mccrowart · 3 years
Title | SQUID B FOR SALE Forged from fire by the dust of stars to lay waste to the light in dark places. Rack’em up; they’re here. Using fiction to fight reality #gunneutral #onelessgun #mccrowart #invaders #UFO #declassified #spaceinvaders #artapartments #peace #N=R*xfpxnexflxfixfcxL https://www.instagram.com/p/CNdVgLun0hx/?igshid=1s78zdnxkztr8
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mccrowart · 3 years
Title | CRAB A FOR SALE Forged from fire by the dust of stars to lay waste to the light in dark places. Rack’em up; they’re here. Using fiction to fight reality #gunneutral #onelessgun #mccrowart #invaders #UFO #declassified #spaceinvaders #artapartments #peace #N=R*xfpxnexflxfixfcxL https://www.instagram.com/p/CNdVPwvnAWz/?igshid=p6tpcg5nliaj
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mccrowart · 3 years
Title | Octopus B FOR SALE Forged from fire by the dust of stars to lay waste to the light in dark places. Rack’em up; they’re here. Using fiction to fight reality #gunneutral #onelessgun #mccrowart #invaders #UFO #declassified #spaceinvaders #artapartments #peace #N=R*xfpxnexflxfixfcxL https://www.instagram.com/p/CNdVBSxnOjX/?igshid=1l4peud1y8nmu
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mccrowart · 5 years
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Invaders Media | INSERT COIN Size 40cm x 50cm x 8cm #Neon frame With over 250 #wars since #WWII the Military-Industrial Complex seen growth. Bolstered by The Cold War budget of £8 Trillion dollars, The has War on Drugs at well over $1 trillion dollars and The War on Terror budget about to smash through $6 Trillion #dollars to date. With no end in sight, is nobody #asking who’s #playing and who is paying? And there are plenty of ways to pay… The #GlobalPeaceIndex calculated that in 2012 #violence cost $9,460,000,000,000; that’s 11% of gross world product. #Conflict doesn’t just affect the area of conflict, it affects everyone. “Of all the evils to public liberty, #war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops every other. War is the patent of #armies; from these proceed #debts and #taxes. Armies, debts, and taxes, are the known instruments for bringing the many under the #dominion of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its #influence in dealing out offices, honours, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its #freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” - James Madison Political Observations, Apr. 20, 1795 - the fourth #President of the United States (1809–1817). "#Dictatorship naturally arises out of #democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and #slavery out of the most extreme #liberty." - #Plato 428 B.C. A person that thinks I just paint #guns and #bullets is just as important as someone who makes an interpretation that is closer to what I intended; each #Invader is made of fired bullets, signed, numbered and a surplus or illicit #weapon is #destroyed. #onelessgun #gunneutral #art https://www.instagram.com/p/BztBsjyFg2t/?igshid=17yzwc3ny7lrx
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mccrowart · 5 years
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Invaders Media | INSERT COIN Size 40cm x 50cm x 8cm #Neon frame With over 250 #wars since #WWII the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex seen growth. Bolstered by The #ColdWar budget of £8 Trillion dollars, The has WaronDrugs at well over $1 trillion dollars and The #WaronTerror budget about to smash through $6 Trillion #dollars to date. With no end in sight, is nobody #asking who’s #playing and who is #paying? And there are plenty of ways to pay… The #GlobalPeaceIndex calculated that in 2012 #violence cost $9,460,000,000,000; that’s 11% of gross world product. #Conflict doesn’t just affect the area of conflict, it affects everyone. “Of all the evils to public #liberty, #war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops every other. War is the patent of #armies; from these proceed #debts and #taxes. Armies, debts, and taxes, are the known instruments for bringing the many under the #dominion of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its #influence in dealing out offices, honours, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its #freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” - James Madison Political Observations, Apr. 20, 1795 - the fourth #President of the United States (1809–1817). "#Dictatorship naturally arises out of #democracy, and the most aggravated form of #tyranny and #slavery out of the most extreme #liberty." - #Plato 428 B.C. A person that thinks I just paint #guns and #bullets is just as important as someone who makes an interpretation that is closer to what I intended; each #Invader is made of fired bullets, signed, numbered and a surplus or illicit #weapon is #destroyed. #onelessgun #gunneutral #art https://www.instagram.com/p/BztAnuVFeft/?igshid=1dtrscxynv6sh
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mccrowart · 5 years
