maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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“You honestly mustn’t trouble yourself, after all, your smile alone puts the beauty of all flowers in your vicinity to shame, and to kiss you would be sweeter than chocolate. You’re honestly all I would ever need on Valentines day.”
||~“Wait it’s almost Valentines day.. maybe I could make some chocolate, or get flowers?”
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
Ah the trick was difficult indeed, he looked at his arms and feet and saw that he once again took the form of man, perhaps this was something he would become outside of battle, but this velvet room was quite different, no cage, no bars and no Lavenza...but the space, the atmosphere it still felt familiar as if he was home. Amber hues turned to face a female sitting across him, the resemblance was uncanny, from the platinum blond hair to those golden hues, she really did resemble a mature Lavenza.
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“Arsene Lupin is my name, honestly I haven’t the foggiest of where here is, though it still feels like the Velvet room I’m used to seeing. Hmm I was actually hoping to manifest within the world of man, but it seems I still cannot visit the modern world without an anchor to tether me.” He blinks twice, looking the female up and down before those lips of his curved into a slight toothy grin. “What about you?? Wouldn’t you care to see the outside world with me?”
Margaret paused her work feeling an unfamiliar presence in the Velvet Room. It wasn’t hostile just unexpected. Turning she spotted him. A persona without its user? That was strange. Usually, she did not see one without the other.
“Greetings, and welcome to the velvet room. I am Igor’s assistant Margaret. May I ask what brings you here? It is unusual to see a Persona without its user.”
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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The now blond man sheepishly rubs the back of his head. He did not take that sorceress that he had stolen from seriously. To think she had found a way to turn him into Dimitri. A rather sly smirk played across his lips. “This could actually be pretty fun, hahaha.” He boasts in laughter leaving the dormitories, sporting a rather bright smile on his face.
@blxe-skys-of-coxrage​ continue from here: x
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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Completely unprompted | Always accepting
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It was another solo heist gone successful, the treasure had been stolen and hidden away from him to pick up in the morning when the heat’ died. The area littered with the sounds of sirens, the local authorities trying to calm the unrest that was left there. A high ranking official of a clan was seen tied and the vault behind a painting within his office seemingly empty. Jewels, yen they were all taken by the Gentleman thief as he had promised beforehand upon the contents of his calling card. 
The police took the man for lock up and the calling card taken as evidence and the thief himself? Why, he is currently leaping from one rooftop towards the other using the blanket of the darkness of the night as a means of cover. Finally, he dives off, a roof, allowing his hook to safely rappel him onto the moist earth of an alley before quickly discarding the mask, and wore just his dark suit and hat. He figured a brisk walk among the citizens should provide him with enough covers until he arrived at his hideout..and then everything would smooth sailing.
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But, life had no mercy on him and with that came the Mad Dog of Shimano himself, Goro. Dropping an object in his hands and ran like his life had depended on it. “Monsieur Majima??” He spoke under his breath before taking a look at the package, giving it a single shake his brow would then raise.. “What’s that sound?” Slowly pressing his ears against the box he heard ticking..this really dropped his heart into the pit of his stomach. “HEY!!!” He chases after the mad dog with haste holding the object over his head. The smart thing would be to toss it into the air and run but he stubborn wanted to shove this through Majima’s chest.
@mewgagotoku​ asked: “Oi! Catch!” There was no time to explain - Majima was already running, lurid grin plastered across his gaunt face. Where’s that ticking coming from?
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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Completely unprompted | Always accepting
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The thief strolled through the local nightlife of Sotenbori, sadly, with all the things that he’s seen happen in this active town reminds him of things back home. He knew not why, but the presence of the night tends to bring out the absolute worst of humanity out on the streets, or at least so he thought. Amber eyes turning at the sound of such a sweet melodic voice. Who would have thought it would have been quite an angel to match that sweet voice, though there was something in her eyes, fear? Anxiety? The thief couldn’t put a trace on it. 
