matchajpn · 4 years
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Talk about Your Plans in Japanese! 📆 PS: Learn Japanese with the best FREE online resources, just click here: https://www.japanesepod101.com/?src=tumblr_special_infographic_plans_033120
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matchajpn · 5 years
How to gain motivation when you’re struggling with mental illness
♡ perhaps I’m writing this because I myself am currently struggling with this exact same thing but, even so, these are all my own ways of gaining motivation and I hope they will work for you as well! ♡
1- Inspiration is key.
Think about what you're trying to get motivated for and think about what it means to you or your life. Do anything and everything you can to be inspired to change your life with the things you're gonna do! Read, Write, Draw, make an inspiration board, do anything that will give you the motivation to keep going and inspire you to do.
2- Self-care comes first
Let me put it simply; if you feel like shit then you won't want to do anything. I know that self-care is hard but if you haven't eaten or showered today then doing you're homework is going to be even more of a chore than it already feels like. If your mind and body are all crusty you are just less likely to get stuff done. Prepare yourself before you try and be productive.
3- Reward yourself
Something that people often forget to do or even don't know how to do is to reward themselves. If you require a lot of positive reinforcement, you can reward yourself for every small accomplishment, if you just need some reminding that you're doing good, only reward the big accomplishments. Just remember to look back on all that you've done and know that you'll feel good if you keep going and keep doing.
4- Take! Breaks!
If you make a habit of all work and no play, then your brain is going to start hating any form of work or effort. You need breaks and you need to treat yourself, especially when you're struggling hard through problems in life while doing work.
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matchajpn · 5 years
The infantilization of japan is the craziest thing in the world to me. How can a literal country come to have the reputation of being soft kitty cat island with the animes and pokemons despite it’s very real problems with misogyny, xenophobia, nationalism, broken justice system, and etc. Like and of course I know the answer why and everyone should but like it really makes you think it really does.
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matchajpn · 5 years
Back to the basics: By “generic nouns,” we mean nouns which don’t have a particular meaning themselves, but take an important part in context like “thing” in English. Nouns like “cat” indicate only one meaning, however, the meaning of nouns like “thing” varies depending on the context. In Japanese grammatical terminology, they are called “formal nouns,” but if this confuses you, please just ignore it.
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matchajpn · 5 years
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2017年02月02日 毎日勉強します!( ^ω^ ) Everyday I’m studying!
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matchajpn · 5 years
Star Festival Vocabulary
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You can read about Tanabata here
Star Festival, Tanabata 七夕「たなばた」
Milky way 天の川「あまのがわ」
Orihime 織姫「おりひめ」
Weaving 機織り「はたおり」
Hikoboshi 彦星「ひこぼし」
Cattle herding 牛飼い「うしかい」
To marry  結婚する「けっこんする」
To slack off  怠ける「なまける」
Divine punishment  罰「ばち」
Punishment (regular)   罰「ばつ」
To pull apart   引き離す「ひきはなす」
Once a year  年に一度「ねんにいちど」
To allow   許す「ゆるす」
Magpie   カササギ
Yukata   浴衣「ゆかた」
Tanzaku, Paper strips  短冊「たんざく」
Wishes  願い事 「ねがいごと」
Bamboo  竹「たけ」
Bamboo grass  笹「ささ」
Bamboo decoration  笹飾り「ささかざり」
To decorate  飾る「かざる」
Origami  折り紙「おりがみ」
Folded stars  星飾り「ほしかざり」
Paper kimono  紙衣「かみごろも」
Crane 鶴「つる」
Purses 巾着「きんちゃく」
Streamers 吹き流し「ふきながし」
Nets 投網「とあみ」
Paper lanterns 屑籠「くずかご」‘
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matchajpn · 5 years
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matchajpn · 5 years
New words I learned in Japan
Last year’s post here. 離陸 [りりく] - takeoff 探偵 [たんてい] - detective 有望な [ゆうぼうな] - good prospects, full of hope, promising 鶯 [うぐいす] - Japanese bush warbler; Japanese nightingale 単品 [たんぴん] - individual item (i.e. not of a set), single article, single item 冤罪 [えんざい] - false charge, false accusation, misrepresentation 来店 [らいてん] - coming to a store (restaurant, bar, shop, etc.) 