marieonthecase-blog · 6 years
The Hat Man (Shadow Man)
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Before I begin my story of the encounter I had with the Shadow "Hat" Man. I want to explain a few things first. This story is real. This really happened to me. I don't know if what I was seeing was a symptom of sleep paralysis, If I was dreaming, maybe I'm insane or worse. I can't begin to wrap my head around the last part of that sentence though because it chills me to the bone. I am a religious skeptic. I don't believe in little green men or ghosts but I do believe in God and to believe in God you have to believe that there is a Devil too. Where light is there is darkness. Did I see a man of darkness?
It was a cold January night in Michigan. I was 12 years old and even though I was nearing my teens I still found comfort in laying in my parents bed when I didn't feel well. As I lay there, watching the big fluffy snowflakes fall and dance in swirls every time the cold wind blew and then finally landing on the slick stark white street, I was praying for a snow day in the morning so my brothers and I could go sledding down dead mans hill (that is another story). I couldn't tell if I was getting sick or just tired. I had this feeling that something wasn't right. I debated if I should lay there or go back to my room and finish the chapter in my history book in case there was school in the morning.
I decided to lay there trying to shake that dreadful feeling. I could hear my family downstairs watching a movie, though I can't recall what movie it was. My youngest brother had come up to use the bathroom and forgot to turn the light off as he went back down the stairs. I , laying on my side and still facing the window I could see from my parents open bedroom door the reflection of the hallway from the bathroom light that was still on. I turned away for a few minutes to get comfortable again and then back to the window. That is when I saw him. It was like a flash but in slow motion. I first saw his leg. A leg that stepped wide, almost the width of the door frame. Then his entire figure. He had no feautures, just out lines of blackness and a top hat. Like a silhouette or a shadow. I froze. He made no sound. You couldn't even hear his foot steps which was odd because right where he had stepped, there was a loose board in the floor that creaked. No creaking. No sound. Just as I saw him, he suddenly passed the door into the direction of my brother's room. Their room was the only room at the end of the hall. I immediately thought they were playing a trick on me. I called out their names once "Drake? James?" and then once more but no response. I finally gathered enough courage to peer down the hall. Their bedroom door was closed. I swear I saw the figure go down the hall. I never heard t
any door open or close and I didn't see the figure pass by again. I freaked out. My heart in my chest I ran. My feet barely touching the stairs. I swung around the banister into the living room. I asked my brothers if they went upstairs. They hadn't since James came up to the bathroom. I asked my parents and they hadn't been up at all since the movie started. I started crying telling them I saw something. Of course no one believed me. They told me I probably had a bad dream.
For 15 years I have told myself it was a bad dream. Almost convincing myself of that lie until my husband came across an article about shadow people. He a believer of all things paranormal and knowing my experience sent me the link to the article. I began reading and a paragraph in my heart sank...others have seen the hat man in almost the same way I had so many years ago. How is that possible you may ask? I have no idea. Do I believe in the paranormal now? I still don't know.
But I do know this. I didn't have a bad dream. What I saw that cold January night was a real life nightmare.
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marieonthecase-blog · 6 years
Podcast Love ❤
If you liked Netflix’s Stranger Things, here are some podcasts you might enjoy:
Welcome to Night Vale (the community news of a small city in the American Southwest where all conspiracy theories are true and a part of every day life; BONUS - canon interracial gay couple as the main couple)
The Message (70-year-old message from outer space, cryptology, things are not as they seem)
Limetown (everyone in small town disappears and no one knows what happened to them; follow an intrepid journalist as she investigates)
The Black Tapes (sister show to TANIS; demons, investigation into the unexplainable, asshole Alpha Skeptic, and the journalist who tries to sort this all out)
TANIS (sister show to The Black Tapes; conspiracy, truth, and the investigation of what Tanis really is, plus an “information specialist” named Meerkatnip)
Archive 81 (found footage audio series where nothing is quite as it seems and there’s a building that isn’t exactly right)
Alice Isn’t Dead (from the people behind WtNV, a truck driver tries to find her missing wife and she runs into a lot of conspiracies along the way)
Within the Wires (again, from the people who brought you WtNV, instructional audio guides that slowly reveal a personal story and the revelation that the world the podcast is set in is that great)
The Bright Session (imagine what it would be like if the X-Men went to therapy)
The Behemoth (a girl and her monster walk across America)
Wolf 359 (the absurd misadventures of a small band of eccentric characters on board the Hephaestus Station in orbit around the dwarf star, Wolf 359, where it’s all fun and games until it’s not and the Blessed Eternal just wants a night light)
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marieonthecase-blog · 6 years
Who Am I?
To you I am a mystery.
But to me I am not.
I will give you one clue...
I always hunt for the truth.
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