mari-thebrowser125 · 3 months
Hotch One-Shot
Working at the BAU is an emotionally and physically draining job. It's helpful to find something positive and that's what you did but your positive wasn't a something, more of a someone. Hotch had been your positive in your world of negative. He listened to you and made you feel seen. He paid attention to all of the small things and knew how to handle your mood swings. He was everything you needed. Your and Jack's relationship was great as well. He was a smart kid and you got along when you saw him, which wasn't much. In the hotel room, it's you and Hotch's turn to share a room. You both had just finished a particularly draining case and it took a toll on you both, you especially, considering you were one of the victims. You were assigned to stake out a possible victim and you were right, however, he took you by surprise and knocked you out. He touched you in unimaginable ways. You were a play toy to him and he used you for his entertainment and you were terrified. The good news is, before he actually got the chance to rape you, your team caught him and took him into custody. He didn't deny anything and confessed in the first hour. They were able to charge him with all of the murders and rapes and he went to prison. "You've been quiet." Jumping a bit, you turn towards the source of the sound to see Hotch already looking at you. "Yeah.. sorry.. just thinking." He nods, "You want to talk about it?" You shake your head, "Im just tired. Can we go to bed?" He nods and gets ready for bed and you do too. Laying in bed, he says, "Can I hold you?" You nod and he scoots closer to spoon you. Soothing you by rubbing your hair, you fall asleep and eventually, so does Hotch.
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mari-thebrowser125 · 3 months
Wyatt Lykensen One-Shot
Being Addison's twin sister and being on the cheer team has some perks. On top of that, dating a werewolf, who can be a bit protective when necessary, is good too. You've been dating Wyatt for a year and today is your anniversary and it's been great. However, when the aliens came you and Addison have taken it upon yourselves to to make them feel welcome. But.. A-lan has taken your kindness for infatuation and has taken a liking to you and Wyatt doesn't seem too happy about it. Walking out of your class, you find Wyatt standing there with flowers. You smile, "Aww.. you remembered." He says, "Of course I did andd.. we are going on a date to celebrate. I already planned everything.. with the help of Wynter.. Willa.. Addison.. and Eliza but it's done and all you-" Someone cuts him off, "Y/N, I was wondering if-," he stops, looking up to find Wyatt with flowers and you both standing right next to each other, in conversation. "Oh.. was I interrupting something?" You nod, "Yeah, me and Wyatt were talking, can you give us a moment?" "Of course," he says smiling but continues to stand there, staring at you. Wyatt, practically growling, speaks, "Alone." "Oh.. does Y/N want me to leave?" A-lan looks at you and you nod. He turns and leaves. Wyatt continues, "Anyways, before we were rudely interrupted, all you have to do is bring yourself. 8pm?" I smile and nod. "You know.. you can remove your hands from my waist now, right?" He smiles and pulls you closer. "I know.. but I like seeing you flustered." Before you could protest, he kisses you and you melt.
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mari-thebrowser125 · 2 years
Fire and the Rose
She hears it, the screams, the cries of anguish, she hears everything, and yet, she can do nothing. Her father is by her side, holding her hand, watching the door as they bang on it to get to her. He won’t let them take away his daughter over an obsession, he won’t. He unsheathes his sword, ready to lunge at anyone that comes through that door.. until.. it all stops.
You gasp for air as you have had another one of those, inexplainable, nightmares. You’ve been having them ever since you came to the Redkeep. You must have let out an scream before because one of your handmaidens comes rushing into your room, “Are you alright, my lady? I heard you scream.” You sigh as you, once again, will not hear the end of it from you’re mother for disturbing royals with ‘foolish nightmares’. You speak, “Yes, I am alright, Anya, just another dream, nothing to worry about.” Anya looks suspiciously at you and say, “Are you sure, my lady? Should I go fetch the maester?” You shake your head and Anya bows and leaves. Sometimes, you forget that people would do anything at your bidding because you’re betrothed to one of the most dangerous men in the royal family, Aemond Targaryen. Your mothers have known each other all their life so it wasn’t a surprise when it was announced that Aemond was to be your husband. As you get out of your bed and slip into another night dress, the other drenched in sweat, you notice something out of the corner of your eye. Aemond Targaryen at your window.. with.. a gift? You, instantly, jump and say, “My Prince! What are you doing here? The hour is late.” He hums and nod and says, “Yes, well, I couldn’t sleep. Do you mind?” He gestures to the seat by your fire place and you nod, slowly. He takes the seat and you soon sit in the next seat across from him. After a silence, he, in a whisper, speaks, “I have brought you something,, would you like to see what it is?” You nod and he gives you a sapphire blue box. You take it from him and unlace the bow that was on top when you gasp. There was a beautiful sapphire necklace inside with a pair of earrings to match. You look up at him and ask, “Why did you give this to me, My Prince?” He looks regretful for a moment then says, “Why? Do you not like it?” You say, “No, I love it, it’s beautiful. But I don’t understand, you have been cold towards me since the day the King announced our marriage.. why give me such a beautiful gift now?” He sighs and says, “I know and I apologize, that isn’t how my betrothed should be treated.. I’m sorry.” You nod before looking down at the necklace again... you look closely to see that it has the Targaryen house symbol on it.. The three headed dragon. You speak after a moment of silence, ”Thank you, My Pri-,” He stops you and says, “Please, call me Aemond.” You nod, “Thank you.. Aemond.” Testing the word on your tongue.. it gives you a weird sense of comfort. He, then, speaks, “And, don’t let that Jason Lannister that close to you again, or I’ll cut out his tongue and feed him to my dragon.” He, then, swiftly get up out of his seat and leaves.
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