運賃 [うんちん] - (passenger) fare 清楚な [せいそな] - neat and clean, tidy, trim 箸が転んでもおかしい年頃  [はしがころんでもおかしいとしごろ] - age at which even the slightest things seem funny (esp. said of a girl in the late teens)​ 達成 [たっせい] - achievement, attainment, accomplishment, realization  丁寧な [ていねいな] - polite, corteous, civil; careful, close, thorough, conscientious  積雪 [せきせつ] - snowpack, snow cover, fallen snow  くねくね - winding, meandering, wriggling, wiggling, waving, swaying, twisting and turning 遺伝 [いでん] - heredity, (genetic) inheritance  切っても切れない [きってもきれない] - inseparable (esp. bond, relationship), inextricable, joined at the hip, integral, essential, cannot be broken (cut, separated), indissoluble 出没 [しゅつぼつ] - appearing frequently, infesting, appearance and disappearance  支配 [しはい] - domination, rule, control 惨めな [みじめな] - mizerable, wretched, unhappy, sad, pitiable  蓋 [ふた] - cover, lid, cap 簪 [かんざし] - kanzashi, ornate hairpin 転勤 [てんきん] - job transfer, job relocation, job migration, intra-company transfer 狂暴な [きょうぼうな] - ferocious, brutal, atrocious, savage, barbarous  ヨレヨレ - worn-out, shabby, seedy, wrinkled-up, threadbare  住めば都 [すめばみやこ] - you can get used to living anywhere, home is where you make it, wherever I lay my hat is home  素面 [しらふ] - soberness, sobriety 囲炉裏 [いろり] - sunken hearth, sunken fireplace, irori 夫婦別姓 [ふうふべっせい] - (system of) husband and wife retaining separate family names  利益 [りえき] - profit, gains, benefit, advance, interest (of the public, etc.) 白桃 [はくとう] - white peach 黄桃 [おうとう] - yellow peach
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matchajpn · 5 years
unripe, inexperienced
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未熟者 「みじゅくもの」 novice
未熟児 「みじゅくじ」 premature baby
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matchajpn · 5 years
VOCABULARY LIST : Clothes, les vêtements
Hi ! I’m back with a vocabulary list. It’s from the app “JA SENSEI” and since I’m done learning this pretty small list I thought I’d share it in Japanese, English and French ! For Japanese learners, this will be a good opportunity to review katakana. /!\ Some of the words are supposed to be written with kanji but it is not my goal right now so feel free to type them in a dictionary to see which kanji are used :-) 
Clothes | Les vêtements (masculin) | いるい / ふく
Kimono | Un kimono | きもの
Coat | Un manteau | コート
Dress | Une robe (de soirée) | (note: used for party dresses) | ドレス 👗
One piece dress | Une robe | (note: used for casual dresses) | ワンピース 👗
Pants | Un patalon (français de France) / Des patalons, une paire de patalons (français québecois) |  ズボン 👖
Jeans | Un jean (France) / des jeans, une paire de jeans (Québec) | ジーンズ 👖
Shirt | Un teeshirt | シャツ
Skirt | Une jupe | スカート
Suit | Un costard | スーツ
Swimsuit | Un maillot (de bain) | みずぎ 👙
Shoes | Des chaussures, une paire de chaussures (féminin) | くつ 👞
Boots | Des bottes, une paire de bottes (féminin) | ながぐつ👢
Underwear | Les sous-vêtements (masculin) | したぎ
Socks | Les chaussettes, une paire de chaussettes (féminin) | くつした 🧦
Panties | Une culotte | パンティー
Bra | Un soutien-gorge | ブラジャー
Bag | Un sac | かばん / バッグ 👜🎒
Belt | Une ceinture | ベルト
Button | Un bouton | ボタン
Hat | Un couvre-chef | ぼうし 👒
Cap | Une casquette | キャップ 🧢
Gloves | Des gants (masculin) | てぶくろ 🧤
Handkerchief | Un mouchoir (en tissu) | ハンカチ
Necklace | Un collier | ネックレス
Necktie | Une cravate | ネクタイ 👔
Pocket | Une poche | ポケット
Suitcase | Une valise | スーツケース
Umbrella | Un parapluie | かさ🌂
Wallet | Un portefeuille | さいふ 👛
Walking stick | Une canne | つえ
Verbs | Verbes | どうし
To wear (a shirt) | Porter (un teeshirt) | きる (着る)
To wear (jeans) | Porter (un pantalon) |  はく
More :
Collar | Le col |  えり
Sleeve | La manche | そで
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matchajpn · 5 years
to snore
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matchajpn · 5 years
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👆 👇 Opposite Verbs in Japanese! PS: Learn Japanese with the best FREE online resources, just click here: https://www.japanesepod101.com/?src=social_special_infograph_opposite_verbs_061319
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matchajpn · 5 years
Japanese 80s Songs (rec)
i saw a bunch of studyblr making music recommendation lists so i decided to make my own. here’s a few of my favorite japanese songs from the 80s. 
disclamer: this is a really subjective list, anyone is free to add their own rec to it though! 
Yamashita Tatsuro:
Takeuchi Mariya: 
Miracle Love
X Japan:
Endless Rain
Sawada Kenji:
Nakahara Meiko :
Dance In The Memories 
Yagami Jungo:
Princess Princess - 世界で一番暑い夏
Matsutouya Yumi -  恋人がサンタクロース
Yoshimoto Fujimal - Who Are You
Murashita Kouzou - 初恋
Momoko Kikuchi - ガラス草原
Iwasaki Yoshimi - タッチ
Mamiya Takako - 真夜中のジョーク
Terao Akira -  ルビーの指環
Watanabe Misato - My Revolution
Matsubara Miki - 真夜中のドア/Stay with me
Crystal King - 大都会
Ohashi Junko - I Love You So
Cindy -  私達を信じていて
Taeko Ohnuki - 4:00AM
Satou Muneyuki - 青葉城恋唄
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matchajpn · 5 years
y’all better not be sleepin on hana sekitori.....i’ll fight
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matchajpn · 5 years
雷 (かみなり) lightning, thunder, thunderbolt
雷鳴 (らいめい) thunder, thunderclap, crash of thunder
稲光 (いなびかり) (flash of) lightning
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matchajpn · 5 years
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matchajpn · 5 years
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