maybanksdaughter · 2 years
Maybanks Daughter
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Warnings:adult themes,talk of drugs,prostitution,cussing,held at gunpoint
Rafe Cameron x reader
Part 6
While I had been busy with helping Barry with the drug side of things,I had heard they found the gold but needed find a way to get it all out.the other side of what Barry had in mind was you selling your body for a small price of money,you hated the idea sense you haven’t ever even had your first time though you were not about ready to tell Barry that.your first ever time was with a teen who was in the same boat at you but he was so high out of his mind he just needed a relief,if your father knew what you were doing he would laugh and tell you he told you so that his daughter was a slut.never where you expecting the next person to be Rafe Cameron,he was just as shocked as you were to see the other.”what are you doing…doing this your little miss y/n” he said coming closer “it’s a long story I can’t go into it I don’t really have another choice so,it’s you pay me for services or you need to leave Barry won’t be happy any other way” I tell him only to see his jaw twitch. “Barry really y/n” he says while you sigh running your hand through your hair.”look he was there when I needed someone to turn to,when my dad did that he was there,when I needed help figuring out a money situation because I took my friends blame for sinking your boat an toppers I had no other choice”.he took a moment nodding “people who do what you do now,make house calls don’t they” he said not being able to read his thoughts in the progress “i suppose they do why?” I ask him as he took me to his house to his room shutting the door,when he opened the door an paid me he started to chase you down the stairs both of you laughing.
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“Rafe knock it off seruously” you say screaming while giggling running to the front door an him grabbing you by your waist kissing your nose.freezing for a moment looking up at him Feeling your face become warm “r-Rafe what are you doing” you ask him with your voice breaking which made him smile.”I have been in love with you sense we were kids,tell me you have felt the same” he says sounding serious,you couldn’t tell if it would turn into a joke “I feel in love with you the first time I ever saw you in your golf outfit with your hat on backwards an your white gloves” as you say so something didn’t feel right to you “somethings not right” you mumble rushing out of wards house.running quick enough Rafe lost track of you not knowing where you had went.
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Only for Rafe to be sent a video of men circling John bs van an Barry yelling the main pogue group on the ground with there hands over there head except you,you were pushed up against a tree with another man’s hand around your throat,being no fear on your face about It except you spitting in the man’s face “I know who all three of you are” while John b had got up an jj an the whole drama fest had went down.you never used to have a strong instant you weren’t sure where it suddenly came from.by the time Barry an everyone left Rafe had showed up with topper an kelce,causing Sarah to take front lines “what the hell are you doing here now” she screamed “your little drug dealer holding us hostage with guns pointed at us,that part of your plan to get rid of me”.before Rafe could say anything “it’s my fault,after I was arrested I was taking jobs from Barry,this has nothing to do with Rafe though I don’t know why they are all here”I ran my hand through my hair,nothing was sitting right at all anymore to me.something was wrong,like seriously wrong.
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“Look just everyone go back to the chateau,I’ll take care of this I am the reason this is happening,if anything goes wrong kia don’t leave jjs side he will be a time bomb” I say seeing jj shaking his head “I’ll be safe James Jonathan maybank” I smile seeing it cause him to smile.everyone had went back to the chateau,leaving you to handle your shit,you were the reason this was happening in the first place.
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You had took care of everything that you needed to to take care of except for one thing,you were unaware Barry had planned to release all recordings of you behind closed doors when men,you knew there was no going back after everything coming out in the open even to the group.
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maybanksdaughter · 2 years
Maybanks Daughter
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Warnings:adult themes,cussing
Rafe Cameron x reader
Part 5
I think John b”s plan was beyond stupid,there was no way this was gonna hurt an hun saying it was for everyone he was macking on her,jj an I both knew the truth.it werided me out everyone was dancing an music was playing keeping my eye on jj who was delivering the message to Sarah.while pope hugged me thanking me for taking the fall an I kept telling him this shut up an to trust someone finally,though I could feel Rafe staring at us while I rushed off in a hurry seeing jj taking off. “For fucks sake” I mumble chasing after them an where they were going seeing security dragging jj out an hearing Rafe saying kiara looked pretty hot for a pogue,I glare at him while security dragged jj out who tried to get away. “Fuck you an your power puff girls” I say while slapping him an bitchslapping topper before security now dragged me out thinking while they did “coke addict says what bitch” I flip him off smirking seeing something in his eyes when he saw me turn the corner.I took my chances,not like jj wouldn’t forgive me even if it did come out.
