mastersmuses · 4 years
phoebe always managed to ( or at least tried to ) get along with everyone and it looked like it was going to be really easy for her to get along with rory. the girl was adorable. the brunette allowed her arm to be linked, before she headed off in the direction of the pool. “i like being the favourite! i just hope you haven’t said that to other people because that would really upset me.” she teased, before letting out a laugh. “ah, no see – that sounds like a much better idea than swimming, rory. i’m phoebe!”
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the blonde chuckled softly as she walked arm in arm with the brunette, “i promise i haven’t told anyone else they’re my favorite. well, other than my mum. which doesn’t count.” though they’d just met, rory prided herself in being able to read vibes and phoebe was only radiating good ones. “alright then the plan is, i’ll swim, you’ll keep me company and we’ll both get drunk. this honestly sounds like an ideal date. pleasure to meet you, phoebe. seems like i got quite lucky meeting you right off the bat, huh? i literally just arrived earlier today.”
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mastersmuses · 4 years
[ ━ dove cameron. cis-female. she/her. ] my name is AURORA ‘RORY’ DANIELS, i am a 17 year old JUNIOR transferring in to harwick academy. people always say i’m RECKLESS & IMPULSIVE but i think the fact that i’m OUTGOING & ALLURING makes up for it. they also think of me as THE WILD CHILD but i’m not sure why. there is one thing that nobody knows about me, though, and it’s that I’M BEING BLACKMAILED WITH A SEX TAPE AND MY DAD SENT ME AWAY.
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hi guys! i’m madison and i was in this group for a lil bit when it first opened but real life/family life has been fucking insane so i went inactive but i’m excited to be here again!
like this if you’d like to plot and i’ll message you!
tw: cancer, death (just a lil mention, doesn’t dive deep into it or anything!)
so she was born and raised in cape town, south africa by her politician of a father and their families plethora of nannies. growing up rory didn’t know much about her birth mother because her dad refused to talk about her. was also under the assumption that she was dead…since that’s what her father said.
grew up in a family filled with  mostly boys and despite her step mother’s wishes for her to be more ‘doll like’ or ladylike, rory did everything she could to be like one of the boys.
has always looked up to all of her siblings, even the younger ones and took it upon herself to be the family ‘documenter’ so you’d rarely find this girl without a camera in hand.
rory didn’t find out about her birth mother until this past spring and that was only because a doctor from america called to inform their father that she was sick and dying of cancer. apparently he was still one of her contacts to reach out to.
naturally she was fucking pissed that her father lied to her and kept her birth mother from her?
so like the spontaneous and reckless little shit she is, enrolled in harwick and jumped on a plane.
she spent the past few months getting to know her mother and this town and her life spent here until her mother passed away.
her mother was an infamous waitress named angie at a local diner! has been serving there for like 20 years so it’d be cool if your muses remember her RIP.
but yeah when she had rory she was still heavily using drugs and was using when shit between her and her father went down which rory has yet to uncover.
writes and directs short films in her spare time!!
PERSONALITY WISE: not afraid to stand up for herself or for others, tends to fall for AWFUL fucking guys who take advantage of her. she’s carefree, down to earth and adventurous, loves to have sex and isn’t afraid to use her body for her advantage. is a total feminist and thinks most guys are pigs so when she’s not on the clock and having to batt her lashes, catch her throwing hands at pigs who so much as throw a rude remark her way. protective and loyal to a tee, would do anything for the people in her life and is always down for a good time.
PLOTS: MUSES (actors, actresses or models!) or even people who need sick instagram content rory is your girl, EXES (give me scumbags who really fucked shit up or even nice guys who rory fucked up with her baggage), ALL of the hook ups or FWB, ride or dies, best friends, girl squad, maybe someone who like…sees her as more than just a pretty face and likes her movies/ideas?, neighbors, ROOMMATES, honestly anything and everything!
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mastersmuses · 4 years
“i don’t really like getting chlorine in my hair…” the brunette replied, her lips pulling into a pout at the side of her mouth. “but i’ll never say no to showing a new face around school, especially one as pretty as yours.” she replied with a friendly smile as she jumped to her feet. “and i also never turn down free booze.”
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“you could always tie it up!” plus she figured that a fancy school like this had to use salt water pools or something. when the other girl accepted her offer, the south african squealed, clapping her hands together, “ah! thank you! you’ve just become my new favorite person.” rory’s nose crinkled as she looped an arm with the other’s, “sorry...i bond quickly. i’m rory by the way. obviously if you don’t want to swim, i won’t make you. you could always chill by the side while we get drunk off our arses.”
