mayomelonlove · 9 years
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                          THE END OF KEIZOKU 2: SPEC.
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     She was used to strangers giving her      curious looks or looks that seemed to      exemplify that they thought of her as      deranged and eccentric, but somehow      this didn't feel the same. 
     ❝Yes, SPEC. You know, your powers?❝
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         A lengthy pause, then ever so slightly        the blonde tilts her head at the new        arrival, curious, ever so c u r i o u s .
                            ❝—S p e c ?❝
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     ❝But it was so interesting! Did you need to use the        wood as a conduit for your SPEC, or do you just        use it because you like it? Judging by how you        fingered the wood before you used it, it's probably        more of the former, but the casual way you keep        your conduit, behind the ear, depicts that you are        also quite fond of it.❝
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  ❝…—there’s no point. The dark spirit       has been  c l e a n s e d .❝
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     ❝Do that again!❞
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     ❝Ah. It's more mutual for us.❞ Sebumi-san        got himself into positions that he needed        Saya's intelligence to get out of, but Saya        also often got into situations where she        needed help from Sebumi-san's inhuman        physical skills.
     Honestly, Saya was half sure that the man      did have a SPEC and just didn't know it.       There was no way he could do half of the      things he did on willpower alone. It was      ridiculous and illogical, and Saya hated      stuff like that.
     Of course, people with powers didn't seem      to be in that radar of 'illogical,' but, then again,      she had a SPEC herself.
     Before she could respond to his advice, two      waiters came to their table. One had Coop's      order while the other one had her thirty dumplings.      Her expression brightened at the sight of the      food, and she immediately ate a morsel and      dipped it into the mixture of soy sauce and      mustard before moaning, her eyes closing in      pleasure as she enjoyed the taste. 
     ❝Mm, it's so good!❞ she exclaimed. 
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            “The type that usually get tangled            into some trouble and you need to            save them from whatever the trouble            is,” he tried to explain. He had this            type of partner before. And they didn’t last.
Coop watched in amusement when Saya checked the kitchen door, most likely hoping to find the waiter carrying her food. He honestly wondered how she could look hungry still after finishing the first round of dumplings.
           “I guess you have a point. So I’m just             gonna offer you an advice then. Don’t             alienate the local PD. They can make             your investigation difficult, whatever it is.”
He left out the part about not pissing off the Feds because he wasn’t even sure if her case dealt with anything federal. Although her agency was most likely partnering with one of the alphabet agencies because he didn’t they would let any foreign law enforcement ran around the country doing any investigation without any of them tagging along.
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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❝Give me candy!❞
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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❝Ah, sorry.❞
     She was spending a little bit too much time      deciding what she was going to eat for lunch      when she bumped into the other woman.
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     Saya realised how callous her words must have      sounded to someone who had never seen her      and Sebumi-san interact on a case. That was      just how they were, they insulted and taunted      each other, but always had each other's backs      out in the field. Sebumi-san often protected      her, and she did the same for Sebumi-san.
     Still, it wasn't her problem if Cooper had      the wrong idea about their partnership. 
     ❝Those types?❞ She wasn't quite understanding         what Cooper was referring to.
     Saya glanced at the door of the kitchen,      looking for her food. She was really       hungry, and she definitely wanted her      dumplings now. At least she already had      her soy sauce and mustard combination      on the table already. 
     ❝Just like in America, we can't         share details about ongoing         investigations with people         who aren't working the case.❞
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  The way she told him about her partner made it sounded like she didn’t quite care where her partner was. Or what happened to him. He didn’t keep tab on where his partner was when they were between cases, when he had partner the last time, but he’d definitely told him to check in, just in case something happened.
But hey, wasn’t his problem.
             “One of those type huh?”
She didn’t look like she cared much about the amount of food she just ordered wasn’t really normal, not for one anyway. Not even for two, if anyone thought some of them were for him.
She also didn’t look like she cared much that he didn’t just go away after she took his seat.
             “Can’t share… Really?”
If he had to guess, Saya wasn’t from any US government agencies, which meant she was from foreign agency, operating on US soil. And not sharing? That didn’t sit well with him.
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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"What should I eat for lunch...?"
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     ❝He's somewhere around, probably doing         something stupid like usual.❞ Saya shrugged.
     While she may admire Sebumi-san's determination      (not that she would ever ever admit it), he really was      an idiot in comparison to her (then again, most people      were).
     Saya didn't seem to think thirty dumplings for her to      eat were too much. After all, in Japan, she usually      had stacks of plates beside her when she ate, and it      certainly did help that dumplings was one of her      favourites.