Standing beside jj while kiara ran to him wrapping her arms around him an him twirling her.laughing at the chaos that just took place running off from the scene together.you were more like your brother then you realized,sitting by the bonfire all together while John b and jj went on. “The gold never went down with the merchant,it’s been here the whole time it’s been on the island” John b went on showing evidence,while jj got up picking John b up by the fire before putting him down when John b brought the fire to attention that they were close by.”I’m so proud of you” jj told John be who said that was really sweet of him.while topper an Rafe were going on that they were better without the two girls.John b saying it’s about business between him an Sarah an JJ making a sexual joke.before John b went off,leaving everyone in Twinkie.before coming back an us all leaving to look for a stone wall,how classy.jj making jokes about murder while we made are way up closer to the house.
Barry had went to see Rafe at tannyhill,asking for the money and while Rafe was trying to convince him to wait barry went on about the nice shit Rafe had though he didn’t have the money,telling him he had three days an just maybe also y/n was part of it
“Which story’s did you hear” jj asked while kiara was joking going on an on,while jj now started talking about murder at the house.having her that she hearing her parents arguing an then the little girl seeing her mom washing her hands in a sink full of blood.sneaking into the basement was easier then the rest of it all,”you know we had a good thing,an then you decided to get Barbie roped in” kia spat “hey cut it out” I tell them just for John b to throw it right back at kia,”this is why I didn’t wanna tell you about Sarah,what exactly is going on with you two” for Kia to get defense saying nothing.”is it because I kissed you is that it” John b said cocky,not being able but to laugh when kia slapped him “stop treating me like some girl that’s obsessed with you”. For John b to smack her back but not as hard before everything became playful an everyone laughing quietly.finding a well in the basement.
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“Look jj I’m fine I’m gonna go on a walk,everything’s been great we haven’t heard from dad I’m going to take care of the money don’t worry about it” I tell him as he hesitated but agreed,smiling I take off.I have always loved night,the dark and quiet.I had to talk to Barry if I do some crap for him maybe if payments an I’ll pick up some jobs I wasn’t quiet to sure until I got there seeing ward beating the living hell out of him an Rafe being there “get the hell out of there right now before I shoot you” I say pulling jjs gun out from behind my shirt while ward is calling Rafe names.an Rafe not knowing where to go an calling after him I stayed behind helping Barry clean up an taking care of his cuts and wounds while I had talked to him.the little girl everyone thought was so innocent wasn’t so innocent anymore,maybe her past self was,but not her now.the ideas I had in mind I knew jj was definitely not be okay with what so ever.I had spent the nights at Barry’s unaware he had took a photo just to piss off an irritate Rafe,you have been cuddled into his side holding his hand,your hand so much smaller then Barry’s.that text accomplished exactly what Barry wanted from rafe,it upset him but also made him jealous wishing it had been him,he never told you how he truly felt when he would look at Kia how he did he did it out of spite to irritate and make you jealous.waking up that morning to Barry running his hands through your hair,talking quietly “I understand what your going through so imma help you but your gonna have to talk to your brother like I know your gonna wanna,your gonna be around him a little less often” you groan getting up but almost winning at the feeling of losing Barry’s warmth.
