demonguerrero · 9 months
@senatusstarters location: Hakan's Christmas Bash notes: limiting this to the first 4 people who reply kiss kiss
It was a party. People had to start acting like it. Arturo staggered away from the blood den and touched his neck as the wound there healed almost immediately. Any demonic entity with an ounce of intuition could feel it: things had changed, they'd really fucking changed. Pythia was right, they'd done it, and across the veil that separated this realm from the Otherworld, Arturo could practically feel the hordes scratching to find a foothold within.
Below the party was a cacophony of skin and sweat, writhing bodies that moved in time to the music that was so loud he could feel the stones of this old castle shaking. Arturo hollered from the parapet, whooping into the open air above the hall, the violent creature craved nights like this: freedom and sin, modern debauchery with a dash of the true essence of Rome. He'd have to find Avery later and make sure the witch was staying in trouble, but until then he'd settle for leaning into the night.
"I heard the old man is going to make this happen every year," Arturo called out over the music, he wiped his own blood from his hand onto his shirt. It was no Blood Mass, but not every party planner could be Lilith. "there's only one thing missing."
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thiefnathan · 9 months
@abelczarlinski location: Hakanalia notes: kiss kiss bang bang
"What, no dancing?" Nathan joked, his jacket had been open since they'd got here so there was no need to work over the buttons before he flopped down into one of the biggest couches he could find. "This is insanity." Came the senator's comment, the pulsing music, the drinks, the... Everything. There was a lot going on here and Nathan felt very old because of it. "We're not staying the whole time, right?" Murder She Wrote was on at midnight.
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hyrsamx · 9 months
@senatusstarters location: Hakan's Chrimmus Bash notes: Play That Funky Mayor
It began with a speech, jovial and welcoming as Dimetor honoured the many people that had given up everything for their great city. He then explained that yes, he was but a simple mortal man but the senate had told him everything and he was resolved to make this city a safe place once again - for everyone. He thanked Hakan for opening his home to Rome and declared the party to be an official annual celebration in the Roman calendar, Saturnalia would end on the 23rd and Hakanalia (patent pending) would be held on the 25th. 
Naturally, Dimetor then kicked off into a musical number. 
"Hey do it now Yeah hey,"
Mayor Dimetor stepped out onto the stage as the music flooded the soundstage, the backup dancers were all meticulously dressed, sequins, tassels, and colour blocking that accented the Mayor’s attire: iridescent body glitter that refracted the neon lights and a pair of horns that everyone would assume were really convincing fakes. While the microphone wasn’t his ideal, Dimetor slid into place as he kicked off the Christmas Bash to end all Christmas Bashes.
"Hey once I was a boogie singer Playin' in a rock and roll band I never had no problems yeah Burnin' down one night stands And everything around me, yeah Got to stop to feelin' so low And I decided quickly, yes I did To disco down and check out the show Yeah they was,"
In the corner of the room Hyrsam saw Boranehn with their arms folded, so naturally he tossed the wyvern a wink as he sang. A synchronous clop trotted with the thunderous bass as the seemingly mortal man and his accompaniment of stringent professionals moved through a clearly well-coordinated routine. Hyrsam had done four tours with Britney, Beyonce was still upset that he’d turned down the Homecoming tour but Honey Balenciaga was a good alternative.
"Dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin' And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right Play that funky music white boy Lay down that boogie and play that funky music 'til you die 'Til you die, yeah, oh 'til you die."
Ariadne looked like she needed to loosen up, his treasured friend, Bacchus smiled at her and the various archdruids he saw strewn about the party. To them it was probably a small matter for a God to conceal his presence; now came the shimmy, Bacchus shifted as he waltzed across the stage, Elmas was wearing her signature human hair unit as she expertly played the keyboard. There wasn’t much his assistant couldn’t do, she was highly skilled. 
"Gonna play that electrified funky music, yeah" "Hey wait a minute Now first it wasn't easy Changin' rock and roll and minds And things were getting shaky I thought I'd have to leave it behind But now it's so much better (it's so much better) I'm funking out in every way But I'll never lose that feelin' (no I won't) Of how I learned my lesson that day"
Those from the garden were some of his favourites, had they tried the chicken at the party tonight? It was to die for. Because Dionysus was Dionysus he’d put a few drops of blood into each of the wine kegs… And the water as well, he’d also put a lot into the pool. Were people trying not to drink? With all of Dionysus that was wafting through the air, that wasn’t going to be possible. Have fun, go wild, get crazy. Dionysus stuck his tongue out as he backed it up across the stage. 
"When they were Dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin' And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right Play that funky music white boy Lay down that boogie and play that funky music 'til you die 'Til you die, yeah, oh 'til you die."
The big finish, Soterius got down and started whacking before he and the ace team of satyr dancers vogued into a set of synchronised death drops. The hero of every story, the idea behind every invention, the saviour of everyone: what couldn’t Soterius do? With these hooves? Nothing. 
Mayor Dimetor dismounted the stage after riding it hard and hanging it up wet, "Enjoy the show?"
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veneriovescovi · 9 months
@dimitrinicolescu location: Saturnalia Christmas Market notes: that puts this before the orgy
"I'm telling you, she's the one." Venerio had finally found the perfect girl for him, she was tall, beautiful, spoke three different languages, and she was crazy about. The thing was though- her dad was also kind of... No, he couldn't start thinking like, that was what got him into trouble in the past. His habit of being unfaithful was remarkably unlucky, but this time Venerio was sure he'd hit the jackpot. His love life was looking up, the one, his heart and soul, "Her name's-" Fuck. "Marie." Now he was a liar too.
