marksmooches · 5 years
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marksmooches · 5 years
i diagnose you with i love you
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marksmooches · 5 years
City Lights | Lee Jeno
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⇢ Words: 5.6k
⇢ Category: roommates au, fluff + slight angst
⇢ Warnings: underage drinking
⇢ Song Rec: City Lights - Yunho ft. Taeyong
⇢ Synopsis: A timeline of how you came to love your roommate, and what followed after. In which falling in love with Lee Jeno is too easy, but telling him how you feel is harder.
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Jeno made the stars seem dull in comparison. The night air was cool against your skin, except where his side was pressed against yours, your head resting on his arm as you gazed at the blanket of darkness spread above you, stars scattering over the expanse of the night sky. The silvery glamour of the stars above seemed beautiful to Jeno, judging by his awed gasps as his index finger traced the sprawling paths reaching across the sky, but you couldn’t seem to find them quite as beautiful as he did. 
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marksmooches · 5 years
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WAYV | Dream Launch
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marksmooches · 5 years
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mc mark ♡ week 34
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marksmooches · 5 years
marksmooches masterlist
♡ NCT ♡
Fly Away With Me (fluff, airplane au)
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marksmooches · 5 years
fly away with me » mark lee au
markxreader, strangers to lovers!au 1.8k words
summary: where you meet a not so charming boy, mark lee, on an airplane flight to canada.
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Fiddling around with your luggage strap, you start to get impatient as you wait for your flight to board. Your irritation starts to increase as the flight attendant apologizes over the intercom that all the passengers have to wait an extra 30 minutes to enter the airplane. You sit at the edge of your seat longing to board so you can finally arrive in Canada, your dream destination. “Flight 721 is now boarding, sorry for the delay. First class and disabled passengers get to board first. Military and families with children board second, then everyone else,” the intercom rang. You sighed in relief knowing you had the luxury to sit at first class. You entered the plane and sat down beside the window so you can admire the clouds once you’re up in the air. Soon after you got settled in your seat, a boy with brown hair and glasses plopped right next to you. He gave you some type of weird look as he removes a neck pillow out of his backpack and places it behind his neck for extra comfort. Reaching for his pocket, he takes out his airpods case and put on his airpods to listen to whatever music he listens to. The strange look he gave you bother you. You didn’t know this guy, yet he judged a book by its cover. You roll your eyes and continue to look out the window. A few minutes after, he takes out one airpod and taps on your shoulder. “Excuse me?” he questions with some attitude. You turn to look at his piercing big brown eyes, and you take a double glance at him. You couldn’t deny the fact that boy wasn’t attractive, but your first impression of him was ruining it for you. “I was kinda assigned to sit by the window.” “I don’t think I can move anymore, we’re supposed to be seated already,” you reply back with the same amount of attitude he gave you. He then mumbles something, and puts his airpod in his ear. You roll your eyes at him and close it so you can doze off to sleep. It was the fastest way to get this long flight over with, and you don’t have to pay attention to the rude boy next to you. The pilot’s voice rang through the intercom but you didn’t care to listen because you were already falling asleep. — 2 hours later, you wake up startled from a jolt of turbulence, but what startled you even more is your head was laying comfortably on the stranger’s shoulder. You pull your head away from his shoulder which woke him up. He looks at you with tired and confused eyes, to realize he even allowed you to sleep on his shoulder. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you apologize whilst panicking. You felt extremely embarrassed knowing you did that. “Shhh,” he replies, putting a finger over his lips. “People around you are sleeping.” “I’m sorry,” you repeat, but in a quieter tone. He sighs to reassure you, “It’s okay, it was unintentional, and you can’t control where you put your head when you’re sleeping.” “Thank you,” you smile at him, but you wipe the smile off your face because he probably thought you were a creep. Instead, he knew you were a little nervous so he cleared his throat, “So uh, what’s your name?” “Y/n,” you answer back hesitantly. You were a little unsure if you should’ve said your name because he was extremely rude in the beginning, but you decide to say it anyways. “I’m Mark… Uh, how old are you?” he asks, trying his hardest to make casual conversation with you. “I’m 19,” you say carelessly. Telling him information about yourself didn’t matter anymore, especially when you’re never going to see him again after this plane ride. “So, why are you going to Canada?” “Hey! I’m 19 too! And uh, I’m going back home to see my family. How about you?” Mark smiles at the thought of his family and homeland. It excites you a bit that he originally came from Canada since it was your first time going there. Though you did tons of research about the different tourist spots in Vancouver, it wouldn’t hurt to ask Mark about his personal favorite places in his town. “It’s my first time going there. Say, do you know any good spots down in Vancouver?” you question exposing the curiosity in your voice. He hums a bit thinking about the different places he could tell you about. “Personally, I like the aquarium. Only because that place is my childhood. But, it would be strange if you went alone,” he admits, which offends you a bit. “What are you trying to say about going to aquariums alone, huh? What if I wanted to admire fish by myself?” you joke around with a hint of offense. He puts his hands up in a “backing off” motion and chuckles, “Aquariums are the best with your family or a date.” “Hey! I