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“Look jj it’s not that big of a deal,he’s willing to help me out can we not yell about this right now,look I’m not stupid I know what I am doing,you have to remember I am older then you an your my little brother” I tell him as he stands there with tears in his eyes trying not to break hearing what his sister had just told him “there has to be other ways to getting that kinda money then those options y/n” jj said which his voice breaking. “Look there isn’t an it’s not that big of a deal I promise,I’m still here an will always be here for you,I’m still gonna see you but a bit less then normal” I get up pulling him into a hug “promise me you will be okay,I don’t like this idea at all” he tells me “I know I don’t either but I don’t have another choice right now,I promise you I’ll be okay” I promise though I can’t be 100% sure if I actually will be okay
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maybanksdaughter · 2 years
Maybanks Daughter
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Warnings:adult themes,withdraw,cussing,angst
Rafe Cameron x reader
Part 4
Waking up slowly feeling like my whole body has been crushed by multiple busses an stuff you couldn’t even begin to describe to come close to how you felt.tensing up when you didn’t realize where you were,it wasn’t home or John bs an even Barry’s that you went to for help.the bright lights burnt your eyes “Jesus where the hell am I?”I whisper flinching at my own voice.”my room” he told me,why was I in rafes room,I shot you quickly seeing him leaning against a doorway.”an why am I in your room,I don’t remember coming here” panic filled my voice an he must of been able to sense it with the tears that slightly threaten to spill from his eyes.”what happened y/n,why did your father drug you”. Those words still stung “look I don’t know but it’s nothing new,I mean the drug part is but how he acts,look I need to leave please can this just stay between us I don’t need the pogues or my brother finding out”seeing him look nervous was kinda cute,though I remember everything he has did “between us promise” he said “an the coke thing” he says while thinking “stays between us” I said “but you need to get clean or you never come near me again I seriously mean it” I tell him.
Leaving in a rush to meet back up with the others,I haven’t seen them for a while and I don’t want them to worry that I’m gonna be the next person to up an disappear and I don’t need to put jj through anymore of having to worry about things like that.only being able to find pope who was at his dads work.”pope what is going on where is everyone”i ask him while he stands up leaning over to me, “John b is getting a map,kiara an jj are gonna meet up with us,phase two in in progress” he tells me trying to sound like some undercover spy.following popes gaze to topper an Rafe staring at him in toppers jeep,Rafe making kissy faces at pope while topper just stared at us,like he could see through us.pope had ran inside the shop,while I look back at the two in the jeep.glaring back at them and flipping them off “fuck off an find something better to do” I holler at them before running after pope who was on a dead run into the Forrest,which would lead us over to the others an my brother who was now shooting a teddy bear with a gun.classic jj,I couldn’t help but chuckle sitting down talking with Kia while pope was freaking out talking to jj.John b an Sarah never showed up so kia had the plan of going and watching the obx summer movie series,it was something at least to do while passing time I suppose.
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While everything was getting ready for the movie to start,kia went to get drinks.I had saw Rafe talking with her even though I have knew him forever an my feelings for him I have shoved down into the pits of what is the ground,I can’t help but be jealous seeing him lean into her talking to her.I was aware they had a thing her kook year,while she came back she told us she saw Rafe an told her to tell them he knew what her boy he knows what he did.while they looked back at them an jj shoved popes head forward.you didn’t dare look back at him you could feel his eyes practically burning into you or probably kia to be honest while she’s ranting out about jj bringing the gun while he said he didn’t,you know he truly did.her asking what they did you couldn’t help but mumbled “whatever you did deny the living shit out of it” I tell them.rolling my eyes when they had to get up to go the bathroom an even more at Kia’s comments about holding it,but the second I see Rafe an his friends going up to them I rush up kia right on my tail.rafes hand on jjs chest an topper backing up pope into the screen while jj threatens them an pope starts the fight.
Seeing jj fight broke you,you both had to deal with it so much at home it was like natural instinct to you,while kia was hitting them with a bag,you had sucker punched kelce right in his face,drawling blood as you were shoved to the ground as seeing Rafe push kia to the ground knowing her plan you see what Rafe was doing to jj and topper was doing to pope there was no other way to get out as kia lit the screen on fire.while Rafe was saying “holy shit you almost killed him” to topper you couldn’t help but feel your blood boil as you shoved topper to the ground kicking him in his side,an going to punch Rafe in the face as jj pulled you away from him,jjs hands around you waist having you now standing behind him.looking at Rafe with disgust.
