maybeimselene · 1 year
For every like to this post your Monarch will give Naja a kiss on the forehead, wrap them in a blanket and lull them to sleep.
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maybeimselene · 1 year
Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:
extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example
entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.
S H A R E D  with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E  to do it. 
Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.
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maybeimselene · 2 years
The Ssum: early thoughts
First of all, the app looks really good! I like the design of the interface and it's clearly an improvement from Mystic Messenger (even though I still like MM with all my heart lol).
The main love interest is cute and seems really nice which is kinda refreshing in its own way (I do sometimes get tired from mysterious/stoic or borderline toxic male LIs in otome games). If this game is like a real slow burn from strangers to lovers, then I guess I'll have to see it to the end lmao. VA is amazing as always👌
Emotion system is kind of confusing, I don't really understand why it's there and what it should be used for. The feature of expressing your thoughts is nice though, really helps to feel connection to other players.
The main problem for me, though, is the amount of money you'll have to spend on this game🥲 Because like all f2p games, all free players will suffer either from inability to choose a response that feels in character for them or from the need to change their daily schedule or from the long long wait. I mean, the prices are kind of ridiculous, but what can you do😔
All in all, though I'm looking forward for what's in store. Perhaps all this waiting will teach me how to be more patient lmao
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maybeimselene · 2 years
Masterlist for Coding
Don't mind me, just getting this coding master list ready ahead of time to make it easier to keep this blog organized! I've already got a few ideas on some things I want to share :) Come across something incorrect? Let me know, please!
Oh - if you got tagged in this list, just ignore me, and sorry for the bother!
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Getting Started
Pros & Cons: ChoiceScript vs Twine - coming soon :)
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Introduction to CScript
Introduction to ChoiceScript
Commands for ChoiceScript
Text Editor Recommendations - coming soon :)
How to Hide a Choice Based on a Variable
Setting up Variables for Character Creation (name, pronouns, hair, eyes, etc) - coming soon :)
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Introduction to Twine
Twine Cookbook
Twine for Brower (Chromebook) or Desktop Download
Sugarcube Documenation
How to Approach Character Creation - coming soon :)
Templates (I believe all of these are for SugarCube)
Twine Template (mobile friendly) by Vahnya, @outoftheblue-if
Twine Template II by Vahnya, @outoftheblue-if
Sugarcube Template by @nyehilismwriting
Twine Sugarcube Template by @nyehilismwriting
A Quick Guide to Character Pages by @gamesbyalbie
Twine Sugarcube Template by @cerberus-writes
100% Good Twine Sugarcube Template @manonamora-if
Twine Sugarcube 2 Template by a.w. morgan
Variables and Choices
Setting up Variables - coming soon :)
Coding Cycling Choices (where the player clicks to change an option) - coming soon :)
UI, CSS, and Theme-Related Things
How to Add Images to Twine (local and online) - coming soon :)
CSS Chart and Keywords (great to reference when changing colors in your UI)
Google Fonts (download a free font to match your game's theme and/or for accessibility)
Canva - has free and paid assets that you can use
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IF Authors / Writers / Coders (AKA Wizard Guru Extraordinaires)
Vahnya - @outoftheblue-if
Cerberus Writes - @cerberus-writes
Nyehilism- @nyehilismwriting
Albie - @gamesbyalbie
Manon - @manonamora-if
idrellegames - @idrellegames
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maybeimselene · 2 years
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We hit this milestone a little bit ago but I wasn’t quite certain what I wanted to do until now.
First things first, I’d like to thank you all for supporting Absentia. I adore interacting with you all and I love to see all of the theories that you come up with when in regards to the Kidnapper’s identity (and whatever else). I’m so honored that I get to have Readers like all of you that are so loving and absolutely amazing. I can’t wait for you all to get back into Absentia when Chapter One is finally rereleased into the public demo.
Until then I’d just like to do something fun for you all! There will be three prizes for everyone who wishes to participate— it’s not at all mandatory— in this little event.
