dimensionaljumper · 5 years
@hecxteisbxck​ continued from X
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“Why wouldn’t I? You seemed to be a little lonely.”  Scribe pointed out as he moved the food, in this case sandwiches, on the front desk of the store, thankfully there weren’t many people around. He liked it better this way anyway. 
Of course they had only met recently, and so far Scribe has not told her anything about himself save for his interest in magic, even if he was not the best at it. “Also honestly...with how shitty my spellbook is, I think I could use your help Yoru.”  After he made sure the food was pushed to the side, his fished into his bag and pulled out what looked like an old Wizard’s book, there were very few spells in it and it seemed...basic...to say the least. 
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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He looked at this piece of monstrosity that she tried to copy off the internet, it smelled weird because of the mustard frosting and...looked even weirder. Just why would someone come up with such an atrocious thing? Lupin was a man that loved to indulge in sweets but he couldn’t with this mess, but he couldn’t argue with a chance to get a free spell. He’d probably want something to magically get the taste out of his mouth. “A-alright..you have a deal.” ‘Course he was hesitant but he was prepared to go through hell for that deal. “Assuming I don’t die.”
@hecxteisbxck​​ | Continue from this point: x
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umbralrosarchive · 5 years
@hecxteisbxck has summoned The Achromatic Despot
Usually, she only goes into cafes and other sweet or tea-oriented shops. This one, upon inspection, seems at least mildly interesting. Expecting nothing much else inside to raise that out of her.
Entry was deathly quiet. Like a ghost, she stalks the things along the walls, looking them over. Was this some kind of magic shop or sorts? Herbs and such could be smelled in abundance. Lavender, rose, honeysuckle... There was a trace of devil’s trumpet, moonflower, and other assorted toxic plant-life to be detected. It was the books that catch her eye, one on the desk itself, as she nears. Where it seems the owner resided.
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     “What exactly is this shop of yours?” she asks, mild interest peaking through the indifferent monotone.
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tarvos · 5 years
How long had it been since Pharom shared this moment with someone? Decades? She had been alone for so long, that she had forgotten what it was like to watch this moment with someone. Bright blue eyes observed the beauty before her, silently taking in the masterpiece that nature was creating.
Two opposites had met to observe this beauty, though it wasn’t the first for Pharom, it certainly seems like it wouldn’t be the last. As the other had spoke, her blue eyes turned to gaze at the other for a short few moments, before turning back to look at the sky.
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❝I must admit that it is certainly beautiful.❞ She said, her voice calm and collected. ❝Though, it has been a while that I have watch it with someone.❞
【 Continued || @hecxteisbxck​ 】
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deflcresco · 5 years
@hecxteisbxck​    |    cont.
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She listened quietly, not a single muscle moved in her body as she absorbed the words of the other. The offer, she admits, was very tempting. A potion or a spell that can do anything--- 
If only. 
  ❝ Thank you for the offer,  ❞   the earlier words still echoing in her head, making her picture a different reality. A reality that could make this life more bearable. ❝ But I will have to decline. ❞   The price might be greater than what she is willing to give up. It was another burden she could do without.
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honourquinx · 5 years
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@hecxteisbxck​ sent : ♠ (a fine way to start interacting if you ask me) / nonsexual acts of intimacy
IGNORANT  OF  HER  POWER   AND   WISDOM  ,  he sees only the askew accessory around her neck, dipping over her collarbone and resting just on her sternum. urie closes the gap between them in succinct steps. the ccg often hosts functions like this, for patrons and guests alike. however, urie has learned that learned its less about the celebration of their work, but rather a chance to network. it’s for this reason that everyone dresses their best; the reason why he’s in a trim designer suit, hair slicked out of his face. catlike eyes are focused on the off-centre gold pendent.  urie briefly bows his head in greeting, and lips part to speak,  ❛ excuse me, but your necklace  ― ❜ hands raise slightly, as if asking for permission to correct the pendant,  ❛ ― as beautiful as it is, it’s crooked. ❜ 
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lithe digits trace along the fine chain, looping just under her collarbone. it looks expensive ; he is as delicate as ever, precise movement refined from years of painting. once the pendant sits straight, urie raises his gaze,  ❛  where are my manners? rank 1 urie kuki, it’s a pleasure to meet you.  ❜
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ferociouslumber · 5 years
[ @hecxteisbxck​ cont ]
He didn’t have much to offer in this moment, besides a firm grasp of his wide palm on her shoulder, a simple inquiry and a little bit of patience. Settled besides the woman, the old wolf waited, keen of her distressed demeanor and prepared to either act upon catching her, should she fall, or fully retrieve his touch, should she find it too intrusive.
“We’re in the park, you fell asleep on a bench.” Marcus spoke softly, still mindful of his tone and words, a slight accent lingering around in his voice. Was there a slight amusement in his tone as well? Maybe, finding a lovely lady alone in the park, not long before dawn, startled by a dream was a rather funny story to tell.
