marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
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Our emblem is the lion, the bravest of all creatures; our house colours are scarlet and gold, and our common room lies up in Gryffindor Tower. This is, quite simply, the best house at Hogwarts. It’s where the bravest and boldest end up.
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
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LADIES OF THE ORDER. I didn’t wish for anything. It’s time to stop believing in miracles. We can save ourselves.  (insp.) (words.)
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
“A bit of both. I like to make a mess; it’s a sign of a job well done,” Pandora mused with a smile. “Just because a spell is good doesn’t mean it can’t be made better. Here, let me show you.
”Pandora cast the spell, which cleared up the mess of glass and liquid in an instant. It also left the stone floor bubbling slightly, an unpleasant sizzling noise coming from between the cracks. Pandora looked down at it with a frown.
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“Hmm, I’m not sure why it gets corrosive sometimes. Hey, why do you keep re-doing your hair? I think it looks perfectly lovely as it is.” 
“It is? Do you mind telling that to our teachers? Especially Slughorn? Because every time I make a mess in Potions he looks at me like I’m the worst person on earth”, Marlene told the blond one chuckling, “so it seems like he hasn’t understood yet that making a mess is somehow a sign of a genius working.” 
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Attentively she watched Pandora casting her altered spell. Now really was excited how it would work out. After all her expectations were now quite high. So she couldn’t prevent herself from laughing when she saw the floor bubbling and doing strange noises. “Well, I guess you still have to work a bit on it, don’t you think?” Amused she tilted her head merely noticeable to the right before she shrugged. “I don’t know. Guess it’s simply a little quirk of mine I can’t stop doing. Don’t you have some of them, too?”
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
This bitch again. 
A detached smile pulled against bare lips; cold in a way most Blacks would take pride in. Narcissa had other issues to tend to; there was only room in her life for one disgruntled blonde, and she’d already taken that starring role.
                    Narcissa hadn’t thought about Marlene since                   the night of the incident, when blood was shed                   and chaos had plagued the halls.
                    ———- Or the night Narcissa hexed Marlene; definitions varied.
 The snake’s lips curled at the way Marlene played with her wand; the girl was rather skilled with her hands, by a whore’s definition, at least. “Did you pick up that technique on your own, or did the boys tell you how they liked it?”
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Did she already mention how much she hated that bloody bitch? Okay, well then she did it once again. Because she really, really hated her. And Marlene hated it even more that she always managed to get under her skin with her stupid statements. It totally sucked because then it was even harder for her to stay calm, at least on the outside, and think of some witty responses without appearing like she even tried. 
    “And how long did it take you to think of that mock-witty line?”, she responded looking at the blond one condescendingly and with all hatred she could place in her glance tilting her head merely noticeable to the right, “prepared a few days until it was perfect?” No, she already knew herself that her response wasn’t really snappy at all, but it was the best she could think of right now when she felt like simply killing that bitch.
      “And if you really want to know, I actually picked it up myself. You may not understand it, but there are actually a few people in this castle that are actually able to learn something without getting all kind of help thrown at them. Not that you would now. I mean you’re nothing but your name so why do I even try making it understandable to you?” 
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
“I’m too Southern for this weather, the cold gets into my bones and doesn’t leave,” she sighed, thinking back to the milder Cornish winters of her girlhood. Even the sea was warmer there. At Marlene’s challenge Sybill stood, brushing the twigs and dust off her cloak. She turned fer gaze back to Marlene’s and flashed a wicked grin for a moment, “I’m right behind you, don’t worry about that!”
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“Now the real question, boys or girls? I think we’re less likely to get in trouble breaking in to the prefect girl’s room. Plus I’ve heard their tub is twice the size of the boys!”
“Where do you come from then?”, Marlene asked interested. As she was born and raised in Scotland, a typical Scottish girl, she was more than used to the relatively cold climate and the brutal winter. She liked it even better as the countries where you couldn’t step outside in summer without feeling like you’re somewhere as hot as hell. And the summers in Scotland were simply beautiful. Beautiful scenery combined with wonderful, moderate temperatures. “That was exactly what I wanted to hear from you.”
