The worlds smallest snail has just started to go freak mode on a succulent apple slice
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I wish kinky sex ed wasn't so stigmatized even among left-leaning "sex positive" circles. Everyone's all "uwu I'm a sub I'll do anything you ask" okay mommy wants you to read The New Bottoming Book so you learn how to sub without hurting yourself since your sex ed up to this point is porn and your ex boyfriend Jared who liked to choke you incorrectly
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rsd is absolutely insane because it will feel like someone is tearing apart the very core of my being, insulting everything i have done and will ever do, condemning me to death and simultaneously wishing i was never born, when actually they just didn’t like a song i showed them
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how could I been so stupid to believe I could be someone's first choice? I'm always the one who gets replaced after a while and it hurts so much because they mean everything to me but I'm just someone they can talk to when they don't have anyone left
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i love sociopaths i love narcissists i love low/no empathy havers i love people so mentally scarred it makes them generally mean people who push everyone away i love chronically angry people i love people with horrible intrusive thoughts (yes even yours) i love people who want horrible things to happen to the people who hurt them i love people with pervasive feelings of hate i love people who are uncontrollably agitated and irritable i see you i care about you i want you to get better i think you deserve as many chances as it takes for you to pull through i mean it i really really mean it
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some silver rambling
thinking of how fucked up silver must be mentally. 
i dont remember how many times but that one piece of art showed he fought iblis over a dozen times (at the bottom of this post, i found it! i counted like 25 marks). i wonder how horrid of a mental state he had to be in when mephiles found him and told him what he "had to do" to save everyone
just imagine. fighting a foe so massive you cant comprehend it, time and time again, with *no change*, being on deaths door more times than you can count, losing everything you know...only for someone to tell you you can *save them*. by just taking one life. by just bloodying your hands once. if you could take that chance, wouldn’t you? only one person against an entire world. your entire world.
i feel like silver was at his breaking point when mephiles started feeding him so many lies.  mephiles probably knew this. he could tell how broken the young hedgehog was and knew he'd be easier to manipulate because this had been going on for so long that silver was at the brink
jgkhdjkghjk i love silver so muchhj
edit: also heres the official art piece i was thinking of that caused this thread to be made! behind silvers head, you can see a bunch of tally marks. i counted like 25, and there’s much more thats just hidden by his quills and the rubble behind him.
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so i figured out how to switch from one account to another when posting
im learning!
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Sneha Solanki  ‘The Lovers’
Two networked machines, one infected with a virus, slowly infects the other through the interface of classic romantic poetry.
A breakdown in the relationship was inevitable once the virus had seeped into the memory of one machine and then into the other through a singular network cable affecting the poetic text files. Communication between the two deteriorated, leading to irrational & at times odd behaviour. Each machine reacted with equal confusion and conflict. The interface text became an illegible poetic mutation of itself.
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pinned post for my vent alt :)
uh. yeah!
this account is mostly gonna be used for me being mentally ill. silver themed because hes a dpd autistic king and my highest kin
i still dont know how to use tumblr fyi
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hhgn,ghnm,, me and my moonluight,,,my blazey,,,my luna,,,
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New to tumblr! So I’d thought I’d start out with some silver and blaze sketches! Enjoy!
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killing and maiming and maiming and killing and minor inconveniences upon people who have wronged me 
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i wanna be both a princess and a knight. graceful, kind. but also someone who can protect others. is that too much to ask?
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i wanna be a hero. i wanna make someone smile today, even when i cant smile myself--but is it ok for a hero to hold rage? a knight?
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