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mastersmuses · 4 years
“i don’t like swimming.” harley said, looking at the new girl. or vaugely two inches above where her voice was coming from. “jazzy here doesn’t like that she can’t go in.” the dog looked up, excited to be mentioned. “yes, you, ya dumb dog.” she laughed. even if she didn’t see the dog, she could certainly feel Jazz’s tail wagging against her leg. 
“new girl. daniels? you know that woulda been my last name too. dad had to go all special and be daniels’ son, though. danielson.” she smiled.
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bright orbs eyed the other before giving a shrug of her shoulders, “pity. skinny dipping could have been fun.” she teased with the suggestive raise of her brows, “you could always keep me company and just dip your feet in. i’m desperate...i’m new and i haven’t met many people yet.” rory figured that once cheer practice started up again, she’d meet more people but until then the campus was dead. she beamed at the sight of the dog, “cute dog. she friendly?” she chuckled softly, “it’d be even more fitting if your dad’s name was daniel. but hi, i’m aurora. but call me rory.” 
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mastersmuses · 4 years
“so i hear this school has an indoor, heated pool...fancy showing me and maybe joining me for a swim?” accent was thick with every word, “AND if you’re thinking of saying no, i’ll play the new girl card...plus i’ll throw in some rose vodka or wine. whattya say?”
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mastersmuses · 4 years
transferring in the middle of the school year was going to be weird, arriving onto campus a few days after the holidays 1. to get away from her father and 2. hoping she’d have some time to get acquainted to school before her classes started. she was wandering around campus, honestly captivated by its beauty as a camera hung from her neck. her head was in the clouds and her camera was aimed at capturing the campus, knowing her mum would want pictures and she wasn’t watching where she was going. “oh!” she gasped when they collided, offering him a small smile, “i’m fine, i’m fine. totally my fault, was just...wandering and i didn’t see you there. that’s certainly one way to meet someone, right?”
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adrian was tired the holidays always wore him out. he had agreed to go home to be with his family for the holidays though he could only take so much of it. he was on his way back to the dorms when he ran right into someone. “oh shit! fuck.” he muttered. “you ok?” he asked quietly. 
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mastersmuses · 4 years
the south african was still pretty new to campus and felt like she stuck out like a sore thumb seeing as she seemed to get lost every five SECONDS. a grin preyed onto pink lips when she heard the other, a sigh of relief escaping from her, “bless you. don’t tell anyone but i’m actually pretty fucking lost...was trying to play it cool.” she teased with a smirk.
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jacy had wanted to go back home but his aunt wasnt having it. she wanted him to have no contact with his father so he refused to go back to his aunts.. so he stayed behind. trying his best to make the most of it he had seen someone ahead of him not too far from the school. “Hey…” he said loudly.. “let me walk you?” he offered. “it’s getting dark out here.”
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mastersmuses · 4 years
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mastersmuses · 5 years
guys...should i keep lili as sophie’s face or change it to josefine frida pettersen?
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mastersmuses · 5 years
Bobbie didn’t know what it felt like to be hurt by a guy like Sophie did, she knew that the betrayal would have sucked and she did sympathize with the girl. “No you’re not, get up and get some fresh air,” she said before smiling. “Starbucks coffee, the good stuff,” she offered, “You only get it if you get up and get some fresh air.”
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sophie didn’t know what hurt more, the trust betrayed by the boy she was head over heels for or the betrayal from her friends who apparently KNEW of his infidelity and chose to not inform her. seemed like everyone knew but her and that definitely made matters worse. a groan emitted from pink lips, “ugh. fresh air is so PREDICTABLE and definitely not as comfy as this couch.” she teased with a chuckle, “but fine...you know that coffee is my DOWNFALL. i am unworthy of your love, bobbie.”
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mastersmuses · 5 years
“Depends on who it is? Was it a sexual? romantic? physical? are you upset that you’re not with them or the fact that they broke up with you? Need to answer those questions before you can think about getting over them.” He wouldn’t know though, he’s never had to get over anyone.
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the blonde couldn’t help but cock a brow, blue orbs eyeing him suspiciously, “i can’t tell if you’re just pretending to not know in attempt to make me feel better or if you’ve forgotten or what.” sophie said with a chuckle, knowing that the entire school knew about her relationship with memphis and their recent downfall, particularly with him cheating on her. seemed like she was on the outside of an inside joke that apparently the entire school knew about. “he didn’t break up with me. he cheated on me. so i’m definitely pissed about that.”