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“Oh, honey, of course we’ll stick with the boys’ room. Rule number 1 always do what will get you into more trouble because it’s always the option that makes more fun.” And yes, it was purpose that she sounded like a strange teacher because that was now her little project. She would show Sybill how to be less grandma-like and have more fun instead. “And don’t believe the rumors. I’ve already been there now and then and the tube is as big as the girls’ one. Or well, at least it’s far above big enough.” Quickly she grabbed her clothes because even if she would have gone swimming in the lake without hesitating she didn’t feel the need to walk up the whole way to the castle only in bikini. This would be really stupid because of the cold weather.
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
“I’m impressed,” a guttural chuckle escapes his lips at the sight of her saucy grin, her golden curls bouncing with every step – her wand up in the direction of the snacks she’d gather from the kitchen elves (or so he assumed). He drew nearer, as to not make her walk any further, his hand reaching out to the sacred fruit that was the banana and the jar of peanut butter. “Good choice. These two mix well together.” He pointed in, a smug grin on his lips. He hadn’t had to lift one finger, she’d brought his midnight snack to him just like that. His brow rose at the sight of chocolate cake with frosting and the bacon trailing close behind it, “You sure those two mix?” His brows quirked, as he peeled the banana in one quick motion. “They sound like a one way trip to diarrhea town.” Without saying much else, Sirius dipped the banana into the peanut butter after a quick warming encantation to soften it. “So, what have you been up to anyway? Any news around the castle?” He knew Marlene got around, she had a knack for getting close to people and information seemed penetrate her cranium with little to no effort. It was a feature in her personality he tended to be envious of, it was useful in situations where one’s health could be at steak. Much like Hogwarts was at the moment with threats from rebellious wizards against muggle borns and muggles themselves, “I know you have your ways to get in on the action of people’s brains.” 
“I would be lying if I had expected anything else”, she responded, flattered nevertheless. The fact that had quite marked self-confidence didn’t change anything about the fact that she was flattered easily and, as probably every other woman did as well, simply loved compliments. “Oh no, my dear, I didn’t bring the banana and the peanut butter for you”, Marlene teased trying hard to actually seem serious, though she naturally was joking. But she just couldn’t help to tease him a bit. Nevertheless she handed him over the peanut butter as well as the banana he had so eagerly awaited. Playfully shocked she looked at him pulling the chocolate cake and the bacon with a quick movement of her wand closer to her. “Don’t dare doubting the perfect harmony of chocolate cake in combination with bacon ever again, Black, or we two are divorced people.” For a moment she continued staring at him angry, well until she couldn’t prevent herself from laughing anymore. The situation was just too funny. “No, what are you thinking of me. Of course, I’m not eating these two wonderful things at the same time. First the bacon from which you only get something if you’re nice, and then as dessert the cake. Perfect midnight snack, don’t you think?” A content smile graced her lips, before she tilted her head a bit to the right thinking. “Well, the usual stuff, you know? Having fun, trying to survive classes without studying much, keeping myself entertained with one or the other guy.” She shrugged. “Nothing really exciting. Guess, I’m a bit bored too at the moment. But there are some news. Though it’s mostly just gossip and rumors. Do you really want to know all of it?” Chuckling she raised one eyebrow interrogatively. Then the blond one paused for a second looking at him and then at the food. “You don’t want to eat here, do you? Come, we’re going somewhere we can eat and chat without getting caught. And then I can totally clue you in on all those wonderful rumors I heard just being the charming person people love talking to I am.” 
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
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“Well, of course. I’d love to help my favourite gryffindor pass her courses,” he insisted, leading her down the hallway to the moving staircases. “Oh, please have you seen how Slughorn looks at some students, you are far from his hate list.” Amos assured her confidently. “I think thee only reason he likes me is because I do so good,” he shrugged. “Now, don’t say that. I’ll have you know I’m an amazing tutor. I’ll have you passing with flying colors in no time, if you want of course.” 