1st Place: Commission of your MC and chosen RO** // Option to create your own reoccurring character within Absentia // Medium Drabble
2nd Place: Commission of your MC** // Option to create your own character within Absentia // Short Drabble
3rd Place: Option to create your own character within Absentia
** Artist hasn’t been chosen yet.
All you have to do? Simply reblog or comment on this post and you’ll automatically be entered into the pool. This will be open for everyone until the end of August/Early September!
I hope you all have fun! Thank you again for being so wonderful and supporting me on this journey.
Love you all!!! ❤️🌹🌹❤️
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maybeimselene · 2 years
Master List: Relationships - Romance
Guide: Love Triangles and How to Tackle Them Guide: Creating Romantic Chemistry Guide: Characters Falling in Love Guide: Writing a Slow Burn Romance Guide: Choosing a Love Interest Adding Surprise to a Slow Burn First Kiss Writing Romance without Experience Writing the “Almost Sex but Not Quite” Scene Writing Sex Scenes with a Little More Heat Writing a Romantic Sex Scene Avoiding Cringe in a Love Scene Writing a Kissing Scene Writing a Wholesome Romance The Subtle Signs of Romantic Interest and Love Transitioning Through Levels of Affection Are Verbal Love Confessions Hokey in Fiction? Enemies to Romance Playful Dislike to Love Friendship Turns to Romance Friends/Love Interests to Enemies Ways for Love Interests to Meet Creating Conflict in a Romantic Relationship Emotions When Old Flames Reunite Romance Started to Build Before Story Began Even Romance Needs a Little Conflict Two Exes Falling in Love Again Turning Romantic Main Plot Into Subplot Antagonist Becomes Love Interest Partnerships: Platonic, Romantic, and Romantic w/o Physical Showing Feelings Developed Pre-Story Through Recall
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maybeimselene · 2 years
This is why we can't have nice things.
The best people who share their beautiful work for free are being constantly "trolled" by idiots who think it's funny to make other people feel miserable. I hope that anon finds some real life friends, grow up and one day look back to their past self, starting to feel shame and regret. This Karen attitude isn't funny and if you're doing it to feel better about yourself than you life is pretty shitty and I'm genuinely sorry about that. Still doesn't give you any right to treat authors or anyone else like that.
I’m not meaning this to be offensive or anything but why do you act holier than thou about writing for free when you have a Ko-Fi? Where you literally beg us for money. It just doesn’t make sense to me.
I’ve noticed that with a lot of authors and it’s astonishing that you pretend you don’t need us and then ask for donations.
I don’t quite understand what you’re referring to but I apologize if you believe I’ve acted holier than thou… as that’s never been something I’ve wanted to do.
My Ko-Fi is completely optional and you don’t have to interact with it. It’s there for people who’d like to commission me or simply donate; I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with having something up that people can interact with. It’s not a requirement to donate to me to read my story. Just like it’s not a requirement to join my Discord to get sneak peeks and whatever else; I will share everything given time but there will be perks for the people who do various things. Like a personalized commission or access to links that won’t be publicly released for a bit.
I also don’t think I’ve ever stated that I don’t need you all; I believe I have even said things on the contrary. I love interacting with you all and you make sharing my story that much better because of your varying inputs and reactions.
Absentia is free and will be free for a very long time, but you’re more than welcome to speak however you would about me and my Ko-Fi habits or whatever else. Please… just don’t speak about other authors that haven’t done anything to receive this ire… if you’re angry at something I’ve done then direct it at me but not them. Even if I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong, I would appreciate that much.
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maybeimselene · 2 years
this is a bit of a ramble about the if community; not connected to the plot of the game
I want to preface this by saying that I love the IF Community, and I adore my communities on Sinners and Saints and The Numbers Game -- I am grateful for each and every one of you. 99,99% of every ask I get is lovely, supportive and kind. I'm extremely thankful for this.
