maviscat123 · 3 days
Mark in the bathroom part one
Mark pulled off at the exit. God, he had to pee so bad. He'd been driving forever, it seemed. He looked around and saw a tiny truck stop bathroom just up the road. He parked and went in with nothing else on his mind but to relieve himself. In side was just a sink and mirror, two urinals and a stall, all lit by a single yellow light bulb. He walked up to one of the urinals and unzipped letting his cock flop out. After 45 seconds it was all over, and the pressure had been relieved. He zipped up and went to the sink and begun washing his hands. He looked into the mirror and wondered if his mustache looked enough to even be called a mustache. Suddenly he heard angry shouting outside. He froze, looking at himself. Then a loud bang thudded against the door. A chill shot up his spine. He looked over to the stall and hurried in. He closed the door just in time as he heard someone enter the bathroom. He scrambled to find the lock on the stall door but there was none. He slowly and very quietly backed away from the door, hoping whoever had entered wouldn't see his feet. As he was thinking, he just so happened to look up and over the stall he saw a pair of legs sticking straight up into the air. He audibly gasped and froze realizing what he had just done. The legs rotated in the air and, with a loud gross gulping sound, sank down somewhat as he heard big heavy footsteps walking towards the stall.
Mark backed into the corner as the stall door flew open. There standing in front of him was a huge chubby truck driver wearing a red and black flannel shirt that was splayed open with a belly sticking out. As his eyes made its way up the big man , he could see the man's throat was bulging out, and sticking out of his smiling mouth was a pair of twitching sneakers. The big man slowly came into the stall and closed the door behind him. He walked towards Mark, backing him even further into the corner until his big belly was inches away from his face. Mark could hear sounds of moans coming from within the gut as he gazed at the bulging hairy belly. He could make out two handprints sticking out, moving all around, searching for a way out. Mark gulped and looked up towards the face that was staring down at him. The big man smiled and reached out and pinched Mark's cheek. The big man then gently moved his hand to the side of his belly while with the other hand, started to remove the shoes sticking out of his mouth. He dropped the shoes on the floor and reached out and took Mark's hand and placed his hand on his belly. Mark shook with fear. He could feel some movement under his palm. The big man then looked up towards the ceiling tiles, closed his eyes and then with a tremendous effort, swallowed the feet in one gulp. Mark looked back at the belly in front of him. He could see the entire gut starting to expand. A large head shaped bulge slowly made it's way up from the lowest part of the gut all the way to the very top of the belly, passing under Mark's hand. He's curling up inside Mark thought. Just then the gut sank a couple inches as the man dropped fully inside. Mark stood there looking at the human shaped gut struggling in front of him. He saw several bulges stretch the skin and move all around as the man inside tried desperately to turn around into a more comfortable position. Mmm ahhhh. Mark looked up to see the big man give a big sigh of relief as he grabbed the sides of huge belly and give a little pat and rub. The big man looked down at Mark and gave another toothy smile. He grabbed Mark's head and pulled it closer to his gut until Mark's ear rested on his belly. Mark heard some panicked moans and it sounded like the man inside was trying to say something. Suddenly, Mark head gurgling sounds and pulled away as the gurgling made its way up the big man. BRAUUURP!!! The man beltched like something Mark had never heard. The big man turn his attention back to Mark, who was shaking in the corner. He moved closer to Mark and pressed his belly against Mark's body pinning him against the wall. He looked down and with a deep voice asked Mark, "I wantcha to rub my belly and if you don't, I'll swallow you too". The big man gave a sinister smile and held his moving gut with both hands as he waited for Mark's response. Mark slowly reached out and placed a hand on the big man's belly. He felt the man inside pushing against the wall of the stomach. He heard gulping sounds and looked up to see the big man swallowing mouthfuls of air. Mark felt the swollen gut expand a little bit. He looked down at Mark. "I wanna keep him alive for awhile." Mark gave a slight terrified nod and returned to rubbing. The big man sniffled and reached down and unzipped his jeans. He gave a satisfied sigh of relief as now his belly could expand to its max. Mark took no notice and continued to rub his belly. Several bumps, bulges, and handprints appeared, disappeared, and reappeared. His hands made their way all over the massive stomach. He reached under the belly to get areas where he hadn't rubbed yet and felt something hard poke him in the hand. He then felt it jump and throb. Mark looked up at the big man who looked down at him and gave a slight smirk and a subtle nod.
Part 2 coming soon. Had it all finished and ready to post but tumble somehow didn't save it!
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maviscat123 · 8 days
Giving this a go
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maviscat123 · 28 days
Poking the bear(gut)
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maviscat123 · 1 month
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After those that I'm swallowing, you'll be next
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maviscat123 · 2 months
Anatomy II
By: JohnBoy
Someone was pounding on the door...
Big Jim Reese woke up with a snort; he'd been having a late afternoon nap on the cot in his office. His "office" was actually a small trailer, parked amongst some trees near the back of the construction site.
Jim sat up groggily -- he coughed and slowly ran a large, beefy hand over the stubble on his shaved head. The pounding came again, more urgent this time.
"Hey, Mr. Reese! You in there?" It sounded like a young guy.
"Yeah, yeah," he spoke in his deep baritone, "hold on a sec." The huge black man got up and opened the door.
It was Ken, the son of the crane-operator. He was tall and rather well-built, about 20 or so, sandy blond and blue-eyed, and with a tuft of bristly beard on the end of his chin.
Jim had noticed (on the four or five other occasions that he'd met him) that he always acted a bit shy and nervous around him. Probably, he guessed, because he was intimidated by his size: Jim was a half-foot taller than him, and probably out- weighed the kid by at least 130 pounds (a good deal of it was solid muscle, too).
"Hey Kenny, what're you doin' here?"
"Is-- is my Dad here?"
"Nope, he's gone home already." Jim yawned; he thought the young man looked even more nervous than usual. "Uh, everything okay?"
Ken glanced over his shoulder. "The cops are after me, man."
"What?" Jim looked towards the street; he could see a police cruiser pulling up in front of the site. He'd heard that this boy had been in trouble with the law in the past: B&E, some minor theft...
"I need a place to hide. Please, you gotta let me in!"
Jim sighed. He wanted nothing to do with this kid's problems. But an idea was starting to form in his head... and before he even realized it, he said, "Okay, get in." Ken was peeking out through the blinds, watching the cop. Jim had not asked him what kind of trouble he was in this time, and the kid hadn't told him...
"What's he doing?" Jim asked.
"He's just talking to one of the workers. Wait-- shit, the guy's pointing this way!"
Kenny looked around the trailer. "Fuck, if I get caught this time, I'm going to jail for sure. You can't let him find me!"
"If he wants to look in here, I don't think I can really stop him."
"But... there's no place to hide in here! What am I gonna do?"
"Well," he said slowly, trying to sound nonchalant, "I got a suggestion."
"How much you weigh, Kenny?"
"Wha--? Uh, about 190, I guess. Why?"
Jim tugged thoughtfully at his wiry, dark goatee. This young man was a fair bit bigger than the doctor had been. He wondered, could he do it?
"You can hide... in here." Jim pointed to his stomach.
"I could swallow you."
Ken just stared at him.
Jim went on, "Just for awhile. I could swallow you whole and hide you inside my belly, just 'til the cop leaves. Don't worry, you'll be safe. If he comes up here lookin' for you, well... there's no way he'd find ya. Then when he's gone, I'll let you out."
Ken continued to stare at him.
"Well? What do you think?"
"Oh come on... this is a joke, right?"
"No, I mean it. I'm serious."
"You're crazy, Mr. Reese. You can't swallow a whole person. It's-- it's frickin' impossible!!"
"Well, yeah, for most people. But I'm different; there's somethin' special about my anatomy that lets me do it. Big mouth, big throat, big stomach... just ask my doctor. Trust me, I can do it." Jim knew this might not be completely true... after all, when he'd done it before (three days earlier), Doctor Moffat had given him some kind of injection as well. Whether he could do it now, without the drug, remained to be seen.
Ken still seemed unconvinced. He looked out the window again, anxiously.
"Well, we're runnin' outta time, son," Jim said, "Do you wanna try it or not?"
"But... you'll let me back out, right?"
"Yeah, sure, of course I will."
The kid shrugged. "What the hell, I guess I got no choice. Okay."
"Damn right!" Jim tried to suppress his excitement. Ever since the doctor's appointment, he'd been thinking of little else but swallowing someone again -- and now he had his chance!! Of course he intended to release the boy afterwards...
but he thought, maybe he could try to keep him inside for awhile? Say, ten minutes or so? Would he survive in there that long??
"Er, what should I do...?"
The big man went to the tiny fridge and pulled out a stick of butter. "Take off all yer clothes and rub this on you."
Ken's face screwed up. "What are you gonna do, fry me up first?"
"It's to make you slide down easy. Come on. And take that earring off, too." Jim looked through the blinds. "You better hurry up, son. I think the cop is comin' this way," he lied.
Kenny started to undress. Jim took off his own shirt, undid the button on his jeans, and unzipped his fly part-way. He saw Ken looking at him as he did this, and said, "Gotta make room for ya." He patted his belly. "You're a big boy."
The young man was completely nude now. After hesitating for a moment, he picked up the stick of butter and began to rub it over his chest. "It's cold!"
"Don't worry, you'll get nice and warmed up once you're inside me." Jim realized that he was starting to salivate. His stomach began to grumble and groan in anticipation, and he wondered if Kenny could hear it...
After the boy had buttered himself up, Jim ordered him to lie down on the cot, on his back. He dropped to his knees heavily at the foot of the cot and grabbed him firmly by the ankles, lifting his feet up. He hoped the hunger in his face wasn't too obvious. Now Jim could see a hint of fear in Ken's expression, and realized he'd have to work fast and get it done with before he changed his mind. (And just in case the policeman came around, too!)
He said in a reassuring tone, "It's okay, kid. I promise it won't hurt a bit. I've done this before." He grinned. Then he crouched down and opened his mouth very, very wide...
"Shit, man," Ken mumbled.
With a grunt, Jim quickly thrust both feet into his mouth and part-way down his throat -- Ken giggled despite his fear, squirming around as if he was being tickled. Jim grasped his legs more tightly and pushed again, taking him in almost to the knees with a thick, slurping sound.
"Holy cow, I can't believe you're doing that!" the boy said in amazement. "Hey, wait, I just thought of something... will I even be able to breathe in there?"
Jim tried to nod (which wasn't easy), and gulped again, taking his legs in even further. He couldn't believe how fantastic this felt... the kid was delicious! He'd be moaning with pleasure if his throat hadn't been so full. He wished he could slow down and enjoy every inch of Kenny's smooth, firm, sweet flesh as it slipped inside him, but there wasn't enough time -- besides, he was too ravenous!
Ken's face turned pale as he watched the huge man's mouth working to take him in, gobbling him up, the lips stretching around his hips and ass now. "Goddamn..." he whispered.
Jim's eyes were starting to roll over white with the effort. He continued to swallow, while at the same time holding Ken by his upper arms and shoving him in. Then he guided his hands into his mouth, gaping even wider to engulf the boy's muscular torso and arms. He could feel his legs starting to fold up inside his belly.
"Uhh, Mr. Reese?"
He ignored him. He couldn't believe the power of his throat muscles; it seemed they were working on auto-pilot, flexing and gulping almost on their own, practically sucking the kid down his gullet... it felt so natural. He realized there was no question now as to whether or not he needed drugs to do this.
But the most difficult part was coming: Kenny's wide shoulders...
Ken seemed to be having a bit of trouble breathing with the pressure on his chest. His eyes were starting to bug out, and there was an incredulous expression on his face; Jim imagined that he must've looked quite bizarre right now, with his mouth stetched out to grotesque proportions.
This was starting to get harder, and the sensation of fullness was unbelievable. Perhaps the boy was too big? Had he bitten off more than he could chew, so to speak?
The young man blurted, "I-- I'm not sure about this anymore. Wait..." He began to struggle feebly, but his arms were pinned to his sides, inside Jim's throat.
Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the trailer door. A voice called out, "Anyone in there?"
Jim's heart lunged. Shit, it was the cop! He looked Ken in the face, wondering what his reaction would be. Would he scream for help??
A moment of silence passed... then Ken seemed to make his decision: "Uh," he cleared his throat, and tried to talk in a deeper voice, "Yes, officer? I mean, who is it?"
Jim would've smiled if he could. He continued to swallow -- but now it felt like the kid was almost stuck!
"Jim Reese? I'd like to talk to you, if you don't mind."
"Uhh... okay, er, gimme a minute," Ken said.
Jim reached out, clamped onto Ken's shoulders and began forcefully shoving him in with all his strength, swallowing hard.
The door handle rattled. "Please open up, it's the police."
"Just-- just let me get some pants on! Oh, Christ..." Kenny gasped.
Now only his head still protruded from the man's mouth. Jim pushed on the crown of his head with both hands, and he continued to slide in... he could feel the kid's little beard scraping against the roof of his mouth.
In a muffled voice, he heard him say, "Jeez, it smells like hamburgers in here..."
And then he closed his mouth completely over him and gulped hugely. He felt the boy going all the way down, filling his gut...
The cop was knocking again, impatiently. "Sir, will you open the door??"
Jim was gasping for air. "Yeah, yeah," he managed to say. He could feel Ken squirming around inside him -- it seemed like he was trying to turn around. He gulped down several large mouthfuls of air so the kid could breathe. Then he got up with a loud grunt, steadying himself against the wall. The weight in his gut was incredible; he was having some difficulty just standing up!
He quickly kicked Ken's clothes and shoes under the cot, then unlocked the door.
The police officer looking up at him was on the short side, but quite burly. He had a thick, brown, brush-like moustache and a buzzcut. He was carrying his cap under one arm.
Almost immediately, his eyes went to Jim's enormous, round globe of a belly, and his jaw dropped slightly. But then he tried to compose himself and looked Jim in the face, saying in a firm voice, "Is there a problem?"
"Uh, no-- sorry I took so long, officer. I was... I had to put some clothes on." Jim tried to laugh.
The cop looked at him suspiciously. "I thought I heard someone else in here."
"Nope, just me. I was having a little snooze."
"Well... I'm Officer Banks. May I come in? I'd like to ask you a few questions."
"Oh, sure." Jim backed up to allow the guy to enter.
"So you're the foreman on this site, Mr. Reese?" The cop couldn't seem to help himself; he kept glancing down at Jim's gut. Jim was nervous... for some reason, Ken was struggling a bit inside him, and he hoped it wouldn't be visible from the outside. Was the boy uncomfortable?
The policeman looked slowly around the interior of the trailer. He said, "You know a young man named Kenneth Delaney?"
"Yeah, I think so. He's one of the employees' kids."
"Have you seen him today?"
Jim's stomach gurgled audibly. "Ah, no. Haven't seen him."
"You sure? One of your workmen seems to think he came up here. He's in a bit of trouble, I'm afraid."
"Sorry, I was sleeping. I didn't see anyone." From Jim's belly came a small moan; Jim thumped a hand to his gut and uttered a short, loud burp. "Ooof... 'scuse me, officer!"
Banks couldn't seem to contain himself any longer -- chuckling, he poked Jim in the belly and said, "I'm sorry, but... man! That is some huge gut you've got there, buddy." He shook his head. "You got a horse in there, or what?"
"Aw, no, it's just fat. And... I had a big lunch today, too." Jim smiled broadly.
"Never seen anything like that. Damn! Sorry, I hope I haven't embarassed you."
"That's alright, I know I could stand to lose 'bout 200 pounds. So, umm... what's the boy done?"
"I can't really tell you that." The cop took another quick look around the trailer. "Well, you just keep an eye out for him, okay?"
"Okay, sure thing."
"Thanks for your time. You take care, sir." He left.
Jim could feel a massive belch building up, trying to escape. He sat down on the cot with a groan. Ken was wriggling around more now, and he could hear him trying to say something -- obviously, he wanted to be released.
Now that the policeman was gone Jim could relax, and really savour the experience of having a whole, live person inside his stomach. It felt great, even better than with the doctor... he'd never had such an enjoyable and satisfying meal in his life!
And now he was starting to realize something else: he didn't want to let the boy back out after all. He knew he had to; he'd surely suffocate in there before long and besides, he thought he could feel his digestive juices starting to flow. Just awhile longer, he thought...
The kid moaned again from inside his gut. His struggles seemed to be weakening.