“Oh, I’m just your favorite Gryffindor?”, she complained playfully pressing one hand in a dramatic way against the place in her chest where she thought her heart was lying, “you’re breaking my heart with that. I’ve always thought I would be your most favorite female student of all.” Laughing she gave him a cheeky wink pressing her ‘loved’ Potions book against her chest. “Yeah, he probably even loves me. I mean, how else could I get through with being so bitchy in his class? He doesn’t even give me some punishment if I don’t stop cursing in Gaelic. Well okay, maybe he just doesn’t understand what I’m saying.” Marlene giggled before she continued answering: “To be honest, this really does sound like a good idea. It would be great if you maybe give me some tutoring in Potions. I feel bad if I have to bother Lily and Remus with it all the time.”
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
“I’ll remember that!” she said with a laugh.
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“I may be boring, but at least I won’t be riddled with a head cold for the rest of winter!” she laughed again, shaking her head. “No amount of fun can convince me to get into that lake. Now, if you want to break into the prefect’s bathroom and take a swim around that tub, I could get behind that!” she brushed her hair away from her face, “Marlene, if I don’t curse your descendants, how will anyone know how serious I am? What kind of witch would I be? My reputation would be in tatters!”
“Don’t you think you’re a little overcautious? I really doubt I get a cold so quickly. I mean, it’s not like already have December, right?” The last part was only a joke, of course. Because what a difference would if they had December now? The weather would probably still be the same and the lake as cold as it was now. “Well, this sounds like a pretty good idea, too, if I’m being honest.” Marlene frowned thoughtfully. “Especially for such a buzzkiller.” She gave Sybill a cheeky wink, still thinking about the possibility she had shown her. Maybe this was even the better one, as much as it reacted against her to admit that. “And we wouldn’t want to risk that, right?” She rolled her eyes. “Come on, my little spoilsport, we’re now paying the prefect’s bathroom a visit so that you can get into the water, too.”
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“Or also against that?”
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
“Oh…” Doris was quiet for a long moment, wondering, wondering… What was there she could say? It’s just a phase, you’ll grow out of it – you’ll find someone and it’ll change, I promise – They were more burden than words, she knew this much. “Well, fuck it,” she said finally, her face brightening. “Boys are twats and you can’t legally marry women, anyway, so – so fuck it. What’s the point?”
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A relieved smile showed up on her lips as Doris finally broke the silence and that even with words she was glad to hear. To be honest, she had expected to now her a lecture about how important love, relationships and all that stuff was. As shocked as she had reacted in the first second nobody could probably hold this expectation against her. But what she had been told instead was way better. And it made her feel a little less weird. “This is exactly what I think”, she responded grinning, “why bother getting feelings if you get your heart broken nevertheless? I guess simply living is the only way you can get through it without getting totally crazy. And after all, you don’t have to miss all the fun then and still don’t get any problems because guys as well as girls can be real jerks.”
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
Her placement beside the black lake was entirely strategic, not to close and not too far away to have people suspect anything out of the norm. It had already been two days and the only thing to come out of it was a constant slur of incomprehensible stories of who she was and where she had come from. Were students really so bored that a French speaking transfer with very little interest in social extremes had become the forefront of every conversation? Every story was so far fetched that she wondered if her real life looked boring in comparison. The Marauder fan club girls seemed to think she was so alien warlord who had charmed the boys into interactions, something to do with Dark Magic and her short stay at a training camp for incarcerated witches. There was a story from a couple of sixth year Ravenclaws that she was a descendant of the French throne and that monarchy within Amboise was to come back into power. Some people have even gone so far as to saying that she was a Grindylow; which would have been the closest estimate if she didn’t have a natural hatred for open water. For any matter, Mathilde was simply a rich French girl that had very little to give about her prior life other than the fact that she liked to remain entirely mute when opportunity arose to do so. So why was everyone trying to crack her like a fortune cookie? It was apparent now that people here were lowly looking for dramatics and had tried to find anything in Miss Delacour to make their senior year a little more invigorating. Too bad she was a tough cookie. She was lain out in the breeze fall weather, a patchwork blanket under her skirts and a pile of books by her feet. Her peace was short lived, a bound of blond hair coming towards her withe a cheerful expression; she didn’t mind interactions when people were kind. “Bonjour, Marlene.” She says gently, putting her book down and moving over for the other girl. It was easy to say simple words in her native tongue; Mathilde never wanted French to be on the back burner. She didn’t understand what ‘awesome’ translated to in English, but she assumed it was good. Nodding her head as though she agreed she tried to pick up her book once more, only to have another question tossed at her. Marlene was digging for something. “If by exciting you mean the endless stories about me or, as the English call it, machine à rumeurs.” She wasn’t unhappy by the idea, more so indifferent. It didn’t bother her that people circulated rumors; she knew she was strange. “I don’t know what is more shocking to people, the fact that I have very little interest in conversing with everyone or that I rejected their playboy, Sirius Black.”