I'm of a mindset that 'ignoring the thing' or 'ignoring the issue' is just as bad as the thing/the issue itself -- if they are not addressed, nothing will be done. So, I wanted to vent a bit of what's been on my mind. I'm fairly new to the IF Community (since November 2021) and I can't say I've faced any significant hate or bigotry, comparing to other authors I follow. This is more of a combination of my thoughts on my own experiences and the community as a whole.
I am aware that many readers enjoy IFs as self inserts/reader inserts. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, I myself used to enjoy reader inserts when I was younger. However, I think that many people ignore the differences between IFs and reader-insert fiction. RI fiction is usually a short (100 words-10K words), already written piece of written fiction. There's one plot, one route, one ending. There's no coding involved, no multiple routes, endings, variables, you don't make choices there. It's impossible to make an IF a true self-insert because the games are longer, harder to make and simply it's impossible to make a 100% customisable Main Character. Because it is a Main Character, it is not Y/N. Whenever me or other authors receive asks, the readers often (not always) refer to MC as 'me' or 'us' and it blurs the line between remembering it is the authors character and not you as a reader. We get a lot of "but I wouldn't (re)act like this" or "but I'm a strict bottom" or "but I wouldn't say that" or "but I wouldn't work as a teacher because I hate kids." On one hand, some readers complain about the MC being too blank, on the other, readers complain that MC is not 'truly' customisable. Yes, we are all aware we can't please everyone. Most of us, however, want to accommodate as many people as we can, because we strive to make our work as enjoyable as possible. Some readers send in incredibly detailed, specific scenarios and when I personally get those asks, I can't help but feel like someone is treating me as their 'one-shot' writing machine.
This ties to the previous section as well. As I said, 99.99% of readers are amazing -- but this 0.01% exists. There's obviously the entitlement towards the main characters; but let's talk about the entitlement towards the companions and romantic interests. The issue of "can you change their gender/sexuality so I can romance and/or fuck them" or the demand that the character changes a certain way to accommodate the MC (often a self insert). I had the bizarre experience of someone asking for me to change a character's name to something "more sexy" for example. I've seen authors be asked to change a character's sexuality or gender identity at least three separate times. I've seen complaints that it [the game] is 'too gay' and there's 'nothing for straights'. I've seen people ask for a character's sexuality to be not mentioned or for the game to have a trigger warning for this sexuality. There are demands that an NPC or Secondary Character becomes a romantic interest, or that there are (more) possible polyamorous routes. There's the obvious demand for the author to write faster. It's my personal takeaway that a number of readers simply view us--the authors--similarly as a Karen would see a retail worker; I say this as someone who worked in retail. The mindset of 'I'm the client so I get to demand'-- except you don't. Most authors, like me, write for free and don't take money for their work. Some make it optional to support them financially, but that's not a salary. Most authors work alone, learn coding from 0 with minimal help, and either do their own beta testing or ask someone from the community to do it for free. There's minimal or no monetary rewards involved, and the IFs are often made simply as a hobby, as many of us have regular jobs, go to a university or are still in school. It is in the author's right to even delete the entire game and blog with no explanation.
I personally am okay with NSFW asks--if they have a clear 'NSFW' before the ask--but not every author is. Not every author is okay with sexual asks and this boundary (every boundary the author sets, honestly) has to be respected. I've talked numerous times that I'm okay with NSFW asks as long as they have 'NSFW' tag and as long as they are not overly graphic or too detailed. I made an entire post talking about this, and that I am not okay with asks relating to sexual violence. I still, however, get asks that are sexual and have no NSFW tag, are graphic/detailed, or that relate to sexual violence. Not to mention, I get sexual asks about asexual and demisexual characters. It's uncomfortable. I sometimes feel like while some readers dislike asexual character's for the sexuality alone, with case of the demisexual characters some readers ignore the character's sexuality entirely and seemingly forget about it--similar thing [ignoring things about a character] happens with the character's boundaries, especially regarding touch or sexual preferences. Some IFs have sexual content or are focused around the sexual content, not all IFs are though, and I feel like a number of readers forget that. The character's are not there for the reader's sexual fantasies, and the author is not a personal smut writer for the readers. It gets especially uncomfortable when readers who self-insert send very NSFW scenario asks using 1st person.