Mm-mmm... he'd sure been a tasty morsel. He felt so full... and yet he thought that he could probably take someone even a little bigger than Kenny, next time. Jim rubbed his belly, opened his mouth wide and heaved out a huge, long, thun- derous belch. He was about to gulp down some fresh air for the boy, but then stopped himself.
With a sigh, he stretched out onto his back instead. I guess this was my plan all along, he thought to himself. Wasn't it? He didn't know if he could actually digest such an incredible amount of food...
but he supposed there was only one way to find out.
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maviscat123 · 2 months
PART 2 OF 2. He left the pizza on the counter and took 2 boxes back to his room, leaving the other 6 for his son and his 5 remaining friends. It would take some clever lie to be able to explain away both Simon and Norm's disappearance, but it was a problem for tomorrow. The extra suppressants in his system must have finally kicked in by now, as he was feeling sleepier than anything. He finished off what was his 10th pizza for the night, leaving his gut absolutely enormous. He carefully sat on the edge of the bed once again, this time leaving his gut resting on the floor between his legs from its excess girth.
Now that his mind wasn't focused on his hunger, it finally wandered back to what he had done. He hated himself. How could he do this to three people. He was condemning them with his gluttony. He tried to justify it to himself. His doctor even told him it's natural to eat others. He was a Pred and it was his nature. It didn't matter to him. He knew these people. Even the delivery driver, a man he had never met before, didn't deserve this. They had their entire lives to look forward to and he just changed all that on a whim. Nothing could help them now, and all they could do was wait for the inevitable fate that his belly would bestow on them soon.
He didn't know if he should tell Shane what really happened. How he's been struggling with this ever since he was his age. Would his son forgive him or hate him? He asked himself how he could not hate him. He ate his friends. He ate others. Hell, he would hate him if he was in Shane's shoes. Nothing could make up for it either.
But then again, having his gut so full was like nothing else in the world. He looked down at his gut as he lay on the bed. He could feel every movement, every desperate kick, every pitiful punch. He could just barely hear those calls for help, those vain attempts at bargaining with him. It was satisfying. To have that power over someone. They weren't people anymore. Just food. Why should he feel bad about food? Why should he deny himself such a filling feast? Why should he, the apex Pred, not eat until his stomach is full?
Ron snapped out of it finally, only to notice how painfully hard he was at those thoughts. He could feel his cock swelling under the mountain of a gut that was perched on top of him. He felt disgusted with himself. He was so at odds with himself over how to feel about all this. On the one hand he had eaten these three innocent guys, dooming them to be nothing more than a notch on his belt. On the other hand, he was a Pred and that's what they do. Why should he deny himself that?
As he clashed with himself, he didn't feel that familiar twinge rumble up from the deep pits of his stomach. He went back and forth with himself for a while longer, but soon his gut rumbled again. It was back. The three measly men weren't enough for him. He needed more. He deserved more. There was food right there in his den.
He got up and confidently walked out of his room, not bothering with the housecoat this time. He flaunted his gut proudly as he strutted towards the den eager to fill up his gut more. He couldn't care less anymore about his son's friends. They were in his house. His territory. They belonged to him now. They were just his food. He stomped into the den and lordly displayed his gut as he announced his intentions.
"Hey boys! I'm hungry and I'm having the rest of you for dinner! So, get up and get ready so I can eat ya!"
Shane, Hoss, Wes, Al, Andrew, and Tom all stared at him, their eyes all falling to his gut which was so enormous it hung down past his knees. In their inebriated state they all stared blankly at him, which didn't matter to Ron at all. Instead of waiting for them Ron was too impatient. He was hungry and he wanted them in his gut now. He stomped over to Al, his gut bouncing wildly as he grabbed him and hoisted him up to his mouth. He began to stuff his 4th man of the night into his mouth while everyone else watched slack jawed. Ron was no longer careful or gentle. He stuffed and crammed Al into his mouth like a rabid beast.
Wes was the first to make a move. He got up and rushed for the only door, but Ron simply stood in his way, thrusting his gut forward to knock him back as he chugged down Al's legs. Al's entire body froze as he couldn't realize what was happening to him. He was trapped in some tight, wet, fleshy tunnel that was dragging him slowly downwards. He tried to wiggle his way out but suddenly felt someone grip his shins. He was relieved to get some help, only to realize that they were only pushing him further inside.
As the other 5 watched Al slowly disappear into Shane's dad, Hoss finally piped up.
"What the fuck!?" Hoss shouted. Being the biggest one there, he stood up from his couch to try and stop Ron from eating his friends.
As Hoss went to grab Al's feet, Ron quickly slurped them away and grabbed Hoss' big meaty arms and pulled them into his mouth. He boastfully chuckled as he slurped them down, reveling in the look on Hoss' face as it turned from confidence to sheer terror. Hoss was a big guy, almost 2 feet taller than Ron himself, and over twice as wide. He was a colossal mouthful, but Ron's newfound confidence in his appetite made him all the more eager to have the big brute in his belly. Shane, Wes, Andrew, and Tom all watched as Ron slowly engulfed Hoss' shaggy head. The big man tried his best to pull away, but Ron wasn't letting go. His jaws stretched, his throat ached, and his gut rumbled in hunger as his lips wrapped around his meal's thick neck.
"Mr. P! Please don't do this!" Wes finally shouted. "We're people! We're not food!"
Ron only chuckled as he slurped down Hoss' fat pecs. He responded by patting his gut with one hand as he steadied his enormous meal with the other. Right as Ron's lips arrived at Hoss' own large gut, he had to get some assistance sooner than he normally did to get the big boy down to where he belongs. With great effort, Ron grabbed Hoss' hefty love handles and hoisted the enormous man right above himself. Hoss' legs slammed against the ceiling, but Ron only paid attention to how filling Hoss was already. His head was getting stuffed in his gut now, taking up the rest of the free space among Al, Simon, Norm, and the delivery guy.
The big juicy gut was working its way down Ron's throat while he slurped down Hoss' wide hips. He saw those big, hefty thighs waiting just inches from his mouth and he had to have them sliding down his gullet right away. He kicked his gluttony into overdrive now, wolfing down Hoss several inches per gulp. Somebody was sobbing, but Ron tuned them out. He doesn't cater to food. Why should he care about what some puny snack thinks of his buddy? Hoss' thighs, knees, shins, ankles, and feet all disappeared in 5 solid gulps, stuffing Hoss down into his growing belly. The others could see Hoss' large body curl up tightly around the others inside Ron's gut that was now so large it was resting on the floor in front of him.
Ron licked his lips and turned to the remaining trio, reveling in the terrified looks on Wes, Andrew, and Tom's faces. He waddled his way over to Tom, who was practically vibrating he was so scared. Ron picked him up by his shirt and licked his face maniacally. Just as Tom was about to blurt out something, Ron stuffed his entire head and shoulders into his maw. Tom was the smallest of the group, so after a colossal meal like Hoss, it only took a single gulp to have Tom halfway down his gullet.
He looked over to Andrew and Wes on the other couch while Tom hung out of his mouth. He let out a crooked smile as he slurped up Tom like a limp noodle. Tom barely put up a fight as his waist, legs, and feet all disappeared down Ron's throat without any fanfare or effort from the hungry Pred. The final pair were practically on top of each other, trying to claw away from Ron and his voracious glare.
"W-why are you doing this?" Wes shuddered.
"Because I'm a Pred! I need food to satisfy this big tank and you boys are my dinner tonight!" Ron guffawed, slapping his gut proudly.
"But we're people!" Andrew shouted as Ron loomed over them.
"I eat people!" Ron let out a deep belly laugh. "It's what I do! It's who I am!"
"But we're friends! You've known us for years! We hang out here every weekend! We go out drinking together! You're like our second dad!" Wes sobbed in fear.
"So? You've always been on my menu. Like a can on my shelf, waitin' till the day I pick you out for dinner!" Ron snickered as he grabbed the pair. "You might have thought I cared about you all, but now you mean less than nothing to me. Enjoy bein' in my gut cause it's your new home!"
Not even thinking to consider the logistics of eating the pair, he stuffed both Wes and Andrew's head into his mouth at the same time. Together they were larger than Hoss was and would be quite the challenge to get down. That thought, however, didn't even cross Ron's mind. He was more concerned about finishing his enormous feast than he was about eating it. He still had room. He was still hungry. And he still had two more to eat.
With an enormous gulp, Ron swallowed the pair down to their shoulders. He had to stuff the pair into his mouth for a while to get their shoulders in, but once he did, he started the long laborious task of devouring the two of them at the same time. It was slow but so satisfying for Ron. How they tasted, how they wiggled in his throat, how they gave him that full feeling he'd been suppressing for years. It was a revelation for him. He was so excited to explore this part of himself he'd hidden away for so many years.
By the time he had both their waists in his mouth, he had to carefully rear his head back. Lifting and shoving, gulping and pulling, they slowly sank further and further down into his gut. It was nearing the end, but Ron didn't want this experience to be over. He savored the last parts of them for what felt like hours, but in the end those four pairs of feet slipped past his lips, disappearing forever as they sank down his throat.
Ron just stood there in his den, gut protruding several feet from his chest, resting on the floor in a big, contorted ball of wiggling food. They were all his and he was over the moon to finally have that overwhelming full feeling. All 8 of them desperately tried to move in his gut, but his stomach held them so tightly they could barely move a limb. He played back eating each of the 8 men in his stomach, starting with Simon. He thought about Simon's taste and how he missed most of it because of how desperate he was to get him in his belly. And Norm, how well he paired with the greasy pizza guy. How dumbfounded Al was, how huge Hoss was, how scared Tom was, and how good Andrew and Wes were together. All 8 of them.
But then the realization hit him. Only 8 of them. He miscounted because of the driver. There were 8 in his house, plus the driver. He was missing one. He gazed around the room until he spotted him. Shane, the last one, was cowering behind one of the couches.
"Hehe you thought I forgot about you didn't ya?" Ron maliciously snickered as he approached his final meal.
"How could you do this?" Shane sobbed. "They were my friends!"
"That doesn't mean much to me. You're just dessert!" Ron laughed.
"B-but all those times you hung out with us! Were you just sizing us up for lunch?" Shane shouted.
"Oh yeah. I shoulda done this years ago! I can't believe I've been holding out for so long." Ron laughed as he pushed the chair aside.
Shane scrambled to flee, but Ron slammed his gut into him and knocked him against the wall.
"You're not getting away from me. You're dessert don't ya know." Ron smirked.
He reached down and grabbed Shane's ankle and hoisted him up onto his gut. Shane desperately tried to get away from the hungry glutton, but Ron wasn't about to let his final meal of the night go.
"You keep that up like your friends did. Squirm real hard for me!" Ron chuckled as he positioned his meal. He opened wide and stuffed Shane's feet into his mouth.
"Wait wait wait STOP!" Shane screamed.
Ron smirked as he slurped down his meal's legs, arrogantly playing with his final meal of the night. He had all the time in the world, and he was going to savor this moment. Shane tried to pull himself away, grabbing hold of any bulge his friends made in the big gut he was perched on. No matter how he tried, his legs wouldn't move anywhere but down. His thighs were slowly engulfed and soon he was down to his waist.
Ron grabbed Shane's arms and pinned them at his sides, leaving him powerless to stop him. There was no way out for him now and he was destined to become food. To end up swallowed down into that big gut, cramped into the tight confines of that wet fleshy tomb, to be digested with his friends and end up nothing more than a few inches on his father's waistline.
"DAD! I'M YOUR SON! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Shane frantically shouted.
Ron's devious smirk immediately evaporated. He looked down at his gut, and then to Shane, his son, his own kin, hanging out of his mouth. He could feel his gullet full, his son's legs and torso stretching it out as he was making his way down to his father's gut. He stopped swallowing for a moment, reaching up and grabbing hold of Shane's shoulders in a panic. He began to pull him out, only for his gut to protest immediately.
"DAD!" Shane shouted desperately.
Ron's entire personality came to a clash. He was a caring father, a good upstanding citizen, and a great guy who cared for others. But now his true nature had surfaced. He finally became the gluttonous Pred he was always meant to be. No longer could he suppress his voracious appetites. But then he saw his son's face. His son looked back at him, a tear in his eye, desperately asking him not to do it. Ron couldn't hold back. He began to well up himself as he realized what a monster he had become to the only person he truly cared about. He knew no matter what he did, his son would never look at him the same. How could he? He had eaten all of his friends. He knew the utter dread he felt when he saw his son's face would be the only thing he would remember when he thought of his son. There was nothing else for him now and Ron knew what was going to happen. He tried to stop himself, but his hunger took over. Both his and his son's eyes went wide as he instinctually shoved the rest of Shane into his mouth.
That final gulp rang in his ears, even as his son's head sank down his chest and vanished into that enormous boulder of a gut. His heartbeat pounded in his head. What had he done? How could he have done it? His son begged! Pleaded with him! He was in tears asking him not to eat him. Yet he did it anyway. It was done. His son was in his gut. Swallowed down like a cheap burger.
Ron looked down at his gut. Dozens of bulges were all over it. He could see the faces of his meals all pressed again his gut. A hand there, a fist there, elbows, kicks, hell even all of Hoss was stretching his belly all over. It didn't matter anymore, however. He knew nobody was going to get out. Nobody ever did. The sound of that final gulp would haunt him.
The reality of his new life set in. His son was gone. Nothing more than a memory waiting to happen. The only lasting thing he would do was be a few inches on his dad's gut. He couldn't picture his son anymore, as the only image that would play in his mind were those last few moments he shared with him. Right up until the moment he swallowed him. His mind raced, his legs went weak, his knees buckled, and he fell backwards onto the floor.
His monolithic gut rolled on top of him as he fell on the floor. The colossal weight pinned him down, leaving only his neck, head, and parts of his feet poking out from his stuffed belly. He could barely move but it didn't concern him at the moment. He was lost in his head as his mind raced. The utter regret finally settled in, just as it had every time he relented and let his appetite take over. He whispered to his gut softly as it began to gurgle and churn.
"I'm sorry. All of you." Ron shuddered as he felt the group inside begin to experience what happened to food.
The inevitable began, and soon Ron's gut began to do its job. The movements inside picked up, as did the shouting. He tried to tune it out but its all he could hear. As his gut swelled and swayed, he could feel himself getting aroused. He gasped as his cock throbbed in his underwear, pressing against his massive gut that lay on top. How could he be enjoying this? He was beside himself with grief, wracking himself with guilt for eating them all. Yet he had never been this turned on in his life. Nothing, no hookup, fling, or sexual escapade ever came close to what he was feeling right now. His underwear was already drenched in pre, and he felt like he could blow at any moment.
He wanted it all to end. For the nightmare to be over. Yet it endured for what felt like hours. He knew it had to be getting close now. The inevitable end of his colossal feast. The futility of his food's situation finally setting in despite their desperate thrashing. He had to do it. His cock throbbed at the thought, yet he was tearing up for what was about to do. He finally did what he had been holding off for the last 20 minutes. He could still undo what he did. It wasn't too late. But in his mind, he knew he couldn't let them go. They were food now. He braced himself and let it happen.
He expelled all the air, and let his gut fully claim them. There was no backing out now. He tightly closed his eyes. He couldn't bear to watch his gut slowly go still, but for him he had the unpleasant reality of feeling all his meals slowly stop moving. As the last tremor of movement from his enormous meal shook his belly, his whole body went rigid, blowing the biggest load he ever had as his gut went completely still. He groaned in pleasure, his heart racing as his enormous dinner was complete. Thick cum dribbled down his thighs and onto the carpet, his underwear drenched, and the underside of his gut covered. He was spent. His meal was done. That was it. Now all that was left was digestion. As he stared at the ceiling, his gut began to gurgle loudly. It slowly ramped up, getting louder and more guttural. Like a beast stalking its prey, it rumbled in hunger. It didn't stop either, only getting louder and more ferocious. Wet burbles, viscous churning, and acidic grumbles echoed in the empty house all throughout the night as Ron digested away the biggest meal he'd ever eaten.
It was sometime in the afternoon by the time Ron had awoken. His eyes slowly opened as he stared at the ceiling. It all felt like a bad dream to him, right up until he felt the carpet on his neck. He looked around and saw he was in the den, snacks and various cans of beer and other drinks scattered around. He looked down at his gut and that when he knew the nightmare was real. His gut was significantly larger than it was yesterday, although not as big as it was last night. He gave it a light poke and it wobbled slightly on his chest. It was thicker and more pronounced, and it became more round from its previous oval shape. His son and his friends had really done a number on him.
