martydwyer · 7 years
Waiting for the first “Martian” fic to reference Hurricane Harvey since the Johnson Space Center is almost a character in the book and movie. 
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martydwyer · 7 years
self care is also being honest with yourself about your negative habits and mistakes. it’s also taking ownership of your faults and growing from them. self care is diverting from a negative space to a positive one. creating light and balance. blooming. watering your own flowers. being gentle but honest with yourself.
so take care.
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martydwyer · 7 years
 "Do you have headcanons for fictional characters"? My answer is YES! I have a lot of them for both major and minor characters in many fandoms.      
 1.Peggy Carter was influenced by her "Aunt" the Honorable Phyrne Fisher of "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries" and Peggy was a member of Special Operations Executive before joining the SSR ("Agent Carter" and "Captain America")                                                                                                          
 2. There was a mini baby boom after the astronauts of Ares III returned to earth from Mars.(The Martian) Both Helena Vogel (Alex Vogel's wife) and Marissa Martinez (Rick Martinez's wife) both had girls about 11 months after their husband's return. And there was intense medical interest in the child of Chris Beck and Beth Johannsen because both had spent almost 3 years in deep space and fears of DNA mutations due to radiation. Their child ended up as brilliant as both her parents and becomes a Dr. like her father. Her brother becomes a computer nerd like his mother. Mark Watney is living with Mindy Park and the crew hopes for a wedding to happen soon. And I could go on, and on and on. POST YOUR FAVORITE ONES.
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martydwyer · 7 years
For those who care
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martydwyer · 7 years
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casually leaving this here
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martydwyer · 7 years
I love how in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Steve and Bucky are having their dramatic highway battle and the cars in the other lane just keep driving. Like, the regular people in the Marvel Cinematic Universe must be so jaded at this point. Like, “Ho hum. Another Monday. Aw dangit. Looks like they’re at it again. The five o’clock rush is gonna be hell.”
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martydwyer · 7 years
Down “The Martian” fic hole.
I’ve been inhaling a bunch of “The Martian” fic lately. Especially the Chris Beck/ Beth Johanssen pairing.
 A whole movie could be made about their relationship and #SebastianStan and #KateMara did a lot with very little screen time so some very talented fic writers have taken over a really sweet love story of two nerds that found each other.
I have some very good stories bookmarked over at Archive Of Our Own. I’m NBC1 over there. Please let me know if there are more out there!
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martydwyer · 8 years
James Barnes is an actual person
I’m working at the local utility company in a temporary position. I found out today that there is a person in my town named James Barnes. I don’t know if his nickname is “Bucky”or not.
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martydwyer · 8 years
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While we were waiting to board the plane, Evans told me that as he lay in bed the night before, “I started exploring the sensation of ‘What if the chute doesn’t open?’ Those last minutes where you know. You’re not gonna pass out; you’re gonna be wide awake. So what? Do I close my eyes? Hopefully, it would be quick. Lights out. I fucking hope it would be quick. And then I was like, if you’re gonna do it, let’s just pretend there is no way this is going to go wrong. Just really embrace it and jump out of that plane with gusto.” Evans also shared that he’d looked up the rate of skydiving fatalities. “It’s, like, 0.006 fatalities per one thousand jumps. So I figure our odds are pretty good.” - Chris Evans is Ready to Fight.
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martydwyer · 8 years
can someone explain the alignment chart for me but in like, the simplest wording possible lmao
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martydwyer · 8 years
Why I love Phyrne Fisher.
Anyway here is an itemised list of the reasons why I’m loving Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries so much:
Miss Fisher is obviously a badass but also she’s not young! She’s Of A Certain Age and she still lands the absolute hottest dudes. The hottest dudes. The hottest dudes
It’s the Carousing Good Guy trope but a lady!
Her lady-loving doctor friend Mac wears the most wonderful suits and she is amazing and I want to kiss her
What kind of a name is Phrynie. It’s absurd
Super old-school anti-procedural. Like Jonathan Creek but without all the British cringiness. Like Star Trek but instead of space stuff it’s murders and instead of space it’s set in Australia.
