marsthemusicfairie · 2 years
Malibu - flowerovlove
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Link to listen
     I discovered flowerovlove, Joyce Cisse, last month from her simple, hitting, dreamy single Malibu. The contrast of her light vocals against the hip-hop influenced beat with a wavy guitar captivated me instantly. It’s been a while since I listened to anyone with a lo-fi feel so the track was refreshing. The lyrics allow you to paint a picture of exactly what she was experiencing while writing the song, and also tells us a little about herself and how she got her start. For 17 years old, flowerovlove has had her share of experiences around the world, and it’s only the beginning for her. I love how confident she is in keeping it mellow and nostalgic, and nothing feels forced about her delivery. The song is short and keeps you wanting more, so I will definitely keep up with this young start for the years to come! 
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marsthemusicfairie · 2 years
It’s a good time for me, because all of my favorite artists are releasing ^_^ Ravyn Lenae, Umi, and Orion Sun are my holy trinity. Orion’s last project did not disappoint, and now I am eagerly awaiting Umi’s and Ravyn’s!
Umi’s single “Sorry” did not disappoint and is as soothing, beautiful, relatable, and addicting as everything she puts out. One thing I Loved about the production was how it sounds like she’s singing to you in your room. It’s one to bring tears to your eyes. If you have not watched the music video, it is vital and mandatory that you do, now. I promise you won’t regret.
Light Me Up, sensual, sexy, needed, we’re all ready to devour everything Ravyn puts out. I really feel grateful like, first Skin Tight and now this? This new album is about to have me transcending and shedding skin I already feel it. Her cadence, tone, word choices, visuals, I could curse. And I do because it’s too good.
Orion Sun is my sonic soulmate and i’m biased because everything she puts out is perfect to me. I will be writing a full review on her project Getaway, but for now, all I will say is Dirty Dancer and Concrete did have me in the tightest chokehold. The music videos are everything, too. There’s just nothing sweeter than Orion’s voice, and nothing cooler than her production. Eternally grateful for her existence in this lifetime.
Kinky Love was the perfect song for pisces season. Wavy, groovy, saturating love and with a psychedelic feel. The song is such a comfort place that opens your heart as you relax.
Nilüfer Yanya is quickly becoming one of my favorite artists. Her vocals are so unique and her production is always immaculate. Her last project was incredible top to bottom, and I would love to write a more thorough review on it. She has been on my radar since Melt, and I can’t wait to follow her journey.
Lose Control by Amaria is the perfect dreamy R&B song right now. Vocals and all, it is a full package and I can’t wait to dive into more of her work. This song would be stuck in my head for days at a time. It had me tapping into my divinity and feeling so in tune with my sensuality. This song deserves so much hype. It could play on loop for hours.
Londrelle’s Morning Asana has been my morning song for the past month, and I promise you it’s been bringing about so much positivity and alignment in my days. Singing these lyrics every morning will wire your brain for joy and gratitude. Londrelle is also set to release a new project this year and I am absolutely ecstatic.
Tobi Lou released his best album of all time. I love him so much. Listen top to bottom, please. You won’t regret. I want to say more but there’s just not much to say. It’s amazing. It’s his best. The features? Insane. I love him so much i’m Starstruck. Baby cakes and Jelly are my favorites.
After Lil Thing, I have to get into Knox Fortune’s discography. I was shamelessly blasting this song with my windows down since the weather is warm enough now. Such a cool song. Makes me feel so free and light.
Last but certainly not the least of these, don’t even get me started on Saba’s album. Easily one of the albums of the year. But we all knew that. Pure gold and honey. Again, there’s just not much I can say. Saba always leaves me speechless. His production is some of my favorite in the entire industry. The features on here were fantastic, with some of my favorite girls Mereba and Fousheè. I laughed during Simpler Times, because all Mereba had to do was go “do do do do” and the song was perfected by her otherworldly vocals. Like that could’ve been her entire verse and it would be perfect. Something about Saba’s music is so pure and organic, it feels like pure art, transcending the music industry. Love him forever. You will not regret listening to this album top down.
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marsthemusicfairie · 2 years
What’s New
I am no longer doing numerical ratings! From the start of my blog I was on the fence about it, but was inspired to do so by other music bloggers. However, I decided I don’t agree to it at all and it goes against my personal morals. Music is a beautiful, interpretative, and subjective art form that transcends 3D numerical value. Who am I to judge someone else’s art in that way, who is anyone to? It reminded me of how much I hated art class when I was young because I hated having my art work graded. So, why would I contribute to the very thing I hated as a child? I want to keep this blog positive and fun, a safe and celebratory space, and highlight the art that is currently bringing me joy. 