It lightly gurgled, but otherwise kept its shape. Ron struggled to sit up with the extra girth he had acquired overnight but managed it after shifting around. He got to his feet and steadied himself, still a bit woozy from last night. He looked around the den, seeing the remains of his enormous dinner still where he left them. He sighed to himself as he didn't know what to do. His son was gone, and he was alone now. The only thing of meaning in his life swallowed and digested away.
He couldn't contain his hunger. His own stomach ruled his life. How could he not have stopped himself? It was his own son. His own kin. The most important person in his life. And he swallowed him alive. He put his head in his hands as he let out a sorrowful wail, shaking his head in disbelief of what he had done. He had plenty of chances to stop. To undo what he did. But he didn't. He kept going after eating Simon. He didn't stop himself from eating Norm or the pizza guy. Hell, he enjoyed himself after that. Reveled in the looks of terror on all of his meal's faces. Nothing gave him such a high as condemning all of his meals to his stomach. He truly was a monster. And now he had to live with himself.
He swore to himself that he was done. On the name of his son, he pledged to himself right then and there that he wouldn't eat anyone else. He shouldn't put anyone else through what his son and his friends had to endure last night. No longer would he give in to his primal urges. He would better himself to rise above them. In honor of his son's memory, he would endure his hunger.
He walked into the kitchen and saw more evidence of his gluttony from last night. All 8 pairs of shoes, now ownerless, were still by the door. There were still 6 boxes of pizza on the counter that he left for his son and his remaining friends, but they never got a chance to eat them. He opened one up and saw they were still there, untouched and cold.
As the waft of pizza hit his nose, his gut grumbled for breakfast. He sighed and grabbed some of the cold pizza and began eating it, reminding him of his old college days. There wasn't anything else in the house to eat anyway. He finished off an entire pizza once again, but his twinge of hunger was still there. He had tossed the first box aside and opened the next one when the doorbell rang.
Still only in his underwear, he waddled to the door to answer it, his appearance the last thing on his mind. He opened the door and saw a big man standing there looking down at him. It took Ron a moment, but he looked similar to Hoss.
"Uhh hi there. I'm Joel, Hoss' dad. Is he still here? He was supposed to help me fix the roof today and was meant to be home a few hours ago."
"Oh, uh yeah." Ron huffed nervously. He couldn't just tell him that Hoss was nothing more than a few inches on his ball gut. "No sorry he's uhhh..."
Ron couldn't think of what to tell him. He was about to say they left earlier when that familiar twinge of gluttonous hunger nagged at him. He looked Joel up and down and sighed to himself as he knew he couldn't explain away Hoss' disappearance.
"They're just in the den but I think they're passed out drunk still. You can come in and wake him up if you'd like."
Immediately, Ron regretted saying that. Now he was in a predicament as his son was not in the den anymore. He was about to blurt out something to fix it when Joel smirked at him.
"Leave it to me! I'll get em all up no problem." The big oaf said as he pushed past Ron and strolled into the house. "Oh! And I found these keys on your porch. And this pizza bag."
"Oh thanks. The pizza guy left it last night. And Ive been looking everywhere for those keys." Ron lied he closed the door behind Joel.
Ron's gut rumbled loudly while Joel walked into the living room. There wasn't any other way out of this for Ron, so he let himself have just one more. One final one. And then he was done. At least it was a big one. Ron opened his mouth wide, barely wide enough to fit in Joel's enormous head, and pounced.
Joel's loud shout could be heard from outside, before a few loud gulps silenced them all. Ron was on the big man's back, holding himself on his shoulders as he had his enormous meal's huge head in his mouth. His cheeks bulged massively, but Ron had to do this. The regret was there, but his hunger was slowly drowning it out. With a swift kick to the back of his knees, Ron brought down the gigantic dad and held him steadily as he took his first gulp.
It wasn't easy, but Ron managed to work in Joel's shoulders. His throat ached, but his belly rumbled in pure necessity of having this man packed away inside it. He had to have him. He gulped and pulled, and soon those big juicy pecs were in his mouth. It was to be his last meal, and he should enjoy it. It would be an insult to his memory if he didn't. Ron pinned his meal's enormous arms and kept gulping. The taste reminded him of Hoss and drove his hunger through the roof. It wasn't often he got to enjoy a taste of someone twice.
Joel's large muscle gut slipped into his mouth, and soon was working its way down Ron's throat. Joel's enormous head was already stretching out Ron's belly, and soon his shoulders were packed in with him. Ron groaned as his belly felt like it was finally getting fed properly. A huge meal to satisfy that primal gluttony that he hid away for decades. He kept gulping, finally getting the assistance of gravity he so greatly needed to work down Joel's waist and chunky ass. Hoss really was the spitting image of his father.
Down Joel went. Those thighs were so tasty to Ron, and somehow even more broad and thick than Hoss' were. The fight in his gut was on though. Flurries of punches erupted from within, but Ron only chuckled. How pitiful they were for a man of that size. Was that all he could muster to save himself from getting churned down into fat? To be nothing more than a notch for Ron? Men like him deserved to be eaten. Ron boastfully gulped down Joel's knees, teasing his meal and taunting him by poking him and patting his gut. He had come full circle once again, ignoring those feelings he got as he finished Joel off, claiming the enormous man as his own, relegating him to nothing more than a oversized breakfast.
As the large bulge slipped down his throat, Ron grinned as he watched his gut thrash about. He snickered loudly, enunciating his accomplishments to taunt his new temporary guest. He belonged to Ron now and he was going to digest him, just like he had done to his son Hoss. To all their friends. To his own son. He lifted his gut off the floor with some effort and waltzed back to the kitchen, the big squirming ball gut almost the size it was last night. A fine meal like that needed some dessert.
Right as he came to the kitchen, he saw those shoes again at the door. Those uneaten pizzas. All the containers, dishes, bags, and wrappers of the snacks left over from last night. He remembered why he had done it in the first place. How he had to eat Joel to hide the fact that he'd eaten Hoss earlier. The rationality had disappeared when he was in the middle of eating, and his mind had only cleared when he was done. He looked down and sighed to himself. There was no way he was going to change. As much as he wanted it, as much as he owed it to the memory of his son, he knew he was going to be like this for the rest of his life. No matter what he did to try and hide it, to justify it, to keep himself in check, he would always be a Pred.
But he had to try. To not give up. To be better. He couldn't let his hunger win. It wouldn't be right after what he did to his son. To all of his meals. After decades of keeping himself in line, he couldn't just let his appetite turn him into a monster. He was a good person. He knew he was. He could prove it to himself.
He was determined to be better. He was feeling a wave of resolve. He felt like he could walk on water. Ron boastfully pledged right there that he was done eating anyone ever again. He rode that high for a few moments, right up until a familiar loud noise dragged him back to reality.
That sickening sound sent a shiver down his spine. He looked down at his enormous gut. Joel was panicking inside as Ron's gut began to get to work on him. His confidence dropped to his ankles as he watched his gut wobble and churn, while some muffled screams could be heard inside. He let out a defeated sigh. It was hard to deny who he was.
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maviscat123 · 2 months
Ron pulled into his driveway and up into the garage of his small suburban home. He carefully parked the car and shut off the engine of his cheap sedan, the noise of the engine finally stopped ringing in his ears. He rubbed his eyes, the long week finally coming to an end. He reached over to the passenger seat, initially going for his briefcase, before a small green object caught his eye. An old baseball cap, with a worn rim and a logo he recognized from the local university sport teams was on the floor. In his burnt-out state it took him a few seconds to remember who it belonged to. It finally dawned on him that it belonged to this nice young man he picked up at the bar a few weeks ago. A familiar feeling washed over him as he picked up the hat. The young guy followed him back to his seedy motel room in the hopes of getting laid, but Ron was there for a different urge.
The older man looked down at his belly. He was in his mid 50s, but he'd been dealing with his problem for over 3 decades. Back in his 20s, he started having problems with his appetite. He suddenly became insatiable. It got so bad that he ate entire months worth of groceries in a single sitting. Nothing would satisfy. He went to the doctor, and with just one look the doc told him words that would haunt him.
Being told he was a Pred and his problems stemmed from not eating enough put him in a downer mood. He initially tried to live with it, swearing not to eat anyone. He lasted a few weeks, but eventually, just like every Pred, he relented when he saw his neighbor swimming next door. It was his first meal, and it drove him wild. Swallowing the man was second nature to him, not even having to pause or slow himself as he easily wolfed him down. After being hungry for so long he finally had the relief he so desperately needed. That full feeling. It was euphoric for him. His big pot gut wiggling about as his poor neighbor struggled in vain was too good to pass up. Despite that amazing feeling, he swore off eating others.
It didn't last, however. A little over a month later, the hunger came back. He tried to hold it off, but it never subsided. He relented again and again. He ate a co-worker, a mail man, a multitude of delivery guys, another neighbor, and finally one of his good friends over the course of a few weeks. He finally asked the doc for help, and he was put on some appetite suppressants. After months of eating dozens of poor guys, he finally had his insatiable appetite under control with the help of the meds. Even now, years later, they had helped him live a somewhat normal life. However, now a few decades later, they were starting to lose their edge.
He'd been hiding his 'affliction' from everyone. His co-workers, his boss, his friends, but most importantly; his family. Most of the time it wasn't a concern, as his medication kept his urges in check. Some days though his primal needs slipped through, and he had to relent. There were no early warnings for him, just randomly at some point in the day he would become ravenous. His stomach would ache like it had been withheld food for days. And he started seeing everyone as a delicious 3 course meal all in one.
Sometimes it would be months, and even had gone over a year a few times without having to eat some poor guy. Hiding it from his son, however, was usually pretty easy. His urges would usually come around lunchtime, and he would take the day off of work and go find somebody he could stuff down his gullet. He'd gone to dating sites, hookup apps, and local bars to find someone he could easily lure to some dark private corner to wolf them down to appease his appetite.
His hunger had almost gotten him caught once though. Shane and his buddies had gone out to the bar and invited him to come along. Ron knew all of Shane's friends for a while now so having him come along wasn't awkward or out of place for them. The night was going fine right up until Ron felt that unmistakable rumble deep in his belly. He knew he couldn't leave or hold off for the night. It had been over a year since his last Pred urges had called, and he needed to sate it. It was like an itch that could never be relieved, unless he had some poor man digesting away in his gut.
He went to the bar's restroom and scouted out a meal. He waited in the big stall at the end for potential meals to come in, peeking through a small crack in the door. Men came and went while he sized each of them up. Too big. Too small. Too skinny. Not meaty enough. Too drunk. Too strong looking. He profiled everyone like he was picking off a menu. Finally, some chunky blue-collar type walked in, and Ron picked his mark. Without any hesitation, Ron dragged him into one of the stalls and worked him into his mouth. It wasn't dignified or pleasant for either of them, but it had to be done. He couldn't even remove his clothes since he had to hide the evidence. It took several minutes, but soon Ron was alone in the stall, with a gut jutting almost 5 feet from his chest, bulging, squirming, and stretching in every direction.
He braced himself against the wall of the stall. He hated this part. Despite how good it made him feel, he was always guilty about it. Having to put someone through this ordeal to satisfy himself. To keep himself from going off the deep end from having to endure his never-ceasing hunger. He sat back on the toilet, letting his gut rest on his lap as he tried to put the thoughts of what was happening in his gut out of his mind. He tried to reason with himself like he always did, justifying his actions with the notion that it would be over for his meal soon and how he wasn't as bad as other Preds who ate people daily.
Ron had gotten away with it. His gut was satisfied, and nobody was the wiser. At least he thought that for a few moments until he heard his son walk in the bathroom and call for him. They were getting ready to leave and were waiting for him. He was stuck, a great gut full of squirming meat, and a time limit before his son would get suspicious. He tried to digest faster. He squeezed his gut. Kneaded the bulges down. Tried to do up his shirt to hide his girth. Nothing worked.
He belched out his air, which at least caused him to lose a bit of girth. He had to hurry. He squeezed harder, but the distinct man shaped bulge in his gut was too obvious to hide. He tried to reorient his meal to hide it better, but his gut soon started to gurgle loudly. Digestion had started, but it would take hours and hours to churn his meal down to where his gut looked normal. He had an idea, but it was cruel. He had no other choice and had to go for it. He backed up to one side of the stall and ran, gut first, into the wall. A sickening crunch was heard, before all movement in his gut ceased. The bulges had smoothed out slightly, and with some more kneading and squeezing, he got his belly looking presentable, albeit significantly larger than before.
Neither Shane nor any of his friends caught on to Ron's excess girth he had suddenly claimed from his long trip to the restroom. They all drove home in the car with him, all unaware of the extra passenger Ron had taken on in the bar's restroom. He swore off eating with his son so close by ever again. He tried to put it out of his mind, but all he could think about the entire drive home was the sharpness of the crunch when his gut hit the wall. It played in his mind every time they went back to that bar, but like every meal he had ever eaten, their last moments stuck with him.
He'd only eaten a few dozen people over the years, and the young man he took to the motel room from a few weeks ago was one of them. He had some fun with him, but the entire time he knew what was coming. He tried to hold himself back, but he couldn't help himself. He tried several times to let him go, even while in the middle of eating him. He tried to pull him out of his mouth, but he couldn't bring himself to let his food go. He stayed awake all that evening as he lay on the cheap motel bed, full of regret of what he was putting this young man in his stomach through. It wasn't right, but he couldn't undo what he did. His gut slowly going from wiggling, to still, to loudly digesting his meal away. His hunger was sated, and he hoped it would be for the last time.
Ron took the hat with him as he got out of his car. He sighed as he squeezed his girth between his car and the wall of his garage. He tossed the hat into one of his trash bins as he passed by, disposing of the last of his previous meal. Walking into his house he was met with a loud cacophony of shouting, dramatic music, and some explosions of some kind all coming from his den. It took him a moment in his tired state to realize it had to be a movie of some kind. He walked into the den and saw 8 young men all splayed out on the furniture watching the movie. The room had a large sectional couch sitting in front of a large TV, and there were all kinds of snacks and food on the cheap coffee table. They were somber all things considered.
His son Shane had friends over. Being a Friday, it wasn't uncommon for Shane and his buddies to hang out and drink and have a fun night playing games or watching movies. His son still lived with him and helped pay the bills since he wasn't going to college, and rather instead took a labor job down at the docks. It was where all he and his friends worked together. They had the weekends off, so they mostly just drank, smoked, and goofed off on their days off, all happy with where they were in life.
"Evening lads." Ron announced.
"Hey Mr P!" Wes, one of Shane's friends waved.
"Hey Dad! Work okay?" Shane asked, grabbing a few of the nachos from the table.
"Not too shabby. You guys need anything?" Ron asked.
"Nah I think we're good. We got a bunch of snacks in the kitchen, and we ordered a bunch of pizza." Shane said.
"Good. I'll be in my room reading." Ron said.
"Okay Dad. Help yourself to some of our snacks if you want."
"Will do." Ron said as he left the room.
He made his way to the kitchen and saw a bunch of snacks all over the counter. There were chips, cookies, mini doughnuts, brownies, tubs of cookie dough, cinnamon rolls, pastries, pizza rolls, cream puffs, fries, bagels bites, and a load of others all over the counter.
"Jeez." Ron gasped. He knew that his son and his friends ate a lot, but this was a ton of food even by their standards.
He grabbed a few pizza rolls and a cinnamon roll. While munching on them, he scrolled through his phone and caught up on some news articles. When he finished, he decided to go relax in his room and read more of his novel for the evening until he would make something for dinner. As he was leaving, he saw the brownies, which were his favorite. They were homemade, and there were four square trays, but one was empty and another had a few taken already. He shrugged and grabbed three, slowly eating them as he made his way to his bedroom.
Ron unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it open, letting his large beer belly and large fat pecs jut out from their confines. He sighed as he took off his pants, leaving his underwear on as he lay on his bed. He stretched out and scratched at the light hair by his navel, letting his gut rest above him like a small hill. He grabbed his novel and reading glasses from his night table and settled in, opening up his book to where he last left off.
20 minutes later, Ron felt sleepy. It was weird for him to feel this way so early since he had a consistent sleep schedule. He closed his eyes for a few minutes until he was awoken by a loud noise.
He put his book down on the bed and listened. He heard it again, but it got slightly louder. He sat up from the bed and his belly rumbled deeply.