This is the most bizarre one for me--the weird waves of hate on specific characters in the IF. This one will be short because simply what the hell. Just because a character is an asshole or evil, does not give anyone the right to then send the author rude/disturbing asks about said character. It's important to remember, IF means interactive FICTION. Those are not real people, and by sending things like this, all you might be able to achieve is to get the author to turn off anon asks, or throw away the whole game.
Relating to the one before -- this is fiction. The authors do not condone murder or petting tigers in real life, if they write about a murderer character or a character petting a tiger. Simple as that.
Anyway that's the end of my ramble, it's a little chaotic, but it feels good to get it out of my system.
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maybeimselene · 2 years
You’ve sort of done it to yourself at this point. Just let us, and our MCs, do what we’d like and I don’t think you’d have as much problems anymore. It makes no sense that our MCs can’t do what we’d like them to do. At a certain point it’s just bad storytelling.
I’m answering this with the full understanding that this was probably sent to get a rise out of me, but it’s been resting in my inbox for a moment and I’d like to finally address it. I apologize if I come off as rude during my reply, as I don’t mean to be at all, but I may get short with you at some points. I think this will be one of the last asks that I answer about the K/Gabby situation because there are some answers on the FAQ that you can direct your attention to; unless you’re honestly confused then please don’t be afraid to send one in.
The first point I’d like to make is simply the fact that I won’t bend to peer pressure. Just because the loud voices in my inbox wish for me to allow them to be rude or, too be quite frank, deranged towards K or Gabby doesn’t mean I’m going to listen. Absentia is my story, my plot and my characters are super important to me, and I don’t want to do anything to hinder that. Of course, I’ll continuously add various things as I go— some being suggestions from all of you— but I won’t add things that will pretty much implode the plot.
The second point I’d like to make is the simple fact that the MC is Absentia’s MCs; meaning that it is my MC too. Yes, the MC is customizable and I’m going to try and make them feel as real as I can for all of you but they’re still a character. They’re still one of my characters that I need to get from Point A to Point B. This is an interactive novel, one that you can influence, but that doesn’t mean it’s a self insert. Just because you wouldn’t react in such a way doesn’t mean that the MC wouldn’t either. Yes, you influence them but within the parameters I have for the story. I’m going to try to add as many variables as I can to make it fun and expansive for you all but I still have to keep it in a box at some points. The MC isn’t a blank slate.
It’s sort of like The King’s Hound MC liking children— even if you, as the reader, don’t— or The Wayhaven Chronicles MC being a Detective even if you’d never want to work in law enforcement; there are just certain things that I can’t bend on because it could make sense in one area but completely destroy another.
Again I’m going to try and make the MCs as varying as I’m able to but I won’t be able to include everything— or every reaction at that specific juncture— but I’ll always try my best to make Absentia fun (while still maintaining it as the story I envisioned).
Again I’m sorry if I came off as rude with this reply, as I don’t wish for it be seen that way, but I truly wanted to elaborate on some things that I’ve wanted to speak about for some time. I didn’t make this to start an argument or anything else. I’d just like to explain some things for the people who may be a little more confused.
I hope that’s okay and I hope that everything goes well for you.
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maybeimselene · 2 years
there’s this incredibly weird and frankly concerning phenomenon in the IF fandom where people will do everything in their power to force authors into changing their characters that - for any reason possible - don’t fit the readers’ image of them, or more like, what they want them to be. and mostly this very entitled ire seems to be often aimed at characters who are somewhere on the ace spectrum, but especially those who are sex-repulsed asexuals.