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mastersmuses · 5 years
wait, isn’t that LILI REINHART? no, that’s definitely SOPHIE REYNOLDS, the SEVENTEEN  year old SENIOR. rumor has it, SHE is a SCHOLARSHIP student but you’d have to ask them to know for sure. you know, i’ve heard they’re quite STUBBORN & IMPULSIVE but they can also be PASSIONATE & ENDEARING. 
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hey guys! i’m madison and i’m super stoked to be here, bringing in my first child here sophie. like this if you’d like to plot and i’ll message you!
so sophie and her twin brother were born in knox county to too neglectful parents who were honestly so pissed that their kids killed their buzz so they were pretty distant, only coming around when they needed something. handed them off to their father’s grandpa who raised the twins until they were about twelve. 
both of her parents are avid addicts and alcoholics who refused to fight their addictions. yeah, like frank and monica from shameless. still kept fucking like rabbits and reproducing so soon poor grandma was stuck taking care of six kids.
the kids honestly…were raised pretty well despite their upbringing and they loved their grandfather. sophie was born into the mother like role and helped to run the household. 
when the twins were twelve, their grandfather passed away and they had no choice but to move in with their parents. 
essentially sophie was stuck juggling schoolwork, taking care of her younger siblings all while managing to juggle a 4.0. got introduced to adderall at the age of thirteen and it’s been a life savor. 
but then their father…took off and no one has heard from him. they don’t know if he’s alive or not.
this took its toll on their mother and once a semi-functioning alcoholic/addict…she does nothing more than self-destruct. not that…she’d ever have actually been able to leave her younger siblings alone. she knows her family needs her.
she’s a total drama kid.
also apart of the cheerleading team
was dating memphis for a long time, they were like one of the golden couples of knox.
but they broke up recently because he cheated on her and she’s still pretty torn up about it
personality wise: she’s an absolute soft dork despite everything she still manages to see the optimism in everything, with rose colored glasses. very sarcastic and unapologetic at times. can be naive at times but isn’t afraid to fight those who take advantage of this. would do anything for her siblings and friends. never sleeps? she’s an insomniac. can also be outspoken and shameless.
basic plots: exes on good terms and bad, fwb, HER GIRL SQUAD, fellow drama kids, someone who took her virginity, childhood friends, her roommate who is…suspicious of where the fuck she is all of the time, um study buddies, everything
[ current | fwb ] muse a and muse b met through mutual friends and quickly hit it off as friends. offhandedly one day, muse a mentioned something one day that muse b quickly turned sexual. they locked eyes and the next minute they were in a room, locked away, undressing each other. after exiting the room, the two agreed that it would never happen again…until a few days later, when it did. they keep saying they won’t come back for more.
[ current | just do it already ] muse a and muse b have been in love with each other for like, ever. neither of them are willing to admit it though, even to themselves. their friends are constantly joking about it and they both wave it off – but when one isn’t looking, anyone could see the adoration in the other’s face with ease.
[ current | crushes ] muse a and muse b have had a flirtationship going on for quite some time. they’ve always hinted at feelings toward another in conversation, never outright saying it. a few days/weeks ago, muse a blurted their feelings for muse b and quickly changed the subject afterward. they haven’t spoken about it since.
[ current or past | dating ] muse a and muse b were the kind of people that immediately rejected each other, going to other people instead. then muse a found themselves in a room with their ex and pulled muse b aside to ask them to fake being their significant other for the night. over the next few hours, their fake date became a real one and soon things progressed into a relationship.
[ previous | friends…i guess? ] muse a and muse b were friends prior to their spontaneous hook-up and their world turned upside down. dazed, they decided to start dating that moment and to their credit, tried to make it work for a few weeks. muse a finally ( and nervously ) let out that they weren’t feeling it. to their relief, muse b admitted they were feeling the same. they decided to stay friends, but now have the added “i’ve seen you naked” awkwardness. 
[ previous/current | on again, off again ] muse a and muse b love each other, but their relationship is toxic so they are constantly on and off. they always get along as friends, but the second they became lovers something always changes. they care a lot about each other, but something always goes awry.
[ your choice | hook up ] muse a recently broke up with their significant other, and in their post-breakup state got some revenge by hooking up with their ex’s best friend, muse b. neither expected the night to be so…memorable. your choice on what they do about it.
[ previous | fwb ] muse a and muse b first got together because it was convenient and well, the other was there. after a while, muse b started acting like they were dating and muse a, not wanting a relationship, cut off the ‘benefits’ part of their friendship. they’re still friends, but it’s your choice whether it’s awkward or not.