Only for your guys next mission,pope heywards dads shop.that would lead to cops coming in,”arrest warrant for felony distruction of property” as everyone out there hands up,while pope was being put in handcuffs.everyone was yelling,expesially jj leading pope out to the cop car,jj yelled it was him,an not pope.yelling trying to convince the cops it was him to save pope from losing his scholar ship,but the thing was is no way in hell were you gonna let your baby brother go to jail,you knew what this all was gonna lead to.”for gods sake for once in my life I’m going to tell the truth it was me,I was so pissed at how they jumped pope an treated my brother it was me I sunk the boat an then I sunk rafes” I say making sure it was believable as hell,I can be a pretty dam good actor when I need to be in situations like these.”I look his old man’s boat to” I said looking at schoulpe. Heyward saying “what the hell”. Probably confused by everything that was going on,I wasn’t sure why they sunk them but I wasn’t about ready to let them take the fall.while jj an pope was trying to say come on an say the truth for the first time I yell at them loud “just shut up,both of you shut up,your both good kids you know exactly where I am from” only for schoulpe to agree.”this was all me” I say as I hold my hands out as they cuff me,booking me into jail.
The cell was freezing,so was the bench I know I didn’t do it but I would rather it be me then them,I knew exactly what was running through jjs mind.if he got arrested no more of the beatings from dad but I knew the truth it would always lead back to that, restitution was thing for a reason.I was pulled in a office for Peterkin to talk to me,but deny deny deny.she was trying to scare me until she showed me pictures of the men who stormed John be house an chased us.they were gaffed an killed used for bait for who knows what,she thinks John b is next.coming out of the cell for dad to be yelling saying he was sad to say he was my dad while  restitution was talked about an we walked out to the car while we talked about the money and where I was gonna get it,I knew he already had plans as I got in.”dad I swear I-“ I get cut off by my face hitting the window from a blow to the side of my face met with Luke’s fist he kept hitting and hitting,it felt like it was never gonna end.blaring music trying to drown out dad yelling about how am I gonna get the money,doing nothing,that I’m a worthless piece of shit.eventually he passed out,I knew jj had a gun in his room a second one but I wasn’t gonna do anything I couldn’t no matter how much I hated him he was still an will always be my father even if I wish he wasn’t.running out the front door quickly,not running until I had ran into somebody an stumbling “shit sorry” I say it was John b we were at each other’s throat,that was something new.we never argued we never yelled at each other,John b and I were the only two that normally actually had our heads on straight to think clearly for everyone.John b says he has a plan an of course brings up the money I owe,I had no choice not really.midsummers was about ready to take place.pope an his dad worked in an John b had a plan involving jj.
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maybanksdaughter · 2 years
Maybanks Daughter
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Warnings:adult themes,parental abuse,cussing,talk of drugs and usage of drugs
Rafe Cameron x reader
Part 3
I had been to upset at John bs comment I didn’t even want to go back to the chateau,the only other place I knew was home.trying my best to ignore my fathers comments to me as I locked myself into my room falling asleep,feeling like a kid again for the first time in a really long time.only to be woken up by things breaking an loud music playing that would shortly be followed by Luke screaming on the top of his lungs.opening my door quietly an trying to sneak out without making any noise at all what so ever,but of course like any other time it fails.met with a fist to the head,then the jaw,the side an stomach to being pushed against the wall an shoved onto the ground kicking me in the side of the head,feeling blood dripping from the side of my head an while I tried getting up,blood dripping out of my mouth to be met with a boot to my stomach again,falling in the floor not fully aware of what was now going on as he walked away,he never walks away.
Before passing out I could make out him bending out with a needle an putting something in my mouth neither one was I unaware of what it was,an I would hate myself more if I knew what it had been.when I somewhat awoke I didn’t know who to go to I didn’t know anybody besides my dad an jj and of course my cousin who knew drugs but I couldn’t let them know I had just did drugs,though it was unwilling.the only other person I knew who did,was the one and only asshole who sold the drugs to my father,Barry.the door to his trailer swung open probably thinking I was someone who wanted drugs.”look I didn’t know who else to go to,an I sure as hell am not letting my little brother know what just happened an you owe me because your the one selling the shit to my dad so like just until they are out of my system because I don’t know what’s gonna happen” I say trying to sound so sure of myself but knew my voice was breaking because I was scared,I didn’t wanna be like my father an I didn’t wanna run like my mom.thankfully he agreed though I never met him before an hated him for selling to my dad,at-least he was willing to help me out.he took me into his trailer telling me to shower in cold water an he had clothes I could wear that was his old clothes,an he would be back in he had a client.just nodding not wanting to fight,thankful that he was doing what he was even for me,because to be honest he didn’t even have to,but he still was willing to.getting undressed and getting in making sure it was cold like he had told me,I made it quick before changing cause I could hear yelling an I knew that voice all the well.it was my dads while he was leaving he was yelling,I couldn’t help it I curled up with my knees to my chest as his voice grew quieter as he left,hearing a motorcycle approaching I couldn’t help but to peak an see Rafe Cameron walking over to Barry an others who were using drugs.Rafe Cameron did drugs? I mean I knew he drank an he partied but never would I have thought the little boy I used to know would be doing drugs.but I can’t act any better because here i am,on a drug dealers couch in their clothes higher then I think I realize an feeling like I’m floating,but that feeling irritated me I hated the feeling it made me feel more nervous then I normally ever was.