BUT upon listening to her request he could see why she had that look in her eye. A precious flower-like herself would no doubt come across rather unwelcome guests. Dark-gloved hands reach the brim of his own hat before his head nodded. “Worry not mademoiselle, I’ll take you anywhere you need be.” Though he disliked violence, this gentleman would not hesitate if it meant to protect the stranger before him. 
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“Shall we?” Lupin spoke softly before he gently linked his arm with her own and began to stroll through the streets with her. No doubt the thugs tailed them, he needed a place that was dark and secluded enough to face them. “My name is Maurice by the way, I don’t believe I’ve asked for your name yet.” Of course, given the nature of his own ‘hobbies’ he had to present her with a false name if anything it keeps her safe should people mention his real name.
@mewgagotoku​ asked: “Terribly sorry to disturb you, but would you walk with me for a while?” Forcing a weak smile, Makoto clutched the strap of her purse and continued, quieter: “I think I’m being followed.”
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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Twisted sentence starter meme | Accepting
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He looks at her, eyes curious. Did she just flirt with him? She did, and it wasn’t really a bad line either. Lupin mentally commends her for it and shows his intrigued response with a toothy smirk as amber hues gazes into her very own. “I’d say you’ve warmed up to me quite nice..or maybe I’ve become something of a bad influence upon you.”
@hecxteisbxck​ asked: ❛   i don’t bite, you know… unless it’s called for.  
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
OH FGO YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD KEEP ME AWAY FROM MY SHEBA?!!?!? WATCH ME GET HER FOR FREE. AGH would have been great if I got her earlier then I could have yoinked Tamamo cat instead. Oh well, time to steal a Caster’ heart.
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
“oh, that’s quite an offer. sometimes it’s hard for me to find some ingredients,” hecate looked over at lupin and grinned. “though I’m pretty sure searching for ingredients is the only thing getting me out of this store so you probably shouldn’t take that away from me.” laughter fell from her red lips before she walked over behind the counter again, opening her spellbook next to their slices of pie. his last words had her looking up at him again, smiling from ear to ear. “hey- you said A rank, that’s the final one.”
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“Well, whatever it is you need, no matter how big or small, I, Arsene Lupin can procure it for you.” He smiles, now giving her a playful wink as he awaits her to create his invincibility potion. He was rather excited since this will the first time he’s seen her work, quite exciting he’ll admit. Both his amber hues glance at her with curiosity, that very same curiosity a child might give their parents whenever they performed a complicated task.
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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A single eye closes to brace for the sound of food hitting the floor. The thuds heard, the students turned to see what the commotion was all about, but it was simply the transfer with Shujin’s newest albeit youngest teacher (In disguise). “Ever so clumsy, but I am a gentleman after all. Allow me the privilege to buy you lunch.” Cheerfully and boldly took her hand. A fingertip gently placed upon her lips, hoping she wouldn’t say his name..least not out loud. He spoke with her using his eyes, shifting them towards the outside of the school’s cafeteria. “Shall we? His fingertip leaving her lips as a grin spreads across his lips, quite a silly grin.
@nontale​​ ‘s heart has been stolen | Find the calling card here
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Lupin remains within the halls of Shujin academy masquerading as a teacher, a rather young teacher at that. His presence garnered a lot of attention from the female student populace and a facepalm or from his other-self upon catching him. Though now at lunchtime Lupin parades the area until he sneaks behind a very recognizable scarlet head. Wondering if SHE’ll recognize him under this guise. A gentle poke at the back of her shoulder. “Boo.” He spoke out in an attempt to surprise her, even going as far as to disguise his voice to mimic the Joker’s perfectly.
ꕥ ┊
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    “ wah ——— ?! ”   
     the volume of the voice alarmingly defines a clear contrast between the silence and the music of nature outside. hands immediately flex open, her tray of food spilling out in correspondence to such a fright. ( which of course, it brought everyone’s attention ) instead, hands are clutched at the chest, instinctively, head swerving to and fro until crimson meeting amber hues. “ s - senpai ? no, you’re .. ”
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
    ۵ ◜𝄞◞ ۵ ┊Naturally she assumes that Mister Lupin here probably had wandered off quite far to find it. Otherwise she’d know exactly where he picked it up from, but she doesn’t. 