- mars t.g. 
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marsthemusicfairie · 2 years
Daydreams - Denyah
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 EP Review - Link to listen
Astrological energies - Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Sagittarius 
     Denyah is a musical artist from Los Angeles, California that describes her sound as pastel R&B, or “basically anything she wants.” She released her debut EP, Daydreams, on June 11, 2021, after years of releasing beautiful, dreamy singles, perfectly framing her sound and creativity. One of those singles being the highly popular and loved song Easy Baby. The 17 minute 6 track project is filled with dreamy, soft, and delicate vocals that charm you into giving your full attention, with whimsical and wanderlust production to lull you away into Denyah’s universe. After listening to the project I felt refreshed, calm, and inspired to have a more rosey yet confident outlook in life. The lyrics are empowering and personal, taking you higher into her world, adding to the atmospheric sound. 
     My favorites in the EP were the title track Daydreams, I AM, and Gravity. Daydreams brings you into a world of Neptunian and Jupiterian energy with heavy Piscean feeling, leaving me lost in my own daydreams as well. The lyrics of I AM empower you and fill you with self love. Gravity is a song with amazing track and vocal production, bringing a magnetic energy. I love how raw the production is on all of these songs, it is so authentic and shows me the creativity and true essence of the artist. 
     I think one reason why I love Denyah’s music so much is because as much as it is completely unique, it has a nostalgic feel to it that reminds me of a combo of the early days of both Kilo Kish and SZA. It’s the lush production and heavy drum/bass combined with the airy sounds, I like to call fairy sounds. It’s beautiful to have someone bring back this sound in their authentic and new way.  Everything about Denyah’s artistry and package is beautiful and engaging and I can not wait until she releases more music so I can continue to support her endeavors. 
     I also want to give love to the cover art. Super dope, creative, and beautiful. I love the modeling and posing and shows artistry. 
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marsthemusicfairie · 2 years
direct line to My Creator- duendita
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Album Review - link to album
     I have been a fan of duendita for some time and I consider this artist to be one of my inspirations. I love who she is and what she represents. I love how raw, organic, authentic, and natural the music is, the versatility and dynamics within the vocals, and the unique production and instrumentation that goes behind each song. There’s a story being told that goes deeper than what is being said. duendita feels like embracing your inner nature and giving them a hug and setting them free. She is a self proclaimed Spiritual Soul Singer who sings at the Alter of Self-Love. This is her beautiful debut album ‘direct line to My Creator’
Rating: 10/10 Cover Art: 10/10 Favorites: The whole album, top to bottom. Every song is my favorite. Skips: None Replay? Immediately.       This was a journey. Truly a piece of art, and this is what I look for in the music I listen to. When it feels like you’re listening to an artist and transcending into their unique world they’ve created in their artwork, and not like when you feel like you’re listening to The Machine, if you know what I mean. After listening to it top to bottom, I feel refreshed? Spiritually? Introspective and inspired. Like a worship experience.  Lucky for me I love this feeling. This was truly perfect and really a direct line to the Creator. The lyricism is incredible as well, as well as her delicious low notes and expression. The mix of instrumentation and production is so wonderfully done, as well. I really could rave about this body of work and will. If I absolutely had to pick favorites... it would be Pray and Yikes!. I just feel like those songs electrify me the most, but the whole album saved me, honesly. I can not wait to hear more from duendita!
 Lyrics that grabbed me:  
Pray - “I pray for my homies , I pray for the girls who get lonely, I pray for you, for me, for everything that ever comes my way”
Yikes!- "I’m sitting in rain with your demon eyes”, “I wanna know who you are , you want to glow in the dark, I want to dance until dawn, you want to cover me up”
I’ma Get You- “Come correct, show respect, I'm the one You're just another underneath the sun Bed full of sadness, ashes, paradise I'm done wiping the evil from beneath your eyes I'm with God, he's with me, Lord on high So you should think twice before you waste our time Running in circles, save your appetite I'm done feeding this fever, boy, you're out of line”
Hurt so Much- “No one is gonna hear this ever right? No If you are leaded by the divine, even for a moment The world grows too small to contain you A heart may glide by the almighty Vanishes from the world, free Celebrate thy eternal friend Don't stay in your skin like an ephemeral flower Go on, break out of your mentality”
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marsthemusicfairie · 3 years
Cleo at Abbey Road - Shygirl
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Single/Package Review - audio link attached
Rating: 10/10 Cover Art: 10/10 Re-listen?: Definitely Favorites: All
 Shygirl is an artist I’ve been hearing about this year, so, I am so excited to listen to them for the first time! Shygirl released Cleo at Abbey Road, Cleo, and Cleo - Edit on December 14th, 2021, with Cleo being a single released October 26, 2021. 