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Peaking out of the corner of the door,seeing Rafe taking his helmet off an talking to Barry.Rafe cameron in this moment was hotter then he normally looked,most likely from whatever my father had gave to me.hearing Barry call Rafe country club made me kinda chuckle until I realized they were coming into the trailer thinking I would be safe in Barry’s room,hiding in his closet.”alright alright let’s see what we got here” Barry said while Rafe looked at his messy bed.”excuse the mess” he said while Rafe chuckled,”wala” Barry held up a bag of white powder probably coke.”this what we looking for” he asks “Yeah yeah” while Barry went straight to busniess side of things trying not to look at his closet realizing what you had did. “You got that cabbage” leaving Rafe stuttering for a moment,”so I was hoping for a little credit,listen man” while Barry threw it down.”you hoping in the wrong place” while Rafe tried making excuses “I’ll be back in like two days” taking a moment to think “you want my bike as caladeral” repeating himself for Barry to call him stupid.”imma tell you,you screw me its not only me your screwing”.while Rafe out his hands up “heard man loud and clear”.smiling while he chuckled “you got balls kid I’ll give you that,two days” while handing Rafe the drugs.”I got it”only for Barry to mumble a ok.”have a little faith in me Barry,I appreciate you” while he agreed an Rafe made his way out.while Rafe was walking away he turnt back to see if Barry was watching him to make sure he actually didn’t leave with the bike,only to look up an see through the window y/n the girl he has had a crush on sense he was a child,an still does,he never was sure about his obsession with her.he wanted himself to believe it was because you were innocent,an he wanted to protect you from that all,from being taken away from you.
But seeing Barry’s hand on your cheek while you where reaching to his shoulder running past him into another room,which had been the bathroom getting sick.he couldn’t help but rush back into the trailer to figure out what you were doing hanging around Barry,there’s no way you were there buying drugs from him,he couldn’t ever picture the little girl he knew in a obsession with purple sweaters an knee shorts to be into drugs,you were innocent as they come.he tried to be sneaky an not be seen as he peered around the corner,seeing you on the ground by the toilet leant against Barry,completely pale now as he was rubbing your back.”Barry I’m sorry I came to you really I am,but am I gonna die” while Collapsing against the wall slightly breathing heavy.”nah your not gonna die your just going through withdraws,not every day do I hear about a father drugging their daughters,you had to of pissed him off” you just nod “you don’t know the slightest bit of it” while closing your eyes feeling shaky before falling asleep passing out.not aware of the yelling that had started to take place between Rafe and Barry.
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maybanksdaughter · 2 years
Maybanks Daughter
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Warnings:adult themes,talk an mention of hangovers,cussing
Rafe Cameron x reader
Part 2
Waking up an the first thing you needed was the stretch,it was the biggest urge you had until you stood up an held you head remembering last night wishing you could forget it.making you way into the kitchen meeting your brother who was already in the kitchen but he was drinking coffee.”good morning” I whisper an he chuckled “hung over ain’t you” he said while trying to be quiet understanding the feelings that were rushing over you for the first time.”yeah I think so,but that what happened last night isn’t gonna happen again I promise.what he had said just crawled under my skin an I just wanted to forget an I remember you an pope talking saying it helps forget”.he nodded “it does until the next morning an then all you wish is that you didn’t drink,but to fix it you just drink more” I shake my head “not happening…like ever again” which thankfully made him smile.”just stay away from Rafe promise me,I don’t like the way he looks at you probably was happy to see you drunk last night thankfully he wasn’t alone in that care I don’t trust him around you”.nodding “sure JJ anything for you”. I tell him seeing most of everyone getting up slowly this morning guessing everyone had a rough night last night.
