle. He absolutely could not look at her but Marco could... Thrust a bit, put his hand on the back of her head. Nothing crazy, he chanced a look down and saw her looking back up to them and then Marco quickly shut his eyes. Dead rabbits dead cats dead dogs dead dead dead. Okay he was good again. "You're very-" he swallowed, "you're so-" Marco shuttered. "you're good at that."
Thrilled by his response and his clear need, Sariel looks away from Marco and to her prize, a grin spreading as she does so. Licking her lips one last time, she reaches and balances herself with his thigh before leaning forward and licking a long stripe on the underside of his dick, her free hand moving to cup his balls as she slowly pushes herself forward until his tip hits the back of her throat and she pushes down her gag reflex with a few blinks before glancing up to meet his eyes and humming in delight at the sight she finds.
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marcovolta · 6 months
The restaurant was booked solid for the next few months, but there was still room for the owner to add interested people to the list. He was a witch, he could feel power when it approached, but that was more common these days than ever before. "If you like it you should come by the restaurant for veganuary, we're doing a month long menu that's entirely plant based." Marco had been working with local farmers and retailers for months, there was a lot of love put into everything that he made. He finished charring the edges of the glazed, roasted vegan option before he offered it to her. Something hot on an otherwise very, very cold day.
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Why she had approached such a stall, Circe was not certain. And unfortunately, she had been caught before she could have made such an escape. A pleasant enough smile slipped across her lips, as she eyed the young witch, "Except alive." Those poor piglets. Her gaze dropped to the meat currently cooking, then to the vegan option he had mentioned, "The vegan one, if you will."
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marcovolta · 6 months
@xsorceressx location: Why, it's the Christmas Market of course notes: love long pig for dinner
"Hey hey, What's Cookin'?" Marco asked as the woman approached the barbeque stall that he'd set up for his restaurant in the midst of the temple ruins. "We've got pig every way you can imagine it," on a separate grill he had alternative options as well, but pork on Saturn's feast day was traditional. "with a vegan option as well." Marco leaned in a bit as he turned some of the marinated skewers, "What'll it be?"
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