His belly suddenly ached with hunger. It felt like he hadn't eaten anything all day, which was mostly true. He grumbled as he thought that he should have some actual dinner. He got up and grabbed his house coat and put it on, his gut making it hard to fully close. He made his way back into the kitchen to get some food when he saw the snacks again. Several of the snacks were gone and several plates were empty. He noticed the brownies were still there and grabbed another three while he opened the fridge to make some sandwiches. As he was eating the brownies, his belly began roaring at him, demanding more. He began cramming the brownies in, barely chewing as he wolfed them down.
"Why am I so hungry?" He looked down at his large gut while it churned and burbled. The brownies soon weren't enough, so he grabbed more snacks. He finished off the tray of brownies and grabbed the twinkies. He barely unwrapped them before he shoved them in his mouth and swallowed them down. He grabbed a tub of cookie dough and ripped the lid off. He tiled his head back and dumped the entire extra-large tub into his mouth. He forced his mouth closed and swallowed, letting the massive 20lb lump of cookie dough slide down his gullet and drop into his belly.
"Ahh." Ron gasped as he felt the cookie dough reach his belly. His gut stopped grumbling and he felt satisfied for the moment. He returned to the sandwiches he was making before.
And then his belly roared again, the hunger returning almost tenfold. He quickly went through the next 3 tubs of dough and tossed the empty containers aside. He anxiously grabbed more food, gulping it down as fast as he could. With most of the snacks finished, he sought to raid the fridge. He opened the fridge and grabbed anything he could and shoved it in, some things still even had wrappers on them. His belly began to swell as it continued to rumble in extreme hunger. He saw the chicken sitting on a platter in the fridge. He gasped as he reached in and grabbed it in pure desperation. He opened his mouth and shoved it in. He felt his throat open wide to accommodate the cooked bird as he crammed it between his lips. Once it was fully in his mouth, he closed his lips and laboriously swallowed. He could feel the large lump stretch out his throat as it slowly descended down his fat neck and vanished into his belly. His belly swelled out further with the addition. His housecoat's belt came undone, letting his gut jut out of the front.
Again, the hunger subsided for a moment and again it came back. He continued to cram anything he could in his mouth. Apples, oranges, eggs, lettuce, cake, chicken, cold cuts, cheeses, peppers, milk, melon all went down his gullet and into his belly. The sandwiches were out of the question now as he had eaten the entire loaf of bread whole, along with the other 4 of them. He finally reached for the watermelon. He pulled it out of the fridge and placed it on the counter. He quickly looked for his large knife to cut it but couldn't find it.
"Fuck it." Ron muttered. He grabbed the melon and opened his mouth wide. He pushed and crammed the large melon into his mouth. He felt his jaw stretch wider and wider as more of the melon was pulled in. His lips finally slid over the widest part of the melon, and it began to slide in faster. In one massive gulp, Ron powered the large melon down his gullet. He clawed at his throat to help it down as the large lump made its way down and finally vanished into his large belly. Ron gasped as he felt the melon land in his gut among the other food he had swallowed.
"Hey Mr P." A voice said.
Ron turned around to see Simon, one of Shane's friends, standing there. He was carrying 8 extra large pizza boxes.
"Uh Hi Simon." Ron said, his belly grumbling loudly.
"You okay?" Simon asked while he put the pizza on the counter. "Your stomach is really loud."
"Yeah.." Ron trailed as the grumble grew louder. "I'm just really hungry."
"Well do you want some pizza? We got a lot." Simon said, opening the box on top of the stack to reveal an extra-large greasy pepperoni pizza.
Ron licked his lips as his belly roared and grumbled loudly.
"Sounds like a yes to me Mr P." Simon laughed.
Ron didn't even acknowledge Simon's cheekiness as he grabbed a slice of pizza and crammed it into his maw. Simon watched in awe as his friend's dad shoved the 8-inch pizza slice entirely into his mouth and swallowed it down whole.
"Holy shit." Simon gasped as Ron grabbed another slice and stuffed it in.
Ron quickly finished the second slice and grabbed another two. He shoved both of them in at the same time and swallowed them both in one go.
"Sorry. I don't know whats going with me but I'm just so hungry." Ron apologized as he grabbed another two slices and gulped em down.
"Well here let me help Mr P!" Simon offered, handing him the last two slices of the first pizza. Ron quickly swiped them and stuffed them in.
"*Gulp* ...more." Ron moaned. His head began spinning as his hunger was making him loopy.
Simon opened the next box and handed him slice after slice, each time Ron grabbing them from his hands and shoving them in his mouth. After the 6th pizza, Simon got too close and Ron accidentally grabbed his hands along with the slices and stuck them in his mouth. Before Simon or Ron could even register what had happened, Ron swallowed, pulling Simon's hands into his throat and pulling his arms in. The two were face to face for a moment as they both realized what was happening.
"M-M-Mr P?" Simon trembled.
Ron's face gave an 'I'm Sorry' look and he opened his mouth wide. Before Simon could shout, Ron clamped his mouth over Simon's head. Ron's mouth stretched wide around Simon's blocky head. He was a bit larger than most of the meals Ron had eaten over the years, but right now Ron was more concerned with having Simon in his gut than the consequences of it. He gluttonously wolfed down his son's friend's shoulders, not even bothering to remove his meal's shirt. The poor guy tried to wiggle his way out of Ron's mouth, but he couldn't gain an inch of ground. Ron's jaws ached as he had to open them wider to engulf Simon's small pot gut and wide hips, but his hunger pains greatly outweighed his care for anything other than having his belly full.
Getting to Simon's legs, Ron had to reorient his meal to work the rest of him down. He recklessly tossed his head back, making Simon's legs flail about as they were brought above him, quickly sinking downwards as Ron chugged the hefty thighs down his throat. The old man stood in his kitchen, housecoat splayed open as his gut surged forward as more of Simon was crammed inside. His gut contorted and bulged as Simon's face was pressed tightly against the walls of his stomach, stretching out his flabby gut so much that you could see his expression of terror. Finally, Ron worked Simon's feet into his mouth, not even stopping to remove his socks before gulping down the rest of his meal in a flash.
Ron carefully propped himself up against the counter as Simon attempted to thrash about inside his gut. He quietly moaned as his gut's aching hunger slowly disappeared, turning into that euphoric feeling of a stuffed belly. He looked down at his accomplishment, seeing the round spherical belly he once had turn into a misshaped ball of squirming flab jutting from his chest. He carefully lifted his gut and hovered it over the counter, before dropping it and taking the weight off his legs. He could hear Simon's muffled shouts just barely through his gut, but they were too quiet to make out. It wouldn't matter anyway, as nothing he could say or ask would change his predicament.
As the full feeling washed over him, regret immediately set in. He'd known Simon for a few years now. Shane had been out of school for some years and had brought him home from work one day along with a few other friends. They've had barbecues and all gone out drinking together at some bars, plus Ron sees him and everyone else almost every weekend. But that was now over. Simon was in his gut, and there was no changing that. He, like everyone else Ron had ever swallowed, would be nothing more than a few extra pounds by morning.
Ron carefully reached over and grabbed the last two pizza boxes. He quickly ate his way through the last two pies and stifled a belch. He cautiously pulled his squirming gut off the counter and re-centered himself, getting used to the few hundred pounds of food in his gut. His regret soon took over, tearing at himself internally to let his meal go. Simon would tell Shane and he would lose everything in his life that mattered. All the strife over his insatiable appetite. He changed his thought process like he did every time he ate someone. It was no longer Simon anymore in there, it was a big slab of meat waiting to be digested. And that is food's only purpose: to satisfy.
He grabbed the empty pizza boxes and took them back to his room, careful not to let his belly throw him off balance. He hoped that Shane and his other friends wouldn't miss Simon too much. At least for the night so he could get away with it without having to tell his son that he swallowed his friend. He knew in the long term though Shane and his friends would probably be a bit broken up about never seeing him again, without knowing that Shane's voracious dad had eaten him like an oversized hotdog. Ron hoped that if they didn't see the pizza, they could assume Simon had gone home and it hadn't arrived yet, or Simon had to go get it. Either way it provided him with some deniability of what had transpired, as long as none of them saw his big Simon-shaped gut protruding from his torso.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, his gut hanging down between his legs. His food was still moving about, but somewhat slower. It had to be awful trapped inside the cramped space, but Ron tried to put the thought out of his mind. He carefully leaned back and lay down, letting his gut rest on top of him. He could still see Simon's face pressed again his gut, which made him shut his eyes. He tried to put the image of what he saw out of his mind, but he knew that's all he would ever think about when he heard Simon's name.
Ron didn't know how much time had passed, but his eyes shot open when he felt that unmistakable twinge once again. He looked down at his gut, the whole thing vibrating with hunger despite it still being packed with food. Simon was still moving around inside, and clearly unhappy with those wet gurgling noises all around him. Ron tried to ignore it, but it was unbearable. He reached over to his nightstand and looked at the appetite suppressants. He read over the bottle while his gut rumbled loudly.
"Take 1 pill 1 time(s) a day."
He scoffed as he read the directions. He read further and finally saw what he hoped for.
"Maximum 4 a day."
He breathed a sigh of relief as he popped open the bottle and tossed another 3 pills in his mouth. He gulped them down and lay back in his bed, hoping that it wouldn't take long for the pills to take effect. He grit his teeth as the rumbling ramped up. He finally relented and stood up, the weight of his belly not even in the back of his mind. He threw on his housecoat again and stomped down to the kitchen to find anything else he could hork down until his meds kicked in. He threw open cupboards and ate anything edible. Spices, condiments, cans of goods, even a sack of potatoes all went down without prejudice. As he was chugging back a can of tomatoes, Norm, one of Shane's other friends walked in.
Ron almost gagged as he hid the can behind his back and leaned himself behind the kitchen island to hide his gut that held his friend. He put on his best 'casual but trying to hide that I ate your friend' face he could.
"Hey Mr P." Norm said. "Are you hungry for some pizza?"
"Oh, uh sure." Ron said. "Did you order some?"
"Yeah. We ordered some a while ago, but it never came. We called the store, and they sent out some more." Norm shrugged.
"Oh, that's too bad. Must have got the wrong house." Ron lied.
"Oh well it happens. Have you seen Simon?" Norm asked. "I think he went home, but none of us remember him saying he was leaving."
"Nope." Ron lied again. "Maybe he was tired from work."
"Haha yeah. Boss put us through the ringer today. Some team fell behind, so we had to cover for them." Norm shrugged. "That or maybe the weed made him tired. Those pot brownies make him sleepy."
The gears in Ron's head chugged for a minute before it all clicked.
"P-pot brownies?" Ron stuttered.
"Yeah. Hoss made them this morning. Its why we got all these snacks. They make you feel great, but oh boy do they make you famished." Norm said as he checked his phone.
Ron's eyes watered from the churning his gut was doing. He found out why he was so hungry at least. But now, 12 whole pot brownies down, his hunger was out of control. Ron's gut let out another ground rumbling roar in hunger which made Norm look up from his phone and laugh.
"Wow. Guess it's good that pizza will be here soon. You sound like you haven't eaten for days."
Ron didn't answer. He stared at Norm, a single glob of drool dripping down from his lip where his toothy grin glimmered. Norm looked down at his friend's dad's gut jutting out from his housecoat. The distinct human shaped bulge crammed tightly inside twitching fruitlessly. Norm gasped as his gaze looked up to Ron, who was already standing right in front of him. He saw that enormous wide-open maw hovering above him, the large tongue covered in slimy drool and the deep dark pulsating gullet beyond it.
Before Norm could realize Ron's intent, it was already too late. In a primal act of gluttonous hunger, Ron pounced on his son's friend, shoving his entire head, shoulders, and chest down his throat with one enormous swallow. Norm wasn't much smaller than Simon, but Ron's voracity had tripled since then. Ron held Norm's arms at his sides tightly as he lifted him up and began to stuff him in like a foot long sub sandwich. Norm's legs kicked wildly, knocking into some pans hanging from the rack above the island. Ron swallowed his big meal with such speed and force, he didn't even get to taste him.
With another toss of his head, Norm's legs went right up to the ceiling, dropping down several inches with each insatiable gulp Ron took. His neck stretched and bulged, and his gut swelled forward as he worked Norm down, his gut becoming tighter and more cramped as Norm was forced to nuzzle up next to Simon inside. There wasn't much fanfare when Ron finished him off, instead only stifling a belch as to not alert anyone in the next room that their friend had become a part of Ron's evening menu.
His belly, now twice as large, still ached. Ron was going mad now. How could some minuscule brownies make him so hungry that two 250lbs men plus almost a quarter ton of food not satisfy his hunger. He shook his gut in anger to quell it, but all it did was shake his poor occupants around in the swarths of food stuffed inside with them. Just as he was about to blurt out some profanities, the doorbell rang. He stopped for a minute, and then remembered what Norm had said about the pizza.
He flew to the foyer, lucky that he didn't have to go past the den to get to it and flung open the door. He shouted to the den that he would answer the door so nobody would see him in this state. At least anyone else that mattered to him. Some portly pizza guy was standing there, arms carrying 8 more extra-large pizzas. He was about to hand Ron the pizzas, but Ron instead stepped outside onto the porch and shut the door behind him.
"Hey sorry about my co-worker. I think he must've gotten the wrong house earlier. We've given you 30% off to make up for it so your total is-"
Ron couldn't wait through his spiel. Right out on his porch, he stuffed the unfortunate pizza guy's head into his mouth and began swallowing. The pizza clattered to the floor, along with the 3 delivery bags and his car keys. The pizza guy's arms quickly went up to Ron's mouth to try and pry him off, but Ron just stuffed his arms in alongside his blocky head. Luckily it was the evening, so he hoped that nobody would notice him wolfing down this portly delivery guy right out in the open.
The greasy pizza-stained shirt added some extra flavor, but Ron wasn't in the mindset to be tasting his food. He was there for quantity not quality at the moment, and this 300lb delivery guy was significantly more substantial than either Simon or Norm. His pot gut gave Ron a slight speed bump, but it didn't help keep him out of Ron's gut in the end. Ron began to cram the guy in just to have him in his gut faster. He needed this man in his belly more badly than anything else in the world. Everything else around him didn't matter, so long as he got this man where he needed him to be; his gut. Gulp after gulp, Ron swallowed him down. The chunky thighs followed him down Ron's throat, and soon the cheap shoes slipped between s. With that final gulp, Ron was now carrying three whole men in his belly.
His hunger finally subsided. It took almost everything edible in the house, and 3 whole men, but his gut grumbled in satisfaction. He moaned happily as it was finally over. He picked up the pizza and went inside, leaving the keys and delivery bag on his porch, along with the driver's car in the driveway. He shut the door behind him and waddled his way back to the kitchen, resting the stack of boxes on his new temporary girth. He opened a single box and munched on a slice to make sure his hunger wouldn't return and to his relief it didn't.
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maviscat123 · 2 months
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maviscat123 · 2 months
42 notes · View notes
maviscat123 · 4 months
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278 notes · View notes
maviscat123 · 6 months
Vore digestion
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maviscat123 · 7 months
The videos of you squirming your belly are so damn hot, have you ever thought of editing vore sounds onto them?
Listen to these poor guys trapped in my gut 😈
Full video available here
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maviscat123 · 7 months
What is happening ? ?
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maviscat123 · 7 months
Riley Crenshaw woke up and rolled over in bed. And when Riley Crenshaw rolled over in bed, it seemed as if the entire world shook. The gray-skinned rhino with the single horn adorning his snout, fairly typical for his species, was massive both in height and weight. As he sat up and yawned, he stretched, popping his back pleasantly. He glanced over at the empty side of the bed his ex-wife used to sleep on and frowned a little. He was amazed Marie could stand his bigness, in more ways than one. In all the years they'd been married prior to the divorce, he'd heard nary a peep from her about how much the bed shook whenever he so much as slightly readjusted his position. He told himself it was just because he had been a good man but in reality he knew it was just because of another part of him besides his belly that was big. A good man he was not, in the end, considering her reasons for divorcing him. Good men didn't cheat in their wives with other men, or live in a false marriage wherein they pretended to be straight.
But that was over and done with. Besides, although the divorce itself had been bitter, Marie had since forgiven him, and he also had custody of their children. Well, the ones not already grown up and out on their own. He stretched again and got out of bed, wandering into the large bathroom where he flipped on the light. He took a shower, dried himself, and then exited, and admired himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. His body build at first appeared fat but, while there was some of it, mostly concentrated in his middle, a great deal of the rhino's girth was in fact muscle. He just looked flabby because he was lazy and didn't work out very much. His tendency to break gym equipment meant that meeting the demands of his weekly exercise regimen was next to impssible. Fortunately, the boys down at the Monochrome, his current gym, were understanding of his careless strength, Chad the wolf and Trent the stag in particular. His thoughts turned to Chad. At this, the towel wrapped around his waist began to rise a bit. Now that he was single again, Riley was free to date, and one of these days he needed to hit up that buff wolf instructor for a night out and perhaps a bit more.