I didn’t have work today,spending most of the day around the chateau.The group had already left for their big adventure,I didn’t have plans today but I couldn’t stay in the house I was gonna drive myself beyond crazy.walking around the cut for a while before deciding to drop by popes dads work,hoping I could help him out an get something else on my mind.”hey got anything I can help you out with mr.heyward” I smile at him seeing his mood change an a smile appear on his face “finally someone I can depend on,while my son runs off doing who knows what”.I couldn’t help but chuckle “trust me your son is the smartest one of the group,he knows what he’s doing plus I make sure they keep me informed.just something for them to empty there time”. He nods handing me a couple bags that I happily take from him an a paper letting me know what goes to whom am where.heading out hearing him holler at me a thank you.couple had went to older people,three to a couple younger kids an some beer to a couple up on the other side of the island at the country club who was golfing.having went back just to be told there wasn’t any other delivery’s for right now an he truly appreciated it,I figured would be the best to actually check in an see what they had been doing.
Only to find out JJ an John b went off alone to talk to a girl who knew more about the compass,the idea made my blood boil.how could they leave them alone with people who could be highly dangerous,pacing back and forth through the deck at John bs while kia had been trying to get me to calm down,trying my best not to raise my voice at her.I didn’t want my feelings right now at there stupidity to make them feel how I have felt before.it seemed like they were never coming back an I couldn’t help but let the fear take control as I went to rush out to meet them rushing in.”we were right outside an all we heard was bam bam bam!” JJ said while he was out of breath freaking out.”you guys were shot at seriously why the hell wouldn’t you tell me before you idiots pull this kinda thing” I can’t help but sigh.”knocking paint off the wall from the inside” JJ exclaimed “at that point I was like I’m just waiting for death” hearing pope Interrupt “so you saw the guys that shot at us right” only for JJ to agree that he had.”did you get a good look at them,a description” kia agreeing,taking a minute for JJ to think back “burly” for pope to repeat what he had said.”yeah you know like” for kia to interrupt that it wasn’t helpful.”the type of guy at my dads garage,you guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers I can tell you guys with full confidence these boys,these killers” taking a dramatic pause to of course smoke “get to the dam point Jesus” I yell for the first time overly nervous about what they just got themselves into.”square groupers” only for pope to get the reference of what my brother was trying to say.for JJ to explode freaking out “dude! I wasn’t freaking taking mental Polaroids in my head okay I was under stress” his voice breaking “but I can tell you by the way miss lawn was screaming these guys are serious serious it’s a heavy vibe right now an I don’t like it”.for everyone to go on a rant about the compass. For John b to remember his dads office that was always locked,for us to then hear noise an people yelling,of course these guys came to the chateau with fucking guns coming back after them.sneaking out through the window and getting away enough for them to leave.
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Or course now I am in the back of Twinkie with them,sense now nobody is safe at the chateau.everyone ranting and being weird talking back at everyone,while I stay quiet listening to them all.sighing getting out when everyone else was “now what are you guys doing” I say as John b starts rambling “okay here’s what’s gonna happen,your gonna post up an look out” looking at jj an pope an me “great” as I sit against the tree while popes ranting about his scholar ship.while passing feeling my nerves get the best of me while I get up quickly standing up pacing.for them to be running out an everyone running back to Twinkie.”you are seriously leaving John b and Kia back there” I yell as pope says “we will get them,they got this”.the whole day went by quickly but I wish it went by quicker so much chaos in such little time,how can they all put up with that.I crash on the sofa in middle of John be living room,waiting for them all to get back as a dose off for a while.waking up hours later to John b grabbing me an rushing me into the car picking up the others,this shit never ends does it.”a centenary really” I shove John b walking next to JJ,while he takes us to a grave.”always thought redfeild was a place tell I realized it was a person,my great great grandmother Olivia,it was her maiden name” he exclaimed while everyone started raising there voice until kiara saying she could fit,of course she’s going there she’s not even thinking about what could be inside.”remind me what we are looking for” she asks “you will know when you see it” John b reply’s while she went in,finding exactly what John b knew what would be there,what his father wanted him to find.