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Well, it might seem like a really big school with lots of students who were all very busy, but in reality the castle was nothing but a small, gossiping village where everyone knew everybody- probably even better than you knew yourself- and didn’t have anything better to do than spreading rumors the whole day. But this was something  Mathilde would probably get used to, sooner or later. For her well-being Marlene hoped that she would get used to it rather sooner than later because it would make her life at the castle noticeably easier. But who was she wanting to throw advices around about who to live your own life? After all, her life was probably one not everybody would want to life. Not that she didn’t love it, but she could imagine that it wasn’t just something for everybody. 
And especially person like Mathilde appeared to be, wouldn’t like her lifestyle. The words that followed her greeting only proved that once more. “Oh yes, I totally forgot all the rumors that were spread about you”, the blond one admitted chuckling softly her head bowing merely noticeable to the right, “but don’t worry they’ll stop eventually. Probably already in the near future. As soon as something more exciting happens, the rumors will become less and less before they won’t be any more important as the ones that are told about the rest of us. It’s only that your arrival has been the most exciting that has happened in the last days. But it’ll get over, I promise.” Marley gave her a big, encouraging smile while combing through blond, silky hair, before she started laughing heartily at her next words. “Oh, you really did reject Sirius?”, she got into it raising one eyebrow questioningly, “I’ve never thought that I would here something like this. My congratulations. Seems like we’re the only two girls in the castle then who have rejected dating him, making out with him or even more.” A cheeky grin graced her rosy lips. “You sound like a reasonable woman then. Not that I’ve expected anything different from you, if I’m being honest. And why do you have such little interest in conversations then? I mean, I can totally understand that you don’t want to talk with a few people, there really are some idiots around in this castle, but we also have great people. Who are worth talking to.” Her grin intensified. “Like me for example.”
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
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Hogwarts Houses → Gryffindor
You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
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Moodboard 4/? - Marlene & the opposite gender
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
And it’s really nothing new though. I could actually kiss you whenver I see you just because you look utterly breathtaking. And why not just make out in front of everyone? Seriously, are you afraid for your reputation as a ruthless maneater?” 
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“I know, honey, I know. And I really can’t hold it against you. Seems like I’m irresistible to both men and women”, Marley responded joking. Well, half-joking. “Well, yes, maybe I am? After all, my reputation is on the line.”
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“No, it’s just if I make out with you, I don’t want any other person to see it because they would probably get totally jealous for you have the honor of making out with me and I don’t want to get you into any trouble, Immy. Understandable?” 
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
“There’s no point doing things halfway,” Pandora answered with a smile, pleased that it hadn’t been a professor behind her. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m quite good with a cleaning charm. I altered the spell a bit to make it even more effective; would you like to see?”
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“I couldn’t agree more on that.” Smiling amused Marlene quickly combed through her silky hair, to redo her hair. “Lots of practice?”, she asked still grinning, “or simply a very talented witch?” For a short moment she was taking a closer look at the blond one as if she was thinking about whether she wanted to see the altered spell or not which was only show. Of course, she wanted to see it, but she liked playing the cool one every now and then. 
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“To be honest, yes, I would like to see it. Sounds interesting. Let me guess, you’re a Ravenclaw?” Who else would simply alter some spell who was actually quite good the way it was?