His stomach grumbled. Finishing up in the bathroom, he went and dressed. He could hear Clarissa, their maid, waking Timothy and Ashton a few rooms over. They were twelve and fourteen respectively, and soon like their brothers and sisters would be off to high school and eventually college. Riley found himself wondering how in the world he and Marie had had so many children as he finished putting on his business suit and adjusted the bowtie which sat daintily at his neck. Adjusting it gently with a thick finger, he then left and went downstairs to find both boys scarfing down cereal at the breakfast table.
"What have I told you two about eating too fast?" he said sternly but softly.
"Sorry, Dad," said Timothy Crenshaw sheepishly. He ate a little slower.
Ashton Crenshaw by contrast just shrugged and kept right on eating at his usual pace. Timothy was the typical "good boy," and if Marie were still around he would've been a momma's boy for sure. Not that Riley minded. Ashton, though, was going through a rebellious face his father didn't understand. Did he blame Riley for the divorce? Or was he just being a spoiled little punk, as Riley himself had been at his age? Well, except for the spoiled part. Riley didn't know and didn't really care, as he had to get to work. He kissed each son goodbye in turn. Timothy giggled and kissed back on the cheek, whereas Ashton, of course, jerked away and made a show of gagging. Giving his eldest remaining son a gentle bop upside the head with a small smile, Riley put on his topcoat and left. Clarissa would ensure the boys got properly dressed and sent off to school. In the meantime, he went to work.
God, he wished it was the weekend already, and it was only Friday! It wasn't the stuffy suits he had to wear, but rather the boring office environment, legions of yes-men, and long, unproductive staff meetings. Not much ever seemed to get done at Crenshaw Shoes, Inc. lately. And that Friday was no different. More useless meetings and more boneheaded suggestions about how up improve their products to keep up with the competition. Riley had started the company with endorsement money from his time as a wrestler, when one of his major sponsors had been a big shoe company. His employees were well meaning but so incompetent that he really wished he'd been able to nab those two identical twin squirrels who interviwed for joint personal assistant jobs a few years ago. And not just because of their worth ethic. Sadly, that arrogant prick lion Stapleton had managed to get them. Riley just knew Stapleton was having three-ways with the Durants all the damn time.
But no matter. He had his own squirrel. His other favorite person down at the Monochrome. And that was another reason he wanted to get out of work more eagerly today. Because today was Friday which meant his Friday massage from Edwin down at the gym. Followed thereafter, most likely, by a snack of wiggly squirrel.
Eventually, work ended in the early evening. Leaving things to his assistant Cantlemere - Riley noticed with some sadness he tended to delegate important duties now more than he did them himself - Riley left the building. It was already dusk, the sky a soft orange color.  He drove to the gym in his luxury Hummer, the only vehicle on the market capable of containing and carrying him. He drove himself, have never needed nor wanted a chauffeur. He took a parking space in a lot down the street from the Monochrome Gym, and then exited the vehicle, casually strolling down the sidewalk until he reached the gym's entrance, and went inside. Due to the lateness of the day, the afternoon crowd was already leaving but the evening crowd, people like himself who got off of work around this time, would be coming in soon, and Riley prided himself on beating most of them here to have first dibs at his favorite masseur.
"Hi, Edwin," he said as he entered the massage parlor room at the back of the gym. He'd already changed out of his business suit and into a tight purple speedo which barely fit him and left nothing to the imagination as far as his male attributes were concerned.
Edwin Grimaldi was waiting for him as usual. The black-haired, reddish-furred squirrel teen grinned happily as his favorite customer entered. He was very lean-bodied, almost stick thin, but was damn cute and looked adorable in his own little speedo. He had been Riley's favorite masseur ever since the rhino's first day at the gym. He gave fucking great massages, one of his many rather interesting talents.
"Hi, Mr. Crenshaw, er, uh, I mean Riley," Edwin said a trifle submissively. The teenager was still having difficulty figuring out whether to be formal or informal, and it didn't help that the huge rhino honestly didn't care what the squirrel called him. "Hop up on the table and we'll begin."
Riley didn't exactly "hop up" - he'd break the table if he did that! - but did his best, and soon lay stretched out for Edwin's ease of access. He sighed and relaxed. Even before the massage had started he was feeling better after his hectic day at the company. He watched as Edwin went about setting up his usual array of oils and lotions and finally pulled the little wheeled cart containing all of them over. He grabbed two bottles at random, one in each hand.
"Scented or unscented?" he asked.
"Unscented," said Riley. "I don't wanna go home smelling like strawberries and cucumbers."
Nodding, Edwin set the scented bottle down and upended the unscented one, splurting a thick glob of white skin cream into his palm which reminded Riley of cum. The sort he might splurt if he got lucky with the masseur tonight. And he usually did. He smiled as Edwin nimbly climbed onto his back and slapped his hands together, rubbing the slick, oily cream between them, before planting his hands onto the rhino's shoulderblades with a wet, stick "plap" and setting to work. Riley murred and shifted beneath the young rodent as the cream was rubbed and smeared all over his bare back, Edwin not missing a single inch. Then the kneading and rubbing began, and Riley's relaxtion was complete. He groaned with delight and sprouted thick wood in his speedo, pressing against the cushioned table, as the squirrel dutifully worked out all of the kinks and knots in his customer's muscles.
"Wow, you sure have a lot of knots back here," Edwin observed conversationally, a tone of concern in his voice. "Rough day at the office?"
"No more than usual," said Riley. "More like just a long, dull, stressful week in general. It's really only when I come here and see you guys that I can really and truly cut loose and relax and, well, be myself." He chuckled. "Not only do these massages of yours relax me... rrrff... damn, Edwin, but you are better at this than you look... but also this place helps bring out my, well, let's say, inner predator."
Edwin chuckled. "Inner predator, huh?" he said as he worked around the nape of Riley's neck, using his thumbs. "I'd say so. Considering how many times you've eaten me over the past few months." After a pause, he hastily added, "Uh, not that I mind, of course."
The rhino chuckled, himself. He knew the squirrel loved getting eaten by him, ever since that first time. And indeed Riley had made sure to shove Edwin into every single one of his orifices at least twice since then. He'd eaten other patrons and customers at the gym, too, but those muscular guys, while fun and filling, tended to be a bit of a chore for him to get down. He much preferred guys like Edwin, thin and lanky. They were just an all around easier meal.
"Hey," said Edwin, "you know, now that you mention it, if bringin' out your inner predator is what you're after, maybe the gym isn't the place to do it if you're really looking to, uh, y'know, really cut loose?"
"What do you mean?" asked Riley, curious.
He knew of no other place in town that catered to voraphiles. Maybe one or two clubs, but those tended to get raided by the police due to the amount of digestion without reformation that went on there. With a few exceptions, Edwin's former friends included, the Monochrome Gym had an excellent track record of repeat business because they reformed their eaten customers and employees, and were certainly the only business in the city that was actually certified to perform vore. Said certificate, with an "A" rating, was even displayed near the front for everyone to see now that vore was becoming mainstream and the gym didn't need to be so discrete about the type of perks it offered besides exercise.
"Hold on," Edwin said, halting the massage. He slid off of Riley and hopped down to the floor.
Riley was annoyed but sat up, watching as Edwin went to where his clothes were hung up, and he took an envelope out of the pocket of his shorts. It looked quite fancy, with am embroidered logo on the front that read "Wildfire Labs." From within the envelope, Edwin removed a letter typed on an excellent piece of expensive stationary, and handed it to the rhino, who took it and skimmed over it. It read, "Dear potential customer. We here at Wildfire Labs are at the forefront of science and technology, and in particular vore research. It is our founders' strident goal to study the act of consuming another living creature, in an environment which is safe for both predator and prey. This weekend, the 18th and 19th respectively, Wildfire Labs will be performing an experiment to determine the effects of competitive group vore. We are searching for volunteers. If you read this invitation and are interested, please contact Wildfire Labs by phone or E-mail or better yet come down to our facility personally. If you sign up, more details will be given the day of the experiment. Hope to see you there. Sincerely, Fernald Grimaldi, PhD."
The name was handwritten in clumsy but workable cursive, and, reading the last name, Riley looked up at Edwin questioningly.
"My dad gave me those," the squirrel said. "Wildfire is doing this in cooperation with the gym and so Chad has me handing them out to customers. I wasn't supposed to read it, but since it was my dad who delivered them, I got a little curious..." He grinned shyly. Of his father, he quickly added, proudly, "He's a really smart scientist!"
"I bet he is," said Riley with a smile. He slid the letter back inside the envelope and then put it aside onto the cart for later. Then with a grin he grabbed Edwin and pulled him over and dragged the squirrel into his lap and kissed him softly on the lips. "And that smartness really rubbed off on his boy, too."
At this, Edwin blushed and snuggled close to Riley, and then gave a little cry as suddenly the rhino reversed their usual position, and pushed Edwin facedown onto the table and got on top of him. The squirrel groaned at Riley's weight pressing down onto him. Riley pulled Edwin's speedo down and off, tossing it aside, and gave the squirrel's ass a nice little slap before grabbing the bottle of unscented massage lotion, squirting some of the cream into his hand before turning and giving the bottle a hard squeeze and causing the entire rest of the white goop to "splut" against Edwin's bare back.
"Hey, what are you doing?" asked Edwin with a giggle.
"Just thought I'd return the favor for a change is all," Riley replied.
"Besides," he added softly, "got to lube you up!"
"What for?"
"You know what for," Riley said with a wink.
"Aw, Riley, again? You're insatiable!" giggled Edwin.
Riley began to smear and slather the cream all over Edwin's back and down over his ass, giving his shoulders, lower back and especially his butt a good workover with his strong hands, causing the thin rodent to shudder with delight at being on the receiving end of a massage.
"So, uh," moaned Edwin, "are you gonna go...?"
"I haven't decided yet," Riley admitted. "I'll have to think about it."
When there proved too much cream for one side, he turned Edwin over and did his chest and belly as well, and was pleased to find that the teenager's cock was hard. This too was smeared with the cream. He gasped and moaned as Riley's fingers encircled his lotion-slicked cock and began to slowly masturbate him. His narrow hips bucked as the strong hand gripped his young manhood until finally he gave a squeal and added his own cream to the lotion smeared over his belly. Riley leaned down and kissed him on the lips, and then Edwin used his feet to rub over the bulge of rhino cock in Riley's speedo, making him moan. Grinning, Edwin worked his toes into the waistband and started working the swimsuit off of his lover. With a chuckle, Riley assisted him, and used one of his free hands to pull off the speedo, tossing it to the floor. As he did so his huge cock flipped out and slapped against Edwin's smaller one, the head drooling thick gobs of pre.
Gripping the edges of the table to brace himself, Riley maneuvered his hips until his cockhead found Edwin's tailhole, and then with a grunt, the big rhino shoved it inside. Edwin threw back his head and cried out as he was penetrated by that massive member. It wasn't the first time and wouldn't be the last, but it always hurt a little going in at first. Riley cooed softly into his ear to sooth him, and then started to move his hips back and forth, working his cock in and out of Edwin's rear, going deeper and deeper each time as the squirrel's anus clenched tightly around it. The massage table creaked and rocked back and forth. It would've collapsed under the force of Riley's exertions, but fortunately, it had been specially reinforced for big guys like him. Beneath him, the squirrel gasped and writhed, holding onto his big lover's muscular arms for support as he had his brains fucked out.
It didn't take long. Soon Riley gritted his teeth and growled as the force of his climax ripped through him and into Edwin, his thick rhino-cock pumping jet after jet of hot thick seed into the used ass of the massage boy. Edwin moaned in delight, and was rewarded with a sloppy, affectionate French kiss from the big rhino as Riley extracted himself delicately, his cock leaving the squirrel's ass with a "pop," creamy cum dribbling from that well-fucked orifice.
Now came the best part. As their lips left each other, Riley licked his as he eyed Edwin's lotion-drenched form. Nothing needed to be said between them. The squirrel grinned and nodded. With a grunt, Riley got down off the table, but left his throbbing cock lying along the top, between Edwin's slightly spread legs. Edwin erfed and looked down, watching as the urethra yawned open, dribbling cum. Dutifully and eagerly the squirrel lifted his legs, knees to his chest, and brought his feet to Riley's cockhead and slid his toes inside. This had the effect of making the rhino growl in satisfaction and then suddenly the cumslit slammed down on those toes and with a sucking motion Edwin's feet were pulled in to the ankles. He gasped and giggled, his young squirrel-cock already hard again. He liked it when Riley consumed him this way.
The cock pulsed, making ravenous slurping motions which pulled Edwin in to his knees, and then his thighs. Riley grasped him by his lotion-slicked sides and pulled him, and his cock, up off the table. Making hem both go vertical, he had but to release his hold on Edwin - no difficult task; holding on to him with all that cream was hard enough! - and the squirrel's slippery form combined with the inward sucking motions of the cock made the massage boy seem to simply slide down right out of sight almost. One second he was there, in up to his waist almost, and then suddenly he slid down in to his armpits with a loud "schlurk," fluffy tail forced up against his back. At this, Riley cried out and came again, his cum bibbling up around Edwin and lubing him further. Deep inside of that hungry shaft, Edwin's own cock shuddered and he added his second batch of seed to the mixture, wiggling in delight as the pulsating cock held him.
Eager to get his cock's meal over with now that he'd cum twice, Riley reached down, grabbed the top of Edwin's head, and shoved him the rest of the way inside, forcing his arms to stick up and point out of the drooling cumslir, visible only from the elbows up. They wiggled. Riley grunted and flexed his cock, which drew the twitching arms in with only two bucks of his hips, and then Edwin was gone and the greedy cock "burped" out some globs of cum mixed with massage lotion. As his balls filled out with the squirrel's trapped and wiggling form, Riley let out a deep sigh of satisfaction.
"Ah, you always know how to fill my balls out, Edwin," he said, giving the swollen sac a loving grope as the trapped rodent began gurgling away already.
That made him remember the letter, and after he had sufficiently recovered, and his balls hung fat and heavy with a new load of fresh rhino cum, Riley stepped over to the cart and picked up the envelope. He examined it, particular the Wildfire Labs logo, and thought about their offer.
"Hmm," he thought aloud. "Could be fun. I think I will go after all."
Riley was unable to make it the following day. First thing he did Saturday was to take care of the very severe morning wood he'd woken up with. He'd jacked off in the shower for what felt like a eternity before painting the walls with what had been Edwin only the previous evening. It all washed down the drain. Then he'd needed to fulfill some fatherly obligations to Ashton and Timothy, in particular taking Timothy to a water park he'd been excitedly wanting to go to for several weeks, and while the Wildfire experiment sounded like something Riley couldn't resist, who was he to deny his youngest son? And as for Ashton, well, he'd wanted a trip to the mall after the water park, and again Riley couldn't say no despite how insolently his older son had requested it.
However Saturday evening he did call Wildfire. To his annoyance, no phone number was provided on the card Edwin had given him, however it was easy enough to find them in the phonebook. After dialing, he sat there on his bed as the phone rang. Finally someone picked up and he heard a male voice say, "Hello, Wildfire Labs."
"Yes, I was wondering if I could speak to someone regarding your competitive group vore experiment?"
There was a pause. For a second Riley wondered if he'd said the wrong thing, been too forward or even called the wrong Wildfire Labs. But then the voice said, "One moment," and his call was transferred.
A second male voice picked up. "Zeryx speaking."
Riley made a face and wondered what kind of name 'Zeryx' was, but didn't say anything. The guy's name was what it was. "Hello," he said pleasantly, "I'm Riley Crenshaw and I'm interested in your, uh, experiment. Particularly in learning any more details about exactly what you meant by competitive vore."
"Who referred you?" Zeryx asked.
"Edwin Grimaldi," Riley replied.
"Ah, Fernald's son," the voice said with a chuckle. "Good kid. Anyway, Mr. Crenshaw, I'm afraid I can't give too many details out over the phone. All I can tell you now is that it's something of a contest consisting of eight people. However, if you sign up and come down to the labs tomorrow, everything will be explained in detail before the contest begins."
"And what if I don't like what I hear?" Riley asked, who was curious if he'd be able to back out past a certain point or not. Not that he wanted to, or was afraid, but the businessman in him preferred having escape clauses and failsafes. He did not want to be trapped in something he couldn't escape from.