STOP going into authors’ inboxes demanding explanations why characters are asexual. it’s none of your fucking business. you don’t go up to people on the streets either and question their sexualities, so what in the everloving fuck makes you think it’s okay to do so in this space, i truly do wonder.
these characters may not click for you personally but that does not mean they’re not important representation to other readers. the constant invalidation of aspec is disgusting and just all around fucking stupid. get your head out of your ass and leave authors the fuck alone. they don’t owe you anything.
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maybeimselene · 2 years
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New Chapter Released!
Newroz pîroz be, happy spring to everyone! 🌷
With the release of this chapter, as a reminder for all the major changes:
Rebalanced plot-related reputation points: replaying starting from Chapter Five is highly advised. You risk breaking certain plot-related scenes in the future otherwise.
With the Chapter Eight update the Character Codex will show all the LI names from the moment you unlock it at the start of Chapter One, so if you want a specific gender combination with a bi Crown you won’t have to replay as much of the game every time
New chapter title headers will be added, Chapters 1 - 4 now have titles as well!
New background color has been implemented; it’s not a dark mode, but I hope it’ll make the screen a bit easier on the eyes!
Adjusted the image size of the Arsurian Calendar, it should be larger and higher quality now
The portraits of the Love Interests have been added to the codex and will now be visible once you meet them in the game
Added the option to change your Crown’s pronouns at any point in the story from the Character Traits passage. Changing it won’t be addressed in the story itself (coding a scene for it would be too difficult, timing wise) but the option is there now!
Specific to Chapter Eight:
New codex entries, lore and relationship stats!
The map of Arsur will be unlocked in this chapter!
The opportunity to solidfy friendships with the cast
A bit of the mystery around the Crown’s parents is revealed
A lot of lore and history about the founding of Arsur and its first Crown
Thank you for all your patience and support, I hope you enjoy the new chapter with the coming of spring 💖
For those that are unfamiliar with the game
A Tale of Crowns is a high fantasy love story, told in the form of a text-based interactive novel with choice mechanics. The setting is inspired by Kurdish culture as well as other historical settings in the Middle East such as Ancient Persia, but it also draws heavily from other cultures and countries in the region.
Your character is native to Arsur, a vast empire overseen by a single ruler known as the Crown. Unlike traditional monarchies, however, the title is not inherited through blood. Whenever the Crown dies, their famed golden eyes pass on to the one chosen by the Spirits of this world to be the new Crown. In this story, your MC takes on that role.
There are four different love interests to choose from, whose genders will be customized to suit the preferences of your Crown. You can find more info about them on the blog page!
Also note that this current version of the game is safe for those 16 years and older.
Like the premise so far? Download it and give it a try! The entire game is free!
If you enjoyed the game, please reblog! Share it with your friends! Recognition and reader interaction is just about the only thing I get in return for creating it ❤️
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maybeimselene · 2 years
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“If we wrapped up against the cold, we wouldn’t feel other things, like the bright tingle of the stars, or the music of the aurora, or best of all the silky feeling of moonlight on our skin. It’s worth being cold for that.” -Philip Pullman, the Golden Compass
@alyssasheinmel on Instagram
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maybeimselene · 2 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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maybeimselene · 2 years
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“NO 💙💛
Saint Petersburg
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maybeimselene · 2 years
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leigh bardugo, the ninth house
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maybeimselene · 2 years
The fact that I reported a puppet account for saying Black people deserved slavery and was given a bullshit "that's their opinion" response yet staff has deleted 3 of my Black mutuals on the same fucking day tells my that @staff is racist and that Black Excellence banner is only for fucking show. Y'all will let Black bloggers be harassed, but God forbid one of them says fucking white women. With fucking full blown pesos and white supremacists on your fucking site too. Hope your building blows up
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maybeimselene · 2 years
ok but if bruce wayne somehow came upon zuko fresh out of banishment he would lose his mind.
black hair? check. bad parent(s)? check. trauma? double check.
bruce: how’d you get your scar?
zuko: my dad got mad at me for saying that killing people is wrong so he lit my face on fire and banished me.
bruce, vibrating with excitement, already pulling adoption papers from his utilility: that’s terrible. how do you feel about capes.
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