mastersquill · 9 months
Condemnation or Forgiveness
Bible Study Condemnation or Forgiveness? At first, Allen held his shield of faith high, deflecting those fiery satanic darts, extinguishing them quickly. But as time wore on, his shield seemed heavier and his focus scattered so it wasn’t held as high. A little space is all Satan needs for his darts. He is an excellent marksman. Time passed, Allen’s attention shifted, his shield dropped lower.…
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mastersquill · 11 months
Pray For Your Enemies!
Pray For Your Enemies November 11, 2023 “Pray for those who torment you and persecute you…”  Matt. 5:44 Jim looked forward to Saturday evenings at his Bible study group. It was prayer night. He loved praying for so many friends and loved ones; his and those of his fellow Christians. But this night would be a milestone for Jim—a point of no return. It would be a reshaping of his prayer…
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mastersquill · 11 months
Weakness Bringgs Strength!
Weakness Brings Strength  October 28, 2023  “For the joy of the Lord is your strength!” Nehemiah 8:10  Charles became a Christian several years before his 30th birthday and was satisfied it was a good decision. However, since then, he has struggled with bad choices, a mediocre employment record and spiritual stagnation. He needed help.  Attendance at church had fallen for him as he seemed to…
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mastersquill · 1 year
Inner Piece, The Book
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mastersquill · 1 year
Is He To Blame?
Is He To Blame? Sep. 9, 2023 “God—His way is perfect;the word of the Lord is pure” Psalm 18:30 It was here at last; graduation night. Carla and Jeb were best friends and had competed for best grades since high school. They pushed each other relentlessly, demanding more and getting it in the end. Carla graduated with honors carrying a 3.9 GPA. Jeb also graduated with honors and a GPA of…
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mastersquill · 1 year
Saul's Escape
Saul’s Escape June 24, 2023 “The Jews plotted together to kill him (Saul)” Acts 9:23 Acts 9:22-43 New Living Translation 22 Saul’s preaching became more and more powerful, and the Jews in Damascus couldn’t refute his proofs that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. 23 After a while some of the Jews plotted together to kill him. 24 They were watching for him day and night at the city gate so they…
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mastersquill · 1 year
New Testament Power
New Testament Power  May 16, 2023  “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you…” Acts 1:8  A major stumbling block to many believers is that we live each day as though God were either a future aspect of our lives, a twice-a-week church experience, a source of comfort when circumstances become overwhelming or someone to think about for a few minutes in the morning, or just…
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mastersquill · 1 year
The Power of Forgiveness
Bible Study The Power of Forgiveness* April 29. 2023   “If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins” 1 Jn 1:9   Not so long ago I watched a video entitled, The Power of Forgiveness; a video every Christian should see. In my life as a follower of Jesus Christ, I have learned one powerful principle that never changes: Unless we personalize the problem, violation,…
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mastersquill · 2 years
The Government
The Government March 11, 2023 “Give to [the government] what is [the government’s]” Luke 20:25 It was a few days after the election and the results were still in the air. This was the closest election in recent memory with emotions running high as accusations of fraud came from both sides. “Well I know that they’re going to expose corruption and false votes on the Democrats side of things.…
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mastersquill · 2 years
“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable.”  1 Cor. 15:58  How do we remain steadfast in our faith when our lives seem to fall apart? Sitting in church, surrounded by people of like faith, singing songs of worship to God and listening to the encouraging words of other believers, our faith seems reasonable and steadfast. Yes, we proclaim, we will overcome and be victorious. Glory…
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mastersquill · 2 years
Life After Death
December 3, 2022 “He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies” ~JesusTwo men were discussing what happens after death here on earth and one of them said that since they were both Christians, it was certain that they would not really die but pass from this life into the next, living forever with God. However, the second man expressed doubts about that, saying he sure hoped it was true. …
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mastersquill · 2 years
Peace and Mercy
  Peace and Mercy  November 19, 2022  “Lord, how great is your mercy”  Psalm 119:156  So many Christians struggle with past sins which dilutes their potential joy and peace in Christ Jesus. God’s word tells us that He will give us peace, a peace that passes human understanding. But we must walk in it. We must take hold of it and allow His peace, forgiveness and mercy to bathe us from head to…
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mastersquill · 2 years
Have I Come Out?
Have I Come Out?
“Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord”  2 Cor. 6:17  While reading an article, extolling the virtues of a famous person recently, I was amazed by his accomplishments and honors. Wondering how he had come to such a life I was struck by how easily I could admire someone whose life was deeply embedded in the world and its charms. And then I wondered if I had come out?  To come…
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mastersquill · 2 years
Capitalism & Democracy
Capitalism & Democracy
Capitalism and Democracy  October 22, 2022 “…But she, out of her poverty, put in everything…” Mark 12:44  Do the words capitalism and democracy have any relationship to Christianity? Do any of the Christian tenets align themselves with these words? No. Jesus Christ did not take his last breath (before His resurrection) on Calvary’s cross so we in this country could demand our individual rights…
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mastersquill · 2 years
Would It Be Different
Would It Be Different
Would it be Different? September 29, 2022 “He made a whip from ropes and chased them all out…” John 2:15 It was a pleasant Saturday afternoon in the city, with shoppers looking for bargains and negotiating for the best prices. They learned to favor the tables and stalls in the portico of the church. It was cooler and one could take time looking over the animals, goods and produce. Although it…
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mastersquill · 2 years
Oregon Sunrise
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mastersquill · 2 years
Movie Stills from Casa Blanca; 1943
Movie Stills from Casa Blanca; 1943
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