    Her eyes widen when his fingertip presses against her lips and she instinctively rears her head back and away from his touch. Was he still on about statement he had made when they had first met? Something about stealing her heart? Its difficult to understand why he hadn’t given up on such, considering she had blocked all his advances. Even now she’s deflecting as best she can, somewhat.
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    ❝ Even if I were to keep it. Its already fated to wither in due time. But… thank you. ❞ Then she lets out a sigh, she did like it… but…. ❝ I’ll keep it until then. ❞
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“Worry not Mademoiselle, for each flower that withers I will grant you a new one.” He made a courteous bow, now turning to face the path down the treacherous mountain. “We’ve still got a world to save, though I will always enjoy the more solemn moments between us.” With the story of the thirteen darknesses vanquished one would think their adventures would have come to an end. His amber hues looking down at the mountain trail then towards the opposite where certain death met with anyone foolish enough to jump off. “Should we make a race towards the bottom?” Lips slowly formed into a rather cocky smirk.
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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Twisted sentence starter meme | Accepting
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The male stood there next to the detective, he was dressed rather formally, wearing a mask and a tophat as accessories. Together the two had managed to solve a case that did not involve the help of the app and the metaverse, just old fashion sleuthing. It was also one way to throw this miss Shirogane off the phantom thieves tracks, he could sense that there was something different about her, it’s the same feeling he’s felt among the leader and his friends. He needed to keep not only THEM but his powers as a persona a secret.
“You took the words right out of my mouth detective.” He spoke stepping forward only a little if only to get a better view of the police covering the bodies left within the alleyway, the dirt paved in the blood of the innocent but at least the killer was caught and sent to jail thanks to the two of them. “This was indeed a pleasant first date ma cherie, but I do believe this is where we part ways. Perhaps if the fates willed it, I might have to steal your heart as well.” There, that was the one line he needed to feed her to get her attention off the kids. Hinting that he himself might be a phantom thief, his face made it seemed like he might have spoken one word too many as he quickly makes a run for it.
@compendiumused​ asked: ❛ some things are better left undiscovered. ❜ (P5!AU Naoto)
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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Twisted sentence starter meme | Accepting
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“No mademoiselle…” He spoke out to her, maybe it was her rebellious spirit that wanted to go back towards the hideout to rectify what’s been done, but with the current weather conditions there’s no telling how Mementos would be, even if her heart is in the right place to want to change this individual’s heart..he simply couldn’t risk anything happening..especially to her. It was no secret that she and the leader had gotten close, and it was that very reason Lupin tried his best to stop the female from taking on this enemy on her own. 
To imagine the heartbreak and the anger that the boy would go through should something happen to her. It was this reason Lupin kept a tight hold against her wrist, he did not wish to hurt her but as well he did not want her doing something stupid and getting herself killed. “If you’ll insist on being stubborn then at least contact my other-self. He should be working at the flower shop right now.”
@nontale​ asked: ❛   i have to get back, i can’t stay here!   ❜  
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
❛ i have to get back, i can’t stay here! ❜
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Twisted sentence starter meme | Accepting
There was a gang war that erupted within the usually quiet streets of Inaba, different people from different families all came equipped with their firearms, there were many that were caught in the crossfire but the man had managed to save at last one young woman, taking the female by the hand and leads her into a shop that was left abandoned by the witnesses that saw the shooting started. “We should be safe here if we just hide and wait for the police.” Or at least until he finds himself a place to put on this mask and see if he could defuse the situation himself.
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But that can’t happen if this crazy woman actually wanted to go back out there. “Trust me mademoiselle, it’s not safe out there. You’re best option is to stay here, stay quiet and I’ll try and help out as many more people as I can.” The moment was indeed dire but he shoots her a warm smile in order to at the very least let her be aware that there isn’t anything to fear.