Rushing out leaving them thinking we will be followed,running back to Twinkie,before booking it back to John bs.an John b digging into whatever they found,a map an a voice recorder.while they all talked about what they planned to do with the money,I stayed back all of this was way to much for me.falling asleep until morning groaning when I was smacked with a pillow by pope “rise and shine we are on the run” he exclaims rushing out slamming the door,”do you guys ever just take a day off oh my just leave me” I groan as kia drags me out “nope”.driving for a long time pulling up to a hotel. “A hotel really” I grumble still not awake not after last nights events.”alright keep a look out,we are behind enemy lines” jj says with a accent pulling out a gun he probably stole.”come on man just put it back” John b insisted “can never be to careful” jj talked back while pope an I got out of the back with kiara,”hey I predict bringing a weapon to a four star hotel,will likely cause more problems then they solve” with a snarky attitude.popes great but sometimes he just annoyed me more then any other person on this planet.”thank you pope” John b said to be interrupted by kia “I swear to god I’m gonna throw that thing in the ocean JJ,put it back”.for him to put it back and grab a badge.going inside following behind them,I loved them but they had to much energy for me to handle,walking into a room full of computers and putting cords into a computer.to find wherever they now wanted to go,something about this all just didn’t seem right to be while they figured out also exactly how deep it was.until John be comment came “an can your dad get his grimy little hands on that”. Now that comment struck a nerve,as I shoved him walking out.
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@valeriiecameron @valeriiecameron
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maybanksdaughter · 2 years
Maybanks Daughter
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Part 1: https://maybanksdaughter.tumblr.com/post/681299111665942528/maybanks-daughter
Part 2: https://maybanksdaughter.tumblr.com/post/681303028008157184/maybanks-daughter
Part 3: https://maybanksdaughter.tumblr.com/post/681306650069581824/maybanks-daughter
Part 4: https://maybanksdaughter.tumblr.com/post/681309765103730688/maybanks-daughter
Part 5: https://maybanksdaughter.tumblr.com/post/681315447588667392/maybanks-daughter
Part 6: https://maybanksdaughter.tumblr.com/post/681315757538361344/maybanks-daughter
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maybanksdaughter · 2 years
Maybanks Daughter
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Warnings:adult themes,parental abuse,cussing,underage drinking an talk of smoking
Rafe Cameron x reader
Part 1
Telling people I am Luke Maybanks daughter is something I always try avoid telling people,but that’s not the case when it comes to JJ.He’s my little brother an I couldn’t be anymore proud of the man he is today even with how much pain my father has put him through.I had my shift today,without JJ he had some adventure planned with John b an the others,he told me that would lead them to finding John bs dad.I couldn’t be any more proud of them all,I mean yes his father was considered dead an lost at sea but there isn’t any proof that he is dead,even though technically there is also no proof he is alive.
My shift had started an the day went by slower then I could ever imagine,when my last table had came to be it was Rafe Cameron,his an my relationship was a strange one,we didn’t like each other but we didn’t hate each other,it was more of a - I can stand you - relationship.I wasn’t the one to pass judgment so quickly on someone,trying to see the best in them even though when it seems like there isn’t anything good left to them.”what can I get you guys started with” I fake a pretty convincing smile as they had told me the drinks they had wanted,of course being alcohol.Going into the back getting there drinks and handing it to them,Rafe asking me “how have you been,I haven’t seen you around the house to much with Sarah lately”rolling my eyes at him,I can’t help but to just amuse his question with humor “what did a certain Cameron miss having me around his family’s house hearing me yelling in Sarah’s room over something probably involving her not being able to pick what shirt she wanted to wear,while she goes to meet John b” trying to hide back a chuckle while I walk off hearing topper mumbled “wait you don’t think she’s really going to meet up with John b do you” to Rafe.not noticing rafes eyes follow you back into the back,an eventually out the doors of the country club,you were never aware the feelings Rafe truly had for you,except for his sister your best friend Sarah Cameron.