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
“Have you no faith me?” he joked. “Slughorn would hex my himself.” Amos insisted. “Of course, potions is completely useless,” he rolled his eyes. “Come on, potions is fun,” okay so maybe he was biased as he got perfect O’s. “Oh please, who couldn’t want you?” He teased, going over to throw his arm across her shoulders. “Perhaps the poor books simply can’t handle your beauty he said in an exaggerated tone. “You know, if you want help studying I’m always around,” he told her with a shrug, leading them out of the room, not wanting anyone to find them there after class hours.
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“Well, to be honest, no sometimes I don’t. And I guess right now is one of those moments where my faith in you is actually quite litte”, she responded also jokingly. On his following words she only shot him a ‘tell me you aren’t serious with this shit’-glance at first. After realizing that there actually was a chance that he was being serious she stared at him incredulously. “Please, Amos, please tell me that you’re only joking when you’re telling me that Potions is fun. I mean, you just can’t be serious with that. Unimaginable that somebody actually likes Potions.” No, she hadn’t forgotten about Lily who, inexplicably, loved that subject, too, but it wouldn’t really enforce her argument if she mentioned that, would it? Grinning she lightly leaned against him as he slung his arm around her left shoulder. “Well, that sounds like a good explanation to me. Why didn’t I think about that before?”, Marlene joked with an cheeky grin gracing her lips, “and I’ve always known that someday I might actually appreciate the fact that you’re more intelligent than me.” Well, she actually did it already most of the time. Though she would probably never say that out loud because she didn’t want to push his ego even more als she normally already did. “Yes, I know. And actually I’m really grateful for that. But I guess Potions is just one subject I’ll never learn and especially will never like. It’s just something that doesn’t work out for me, though I honestly don’t know why. Maybe it’s because Slughorn can’t stand me”, okay, that was probably a lie because every other teacher would probably had already thrown her out of his class, “or because Potions is stupid. I don’t know what of the both options it is, but I’ve already given up getting really good grades there a long time ago.”
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
marlene lays her legs out over his lap and puts her cigarette out on the couch. fanning long curls out over the edge. feeding off of the previous chaos. dorcas glides, floats, through the room with an untouchable grace as if walking on air. eyes wide open; unseeing. alone in a room full of beings. lily scrubs scrubs scrubs the stale beer from the carpet until her hands are raw and numb. red falls over her eyes and for a moment she wonders if it’s blood. mary closes her eyes tightly shut, pretending she’s far far away in some mythical place of pure unadultered bliss. a place of peace and a place of honest joy. marlene tastes copper in her mouth and knows it’s all coming to an end. dorcas opens her arms to the sky and ignores the tension in the air; focusing in on one glimpse of freedom in her sight. lily busies herself for when her mind is idle she is reminded of the impending climax of war. mary wishes she could whisk them all away to some place safe and grand.
after the party, before the war
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marlene-mckin-blog · 9 years
“I suppose you’re right, you Scotts are all mad! I shouldn’t be surprised!” she laughed, “You’re just being contradictory to get your way and it’s not happening! Not even a drying spell can keep me from getting a cold, I can feel one coming on just looking at you in the water!”
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“I swear by every force in this universe, Marlene Mckinnon, by old Gods and new, if you bring me into that lake, I will wreak a vengeance upon you and yours that of which you have never seen before! Even your great-great-grandchildren will feel my wrath and know it was all thanks to Granny Marlene, who couldn’t leave people not to swim in the wintertime!”
“Well yes, maybe we are. But Scotts rule number one: We’re all fucking proud of being completely nuts. Never forget that, my young student.” 
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“Sybill, did I already mention that you’re boring as hell right now? Because you definitely are”, Marlene complained playfully and slowly shook her head, “And you don’t know how much fun you’ll be missing. And I speak out of experience because I’ve actually already done it one time or the other in the past. Swimming in the lake is fun. Even in November.” She nodded hopefully persuasively, a grin still gracing her lips. But it seemed like she didn’t have any chance at all to persuade her friend of joining her little swimming trip. Too bad. “Gosh, Sybill, can you be even more dramatic? And don’t you think that cursing all my scions is a bit too much? How can you hold them responsible for something I have done like eons ago?”
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