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
❛   you must forgive my lips… they find pleasure in the most unusual places.   ❜ ❛   i don’t bite, you know… unless it’s called for.   ❜ ❛   perhaps you should mind your tongue, lest i put it to better use.   ❜   ❛   i love watching you react, how but a few words can turn your entire world on its axis. i revel in it.   ❜   ❛   go ahead, come a little closer. curiosity isn’t so bad, now is it? let it drive you further and further into the abyss.   ❜   ❛   are you getting possessive? come now love, you know better than to think i could ever belong to anyone, least of all you!   ❜   ❛   what happened, what’s going on? everything’s so dark…   ❜   ❛   curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. so why do i feel like i’ve fallen into pieces?   ❜   ❛   some things are better left undiscovered.   ❜   ❛   you’d look so much prettier in red… shall i coat you in it?   ❜   ❛   that… that’s not really paint, is it?   ❜   ❛   you can follow the trail, if you wish, but remember! the road back may become too obscured to follow.   ❜   ❛   i think i’ve gotten lost, i’m still me but everything feels twisted.   ❜   ❛   don’t you worry my dear, i’ll take good care of you i promise. didn’t you know a demon/monster always keeps his/her word?   ❜   ❛   don’t you worry about a thing pet, i’ll take care of everything so just sit there and look pretty for me.   ❜   ❛   i have to get back, i can’t stay here!   ❜   ❛   did you really think i’d let you go so easily?   ❜   ❛   nothing’s over while i’m breathing!   ❜  
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
i want to know who you people are and i want to know what’s going on here.
you and i have the same employer.
your marriage is a fake.
they live and work underground. their research is of the highest importance.
our position on the map is indicated by heat signature.
why can’t i remember anything?
so you’re saying this place was attacked?
i’m afraid things are a little more complicated than that.
what happened here?
get out! get out! you can’t be in here!
she’ll try to deceive us, confuse us.
i implore you.
implore away.
you’re all going to die down here.
what was all the shooting?
because blood doesn’t do that until after you’re dead.
where are the bodies? where did they go?
all the people working here are dead.
when you cut the power, you unlocked the doors. you let them out.
we’re never going to make it to the surface.
some of us provide information, others give their support.
what kind of research?
maybe she trusted the wrong person, maybe they set her up.
where are you taking those?
that homicidal bitch killed my team.
tell us what’s going on down here.
even in death, the human body still remains active.
it brings the dead back to life?
they are driven by the basest of impulses, the most basic needs.
how do you kill them?
you mean shoot them in the head.
why did you kill everybody down here?
it’s almost impossible to kill.
whoa, we’re not infected.
just one bite, one scratch from these creatures is sufficient.
i was trying to stop them.
no, nothing ever changes.
i don’t want to be one of those things walking around without a soul.
i’m missing you already.
bitch wouldn’t open the door so i had to fry her.
i’m not dead yet.
i could kiss you, you bitch.
i shot her five times. how is she still standing?
you’re going to have to work for your meal.
when i get outta here, think i’m gonna get laid.
your boyfriend’s a real asshole.
no pressure, guys.
i’m not sure i want to remember what went on down here.
i don’t deal in chance.
she was right. we are going to die down here.
yeah, you like how i taste, don’t you?
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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One word prompts meme | Accepting
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“I smell blood.” Lupin spoke the moment his hand touches the knob of her shop. He quickly opens the door to find his friend on the floor curled up and another mysterious corpse on the floor, the room too dark to even identify the ‘person’ but, he makes his way quickly towards her side. hands at her shoulders, he felt she was shaking. “Mademoiselle!!..Hecate!! Are YOU hurt as well?? Can you hear my voice??”
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Lupin slowly holds her own hands, keeping them tucked within his own rather protectively. “I’m unsure what transpired here while I was gone, but I can assure you it’s over and you’re safe. As long as I am here you needn’t have anything to fear, this I promise you.”
@hecxteisbxck​ asked: bloody
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