maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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Also, I love that the three of them are living together now! I think I’m actually going to have Bella quit her job and just be a socialite. Host parties and organize volunteer days and whatnot. It seems to fit her personality much better than secret agent, and Irvin’s books bring in more money than they’ll ever spend in a lifetime!
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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It was remarkably difficult to get these shots... First I had to figure out poses, then Bella spent an afternoon sunbathing and wound up looking like a carrot for several days... But I had Bella move in and gave her a makeover! I stuck with hair, makeup, and clothing, since she’s got pretty good genes to begin with!
I went with a softer look, since I envisioned her relationship with Mortimer to be rather controlling. Something to the effect of “Of course I love to wear red dresses, but sometimes I just want to wear some fucking pants!!” So her hair is a little less severe, her makeup toned down, and the outfits I gave her are giving off major upper-class milf vibes (not entirely intentional, I assure you). I’m a little unsure about the “secret agent” career path for her, since it goes against her “innocent, lover, family-oriented” personality, but it’s canon, so I’m sticking with it.
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It’s fun having her in the household, since I get to see a different side of her than when she’d just come over to visit!
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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The couple that naked boxes together...
I love this mod, but man does naturism go a little overboard sometimes! I don’t think Irvin’s worn clothes during a jog in weeks...
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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So... fun fact. When your sim is on academic probation, doesn’t have a job, and has nothing to do all day but paint and using the punching bag, it turns out she gets JACKED!!!
Look at those shoulders! Look at those quads! Look at those abs!
Sometimes I see her in a backless outfit and my breath gets caught in my throat...
Do I have a thing for buff women?
Yes, I do.
(She is going to be the most jacked professor in the world...)
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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Also I kind of gave it away in my last post, but Bella joined the household! I was a little worried when I first asked her to move in and she said she had “responsibilities” to her kids, but I realized my mistake was in asking her to be the new roommate. Abigail used the proper romantic request to have her join the household and it worked!
More to come...
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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Suck it, Foxbury! I finally figured out the secret to getting good grades...
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I had no idea that there were context menus when my sims were at events! Apparently “Take Notes” (something I never did in high school...) is the key to getting any kind of a passing grade in any class. Here’s to a few more successful terms!
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What the actual hell?! I submitted above-average term papers for both classes, got there early each day, AND did the homework every day. How the fuck did I fail?!?
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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Jesus, Irvin, it’s 8 o’clock in the morning!
Is this part of the creative process?
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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So I finally had enough money to move Irvin and Abigail into a bigger place! (It doesn’t take that long when you’ve got ~$3.5k/day coming in from book royalties) I decided to switch it up and move them to Oasis Springs, because I like the mid-mod aesthetic there.
I spent a good deal of time trying to build my own house for them to move into, but after three days of trying to pick out the right colors for accent walls and decorations for the first (of four) bedrooms, I gave up and kicked the Roomie household out. This is such a great spot, with a huge backyard (pool, anyone?) and a lovely atrium!
I also wanted additional bedrooms, because...
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Turns out that Mortimer straight up died a few days ago! Bella came over and (independently) hooked up with both Irvin and Abigail, but she was sad the entire time! I went to try and cheer her up and saw the “Console about death” option.
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Well... saves me from having to break them up! And now my lovelies can all live together!
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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Is it just me, or are some of the sexytime animations just better than others?
I’m not just speaking about logistics (people don’t actually bend that way...) or the ‘correctness’ (can’t give a woman a blowjob if she doesn’t have a penis...) of the animations, but in the overall emotion behind them.
Some of them manage to convey more tenderness and sensuality than the others. Some of them actually seem to capture real sex between people, whereas others are just quick and dirty “penis going in and out of fuck doll” animations. Makes it feel a little pervy.
I say this knowing full well that I get a bit of twisted pleasure out of sending Abigail to masturbate after watching Irvin and Bella get it on in the bathroom. Glass houses, and all...
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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Abigail... It’s really not a great idea to have sex before your crabs have cleared up...
(How the hell did she even *get* crabs, anyway? She only ever has sex with Irvin...)
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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💗 💗 Girlfriends! 💗 💗
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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Aaaaaaaaaand... what?!? I know for a fact that they’ve both kissed people! Sometimes at the same time!
I guess they don’t keep track of these things for NPC sims?
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D’aww, it’s fun to watch Bella and Abigail’s relationship bud!
It’s also really amusing that a lot of their interactions only take place after the three of them have had some fun together…
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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D’aww, it’s fun to watch Bella and Abigail’s relationship bud!
It’s also really amusing that a lot of their interactions only take place after the three of them have had some fun together...
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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Holy crap you can make so much money from writing! The first book was written while Irvin was still at Uni, so his writing skill wasn’t that high. But man, when he can crank out a book in an afternoon (seriously, I think he wrote Four to Tango in two hours while naked and chatting up Bella the whole time) that money comes pouring in.
This is all on top of his regular salary. I might not need to cheat to afford another house after all!
(And yes, all his books have cheesy polyamory-focused titles. Fight me.)
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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So when she moved in I discovered that Abigail has the Higher Learning life aspiration. I also discovered that she has a grand total of 1 course credit with a GPA of F.
Obviously I couldn’t let that stand. Discover University kicked my ass and Irvin got put on probation and dropped out and that was fine because he was already a decent writer so he just rejoined the workforce. I am now determined to get Abigail that degree, so she’s spending pretty much all her time either working out, painting, or studying.
... I don’t know why she frequently is naked while doing so... I feel like Wicked Whims’ Naturism settings are a little overly aggressive.
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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Guess who’s moving in together!!
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maxeffertsimself · 3 years
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It’s not like I imagined *both* Bella and Abigail would spend the night, but at least stay for some post-coitus dinner! Hurts my feelings that they both left at the same time... T_T
I suppose there’s always tomorrow. Still hoping that Mortimer kicks the bucket soon and I can get Bella and Abigail to move in with Irvin! I have grand plans for a big poly family in a lovely modern house in Oasis Springs!
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