"Unfortunately once you commit to the experiment and arrive you won't be permitted to leave until it's over," said Zeryx. "However, you'll be well compensated for your time, whether you win or not."
"I don't need money."
"That isn't what I meant Mr. Crenshaw," Zeryx said, a hint of playful mischief in his voice. Riley wondered what he meant, but then remembered it was a vore study, and grinned a little. "And also, you have our guarantee that the vore itself will be of the non-fatal variety. So what do you say, Mr. Crenshaw? Are you interested?"
Riley considered it. He disliked not being able to back out once he was involved, until it had been seen through. When he wrestled, at least they let you call time out. And besides, the entire thing was quite vague and mysterious and that tended to spell trouble if the wrong people were involved. However Edwin had been the one to turn him on to this thing, and he knew Edwin would never trick or mislead him. But what if the Wildfire people had lied to Edwin? Then again, the squirrel's father worked there, didn't he? If Edwin's father were anything like his gentle and honest son, then Wildfire and this Zeryx person were most likely completely on the level.
Becoming politely impatient, Zeryx added, "I should mention there are only eight potential constestant slots, and five have been filled already."
Riley grumbled, disliking this extra pressure. Apparently Wildfire was hard up for participants. Finally he made up his mind. "Fine," he said. "Sign me up."
"Excellent," said Zeryx, and somehow Riley could almost feel the guy's grin.
They then exchanged goodbyes and hung up. Sleep came quickly that night. A long and hard day of dealing with his kids tended to wear him out the more and more he got into middle age. As he drifted off into dreamland, the rhino's thoughts again turned to the possibility he was somehow being tricked. He hadn't become such a successful businessman by being a sap, after all. Although he basically believed in the overall good nature of people, it was still always wise to at least entertain the notion that something was afoot, and be ready for any tricks. And ultimately Riley decided he would be. If these Wildfire people were on the level, fine. If not? Well, he'd have a few surprises for them. Soon he was sleeping soundly.
Sunday, Riley's Hummer pulled into the parking lot at Wildfire Labs. It was a two-story brick building whose only outward unusual feature was the modern triangular glassed-in front lobby which projected outwards. Well that and the signs. One was at the front when you pulled into the parking lot. The second, larger one was on the side of the building itself. Both said "Wildfire Labs" and had a stylized flame symbol.
Riley found a parking space and got out, observing that except for the vehicles in the parking spaces reserved for employees, there were only seven other cars in the parking lot: a station wagon, a Mercury, a Ford pickup, a Volvo, a van, a Volkswagen and an old International pickup that had seen better days. He observed each one had some kind of sign hanging from the rearview mirror, of the type used by handicapped drivers. However instead of the unviersal symbol for the handicapped, these signs had the Wildfire logo on them. Overnight parking, he concluded.
Pocketing his keys and going inside, he found the brightly-lit, all-glass lobby empty. Where were the seven others? Even the front desk was devoid of anything. But then a door opened in the back and a tall, good-looking ram in a white lab coat emerged. He was well muscled, handsome and had dark gray fur. Underneath the lab coat he was wearing jeans and a muscle shirt. Riley guessed he was one of the scientists.
"Riley Crenshaw?" the ram asked. Riley instantly recognized him as Zeryx. The ram extended a hand and Riley gripped and shook it, making him wince a little. "Damn strong handshake you have there, Crenshaw. Or can I call you Riley?"
"Whichever you prefer," Riley said, releasing his hand.
"Riley it is, then," said Zeryx. He gave his now freed hand a shake and another mild wince before continuing. "We try not to be too formal here at Wildfire. Now then, first thing's first." From the pocket of his lab coat, he produced one of the signs with the Widlfire logo on it, and held it out to Riley. "We'd like you to stick this on the rearview mirror of your car, which I assume is that great big beast of a Hummvee out there."
"That's the one," Riley said, and took the sign. "Be right back."
He left, put the sign on his Hummer's rearview mirror, and then returned. Zeryx was still waiting for him. Riley stood before him expectantly, arms behind his back. To his amusement, he absolutely towered over the ram, very nearly dwarfing him in height and sheer girth. However, unlike some others, it didn't seem as though Zeryx were the least bit uneasy about the huge rhino. Riley guessed this was because creatures larger than even himself had been to this facility before.
Riley went with Zeryx through the door the ram had come out of which opened onto a long hallway lined with doors. They went through one of them seemingly at random and into a plush executive office which Riley assumed was Zeryx's. Here, there was a brief but tedious registration process. Riley was given multiple forms and documents to peruse and sign. He read them all. Including the fine print. He noticed Zeryx was growing impatient and occasionally glancing at a clock on the wall. Apparently most of the other participants just skimmed through the papers and signed without actually reading everything, but businessman Riley never signed anything he didn't thoroughly read and reread.
Fortunately, though, he was a fast reader, and soon, having decided Wildfire was on the level after all - the documents were primarily just insurance for participants' families in case something went wrong - Riley has finished and returned the signed papers to the ram.
"My, you sure took the time to really read those through," said Zeryx as he put them into a folder and then slid them into his desk drawer. "Now, if you'll follow me."
Zeryx stood and again Riley followed him out of the room and down the hall, this time to an elevator. There was no call button, merely a card swiper. The ram used a Wildfire ID card and slid it through the device, which beeped, and the elevator opened. It was quite large and unlike most elevators didn't groan and creak under Riley's weight as they stepped on, again supporting the rhino's theory that bigger men than he had come here before. Dragons most likely. They took the elevator to the second floor, which opened onto a waiting room. Here, Riley finally beheld his seven other fellow contestants, all males, lounging in chairs. A few were reading mazines. Others just sat there looking bored.
There was a horse, a deer, an elephant, another ram, an otter, a zebra and a bull. Except for the deer, they were all quite big and buff, even the otter. The elephant immediately turned and looked at Riley with a hint of antagonism in his eyes, making the rhino realize he was the second largest specimen here besides himself. He wore a T-shirt and slacks. Riley ventured a guess that he owned the old, tough-looking International truck.
"All right," said Zeryx, clapping his hands together. "Now that our eighth and final contestant has arrived, I'm sure you're all just dying to know the specifics of why you're here."
"About damn time," said the horse. He was big and beefy and had a long blonde mane, giving him the appearance of a surfer. His attire consisted of dress pants, shirt and a loosened necktie, with mirrored sunglasses pushed up onto his forehead. "I just wanna know when we can get to the eating part." He grinned and licked his lips as he eyed the deer.
The deer had short antlers despite his seeming older. Apparently he had them regularly trimmed and sanded. With his dainty glasses and sweater vest he seemed quite meek. He shivered a little at he big horse's gaze. As for the others, the zebra was lean and looked like a runner or other type of athlete. He was one of the ones reading a magazine. The otter was barely sitting still, clearly impatient. That left the bull and the ram. The bull also wore glasses and had a studious look about him despite his great size, which of course paled next to Riley, whilst the ram seemed like the youngest one here; his demeanor and dress, consisting of baggy pants and a loosefitting shirt, suggested a college student.
"Now, now, Jake," chided Zeryx of the horse. "When the time comes, you'll get your chance. Now, let me introduce everyone. Jake Ditmeyer there is the overager horse and the deer he's sizing up for supper is Conrad Funderburke." At this, Conrad the deer became even more nervous. Riley pitied him. "Dorian Castlewood is the zebra, Alejandro Ravello is my fellow ram over there, Ramone Peters is the bull, the otter has a real name but insists everyone call him 'Scratch' and Masten Wade is the elephant there. Everyone? This fine specimen here is Riley Crenshaw."
"Hello," they all said with varying degress of enthusiasm. Everyone except Masten who simply grunted and returned to his magazine.
"You can all put your reading material down now, because now that Riley is here we can finally begin."
There were grumbles and everyone stood, the ones who'd been reading tossing their magazines down on the low table in the middle of the room. Zeryx led the through a door - the only other way in or out besides the elevator - and took them into a large, high-tech laboratory that was completely white and sterile-looking. Acting much like a very enthused tour guide, Zeryx explained that here was one of the many laboratories where Wildfire's efforts to explore vore were done. There were banks of computers, different complicated-looking machines and in the center of the room was a big model of a DNA strand on a square pedestal.
Also in the room was a very large horse in a tightfitting button-down shirt and even tighter slacks, with a cell phone clipped to his belt. He looked like an absolute dish. Next to him was a short, middle-aged squirrel with black hair wearing a lab coat, slacks and dress shirt and striped necktie. Immediately, Riley pegged this fellow as Edwin's father, and grinned. The family resemblance was unmistable.
"This is our resident genius Flare Starfire," Zeryx said of the horse. "Wildfire Labs is his baby."
Riley had to resist a chuckle at yet another highly unusual name. But he held it back. Flare went around shaking everyone's hands.
"Yes," he said, "I started Wildfire a few years ago with my partner Cinder, who won't be joining us as he's sleeping off a couple of taurs. It began as a way of researching vore in a controlled laboratory environment. No longer do we need to awkwardly and potentially fatally experiment with better ways to make vore enjoyable for all participants. Here at Wildfire, everything is totally controlled amd micro-managed to get the best possible results."
There were a few murmurs. Riley nodded. Zeryx next introduced the squirrel scientist, confirming the rhino' suspicions.
"And this is one of our biochemists, Dr. Fernald Grimaldi," he said, patting the squirrel on the shoulder.
"Grimaldi, eh?" said Riley. "I know your son."
"Oh?" said Fernald. "How well?" He grinned a little.
"Intimately," Riley dared to venture. Then with a little smirk, said, "He's a wiggler."
There were some more murmurs and a couple of chuckles, and Fernald nodded and grinned approvingly. Clearly, he had no problems with his son being in a gay vorish relationship. Riley liked him immediately. Liked all the Wildfire staff so far. Especially Flare. Although the big horse seemed a bit reserved, he was very to-the-point and had an honest face.
"Well, here's hoping we have some more wigglers here today besides Fernald's son," said Flare, and coughed, spreading his hands to get everyone's attention. All eyes were on him. "You're all here because of Bracker v. Rand. If you haven't heard of it, it's a rather important court case concerning the outcome of the trial of one William Rand, a pred who ate the entire Bracker family without knowing how to reform them. They all died."
He let that sink in for a moment.
"Rand was found guilty of second degree murder and also had his pants sued off by Mr. and Mrs. Bracker's surviving relatives. The fallout of this case has been absolutely monumental, and right now, the courts are trying to determine whether or not vore should be legal, even with reforming. Now, Wildfire's reputation precedes it, and we've been called on by the court to demonstrate how vore can be an enjoyable and pleasurable experience, provided the prey is reformed, and we need audovisual data as evidence, which is why you're all here."
"I thought this was a contest," complained Jake.
"It still is. And I'll explain the rules in a moment. But first I just wanna make it clear to you all that your experiences will be recorded and used in court by the pro-vore side of the argument. You eight, and the other eight who preceded you yesterday, will help determine the law and make history."
There were a few uneasy looks, particularly from Conrad.
"And don't worry if you don't know how to reform your prey," added Fernald. "We'll take care of that."
"We here at Wildfire have thought of everything," added Zeryx with a confident grin.
"Now, the contest is simple," continued Flare. "You'll be divided into two groups of four and put into two separate rooms. Zeryx, Fernald and myself will monitor you from a control room. Each of the four in either group will try and devour his opponents and only the strongest... or hungriest... will prevail. It's going to essentially be a free-for-all. Wrestling, sex, whatever will help you enjoy yourselves and better dominate and consume your opponent. After that, the two remaining predators will face off against one another in the final round to determine the winner."
He then asked if they had any questions. There were some murmurs but eventually it was cleary no one had any. Least of all Riley. He was sizing the others up and determine which if any of them he could overpower. He figured he could take almost all of them except for Masten, and hoped that the elephant wasn't going to be in his group.
"All right," said Fernald, reading off of a typed sheet of paper in his hand. "Riley, Jake, Conrad and Scratch in the first group. Alejandro, Masten, Dorian and Ramone in the second. Group one in Room A and group two in Room B."
He turned and pointed to two doors, and the two different groups headed towards them. Riley led the way in his group, opening the door and entering. The room had plush carpet and aside from another door that Riley guessed adjoined the two rooms and a camera mounted on the ceiling, it was entirely featurelss. The adjoining door had no knob or handle, Riley noticed. Jake, Conrad and Scratch entered after him and then the door swung shut of its own volition with a slam, and there as an audible click. Next door, they heard a similar slam, trapping the second group. A suddenly nervous Scratch gave the doorknob a little tug to no effect.
"It's locked," he said pointlessly.
A voice came over the intercom. Zeryx's. "Okay now, strip off all your clothes and get to it, gentlemen. And by the way... the eating can't begin until the first guy shoots his load off."
"I'm still uneasy about this whole sex thing," said Conrad as he started to undress. The others did the same. "I mean, I just came for the vore. I'm married for Christ's sake!"
So was I, once, Riley thought, and toyed with asking the deer what he was doing here, but then remembered the invitation hadn't explicitly mentioned homosexual contact. Riley guessed Conrad was here either for the potential prize or possibly just out of curiosity, wondering what it'd be like to eat or be eaten. Although it was plain to Riley that this poor fellow was going to be the first to go in their group. Since there was nowhere to hang their clothes, after everyone stripped naked, they just tossed their clothing and other belongings to the floor. , and for a moment everyone stood awkwardly, unsure of who ought to make the first move. Each one of them was erect, hard as a rock, even the shy and ostensibly heterosexual Conrad.
In a control room elsewhere in the lab, Flare, Zeryx and Fernald sat watching the two groups on two large television screens mounted on the walls. Flare was reclining in a large plush executive office chair. Fernald was sitting at the controls while Zeryx stood behind him wearing a headset mic. On the second screen, showing Room B, Masten the elephant was grabbing Alejandro by the back of the neck and forcing him to his knees, making the ram open wide and take his thick cock past his lips as much as he could, the nearly table leg-sized member stretching the ram's maw wide and bulging his throat. Ramone and Dorian were nearby, and the bull had the zebra up against the wall and was forcibly kissing him as he forced his cock up the tight equine ass, pumping in and out of him. Dorian groaned and writhed, whilst Ramone simply grunted, although occasionally he would glance back at Masten.
Taking his headset off, Zeryx said, "I think those two are going to be the main contenders in the second group." He pointed at Masten and Ramone. "Wade and Peters. Look at the way they're sizing each other up."
"Indeed," said Fernald. "I don't expect much from Castlewood and Ravello. They're already prey. See how they submit to their predators sexually."
Flare however turned his gaze to the first screen showing Room A, wondering when someone in the so far less proactive first group was going to make a move. He focused on Riley. While he was impressed by the rhino's size, he seemed very reserved, not as outwardly aggressive as Masten and Ramone or any of the others. Was he just a gentle giant, or was his calm demeanor hiding something darker? The big horse, Jake, seemed like he might prevail, as well, or at least pose a challenge to the rhino. Whereas Flare's two colleagues had already called the two main contenders in the second group, Flare was unprepared just yet to name Riley the surefire winner of the first.
"Hey," said Scratch suddenly, grasping at the nape of Conrad's neck and dragging the deer over. "Suck my cock."
"Eeew," said Conrad. "I'd rather not."
"I said suck it, damn it, none of us can eat or be eaten until one of us blows our load, and my stomach is empty."
At the mention of empty stomachs, Riley felt his own growl. He'd skipped breakfast because of this. Deciding it was time to quit farting around, the rhino crossed the smallish room in two steps, politely motioning Jake aside and then roughly grabbing Scratch, yanking him around and making him release Conrad. He didn't like bullies. The muscular otter seemed surprised and blinked stupidly.
"I have a better idea," said Riley, "why don't you suck my dick?"
"Wha--?" cried Scratch.
He forced the otter to his knees much as Masten had with Alejandro. Then seizing him roughly but harmlessly by his spiky hair, he made the otter open his mouth and forced the bulbous, drooling head of his cock into Scratch's mouth. The otter's efforts to protest were muffled completely and Riley groaned aloud as he pushed more and more of the thick cock inside.
He felt someone come up behind him, and glance back. It was Jake. Grinning, the horse began to push his flared cockhead underneath Riley's tail and between his large gray asscheeks. The rhino didn't protest. He wasn't all dom, after all, and rather liked horses. He nodded his approval and closed his eyes with delight as the thick horse-cock plunged into his depths. Jake wrapped his arms around Riley's middle and began thrusting his hips, slowly fucking the bigger rhino as Scratch mewled and sucked Riley off. Conrad stood apart from them, watching with wide eyes, unwilling to join in, but still unable to look away. He started touching himself, and as the pace of the threesome's little love-train picked up, the deer was soon full-on masturbating.
