masterstoolsrp · 4 years
we’re officially open!
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
We are proud to present the three site plots we will be opening with tonight!
On the morning of 1 June 2020 at approximately 3.12am, a group of students returning from the annual June Dip happened on the remains of a popular student on campus, Margaret Bloom.
The scene is this—ritualistic.
And it leaves the question no one has wanted to ask, just what is going at St. Sy’s?
How many people have disappeared over the years, a sigh they must be lost in the lochs, hypnotised by the moon to follow into the darkness. Some, those who believe in folklore, swear it is the kelpies and that up here, in the highlands, things are just a bit different. Others say it’s the oppressive loneliness, that you can only be cut off so long from the world before it eats your heart from the inside.
The difference is this time there is a body and there’s no dismissal this was an accident or a choice made. No, this was a murder.
But for a ritual, for something made to look like a scene from a movie, it’s just a little too… perfect. It’s all a bit too odd; odd enough for a film, just right for how Hollywood tells you a cult should look.
The question really shouldn’t be who killed Margaret, but why did they kill Margaret?
Storms are not uncommon in the Highlands. This is a place wreathed in mist and crowned by clouds; ancestral home to empty glens ruled by red deer and high peaks watching solitary above the showers and sun.
See—Scotland is a stunning place, but the Highlands?—Well, they are sublime.
Perhaps, though, what makes this lonely area of coast and mountain so magnificent is the terror you can find in only the truly beautiful. The Highlands have been ruled, but never conquered, and so it remains—a place of wilderness where wildness can be found.
Is it the landscape that informs the history, or do the ghosts here write the tumult of the weather? Cold, windy and rain-swept, homes burn fires deep into summer, and this June has been no different. The rains began on 1 June in the early morning, as dawn struggled to break through the cover of clouds. The sky wept, though, maybe for Margaret, maybe just to rain, and it hasn’t stopped—a week on and it continues.
Roads aren’t safe, they’ve said, especially not the little one of slippery stones that eventually meets the way to Inverness. Sure, you could try, but how would that look with the body of a dead girl everyone knew and no suspects except—
Especially you, trying to leave.
Might as well stay.
See the storm through.
Light a fire, it gets cold at night.
There are those who believe history is not a collection of paradigms shifting forward and backwards to create our present, but rather a series of events, not all linked, stitched together with a common thread. This common thread?
God, or something like Him.
In service of Him, the world has sought to create the profound. We have filled our lives with the colour art brings, be it the heavenly chorus of hymns or master strokes of paint. It is through our pursuit of God, or something like Him, we have learned to create.
Even the Greeks thought so, ascribing human development to the divine gifts bestowed by those who watched above. We discovered fire not through chance, but the divine intercession of benevolent Prometheus; and through the flame, we made brick and from the brick came churches, and out churches came words.
(Did you know the Slavic languages were written in order to print bibles?)
Whether you believe in God, or anything like Him, the belief thereof is a stitch in humanity; one manifesting not in one interpretation, but in many. He is not only heavenly father, but Yahweh, but Allah, but the name of all the pantheons still worshipped and some now long forgotten.
The idea of Prisca Theologia is this—a single, true theology exists, which threads through all religions, coined by Marsilio Ficino, an Italian scholar and Catholic priest who through his Florentine Academy influenced the direction of the Italian Renaissance.
Ficino is best known for his treatise on the immortality of the soul, the Theologica Platonica de immortalitate animae, published in 1474 and for his translation of Plato’s complete extant works into Latin. He is also less known for his incomplete translation of Apocalypsis de decem orbes, or the Revelation of the ten spheres. The book itself, likely written by Hermes Trismegistus, was lost and forgotten; left as it was to gather dust not only in memory, but in a library.
A library on St. Sy’s.
A library in which it has just been found.
The introduction has been translated into Latin, but the rest of the book is incomplete and not in any known language. It could be argued it is a code, as it appears to be ancient Greek, but then, it looks Egyptian, too and—is that Aramaic? Intriguing enough in its own mystery, the introduction leaves more questions. The translation, you see, is incorrect. It isn’t spheres, but rather rites. This is a book of ten heavenly rites, of which the divine, the cosmos, the mind, nature, alchemy and astrology all interweave.
And most interestingly, the last line in the introduction is this:
"This is the prisca theologia."
And it’s signed with a rose cross.
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
What species, if any, are going to be on site?
Hi! Thanks for your question. There are no species, unfortunately.