Running through the doors of the chateau,a name John bs dad always used to call the house that kinda just sticked.”how was your guys day,please tell me it was more eventful then mine” I slightly yell trying to match their energy though I felt like I could crash into bed at any moment.”it was great we have a clue that’s a pretty big one John b thinks” kiara had told me while JJ nodded getting up going into the kitchen “what did you all find?” I question them as I sat down promising myself I wouldn’t convince myself that I would give in an fall asleep here,though the temptation was giving in.”my dads pocket watch,which he carved red field into” John b told me while opening it an messing with it.”well it’s a start,rather that then having found nothing,I believe that’s just the start for you” I say as I get up messing up John bs hair. “I should head home,JJ you should stay here tonight let me see how everything is going sense neither of us have been home for a few days,promise me you will stay?” I plead at him an he just gives me a small nod before throwing his head back downing another beer,I don’t get how my brother had drank,an smoke weed the idea of it makes me wanna cry,what if it leads to more an we end up turning out like our parents,though I don’t think anything could ever corrupt JJ,he’s a pretty perfect brother an friend.
Making the front door open slowly,trying to be quiet as possible in case my father had actually been sleeping,the place still seemed the same.a complete mess,I turn the corner to run into my fathers chest,not being able to help but mumbled shit.”sorry I really didn’t mean to run into you” I say trying not to let my voice crack or show that I am scared of what’s about to happen,but what I think is about to happen doesn’t happen,instead he pulls me into a hug.”you know I love you right darling” those words made my stomach turn yes he was your father but never have you heard him say those words sense your mom left,for greener an better life.”I-I love you to d-dad” I tell him feeling him hug me an tensing up as he says what he says next “you know you are a amazing daughter,you an JJ both are I know I’m hard on you guys but it’s just because I love you,an your mother left us like this alone.you look so much like her” those words sting,you have never once thought about that until now knowing you did have a lot of her facial similarity’s.staying until he had feel back asleep before leaving you couldn’t help but open the fridge an downing a beer,that one turnt into a second trying to hide back the tears you have never drank before but you wanted to forget everything your father had just told you,you wished you didn’t come home tonight.walking back to John bs seeing a car driving so overly slow behind you,fear ran up your whole body,who the hell could be following you.you didn’t have anything to defend yourself with an you weren’t really a fighter,you always just stayed still an took it.the car making a sudden quick halt,as the door had slowly opened.Topper had got out of the passenger side of the car reaching his hand out to you “I’m only here because he said we have to help you,an that we can’t leave you on the side of the road” I couldn’t help but feel disgusted “I’m not going anywhere with you or him or frankly anyone,get back in the car and leave” I spat at him stumbling slightly as I kept walking,until I heard a door slam an someone running to catch up to me though I haven’t moved far from where I had been originally,it was Rafe of course it was. “Rafe seriously please just leave me alone,god you both don’t know how to ever listen,I don’t want to see you or topper okay I wanna go to John bs an I wanna go to sleep an forget this whole day” I ramble at him as he furrows his eyebrows at me “you drank,I thought little miss y/n never drank” glaring up at him “shit changes,people change stay out of it” I couldn’t help but feel bad talking back to him he was only trying to help and hear I am yelling at him,this wasn’t me.could my father be right,an this just proves it I had a drink an I am already more like my father an our mother then I have ever been.
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When I had woke up an really realized what was going on,Rafe had been holding me up carrying me over to the side of John bs house.”what the hell are you doing touching my sister get the hell away from her” JJ had yelled rushing over shoving Rafe before realizing he was holding you up an catching you himself.”are you fucking drunk what the hell is going on” JJ raised his house an I just whimpered laying down on the side chair curling up.”JJ somethings not right..dad said he loved us an that I looked like mom,I don’t look like her do I” I say trying not to cry not realizing Rafe had been standing there mouthing quietly sister over and over while Sarah had been rolling her eyes “Rafe what did you think her last name was,we have known her sense we were kids” Rafe shrugged though he an Sarah both knew what he thought was “it never mattered I was always so planned on making it cameron” though he didn’t dare say that out loud in front of everyone “look I’m leaving I just wasn’t gonna leave her on the side of the road walking an barley being able to do that” while walking off Sarah had thanked him while you had already fell asleep curled up in the chair.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in future works!
@valeriiecameron @valeriiecameron
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