"Seems someone's bi-curious," Zeryx said in the control room, indicating the voyeuristic Conrad.
"Yes, some married men tend to be," Ferald said, and he ought to know, having an ex-wife and a son of his own. "I'll bet you anything his wife knows nothing about this and he won't ever tell her."
Back in Room A, Riley gave a sudden grunt and clenched his tailhole around Jake's invading member, and Scratch's eyes widened as the rhino's climax hit, pumping what seemed liked gallons of semen - at least a little of which was probably still what was left of Edwin - into the startled otter's mouth. Scratch struggled to swallow, but a lot of it just squirted out from the corners of his mouth and dribbled down his cheeks and jawline. Observing this from over Riley's shoulder, Jake gave a laugh. Scratch glared up at him with annoyance and continued drinking down whatever he could. Behind Riley, the horse kept right on pumping his thick cock in and out of the rhino before finally hitting his own climax, arching his back and nickering with delight, giving unto Riley the wonderful feeling of hot jets of thick cum flooding into his bowels.
Riley took a moment to relax, closing his eyes. "Ahhh," he sighed. "Well, that may not make me the winner just yet, boys, but it certainly is a good start."
"Well, now the first group can begin the true competition," observed Fernald dryly. He sat back in his chair. The front of his dress slacks was tented massively and he squirmed a little.
Leaning over him, Zeryx chuckled as he looked at the squirrel's tented trousers. "Turned on by our work as usual, eh, Doctor?" the ram teased. His big hands reached down and started undoing the squirrel's pants.
"What about the experiment?" protested Fernald meekly as Zeryx freed his throbbing erection from within the confines of his pants and underwear.
"The cameras are recording everything," said Zeryx, and then dipped his horned head down into Fernald's lap, slurping the squirrel scientist's maleness into his drooling maw. "Mmm...!"
Still sitting nearby, Flare glanced over at his two subordinates and shook his head. This turn of events was hardly surprising. The vore experiments always had this kind of effect on the scientists observing them, and this wouldn't be the first or last time Zeryx took the lead and goaded a mostly willing colleague into just forgetting about their work and getting down and dirty right there in the control room. Having witnessed such antics before, the big gorse looked away from them, and focused his attention on the second viewscreen.
In Room B, it was actually Dorian who came first in that group, the splurting his thick seed as his ass was rammed thoroughly by Ramone. Realizing this meant the vore portion of the contest could begin, the bull opened wide and wasted no time in grabbing hold of the zebra's head and proceeding to stuff it into his maw. Observing from nearby, Masten glowered. He didn't like the bull starting before he did, and looked down. Alejandro was still sucking on the thick elephantine cock, unaware that Dorian had ejaculated and was now beginning to get eaten by Ramone. Putting his huge hand on the back of the ram's head, Masten urged him to suck harder and put more effort into his work. He didn't need to cum. He could just pull the ram off of his dick and begin devouring him, but he didn't want to start on Alejandro just yet. Instead, he would save him for last. He kept his gaze steeled on Ramone as the bull started stuffing live, squirming zebra into his mouth. Soon, Masten though. Soon.
In the control room, Flare found the performance of the second group thus far to be quite impressive, but lacking something. As he turned and looked at the first viewscreen, though, ignoring the pleasured moans of Fernald as he got his dick sucked by Zeryx, and trying to ignore his own erection growing inside of his pants for the time being, he noticed the first group had not yet begin voring each other, and focused his attention especially on Riley. It occurred to Flare that the difference between the two groups was that the second one was more concerned with rushing into things, whereas the first one seemed more about taking their time. The horse was of the opinion this was a fine approach. It would make the eventual vore that much sweeter when it finally happened. And judging by the way Riley was beginning to eye his fellow volunteers, it was finally about to.
In Room A, Conrad, still furiously beating his own deer-meat, was the third to climax, gasping as his medium-sized cock shot a single thin squirt of seed through the air to splatter onto the carpet. He collapsed panting against the wall. Thus far, Scratch was the only one of the four in Room A who hadn't cum yet. Riley would see about changing that momentarily, however. For his first victim, though, he had entirely other ideas, turning and looking at the deer and barely seemed to notice as Jake extracted himself from his ass. The room by now had a faint aroma of sweat and maleness to it. Riley breathed it deep through his flaring nostrils. He loved that smell. It was one reason why he loved the gym so much. It reminded him of his wrestling days.
He released Scratch, who stumbled back into a sitting position, coughing and spluttering, leaving the rhino-cock bobbing gently in the warm air, glistening with otter saliva and still drooling pre. The cumslit opened and closed hungrily, making the otter yelp a little and start scooting off.
"Aw, don't worry, hon," Riley cooed, "you're not the first. Instead, I think the first one of us to bid Wildfire Labs adieu ought to be the one who so far hasn't done a hell of a whole lot to participate."
All eyes were on Conrad, who was still tuckered out from his orgasm. Riley guessed the poor deer didn't get to cum all that often, and so that one piddily squirt he called a climax left him thoroughly panting. He looked up, blinking, as Riley came over. With both hands, the rhino grasped his sides and roughly but harmlessly lifted him off his feet as if he were nothing. Better to go ahead and get the least qualified participant out of the way right at the start, he reasoned.
"Hey, wait...!" whined Conrad.
"Time to join in on the fun, Conrad, my boy," Riley said, and leaned his head back and opened wide.
"Wait, aaahh...!" cried the deer.
He was upended and shoved headfirst into that cavernous, yawning mouth. His glasses were knocked off his face by the fat, drooling tongue which slobbered thick drool over his startled face. His vision was a blur of tongue and teeth and then finally he was plunged into darkness as his short-antlered head passed into the throat. Outside, Scratch, still sitting down, and Jake, who stood off to one side, watched as Riley swallowed, sucking the weakly struggling deer in to his middle. Jake briefly entertained the idea of starting on Scratch while Riley was busy but was too mesmerized watching the rhino eat.
A second gulp and he was in to his waist. The thick tongue curled up between Conrad's legs and toyed with his spent cock, bringing it to life again as the slick tip teased his balls. The deer shuddered and came again, but not much. However Riley's only reward was his prey's frenzied squirms of pleasure. Having obtained this, he released the deer, hands falling to his sides, and threw his head back, mouth yawning wide, and simply allowed gravity and his throat's powerful muscles to do the rest. Before the amazed eyes of Scratch and Jake, the limp legs of the deer slid down and out of side and Riley's already ample belly stretched out a bit more. He gave a soft burp.
"Mmm, ah," he said, turning to the otter and the horse. "I love the thin ones. It's always the thin ones that slide down the smoothest." So saying, he gave his bulging belly a slow, sensual rub. The other two observed his cock was still hard.
Leaning forward in his seat, Flare propped his chin up on his folded hands and smiled. Riley was already on a roll. In Room B, Ramone was still struggling to choke Dorian down and Masten still hadn't made a move one way or the other with Alejandro, who was still slurping and worshiping the elephant's huge dick, but in Room A, Riley had already swallowed his first victim. As he'd predicted, this in that room were beginning to heat up and get a hell of a lot more interesting now.
Nearby, Fernald gasped as he came and Zeryx stood back up, squirrel-cum dripping from his muzzle, and then Fernald was out of his chair suddenly and on his knees, unzipping and pulling down the ram's jeans. Thick ram-cock spilled forth and was immediately slurped into Fernald's eager mouth.
Back in Room A, Riley turned to his two remaining companions, who had now become his competitors. The contest was on. Scratch hopped to his feet and he and Jake exchanged uncertain looks. Riley simply stood there with his arms crossed as his huge belly gurgled noisily around its recent addition, whose struggles had already ceased. It wasn't yet satisfied with the light snack. It wanted the full meal. And the rhino was staring right at it. He slowly smirked and made a show of licking his chops. Boasting and showing off had always been a large part of wrestling, as it helped to not only get the audience pumped up, but to showcase your superiority to your opponents.
He sized them up. Jake was the only one he was certain was going to present a real challenge. Scratch didn't seem like he'd be much of a problem. In a way he pitied them and was jealous of the second group which had more muscleboys in it, particularly that big hunk of elephant named Masten. Riley licked his chops again, eager to get these two over with so he could move on to the real meal, the real challenge, Masten. He figured even if Masten defeated him, it would be a worthy defeat... and if he won? Oh, how the thought of that huge elephant packed tightly away into his stomach made his still hard cock twitch and his belly gurgle loudly.
Suddenly Jake and Scratch made their move, interrupting Riley's thoughts, and both of them rushed at him at once. It seemed they'd decided to join forces to defeat him, to give themselves more of a chance at winning. But Riley knew that even if one of them were to beat him and devour him somehow, neither of them stood a chance against Masten. Whoever won would certainly be in for a surprise.
As they ran at him, Riley crouched low. The smaller, faster otter was first to get to him, and Scratch attempted to jump onto the rhino and knock him down. Instead, Riley only staggered back a bit from the impact and remained standing. Scratch, muscular through he hs was, was absolutely knocked silly and fell flat on his ass. Then came Jake. He attempted to seize Riley's shoulders but the rhino grabbed his hands and locked their fingers together, so that each was squeezing the other's hands. They struggled. While smaller than Riley, the horse was bigger than the otter and so his larger bulk presented more of a challenge, and the two spent the better part of two minutes straining and grunting as each attempted to overpower the other.
As the struggle went on however, Jake began to get the sinking feeling that the huge rhino was only toying with him and trying to wear him down to make him an easier meal. And he was right. With sudden, effortless ease, Riley pushed on him and released his hands. Jake staggered back, but Riley prevented him from landing on top of the still stunned Scratch by grabbing his arm. With a grunt, he yanked the surprised horse back and lifted him up, wrapping his huge, muscular arms around Jake's middle and pinning the horse's arms to his sides, in a massive and powerful bear hug.
"Gotcha," he whispered.
He flexed, using his rock hard muscles to crush the wiggling horse against his massive chest and fat belly. Jake cried out in a mixture of pain and, to Riley's surprise and delight, pleasure. He licked Jake's chest to taste and calm him, and felt the horse's erection against his belly. He bucked the big equine up and down using his arms so that Jake was essentially forced to involuntarily dry-hump the rhino's broad tummy, until with a cry of pleasure, he came, shooting his cum in thick gushes over that broad expanse of fat and splattering some onto the huge chest as well. When Riley stopped, the spent horse was limp and unmoving in his arms, thoroughly worn out, outclassed and dominated by the rhino with the simplest method of overpowering someone. As big as he was and as muscular as he appeared to be, Jake struck Riley as being pretty lightweight. Yeah, he was big and tough but didn't work out and so despite appearances wasn't in shape.
By contrast, Riley appeared slow and fat... and while he was both of these things, he had carefully built up muscle to back it all up, and stayed physically active. He worked out enough to stay healthy and retain his physical prowess, but was lazy enough to keep his big fat belly which he'd come to enjoy so much, despite having originally gone to the Monochrome Gym to work it off. He had worked off a lot of his body fat but liked his big tummy. He wasn't sure why. He just did. With a contented sigh he released Jake, allowing the horse's limp form to slowly slither down the big, cum-coated belly to fall to his hands and knees on the floor at Riley's feet. He knelt there panting for a moment before Riley decided it was time to tuck him in.
Before he could move to consume him, though, Scratch rose to his feet, having recovered from his collision with Riley in the meantime. Deciding Jake wasn't going anywhere for the moment, Riley stepped around him and came running at Scratch. He tackled the otter, who, surprisingly, pushed back, digging his heels into the carpet. Riley was impressed, but he should've expected as much from a guy with a low center of gravity. Deciding that trying to push the otter back as he had the horse was useless, Riley let go and lurched back, and when Scratch predictably came at him again, he used the otter's momentum against him, and lifted him like nothing. Turning him around, he chuckled as he tucked the struggling otter under his left arm and sighed. He held him there whilst Scratch struggled and kicked uselessly, unable to break free, until finally after a few moments he'd expended his energy and hung limply panting as Jake had done.
Turning he found Jake still down on the floor panting and showing no signs of recovering anytime soon. Confident in his victory, Riley breathed deep the smell that permeated the room. The rich stink of sweat and sex, undeniably male. He loved it. Now his mind turned to how he ought to consume his two defeated opponents. His once more hard cock made him consider stuffing one of them down inside of there, and he considered Scratch, who he was already holding, but decided that he wanted a larger meal for his cock than the otter. He then shifted his grip so he was holding Scratch lower and let him slip down until he was kneeling behind him, head leaning against one of the large ass cheeks.
Scratch was beginning to recover when he realized exactly where he was, and he jerked back, but Riley's big hand held him fast, and guided it up underneath the rhino's swishing tail until the otter's lips came in contact with Riley's puckered anus, which, to Scratch's shock, opened hungrily to admit his muzzle. Riley groaned in absolute delight as he arched his back and pushed on the back of the otter's head, shoving his entire head inside with a soft fleshy sound, the tight tailhole sealing around Scratch's thick neck. The otter's hands, free, flew up and grasped at the big butt, fingers scrabbling against the rough gray flesh before pressing the palms against them, pushing, trying to yank his head free, but the tailhole only gripped tighter.
Riley licked his lips, frowning a little. Scratch was short but his beefy build gave the otter very broad shoulders. He worked himself back and forth while simultaneously lowering himself down over the kneeling form of the otter, and as he struggled, Scratch hunched his shoulders up, and with a sigh of delight and relief from Riley, the broad shoulders slid up inside easily. Now it was smooth sailing, and all he had to do was sit back and let his weight bring him completely down over Scratch's trapped form. Grasping his thick cock, he did just that, and Scratch effectively disappeared up inside of Riley as the big rhino's ass lowered down and landed against the floor with a muffled thud. Riley relaxed a little now and stroked himself to the otter's struggles, his cock leaking steady precum now.
In the control room, Flare had unzipped his pants and was casually stroking his massive equine member as he observed Riley's performance so far. Very impressive. Not all that surprising, given the rhino's history as a wrestler and much larger size as compared to his three so-called opponents. But still entertaining to watch Riley take them one by one. Flare rather liked that Riley was saving the largest of the three, his own fellow horse, for last. Nearby, Zeryx was lifting an unresisting Fernald out of his chair and opening his maw wide. The squirrel didn't struggle as the big ram slid his head inside of his mouth and began to devour him.
Flare chuckled. As usual, their horniness from observing their experiments was getting to them and causing them to want to engage in their own vorish play. Between this and the two groups of contestants, Flare realized, it was turning into a vore extravaganze here at the lab. Speaking of which, taking his eyes off of the ram swallowing the willing squirrel, and still idly stroking his horse-cock, Flare glance at the screen showing Room B to see how the second group was doing.
Ramone continued gulping down the struggling, squirming form of Dorian, Masten watching with great interest as the big bull swallowed the zebra to his middle, tossing his great horned head back and yawning his jaws wide to take in his hips. Meanwhile, Alejandro was still worshiping and kissing the elephant's big cock, having his head stroked by Masten's big hand. When Ramone had swallowed Dorian to his thighs and was beginning to turn to face the other two, the zebra's legs sticking out of his mouth, he was caught completely off guard as the elephant's trunk wrapped around him like a thick octopus tentacle, pinning his arms to his sides. He tried to scream but Dorian was filling his throat and prevented him. As he was lifted off his feet, the bull coughed, trying to dislodge the zebra instictively, either by finishing swallowing him or by regurgitating him.
Masten brought him closer and squeezed hard with the trunk. With a lurch the zebra slid out of the bull's mouth a little, and, grinning, opened his great tusked maw and let Dorian's feet enter it. The squirming form of the zebra was expelled from the mouth of the thwarted bull, right into the eager maw of the elephant! Dorian's head exited Ramone's mouth and he blinked at the sudden brightness of the lights, only to then find himself slipping backwards down Masten's throat. He gave a little cry as the elephant's jaws shut and he gave a great swallow, and the bulge of the twice-swallowed zebra slid down to disappear into the elephant's pudgy tummy. Then, with a burp, Masten reopened his mouth and used his trunk to tilt Ramone back so his feet entered the mouth, as Dorian's had, having realized the way the bull's horns pointed there was not way he could eat him headfirst.
