mariamaysaruda-blog · 5 years
How to become a responsible Generation Z?
          In maintaining a sustainable environment, we need to be a responsible generation Z. Being a responsible generation Z will bring a large impact in the next generation for them to experience the beauty of the environment. As the generation Z, it is our task to protect and conserve our nature. We must be environment friendly, when we’re outside of our house, we should not throw our garbage anywhere. If we have a backyard, try to make a compost pit and put our organic waste in it. We must separate biodegradable garbage from non biodegradable as well as that garbage that can be recycle and reduce our waste through reusing and recycling it.
          Another thing that we can do is to say “No to Plastic”. Why? Because plastics threatens the environment. So we should use reusable bags instead of plastic bags. We should buy products with less wrapping and packaging. As much as possible, use refillable water bottles instead of plastic bottles to avoid plastic wastes. Avoid using disposable plastic plates, cups, spoons and forks. Plastics are one of the main reason for water, land, and air pollution. When these garbage were not manage properly, we cannot preserve our environment and the future generation will suffered the consequences of our wrong dids.
          On the other hand, we must save our environment by planting more trees. For trees are one of the source of the oxygen that we breath. We all know that any form of papers come from trees. Thousands of trees were cut just to create papers so we should use it properly. Use recycled papers and as much as possible, print on both sides of the paper if possible. We can use emails if it is not necessary to print those documents. We can also use old magazines in doing arts and crafts. These will help a lot in conserving the trees that give us life.
          We should also conserve energy. Use energy-efficient light bulbs instead of regular bulbs. We must turn off lights, the TV, and other appliances when we're not using them. Lower our air conditioning or heat when it’s not necessary. Open our windows in the early fall or layering your clothes in the early fall.
          Lastly, conservation of water is also a must, we must turn off taps when we don't need it especially when we are brushing our teeth and make sure that they do not leak. We should find ways to save water in our shower, toilet and gardens. If we take a bath, save water that we've use it when you're flushing in the toilet. Limit our water usage as we wash our dishes.
           If we practice these behaviors, we can give assurance to the future generation that they can still use clean and safe environment for better living. This may just a little action action but it can bring large impact in the environment. According to Mahatma Gandhi, "Be the change that you want to see in the world"
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