can easily download a dating app and go on a date with any boy out there!” you laugh. “Okay, okay. Well yeah, there’s always the aquarium. You can always go visit the mall.” He frowns, “Thinking about it, I never got to travel around Vancouver.” “I mean, if you don’t have anything to do you can always tour around with me,” you blurt out, which shocks Mark a bit. “Uh, sorry that was kind of strange for me to suggest especially if we just met”. “Nah, no need to apologize,” he reassures you once again and laughs at your straightforwardness. “I know I won’t be doing much, so I guess I’ll hit you up. By the way, you apologize way too much, what’s up with that?” “I don’t really… You know… Think before I speak,” you admit with shame. You curse at yourself for having an impulsive personality, but it didn’t seem like Mark minded. “Uh, you mentioned your family is in Canada. Did you take a vacation to Korea?” you ask changing the subject. “No, I live in Seoul actually. I’m visiting my family after getting a break from work. Uh, I’m an aspiring singer-songwriter with a little dancing on the side,” he replies with a grin. You can tell Mark’s passionate about what he does and you found yourself smiling as well. “I write songs for a living, but lately I’ve been recording my own songs.” “That’s cute. I would love to hear them someday,” you giggle, and he smiles at you then at his hands. The first impression you had on Mark completely went 360° after having a nice conversation with him. You didn’t even realize his eyes were feeling a bit heavy until he told you he was tired. “Let’s sleep,” he whispers groggily, which makes your heart feel weak. His tired voice was extremely attractive to you, and so was his personality and looks. “Don’t worry y/n, this time I give you permission to sleep on my shoulder,” he jokes as you felt warmth start to creep up on your cheeks. He notices you were beginning to feel embarrassed, so he pats his shoulder where you should rest your head on to make you feel a little more comfortable. You put your head on his shoulder and doze off into deep and comfortable slumber knowing the next time you wake up, you’ll already be close to Canada. — Once you woke up, you felt so cheerful that you didn’t even realize you woke up the sleeping Mark next to you. “Sorry, I’m just super excited to look out the window,” you admit quickly moving your hands to slide the window up. There, you are the scenario you were the most amused by— the soft, cotton looking clouds and the bright, baby blue sky. If you looked further down, you could see the ethereal green and brown landscapes and the deep, blue ocean that you could plunge yourself in if you wanted to. You were so close, yet so far away from landing. Mark, however, was just as cheerful as you are to land. It seems as if he was slightly bouncing out of his seat as you both took a peek outside of the window. He kept smiling, and you can tell he wants to go back home. But what surprises you the most is he frowned once he laid his eyes on you. “I’m not going to see you after this flight,” he looks down at his hands, then back at you which exposes his soft glare. “Don’t say that, Mark. We can still keep in touch,” you hope, feeling a little upset that you might not even see this boy. “I don’t want to just say we’ll keep in touch. I actually want to keep talking to you.” Mark looks at you eyes wide, like a little puppy. You nod in response. “Promise, y/n?” He holds out his pinky. “Promise,” You giggle and interlock your pinky with his as he connects your thumbs together to touch. He grins, taking out his phone for you to put your number inside. As soon as you were finished exchanging information, the pilot informs the passengers to fasten up because you were going to land in a few minutes. You felt a bit anxious knowing you were going to land only because you hate the feeling of dropping down rapidly. Mark intertwines his hand with yours to comfort you while landing— but if he had to admit, he was feeling just as anxious as you are. He squeezes it as you both close your eyes. The plane finally lands, and you both couldn’t contain your excitement any longer. You both first let the old couple behind you pass before leaving the plane. “You two are cute together,” the old lady comments, but before you could inform her that you two weren’t together, Mark smiles and thanks her. You both exit the plane together and walk to the luggage area to pick up your bags. Both of you didn’t even realize you were still holding hands until Mark went to pick up his luggage first. You both felt a little embarrassed, Mark rubbing the back of his neck and you rocking your body back and forth waiting for your bag. When you approach your bag, Mark grabs it before you can and carries it for you. “So this is where we part ways,” you say in a disappointing tone. Though you promised to keep in touch, you were afraid that you both would become too busy to even keep up the conversation. You like Mark, and it would suck if you guys just stop talking after this. But he took you by surprise. Mark smiles, grabbing your hand, “Not if I take you on that aquarium date.”
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marksmooches · 5 years
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the cutest pissed emoticon
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marksmooches · 5 years
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marksmooches · 5 years
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the cutest 🤭
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marksmooches · 5 years
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marksmooches · 5 years
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🍰 ↳  Hyunjin, Olivia and Gowon with X1X teaser in color
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marksmooches · 5 years
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Breathtaking 🍃
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marksmooches · 5 years
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He found his ideal angle 🤳
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marksmooches · 5 years
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marksmooches · 5 years
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taeyong ♡ the 7th sense (181228)
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marksmooches · 5 years
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