     The package starts off with Cleo at Abbey Road, which is a slow ballad with incredible string instrumentation. I was immediately impressed by Shygirl’s artistry. Right off the back I’m thinking “This artist is serious.” There is tension and pull from the strings, engaging and exciting lyrics, and a beautiful and captivating voice. It’s giving luxury. My mind creates imagery of a scenes of dark royal love. 
   Cleo begins similarly to Cleo at Abbey Road, but then takes a beautiful, shocking twist, turning from a string ballad to a dance track. I immediately added it to my Liked playlist. I’m really excited to hear this because I love seeing Black Femmes infiltrate the dance music scene. In her bio on Spotify, it says Shygirl is a “DJ with a tone set clearly in the depths of the club,” and I am feeling allll of that. I am in love with Cleo. Seriously 10/10. 
     Cleo- Edit is basically Cleo with a few engaging, more intense changes to the production. I love so much, I can’t wait to dance to these. I will definitely be keeping an ear and eye out for Shygirl from now. What a promising artist. 
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marsthemusicfairie · 3 years
Son of a Sauce! - Salami Rose Joe Louis
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Album Review - link to album attached   
      I recently discovered Salami Rose Joe Louis from their song ‘Nostalgic Montage’, and it was enough to get me curious about the rest of their discography. The style was right up my alley. Planetary scientist gone full time artist, and it’s very obvious.
Album cover- 8/10
Album rating- 8/10
     ‘Son of a Sauce!’ is Salami Rose Joe Louis’ debut album released in 2016. After listening to this album I’m left feeling wowed. I believe Salami produced the album, and I am really impressed. 45 minute, 26 track album filled with dynamics, space/galactic/psychedelic feels, interludes, mind-warps and dreamy, mysterious vocals. 
     The album fits perfectly with the blog because i have no idea how to categorize the genre of the album. It’s weird, it’s beautiful, it’s very interesting. Some lo-fi, alternative, experimental, bedroom, abstract, qualities. Why even try to describe it? The album is full of personality and fluidity. There are many songs on here I would love to listen to while tripping, on a night drive, in the woods, or honestly just in my bed completely in the dark. Or like cleaning. You will be stimulated and feeling like you’re a little alien on an adventure while listening to this. Very cool, one of my new favorite albums. 
     There were many times where I wondered if Salami was foreign because of the way she enunciated and phrased words, but upon research she’s from the Bay Area! Regardless, I love the way she sings because it adds a whole new layer of uniqueness to the tracks, and actually in many tracks the lyrics are very undistinguishable. There are a couple tracks where her vocals are not the forefront, but the production is, so her vocals will be low, quiet, and muted. Other tracks full of beautiful harmonies and clear, sweet vocals. I’m glad she chose to highlight her production in various tracks, because truly it is incredible and should be focused on. Very interesting artistic choices all throughout the album and Salami is a true artist. 
     My only note is towards the end I did get slightlyyy tired...only ever so slightly. That’s why I took off half a point. It just got a little redundant and slow especially with the piano ballads, even though it was still unique. I started to need a little more excitement. But, it picked back up around Gabush and Why Do You Care When Im Gone. 
Re-listen?- Definitely. I am right now, haha.
Favorite tracks- I Miss You So, Crawwee, Tell Meeee/Tell Meeee Again, Losing Sleep over the Cretaceous, Why Do You Care When I’m Gone
Skips- Trust, Lil Wednesday Idear, Evection Resonance, I Used to Think I Knew, To Take and to Wander
Notes made on favorite tracks 
*I Miss You So- love the guitar so much, voice is sooo enchanting and sweet but mysterious, simple lyrics but delicious. The break at 2:00 is everything, extremely fluid and moving, as well as the outro 
*Crawwee- the percussion immediately draws me attention, I love the sound of the gentle tapping and the clouded drums and and bass combo. so dreamy. her soft voice compliments it so well. The chorus vocals are so interesting. 
Tell Meeeee- the percussion on this song is new. this songs a little grimier but short and leads us into the next track quickly 
*Tell Meeeee Again- evolving instrumentals from the last track. lovely
*Losing Sleep over the Cretaceous- upbeat again, the time signature/timing on this is fascinating. All the sounds are slightly overwhelming at parts but in the best way. It’s just your brain trying to catch up with all that’s happening. The ending of the song is lovely. 
*Why Do You Care When Im Gone- dreamy, starry, upbeat. paints a dreamland in your mind. Absolutely adore her vocals here. Love how in her production she’s not afraid to use any sound. 
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