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
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Founded and created by St. Symeon's alumni, Robert Prescott, Thirsty is the University's official and exclusive dating app. Made due to the tumultuous waters that were St. Sy's dating scene, Thirsty aimed to cut down to the core of the matter: are you attractive and are you DTF? To sign up for an account you must have a valid St. Sy email address or we simply do not want you here on the app. Enjoy our unique rating system, rather than boring swiping, and unlock the messaging feature only after you've rated someone as the thirst trap you think they are! Despite the advancements in phone cameras, images have been disabled within our chats because nobody wants your unsolicited pics. Save that for later.
a preview of our on-site dating app, designed and coded by maeve
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
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In advance of confirming site launch (stay tuned), we thought we'd show you a few captures of the comms templates our coding genie Maeve has whipped up for use. We know comms are very popular and a great way to find character voice, so thought we'd start here! The colours in texts, voicemails and phone calls will change based on your member group! We also have emails and decided to implement instagram as another way to slide into someone's dms and show your character aesthetic, either through a grid or single post, where people can react and comment.
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
If you haven’t made an intro, we'd love to get to know you before we announce the site launch! And please join us on the Discord! Rumour has it there is a second reserve available there and perhaps a sneaky soft launch date!
Welcome to The Master’s Tools!
We are delighted to have you here. The staff have been working on this project for the last little while and it’s incredibly exciting to share this world with you. Our skin is complete, templates are being finished and we’re writing up the first event so everything is finalised for the launch! As we look toward the first week of June, we thought we’d get the tumblr going and hopefully get to know some of the people interested in joining us in Killoch. Best way to do that? Intros!
Name: Age, pronouns, timezone: Discord: Favourite Dark Academia show/move/book: Favourite plots/ships/tropes: What you’re looking forward to on the site: Say hi with a gif or image that speaks to you!
Once you’ve shared your intro post in our site tag, #tmtrp, please go ahead and send in a reserve (you can do face and any club positions or cult). Please use the following format:
FC Name (Club Position) for Alias. e.g. Edward Bluemel (Ethics Club President) for Maeve.
Be sure to check out our current reserves before requesting a reserve. Please only send in one (1) reserve via the tumblr, but you can join the Discord for an additional reserve!
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
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i am not afraid to do this alone / i know that it scares you but i am my own home
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
eva green for briana's intro reserve?
absolutely, what a choice! 
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
name: briana. age, pronouns, timezone: 26 / she, her / gmt-5  discord: briana#7102  favourite dark academia show/film/book: if we were villains, ninth house, the secret history is the OG of course. i will also argue that harry potter can be considered dark academia. there is murder, intrigue, secret societies, and aesthetics. especially the half-blood prince film! favourite plots/ships/tropes: complicated families, unapologetically unlikable women, female villains, sad boys, secret gays, secret societies, found families, enemies to lovers, enemies to friends, the breakfast club type situations, girl gangs, and morally gray characters. what you’re looking forward to on the site: an escape from reality, people who go for it, new communities, a chance to really write, and fun.  say hi with a gif or image that speaks to you! click 
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
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And now, for the profile! Accent colours will change based on the member group your character fits in. We have decided to go an all in one approach, with the shipper and freeform application all contained in one on the profile. We've also put in a personality assessment covering their general approach, including empathy, honesty and whether they're more chaotic or lawful. Choices inside your profile, like affiliations and occupation, will go into our member list sorting, which we hope should make it easy for people to connect their character with other people across their area of sutdy, cult or society. We are also not putting any restriction on word count for the shipper or freeform. The main purpose of both is to introduce your character. If we feel that hasn't been done, we'll ask for clarification, but we all agree an arbitrary number doesn't help.
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
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We're getting close to the launch date announcement (stay tuned), but here's a quick preview of how we've set up the member list to complement our census and directory. We wanted to make it simple and quick for people to find people in the same cult, society or member group. Maeve, the brains behind the code, sorted it out in this format. We'll be utilising a census format instead of a traditional directory and each member will have one thread containing all their characters for plotting.
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
name: sara age, pronouns, timezone: 24, she/her, cst discord: que sera sara#2042 favourite dark academia show/film/book: :thonkspin: me, a person who did not like tsh, strollin into this joint like favourite plots/ships/tropes: girls supporting girls, good people who do bad things, wholesome love embattled on all sides, the poor little rich girl trope but unironically, deep-seated family drama, pressures and expectations and dealing with it all ( poorly ) …  what you’re looking forward to on the site: the community ! the beautiful babes ! and this cult / magic system worldbuilding yum say hi with a gif or image that speaks to you!
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
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[dick grayson x jason todd -esque bromance concept] 
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
millie rose loggie for sara's intro reserve, pls + ty my lovelies!
absolutely! what a face!!
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masterstoolsrp · 4 years
robert pattinson for izzy?
All yours, Izzy!
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