     She also didn't seem to care that Cooper      was sitting at the same table as her. She      had seen and talked with stranger people,      after all. 
❝Ongoing investigation--can't share details.❞ More    like Cooper would never believe her--who would    believe that people had powers if they didn't see    it themselves--and there was a gag order on the    existence of SPEC holders anyway. 
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            “I see. That’s good. Where’s your           partner now?”
He looked around, trying to spot someone who could be her partner but he didn’t see anyone out of place. But then again, they were in a restaurant and he didn’t exactly check the place before coming here. He wouldn’t know if there was anything out of place.
He raised his eyebrows at her order.
     Two? How the hell she can handle      that much food at once?
          “Hey,” he stopped the waiter before            he left. “I’ll have ramen, regular size.”
He sat down on the chair across  from her, having no mood to find another empty table. Technically she took his seat and if her partner suddenly showed up, he or she could grab another chair.
Coop ignored the tone she gave him.
          “What kind of case if you don’t            mind me asking?”
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     ❝I run after criminals too, but I have a partner.❞ Who      had randomly disappeared somewhere, but that wasn't      her problem. He knew enough English to curse, he      probably knew enough English to get to places. 
     ❝I will buy more! Excuse me, can I have        two more orders of the dumplings?❞ The        last part was directed towards a passing        waiter, who nodded in acknowledgment,         even though he was slightly weirded out        by the order. After all, two more orders         meant thirty dumplings for Saya to eat. 
      ❝I have a case.❞ Her tone exemplified the 'no duh'        feeling she had, even though there was no way the       other agent could have known. 
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            “Yeah? Who’s doing the running?”
He had to chase after the fugitive by himself most of the time. It had been a while since he worked with a partner. He worked with someone else after Don left for LA but they didn’t really sync.
          “I don’t doubt that. You should buy more.”
Speaking of food, he probably should get one for himself before he started working on the much dreaded paperwork.
          “So, what brings you here?”
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
     ❝I usually don't have to worry about        the running.❞ More worried about        the criminals trying to kill her with        their powers than the running.
     She tilted her head curiously at      him with the laugh. The laughter      wasn't something she got often--      weird stares, sure, or insults from      Sebumi-san, but not enjoyment      from her expressions. Then again,      American culture was more open      than Japanese culture. 
     ❝I love food,❞ she exclaimed happily.        Her chopsticks scrapped down to        touch an empty plate, and she pouted        at the fact that she had no more        dumplings left. How disappointing. 
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           Coop just pulled his hand back and          bowed his head back slightly. It wasn’t          the first time someone refused to shake          hands with him. Although with Saya, it          probably wasn’t because she was pissed          at him.
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                    “Oh? This?”          He pointed at the scratch on his head.                    "Yeah. They always run when they see the badge."
         This time he didn’t quite manage to stop          his laugh when her expression brightened          as she ate her food.
                   "You’re either haven’t eaten anything in a week                      or that dumplings are really that good.”
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     ❝Sounds right.❞
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        ❝ you  can’t  make an omelet  with              out breaking a couple legs, yes? ❞
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     ❝Saya,❞ she stated, bowing her head a bit at the        hand. She would never get American customs--why        would you shake the hands of someone else? You        never know where people have been, never know        what people have been touching. 
     ❝Recent case?❞ she asked, indicating to his head         wound. She took another bite of her dumplings         and her expression brightened briefly again. 
                   ”That’s me.”
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          He watched her continued eating,           despite the brief interruption, and           had to restrain himself from laughing           at how she seemed to enjoy her food.
                   ”I don’t know. They might have a lot                     of practice making it, since FBI agents                     usually need their food on the go.”
          He waited until her mouth was           empty before extending his hand.
                   ”I’m Cooper.”
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
     ❝Try not to make any more mistakes.❞
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     With the mistake fixed, Saya turned back to      her food. She had solved the puzzle in her      head already, so she didn't really need to pay      attention to him completing the puzzle. Luckily      (or unluckily, depending), she wasn't going to       tell him the answers. 
       He leaned closer to the paper- squinting his eyes as he read the small print he scrawled across it, they surveyed the rows next to it and he only shook his head.
     He erased one of the numbers and moved it to the box next to it,
                        ��   “I don’t have my glasses on.”
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mayomelonlove · 10 years
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     ❝Well...❞ Saya's finger pointed to the mistake         that the guy had made, clear as day to her. 
                                “Why do you say that?”
     Spencer scanned the brunette, watching her body language. He was used to throwing back questions when presented with one.
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