Ramone struggled and fought as his feet and legs entered the dark cavern of Masten's gullet, the trunk guiding him right into his destination. The big broad tongue slid out to help him in, slurping over his thin-furred muscular body. Below, Alejandro was still suckling on the cock, and with a grunt, Masten experienced his second orgasm of the day, and Alejandro eagerly drank down the thick cum. As the flow tapered off, the ram stood, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and watched the horned head of the bull vanish into the elphant's mouth, shoved in by the tip of the trunk, which also went past the thick lips. With an "glorp," Masten pulled the trunk out and reached for Alejandro with it, even as the broad bulge of Ramone was going down his throat.
He took the ram by the arm. "Well, son, since you did such a great job of suckin'  my cock, why don't we let it return the favor?" He grinned broadly.
Alejandro chuckled nervously and was then guided once more down towards the the mammoth elephant-cock, the drooling slit yawning open to accept the ram's curly-horned head. He gave a muffled cry of surprise as he was crammed facefirst into it. Watching this, Flare was very pleased. He'd been eagerly awaiting the cock vore portion of things. He gripped his cock harder and began jerking it in earnest. Zeryx, who until then had been preoccupied with swallowing Fernald, noticed as well and turned, kicking squirrel feet and bushy squirrel tail hanging out of his open mouth.
"A lovely development," said Flare. "I was hoping they'd get around to cock vore sooner or later."
Zeryx finished swallowing Fernald, the last of the bushy tail vanishing past his lips. He gulped hard and burped. His stomach swelled out, but not all that much, considering the squirrel wasn't that big. He then sighed and say down in Fernald's chair.
"Crenshaw's anal vore was quite the fun turn of events as well," he said after catching his breath. He looked at the screen showing Room A. "And unless Ditmeyer pulls off a miracle in there it really does look like Crenshaw is going to be Wade's final opponent."
"Yes, indeed," said Flare, easing off on his cock, holding off until the main event as he kept his eyes on the second screen for now, wanting to see Masten's final performance before he went to face Riley.
The huge elephant grunted and moaned as he stuffed the struggling, muscular form of Alejandro into his cock, which was stretched massively around the ram's form. It took large gulps, sucking Alejandro down slowly but surely towards the pachyderm's waiting balls. When the ram was in up to his waist, Masten bent down and took him by his ankles and then lifted him up so that he was upside down. Unwilling to simply release him and let gravity and his cock's swallows do the remainder of the work, Masten grinned confidently and, keeping his hold on Alejandro's ankles, shoved him down hard, giving a loud cry of predatory pleasure as the ram disappeared into the cock to his calves in one swift plunge. Now Masten let go of the ankles, as they and the feet were essentially all that was visible of Alejandro outside of the monstrously engorged dick.
He stood up and leaned against the wall and relaxed, rubbing over his swollen belly, which had already begun to gurgle and digest Dorian and Ramone as their pitiful wiggles died down. His huge cock bucked up and down in the air, flinging precum this way and that, as Alejandro's weakly kicking feet disappeared down into the urethra, which closed after the ram's toes with a soft "glurp" and a sigh from Masten. In the control room, Flare watched as the bulge shaped like Alejandro traveled down the cock and then filled out the already large balls massively so that they sagged down onto the carpet. Masten's steadily leaking cock shuddered and returned to its original size.
Turning and looking at the camera, Masten burped and said, "Okay, I'm done. When do I go to the other room?"
Zeryx turned away from the first screen, put his headset back on and and spoke into the mic. "Your final opponent isn't done yet, Mr. Wade. We'll let you know when he's ready. Until then, you just relax and digest your three-course meal, big guy." He chuckled.
Back in Room A, Riley stood up and stretched a bit. Scratch's lower extremities had almost completely disappeared up the big rhino's ass. Only his feet and tail tip remained, clenched in between the broad asscheeks. With a grunt and a flex of his anal muscles as he arched his back, Riley completely sucked the otter's feet and tail inside with a soft schlucking sound. Finishing his stretch and feeling good and rested, he then returned his attention to his final meal, Jake. He couldn't rightly call the horse an opponent anymore. It seemed like Jake had finally given in, because he simply sat there looking defeated.
Riley slipped his hand down over his considerable belly, inside of which Conrad had finally stopped squirming and Riley could hear the loud gurgles signalling digestion, and groped for his erection. He found it and gripped it tightly. Inside of him he could feel Scratch making his journey through his bowels towards his final destination in the stomach. There, he'd meet up with Conrad, or whatever remained of him, and the two would turn into a thick, nutrient rich soup together to nourish the big rhino's body. As for Jake, Riley had other ideas for him. He jerked his cock slowly as he approached the sitting horse. Hearing him, Jake turned and his eyes boggled at the huge tower of fat and muscle looming over him.
"Time to go, horsie," Riley said softly.
Jake leaped to his feet as if to attack again, but Riley was deceptively fast, having anticipated this. A harmless blow to the horse's midsection drove the wind out of him, and he doubled over, wheezing and falling onto his knees. Riley regretted having to resort to such violence, but he was uninterested in struggling with the horse again. As Jake bent over, Riley took him by the back of his head and forced him to stoop down towards his loins. At the same time, he angled his throbbing maleness up, the cumslit gaping wide, thin strings of precum connecting the two sides like spittle. Jake gave a single muffled cry of protest and then his long equine snout was inserted with a "flumph." He looked quite silly kneeling there with half of his face inside of a cock.
He tried to pull himself free but his muzzle was caught in the inextricable pull of the cock's interior. Releasing his head, Riley balled up his fists, muscles bulging a bit, and grinned. Then he closed his eyes and flexed his dick. With a "schlurp" and a muffled scream, Jake's entire head was drawn in, and the ravenous cock didn't stop there, the already impossibly stretched cumslit working over the horse's broad shoulders with ease, as if they were nothing. Now it was easy going. Still using naught but his own hungry cock, Riley kept grunting and flexing, the cock slipping its way down the horse's muscular kneeling form, lubed by pre which slid in rivulets down the naked equine's body as he slowly disappeared up into the seemingly all-consuming cock, bulging it hugely with his form. To those in the control room, it appeared as if the horse's upper body had been encased in a latex bodysuit it was so tightly fitted to him, and so easy to see every detail of that trapped form.
What Riley did next was incredible. Whereas Masten had needed to grasp his prey's legs to lift him up for the next stage of his meal, Riley simply clenched his fists tighter, gritted his teeth, and gave a sudden forward thrust of his hips, and the cock lifted itself, partially consumed horse and all, up into the air. Jake's legs flailed around uselessly in the typical manner, and the rhino-cock began making lewd, slurping, gulping motions, swallowing that kicking, powerful body down in further.
The outline of Jake's head disappeared past the base of the shaft and entered the balls, bulging them out a bit with his snout. The bulge of the snout could be observed to open and close its mouth in a futile, soundless scream as it was pressed up against the interior of the sac. The bulge of the shoulders soon entered also, and Riley's balls began getting larger as more and more horse was emptied into them. The ravenous dick gulped more strongly, almost to Jake's waist. Riley, without opening his eyes, reached down and took hold of Jake's massively swollen horse-cock and pressed it against his taut tummy so it wouldn't be bent painfully backwards upon being consumed. A few seconds later, the stretched maw of the dick slid seamlessly over them, and Riley chuckled and gave Jake's pert ass a smack before it vanished into the slit.
Now, the urethra clamped Jake's legs shut, tail between them, and those strong limps pointed up, hooflike toes pointed right at the ceiling as though the horse were diving, and in a few smooth, liquid motions, they slid down and out of sight entirely, the cumslit slipping shut behind the tips of his toes like a sated beast's mouth, pre dribbling out like saliva. The tapering bulge of those swallowed legs slid gradually down until they disappeared past the base of the cock, and all of the consumed horse was deposited into Riley's balls. Only then did Riley relax, unclench his fists and open his eyes, and sigh in satisfaction, chuckling and giving his cock a stroke as if it were a beloved pet that had just fed.
Inside the balls, Jake struggled to no avail, before finally, exhausted thoroughly, he gave in and settled down. A thick "squelch" sounded the beginning of the stallion being churned into rhino cum for his predator. He liquefied and would be released the next time Riley had an orgasm. Which, considering he'd now won his first round, might be any moment now. He turned and leaned patiently with one hand against the wall.
"Okay," came Zeryx's voice over the loudspeaker. "Time for the final round!"
Riley turned and faced the door which adjoined the two rooms. There was an electronic "beep" and it slid open to reveal the hulking form of Masten beyond. The huge elephant stepped through with some difficulty due to his size, and approached the rhino, trunk swaying a little, hands balled into fists. His eyes were ice cold and intimidating, but Riley had taken on tougher opponents than this by pachyderm before. With a small smile, he gave a curt little bow, and then rushed at his approaching opponent. Masten did the same. Riley threw his shoulder into the elephant's ponderous gut, making Masten grunt, but then the thick trunk reached down and wrapped around Riley's head suddenly with a powerful gentleness, and started guiding his head towards the tusked maw as Masten grabbed his arms and held them, actually lifting the rhino off the floor!
In the control room, Zeryx stroked over his packed, gurgling belly as he watched. Flare leaned forwards in sudden interest as it looked like Riley had been totally outclassed. Regardless of who won, though, he was immensely turned on, more than ever before, his fingers going from teasing his cock to outright gripping and stroking it. Back in the room, Riley gritted his teeth as his head entered the mouth and the gray lips sealed around his throat. His horns scraping along the roof of the elephant's mouth didn't seem to bother Masten much, and the thick tongue slid underneath his chin and began to guide him towards the heckong, dark throat beyond.
Riley was unwilling to go peacefully. He'd never been anyone's prey and wasn't going to start now. He struggled harder. Unable to break Masten's grip, Riley decided to use his mass against the elephant, and suddenly lunged himself forwards into the throat! Masten's eyes went wide and he staggered back at the sudden forward momentum, lost his balance, and fell flat on his back. In the process, his grip on Riley's arms loosened, and the rhino wrenched them free, planting them firmly on the floor and tugging his head free of the mouth. His face and head dripping with the elephant's thick saliva, Riley strained and grunted as the trunk attempted to pull him back. Suddenly he felt Masten's cock poking at his large rump, and got an idea.
Tilting backwards, he pressed his tailhole against the cockhead, and groaned out loud as it spread him easily and started to slide in. Masten gasped as he did so, and his eyes became slightly glazed. The trunk loosened as Masten seemed to consent to letting his meal get fucked and filled with cream before being eaten, but Riley had other ideas. Like him, Masten was visibly worn out. He intended to wear him out even further. He grabbed at his own cock and jerked it slowly as he moved himself up and down on the mastadonian maleness filling his huge ass, moving his huge bulk up and down surprisingly easily using just his thickly muscled legs. Masten responded by thrusting his own gargantuan hips, pushing his dick upwards and into Riley. Perfect, thought Riley as he wiped some of Masten's saliva off of his face with his free hand.
In the control room, overcome by his arousal at watching the display, Flare got out of his chair and crossed over to where Zeryx sat. The ram was pulled out of his seat and made to bend over the control panel as the big horse shoved his thick equine meat into his tight rear end and began banging him in earnest. Zeryx moaned out in delight at this new development.
Meanwhile, it wasn't long before Masten experienced orgasm, arching his back and bellowing out in pleasure as he came, shooting his thick load up inside of Riley, who jerked his cock one final time and shot his own load, formerly Jake the horse, now in liquid form, in a large geyser which splattered over Masten's chest and also on his face. The rhino sighed as he halted his thrusting and simply sat astride the elephant's lap as Masten lay there panting and covered in sweat and cum. Masten's trunk slid off of Riley entirely and flumped limply to the side, and that was when Riley knew he had him. Getting off of Masten, Riley reached down and offered him his hand. Masten hesitated and then took it. Riley made as if to help him stand, but his other hand grabbed at the back of Masten's neck and he lowered his head, opening his mouth wide... and wider... and wider still!
The top of Masten's head slid into the rhino's hungry, drool-lined mouth, Masten grunting in annoyance and disapproval. However, he was so worn out from the thorough fucking Riley gave him that he barely even resisted as that impossibly massive maw descended over him, tight and stretchy. In seconds, the rhino had engulfed the elephant's entire head, trunk and all, heedless of the big, blunt tusks, and his lips sealed tightly around the thick neck. Even as Masten's big hands flew up and tried to pry the thick lips off his neck and free himself, Riley was settling back into a squatting position and getting comfortable for what was going to be quite a tough, but not impossible meal. He started to move his mouth down, pushing down using his muscular legs and great weight, and with painstaking slowness, like a great anaconda swallowing its huge prey, the rhino's tightly-stretched, mouth worked down the massive body of the elephant, who was still too tired to really struggle.
It took almost a full two minutes for Riley to consume his massive meal. When he was at Masten's waist, he used every single ounce of strength he had remaining to stand and rear his horned head back, tossing the elephant into the air, Masten's legs kicking weakly. Now Masten simply slowly slid down inside of him due to his great weight and the power of gravity. The great belly, filled with the still squirming forms of Dorian and Ramone, gave Riley the most difficulty, but he managed, which impressed Flare as he watched from inside the control room, still slipping it to the moaning Zeryx. The rhino's body ballooned outward massively, almost comically, with the huge size of the elephant, making Riley that much larger, and he sealed his lips behind the huge feet and his stretched mouth returned to normal, and he took that final gulp to send Masten completely down inside of himself, and then let out a huge, rolling, wet belch.
"Well that was pretty much expected," said Zeryx huskily as precum leaking from his ram-cock as Flare pounded him. He groaned and shot his load all over the control panel. "Aw, shit, not again!" he cried in mild annoyance. "That's the fifth fucking time this week!"
Flare chuckled and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth as he came, flooding Zeryx's tight ass with his thick horse-cum. He laid panting against the ram for a few moments. After recovering, he pulled himself free and stood back a bit, catching his breath. As Zeryx settled back into the chair once again, he adjusted his headset. On the viewscreens, Room B was totally empty except for discarded clothes. Room A also had discarded clothing but also one very, very full rhino.
"Well done, Mr. Crenshaw!" Zeryx said breathlessly, grinning. "It appears as though you've won our little contest!"
"Now what?" Riley inquired casually, then burped.
"Just wait there a moment and we'll get to you in a minute or two... we've, uh, kind of made a big mess of the monitoring station here."
Zeryx grumbled and started hunting for something to wipe all the cum off of the expensive scientific equipment with. Flare groaned a little and eased his still sensitive member back into his pants and zipped up. Adjusting himself a little, he then went over to the recording equipment to make sure everything that transpired in the two rooms had been successfully captured. After satisfying himself that it had, he took out the two DVDs onto which footage had been burned and turned to Zeryx.
"Okay, make sure these get to our guy at the lawyer's office so they can be entered into evidence. I'm sure this, along with all the other sessions we've got recorded, will be more than enough to persuade the judge that vore is harmless fun."
"Right-O," said Zeryx, and took the DVDs, putting them into two unmarked keepcases.
"I'll go and see to our winner," said Flare with a grin.
He left the control room. In Room A, Riley was sitting down, grinning happily as he massaged his massively bulging gut, which gurgled loudly. Masten was going to take quite some time to digest. The door opened, and Flare entered, holding something in his hand, a piece of paper which Riley took to be a check.
"Have fun?" the horse asked. "You look pretty stuffed."
"I am!" chuckled Riley. "You guys mind if I relax here for a bit before I go home?" he asked. "That big fella is gonna take a mighty long time to break down, and I kind of can't fit inside my car with this big of a gut."
Flare nodded. "Sure you can. We have residence areas for the employees which we sometimes let guests use. You can sleep off your meal there. No sense in you lying on the floor." He smiled.
"Right, and, uh, if I'm staying overnight, can I use your phone, as well? I'd like to call my maid and tell her I won't be home until tomorrow morning."
"Of course. Oh, and here is your reward for winning the contest." Flare offered the piece of paper to Riley. So, it was a check after all.
"Ah, no thanks," said Riley. "I'm pretty well off already. Don't need any extra money." He smirked. "But I will take a night out with you, if that's okay."
At first he expected Flare to be surprised but then the horse nodded and grinned, pocketing the check. "How does this Friday sound?" he asked softly.
Rising with some difficulty, Riley thanked Flare and was given directions to where he could go and rest comfortably. As he left, he pondered what he and Flare would do on Friday. Dinner most likely. Yes, though, Riley, dinner sounded sublime. With Flare as the main course. He licked his lips.
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maviscat123 · 7 months
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Legendary Vore Alpha ft. ihulkout
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Male Vore Edit ep. 2
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