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bleedingwolfgang · 9 months
@natemichaelson location: Saturchella, Hakan's Rave, the blood pool notes: deja vu baby girl
"Why is it always the Pluto vampires throwing a party?" Wolfgang didn't even know this Hakan guy but apparently he'd put this whole thing for his dead progeny. He was pretty sure Seth wouldn't even notice if Wolf died, he wondered what it was like to have a sire that actually gave a shit. "That's real blood too, I bet if Mars threw a party it'd be fucking insane." The vampire could hear himself complaining but he didn't stop, shirtless with little more than a santa hat and matching pants, he should have been rizzing up his date but instead he was whining.
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alekgray · 9 months
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Alek Gray ll Saturchella
Don't want to make you feel strange, but Don't let these words be in vain, so Spread, spread for me
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marcovolta · 9 months
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Marco ll Saturchella
Tie me up like I'm surprised Let's role-play, I wear a disguise
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acolyterose · 9 months
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Atlas Rose ll Saturchella
They say that the world was built for two Only worth living if somebody is loving you And, baby, now you do
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bishophart · 10 months
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Bishop Hart ~ Saturchella
You fucked me so good that I almost said, "I love you" You're fun and you're wild But you don't know the half of the shit that you put me through
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renxfields · 9 months
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Ren Fields ll Saturchella
Let your friends laugh, even this I can stand 'Cause I wanna keep you, any way I can
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lorenzcvalentin · 9 months
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Lorenzo Valentin ll Saturchella
I've been lit since brunch, thot shit Order 42 for the table, let's pop shit
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seraphimichael · 9 months
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Michael ll Saturchella
Fire on fire would normally kill us But this much desire, together, we're winners
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virgilmoretti · 9 months
@sonnyevangelista locations: Hakanalia notes: Old Virgil is Madea from that one scene when she hates that music because it brings the hoe out.
Been a long time since Virgil had been to a party, he knew how these Roman functions could get so he'd taken something that would make sure he was safe from whatever fey concoction was bound to make itself around. Last thing he needed was ending up slipping up and letting the old Virgil out. "Man, I hate this music." Virgil said as he swayed in place, his chest popped a bit here and there as he nodded his head. "This jacket's hot." There wasn't a lot to it but it sure was heavy, Virgil slipped it off as he continued to move back and forth. "So, you wanna dance?"
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senatushq · 9 months
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"Twas a few nights before Christmas and all the house, not a hoof was a stomping, not even a mouse.
...What? C'mon Laer, tell the real story." - Aurora
There’s no big plot twist, no scandalous murder, and nothing dramatic. Just a wedding, a birthday, a memorial rave, and some festive cheer.
Enjoy the event, enjoy your holidays, and enjoy the gifts that the admins have prepared for each of you. Nine new aspects and one new archfiend have dropped, each carefully gift wrapped for a member of the group. These characters do not count towards your overall character count and you are under no obligation to bring them in if you choose not to. They will still be considered ‘in play,’ but they’ll be held for you in the event that you ever change your mind. There are no time constraints to when you need to get your application in (if at all), so don’t stress about needing to rush through other ideas you might already have percolating. 
Thank you to all of you for putting up with the madness that has been this last year, welcome back to returning faces, and happy holidays to everyone. We hope that you’ve had as much fun playing this silly little game as we’ve had working on it (maybe more, actually). This is a labour of love so getting to share this world with all of you, watching your reactions, reading your interactions, and giggling over your discourse really makes it all worthwhile. 
Once again, thank you for a wonderful year. 
ooc info:
There is one rule: no trading. Your gift is yours and can’t be bartered, changed, swapped, or exchanged. Do not ask. 
Some etiquette: if you aren’t happy with what you’ve been given, then we’re very sorry and encourage you to look at the characters that are open and available to you. Please avoid comments that might make other people feel guilty that they have something you want.
Limit: It's now 19, don't kill each other.
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Congratulations to Aegnor on winning the Saturnalia Gladiator Event!
In front of the entire city, your muse was presented with a flower of pharmakis, the flower grown from the blood of a God. In secret, however, this flower was replaced by one grown from the blood of Nyarlathotep. Under Oztalun's direction the prize was swapped out by his High Priestesses Lilith and Pythia. Should your muse choose to undergo the transformation, they will not turn into their 'truest self' but will instead turn into an archfiend similar to that of an original vampire.
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veneriovescovi · 9 months
@senatusstarters location: Hakan's Christmas Rave notes: local fake nerd pretends he doesn't fit in at parties, "have you ever seen me without this hat? That's weird." My standard 4 muse restriction applies kiss kiss
A party like this wasn't Venerio's scene, on nights like this people were most likely to find him in the library bent over ancient lines from the Poetic Edda, or an authentic copy of one of Dante's works. He was Edgar Allan Poe reincarnate- this rave was filled with hedonists that were making a mockery of this ancient castle. Hakan was generous enough to open his doors to the city, and to fill the halls with every debaucherous event that you could think of... So naturally, Venerio had to indulge. It would have been bad form to show up to a party and not enjoy himself - this was all to honour the sacrifice of the Six, a pluto vampire among them.
Venerio stumbled from the orgy, staggered was more the apt word - what time was it? Late. The party was still raging and the vampire's senses were momentarily haywire. What blood had he drank? His tongue moved across his lips first - elven? Eladrin? The lights of the hall danced to their own twilight routine and he knew that it was one of the two. Maybe the former because it felt potent. The back of Venerio's hand moved across his lips next as he looked for a balcony, fresh air, something. He'd been here countless times and still got lost, that was the nature of Hakan's castle though. Venerio needed- he didn't know what he needed, "Do you have a light?" That was it.
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kadirosman · 9 months
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Kadir Osman ll Saturchella
What are you gonna do? Talk to me, tell me your dreams Am I in them?
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