I didn’t even know Australia had a ‘20s until I watched this show. Upon closer study, it seems plausible
Miss Fisher is absolutely ruthless, clever, dangerous, insightful, and willing to go to any length to solve her case - including playing any number of fanciful parts, scaling large buildings, getting herself nearly poisoned to death, and otherwise putting herself in physical and emotional danger - and she does all this without having to sacrifice her love of pretty things. She scales those buildings in beautiful hand-tooled Italian heels. She is always impeccably, gorgeously dressed, and doesn’t ever change that about herself, even when she starts being taken more seriously by the police force or when she is doing serious detective work like interviewing wicked murderers or hunting for the man who killed her sister. Miss Fisher is only ever entirely herself.
She adopts strays like no one’s business.
There’s something very appealing about the story of a woman who has seen terrible, gruesome things, decided afterwards to dedicate her life entirely to pleasure, and then (almost despite herself) ended up becoming a philanthropist and a den mother and a doer-of-good. I have seen this story many many many (many, many) times from a male perspective, but not so often from a female viewpoint, and Miss Fisher does it without ever begrudging what she’s become. She’s infinitely more graceful than every other good-guy-against-his-better-judgment story I’ve watched or read.
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martydwyer · 8 years
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martydwyer · 8 years
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martydwyer · 8 years
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martydwyer · 8 years
OMG! Yes!
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Peggy is done with absolutely everyone, especially Steve and Tony.
requested by anonymous
Keep reading
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martydwyer · 8 years
Compromise where you can. But where you can’t, don’t. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye and say “no… you move”.
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Compromise where you can. But where you can’t, don’t. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye and say “no… you move”.
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martydwyer · 8 years
Musings on Peggy and Steve
I’m not a good fic writer but I have lots of questions that someone can take and run with.
In no particular order:
Where were Peggy’s children at her funeral? And how do they feel about Cap “coming back from the dead”? Are there any other grandchildren of the “Howlies” in S.H.I.E.L.D besides Tripp? Wouldn’t they be at her funeral too?
And where was Tony Stark? He’s the son of her “business” partner and she would have been around when he was growing up.  Especially if Edwin and Ana Jarvis had a big hand in his upbringing. 
What was Daniel’s role in S.H.I.E.L.D? He didn’t seem to be part of the “brain trust”.
Did Howard tinker with Daniel’s prostetic  leg at all? He likely couldn’t resist. How did Howard meet Maria and how did they get together? 
It’s obvious that Daniel Sousa has been dead for a while because Peggy was in a nursing home. When and how did he die? in my headcanon he had a fatal heart attack about 1999. Very sudden and unexpected.
What if her dementia was faked? If so, was her death faked? Steve wasn’t there and only got a text message that we assume was from a staff member at the nursing home. Who actually was it from? Faking her death is the ultimate way to protect the Founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. esepecially since Hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. And we know that Nick Fury has access to a drug to fake death.
Something happened between Steve and Peggy during the war. Either after the “red dress” incident or after Peggy consoled Steve after Bucky died in the pub. I can see Steve insisting on walking Peggy back to the “bed sit” in a London town house requisitioned for female personnel  where she stays when not at SSR HQ and Steve being all flustered and charming and things getting all hot and heavy.
Some more headcanon here. I feel that Peggy somehow was exposed to some of Steve’s blood (or other bodily fluid) because when she was run through by the steel rebar it wasn’t fatal and she healed quickly. It would have been instantly fatal for most people or at least require weeks in the ICU.
Peggy personally recruited Coulson and likely May too.
So many stories of S.H.I.E.L.D during the Cold War and Vietnam era.
Also more eyerolling from Sam and Bucky when Steve kisses Sharon (I feel it was taken a bit too far- a good hug would have been better).
And more fic with Peggy and Phyrne Fisher of “Miss Fisher’s Mysteries”. She and Phyrne are so similar in type. Both are “take charge” women, have UST (unrequited sexual tension) with the men in their lives and both shoot rather well. 
This is all for now. 
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