[ positive | two way street ] muse a and muse b frequent the same coffee shop and often made casual hellos to each other until the coffee shop raised their prices. muse a went to order their usual drink and lifted their eyes in surprise at the new price, hand helplessly prepared to hand over exact change. muse b quickly swooped in and saved the day, buying both of their coffees. next time they were both in the shop, muse a paid for muse b’s drink. they flip who pays each time as some sort of game now, but they’ve only had minor conversation as one or the other always seems to be in a rush.
[ positive | friends ] when muse a moved in, they didn’t expect to see muse b climbing up/standing on the fire escape right outside their living room window. they went to confront muse b and scared them, making both fear for the life of muse b for a moment. apologetic, muse a invited muse b in and the two connected almost immediately. ( muse b may or may not have explained their presence on the fire escape during this conversation // reason could have been that they knew who lived in muse a’s apartment before but didn’t know that they moved )
[ positive | confidant ] muse a and muse b aren’t really friends outside of the times they’re spilling their hearts out to each other. originally it started when muse a, extremely distressed, literally ran into muse b and muse b refused to let muse a go until they were talked down. when something goes wrong, you can be assured that these two are together.
[ positive | friends ] it started with something simple, when muse b dropped something on the ground and muse a chased after muse b to return it. needing to thank muse a, the two went to coffee and the two hit it off and are now close friends.
[ current | platonic or romantic ] *tw: alcohol. muse a and muse b met at a bar. throughout the night, muse b got more and more inebriated. being the good ( or bad ) samaritan they are, muse a decides to take muse b back to their house before they end up on the floor. when they arrive at muse a’s building/house, muse b ( loudly ) asks muse a how the heck ! muse a knew where they lived. turns out – they live a mere few floors/doors/houses away from each other.
[ current | romantic ] muse a and muse b live in the same building as each other, though they didn’t meet in their building. they sparked up conversation and hit it off, agreeing to go on a date with each other that weekend. after their meeting, they both started walking back to their homes and realized they were walking to the same place.
[ current | platonic ] muse a is an extrovert – so much so that when muse b started moving in, they didn’t even wait for the moving truck to pull away before introducing themselves. in fact, muse a even started helping unload the truck without being asked. ( bonus: muse b was super grateful for the help and their relationship is great // muse b is grumpy™ and was annoyed that muse a started helping without asking and their relationship is tense.
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mastersmuses · 5 years
she hadn’t been getting much sleep, whether that was due to her being unable to get over the break up or the fact that she was stuck dealing with her drugged up mom’s ANTICS until the wee hours of the morning. “ugh...i can’t...i’m dead. leave me here, save yourself.” sophie said dramatically, curling up even more on the couch. though she slightly perked up at the mention of coffee, “coffee...from where?”
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“Hey, get up,” she said poking the person on the couch. “Place is closing soon and I doubt you want to get locked in,” she said gently trying not to jerk them awake. “If you get up I’ll buy you a coffee.”
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mastersmuses · 5 years
she can’t help the soft giggle that dared to emit from pink lips, quickly bringing a hand up to try to mask it, trying on a more SERIOUS face, “oh no...” sophie said softly, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, giving a shake of her head, “how many times have i told you to stay AWAY from the tear jerkers? we both know that they just rile you up, huh?” gently squeezing his shoulders, “come on, manly man, let’s get your mind off of jacks for a bit.”
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“No, I’m not crying,” he said visibly crying, “It’s just, I saw…A Star is Born, and now, my eyes re just sad, I don’t cry. Cause I’m a man, a manly man,” he said as is voice cracked as he silently tried to hold back the sobs. “Jack’s never get a break, first titanic…now this.”
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mastersmuses · 5 years
“god...does anyone have ANY advice on the best way to get over someone? ideally so i can get to a point where i DON’T want to smash his head against the lockers any time i see his dumb face?”
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mastersmuses · 5 years
the blonde tried desperately to shove down the amused smirk that threatened to tug at her lips, only HALF successful as they merely twitched, the faintest HINT of a smile appearing upon pink lips. “you’re a dumbass.” sophie murmured under her breath, sighing as she attempted to feign disinterest at her ex, arms crossing over her chest, attempting to ignore the stabbing in her chest that arose anytime blue orbs fell upon him, “i think you’re looking for siri.” 
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“alexa text dad… text dad….alexa text dad..” but his iphone was doing nothing, and why would it? he kept shouting alexa at it which was obviously not for the phone. but after all memphis was a fucking idiot and when it came to technology he was a dumb ass. he sighed. “whatever.. these iphone are a piece of crap.” he said shaking his head..
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mastersmuses · 5 years
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#She went from pretty to bitchin’ really quick.
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