maximumdx · 9 years
Popular Arduino Boards
The Arduino Nano, one of many variations on the Arduino.
The most popular Arduino boards contain a USB connector that is used to provide power and connectivity for uploading your software onto the board. One of the most popular Arduino boards for people starting out is the Arduino Uno.
The Arduino Uno is built around the ATmega328, and has a second microcontroller onboard to handle all USB…
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maximumdx · 9 years
Arduino Serial Communication
Arduino makes many stand-alone applications possible. In such cases, you need to connect the Arduino to a computer once to upload the software, and after that, it needs only a power supply. More often, people use the Arduino to enhance the capabilities of a computer using sensors or by giving access to additional hardware. Usually, you control external hardware via a serial port, so it is useful…
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maximumdx · 9 years
Arduino IDE: Configuration
The Arduino IDE manages all the files belonging to your project. It also provides convenient access to all the tools you need to create the binaries that will run on your Arduino board.
Organizing all the files belonging to a project automatically is one of the most important features of an IDE. The Arduino IDE creates a directory for every new project, and it stores all the files belonging to…
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maximumdx · 9 years
Arduino IDE: Compiling and Uploading
Arduino IDE: Compiling and Uploading
Before you compile and upload a program to the Arduino, you have to configure two things in the Arduino IDE:
The type of Arduino you are using
The serial port to which your Arduino is connected.
Identifying the Arduino type is usually easy, because it should be printed on the board. Popular types are the Uno, Duemilanove, Diecimila, Nano, Mega, Mini, NG, BT, LilyPad, Pro, or Pro Mini. In some…
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maximumdx · 9 years
Arduino C Programming Basics
Arduino C Programming Basics
Arduino C programming – based on the C language
In the previous articles in this series, we covered installation of the Arduino IDE and some of the functions of the IDE. In this article, we’ll cover programming with the Arduino IDE, including some of the basics of Arduino C programming.
You might recall that in the previous article we introduced the following program to blink an LED:
const int…
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maximumdx · 9 years
Arduino Programming: Using the IDE
Arduino Programming: Using the IDE
Arduino Programming: Meet the IDE
In the previous article, we covered installation of the Arduino IDE. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the basic features and functionality of the IDE.
When you launch the Arduino IDE, you’ll probably notice how basic it looks compared to some other popular IDEs like Visual Studio and Eclipse. Still, it has an editor, a compiler, a loader, and a…
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maximumdx · 9 years
Arduino IDE: Installation and Setup
Arduino IDE: Installation and Setup
The Arduino IDE in action in Mint Linux.
At the heart of the Arduino is a programmable microcontroller. In order to program it, you need a means of writing and compiling code and uploading the resulting machine code. Fortunately, the Arduino developers have made life easy for us and created a simple, easy-to-use integrated development environment. It uses C/C++, and runs on many different…
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maximumdx · 9 years
Arduino SPI Introduction
Intro to the Arduino SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus is a synchronous communication interface specification used for short distance communication. It is used primarily in embedded systems such as the Arduino. SPI devices communicate in full duplex mode using a master-slave architecture. There is one master device and one or more slave devices. The…
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maximumdx · 9 years
Arduino SPI Introduction
Intro to the Arduino SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus is a synchronous communication interface specification used for short distance communication. It is used primarily in embedded systems such as the Arduino. SPI devices communicate in full duplex mode using a master-slave architecture. There is one master device and one or more slave devices. The…
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maximumdx · 9 years
XML Processing with Python: Part Seven
XML Processing with Python: Part Seven
The following Python SAX and DOM parsers are available: xml.sax and xml.dom.minidom. Here is an overview of xml.dom.
xml.dom.minidom is a lightweight DOM implementation, designed to be simpler and smaller than a full DOM implementation.
Converting from XML to DOM and Back
In the following example, we’ll use the example XML file from the first article in this series, which we’ll save as mlb.xml:
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maximumdx · 9 years
XML Processing with Python: Part Six
XML Processing with Python: Part Six
DOM (Document Object Model)
At the heart of DOM lies the Document object. This is a tree-based representation of the XML document. Tree-based models are a natural fit for XML’s hierarchical structure, making this a very intuitive way of working with XML. Each element in the tree is called a Node object, and it may have attributes, child nodes, text, and so forth, all of which are also objects…
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maximumdx · 9 years
XML Processing with Python: Part Five
XML Processing with Python: Part Five
When parsing XML, you have your choice of two different types of parsers: SAX and DOM. SAX stands for the Simple API for XML. It was originally only implemented for Java, and was added to Python as of version 2.0. It is a stream-based, event-driven parser. The events are known as document events, and a document event might be one of several things; the start of an element, the end of an element,…
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maximumdx · 9 years
XML Processing with Python: Part Four
XML Processing with Python: Part Four
XML is similar in structure and form to HTML. This is not entirely an accidental thing. XML and HTML both originated from SGML and share a number of syntactic features. The earlier versions of HTML are not directly compatible with XML, though, because XML requires that every tag be closed, and certain HTML tags don’t require a closing tag (such as and ). However, the W3C has declared the XHTML…
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maximumdx · 9 years
XML Processing with Python: Part Three
XML Processing with Python: Part Three
In the previous article, we discussed the Document Type Definition (DTD) language. In this article, we will discuss Schema and XPath.
XML Processing with Python: Schema
Schema was designed to address some of the limitations of DTDs and provide a more sophisticated XML-based language for describing document models. It enables you to cleanly specify numeric models for content, describe character…
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maximumdx · 9 years
The first in a series of articles on Python database programming, covering the different database systems supported by Python and different modules.
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maximumdx · 10 years
An introduction to Python strings, including a comparison with C strings.
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maximumdx · 10 years
The first in a series of articles covering exceptions and how they work within the Python programming language.
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