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fear-fuel-dragon · 5 years
@hecxteisbxck​  continued from here
“A fortune teller, eh? Interesting” the dragon grinned as his eyes gazed across the shop. He wasn’t a big believer of destiny or any of that stuff, but Drake did find the idea of fortune telling and knowing the future intriguing. 
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“You can call me Drake, and I’m a strategist on a ship” He’d omit the part about being a wanted pirate. “So Yoru-san I don’t suppose you know what the future holds for me, eh?” he chuckled. 
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unwcvering · 5 years
@hecxteisbxck​ asked  —
headcanon meme || accepting
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🤷  | did they ever ruin something they couldn’t have out of spite?
Not really. When he was younger, possibly. He is more likely to be be spiteful/petty about something that he feels wronged him or overall annoys him, but he wouldn’t go as far to ruin something because he couldn’t have it. If it is a material object, he wouldn’t purposely break it because it doesn’t belong to him. Judging by his behavior when he was 19, theft is more plausible to happen because if he wants it, then he’ll just take it. With more development, he wouldn’t do something as foolish and reckless. If he is going to be spiteful, it is going to be more calculated and thought out beforehand. Magi have to play far more carefully, after all. 
🛏️ | are they likely do to any activity without complain?
Define any activity. LOOOL. If it is researching or reading, he will do so without any complaints at all. If it relates to physical activity, he is going to complain. He is going to want to take a break. He is going to be out of breath. He is going to make fuss and want to stop. It will be a long string of complaining until he can just breathe and probably smoke a cigar because that’s really not counterproductive. But, really... Exercising? Walking down the street? He is going to complain about it.
👑 | what’s the possession they brag about the most?
He doesn’t really brag about his possessions... Really, Waver doesn’t brag much, if at all about what he has. He lives rather modestly as far as housing goes, and his attire, considering his clothing are on the expensive side, are only to keep appearances as a Lord. Even then, he wouldn’t go around bragging about what he has because he knows how it is to not have much. Living lavishly and bragging about it isn’t something he would do. That, and bragging openly in the magi world is a good way for someone to steal from you real quick. 
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votrealtcsse · 5 years
Send ‘➳♥’ and I’ll generate a number 1-34 for where my muse will kiss yours // accepting 
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6. Cheek
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【♛】༄  “Bonjour Mademoiselle.” The short frenchman stood onto his tiptoes, kissing the woman on both cheeks in greeting. “How do you do?” He lowered himself once more, smiling politely.
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dimensionaljumper · 5 years
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“Ok but...why in the hell are we trying to murder a Nymph?” He just followed the disguised Goddess’ eyes to look at the soon to be victim of whatever the witch had planned, for which the Traveler knew not.
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
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Even if their little cake experiment days ago end up in a small tragedy Lupin still had to admit he very much enjoyed being around her. But so they don’t repeat that horrible tragedy Lupin had brought along his own, or rather a snack. Gently setting the Tupperware containing and apple pie that he has bought from his favorite bakery. “Well, the feeling’s mutual Mademoiselle. I only hope our friendship will continue to flourish. But for now, let’s enjoy this feast..if you’re okay with closing up early.”
@hecxteisbxck​ | Continue from this point: x
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demonslayvr · 5 years
“Did your life turn out the way you expected it would?”
meme | accepting / existential crisis
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                >> 🔥 NO,   but i   . .   my life as i saw it bein’ as a kid is far from what it  BECAME.   i don’ think s’so bad though.  could have been   worse.   could’ve ended up dead by now.      ❞         instead he’s   SITTING HERE   eating a pizza,  being interrupted and dealing  with  SAID   interruption.
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tarvos · 5 years
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Question: ❛ i’m not a monster. ❜ (alucard)
Monster. That word was one that he countlessly heard, and despite that it still struck a chord within his heart. This beast has been dubbed it more times than he could even remember, and yet there were people who threw it around so easily. His crimson eyes glanced upon the other as she claimed that she wasn’t as such, his emotions hidden behind a mask crafted from years of heartache and suffering.
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❝What exactly do you label a ‘monster’? Vampires? Werewolves? Humans?❞
【 Meme || @hecxteisbxck​​​​​​‌ 】
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saraqas · 5 years
@hecxteisbxck​ liked for a starter!!! 
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     "I don't often get the chance to talk to someone like you."
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ferociouslumber · 5 years
“Your pulse is racing.” (for marcus :D)
[ Pulse meme ]
Like a vinyl disk being suddenly stopped from it’s smooth turning under the player’s needle, so his outer calm came to an abrupt halt. It was for only a moment, before it’s brushed away with a pseudo nervous chuckle as fingers go to tug lightly at the collar of his shirt. How did she know? Was there a vein pulsing on his forehead?
“…Is it now? Hm, i shouldn’t have coffee anymore, it makes me really agitated lately. Don’t worry, i’ll be good.” Lie. It was the accidental caressing of her silver bracelet when he went to shake her hand upon meeting her. Subtle and less than a second long, but it was enough to leave the stinging sensation on his skin, as if he’s just touched a burning candle. Nothing visible, but not something to be easily ignored either.
He should be more careful.
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