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Invaders Media | GAME OVER Size 40cm x 50cm x 8cm Neon frame #Aggressors or explorers? #Defenders or destroyers? In a world that is now both physical and #digital, where #warfare is conducted on the ground, #remotely and in the #media, can we even be sure of what we’re witnessing? Who is #attacking and who is protecting? Who is right; who is wrong? Is anyone really #winning anymore? It is a rarely talked about statistic, but for every combatant killed in the field, there are 10 civiliansmurdered, accidentally killed become casualties of war. But it doesn’t end there; #war is so insidious, that even our soldiers are taking their own #lives at the rate of 22 a day. The #UK and US governments are now coming to terms with the fact that more #soldiers commit #suicide than die in #battle. A person that thinks I just paint #guns and #bullets is just as important as someone who makes an interpretation that is closer to what I intended; each #Invader is made of fired bullets, signed, numbered and a surplus or illicit #weapon is #destroyed. #onelessgun #gunneutral #art #mission22 #combatstress @mccrow_invaders https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzs8lK7Ffd4/?igshid=7rg171t8vfbr
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mccrowart · 5 years
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Invaders Media | FATHERS OF FAKE NEWS Early newspapers developed the technique of #YellowNews to win over readers with #sensationalism, #sex, #crime and graphic #horrors. This was a war for #advertising #revenue for Joseph #Pulitzer & William Hearst #battling for front page news. #History would judge their actions as the cause of the United States' entry into the Spanish-American War. But lessons were learned. Edward Bernays, ‘the #father of public relations,’ and writer of ‘Propaganda’; he argued that public relations is not a gimmick but a necessity ‘we have learned that the intelligent minorities can engineer #consent through the use of propaganda;’ publishing books on #democracy, impressing the necessity for ‘”the manufacturing of consent,” describing the #public as “the bewildered herd.” By the 20th century this technique was seized by another writer, Paul Joseph Goebbels. As Minister of Propaganda for the #Nazi party, #Goebbels was very frank about the Nazi party strategy; “we are taking over the techniques of #American commercial advertising.” He said, “a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth” and with that Yellow News became #Propaganda and with the power and control of the German #film industry, he #brainwashed a nation, promoted #genocide and propagated the greatest #war on earth. By the 21st century propaganda seemed to have a new name largely thanks to another writer #MarkBurnett, formally a British Paratrooper and an #illegalimmigrant to the #UnitedStates produced the fantasy reality business TV show called #TheApprentice, ironically casting a four time #bankrupt businessman #DonaldTrump, in which he lords over and decides the fate of aspiring business people with the catch phrase “you’re fired”. Going on to win the presidency of the USA in 2016 he popularised the phrase “Fake News”, deploying the phrase to deter the public from trusting media reports, many of which were critical of his presidency, and to position himself as the only reliable source of #truth. #FakeNews would seem to be the currency that stirs up and expands “the bewildered herd” encompassing so many, that few can now claim not be affected or indeed a part. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzs6J3jlq30/?igshid=1l7d5bh23ylzk
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mccrowart · 8 years
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Arsenal of Democracy #CaptainAmerica, one of the very #first #weaponized #heroes. A failed #army #recruit, #enhanced by the military-industrial complex into a super #solider to #fight for #freedom and #liberty a true #patriot. Captain America #Comics number 1 issue was in March #1941 and his first act was to go and wallop #Hitler. A #noble debut to be sure, but this is a time when #America is neutral in the #war in #Europe. 9 months later, in December 1941, America #declared itself the ‘#arsenalofdemocracy’ and joined #WWII against #Germany. The #reality of giving Hitler a wallop was sadly not as depicted, contrasted by the realities of war, Captain America’s #popularity waned and he was frozen… The same cannot be said for the military-industrial ##complex that has continued its #growth and #influence at an almost incomprehensible #pace. 7,056 spent military rounds, A weapon destroyed for every bullet used Size 125cm x 175cm
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mccrowart · 8 years
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Arsenal of Democracy #CaptainAmerica, one of the very first #weaponized #heroes. A failed #army #recruit, #enhanced by the #militaryindustrialcomplex into a super #solider to #fight for #freedom and #liberty a true #patriot. Captain America Comics number 1 issue was in March 1941 and his first act was to go and wallop Hitler. A noble debut to be sure, but this is a time when #America is #neutral in the war in #Europe. 9 months later, in December #1941, America #declared itself the 'arsenal of #democracy' and joined #WWII against #Germany. The reality of giving #Hitler a wallop was sadly not as depicted, contrasted by the realities of war, #Captain #America's popularity waned and he was frozen... The same cannot be said for the military-industrial complex that has continued its growth and #influence at an almost incomprehensible pace. 7,056 spent #military rounds, Size 125cm x 175cm #warart #peace #mccrow #bullets #art #urbanart
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mccrowart · 8 years
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Toy Gun Too (Mattel Fisher Price) The #AKM; Toy Gun Too. Can release 600 rounds per minute as long as the trigger remains pressed down; effective #killing range, up to 1 km. The AKM is 1kg lighter than the #AK47. #Toy Gun Too makes a sharp reference to the #fact that in many #wartorn areas, irrespective of those forced to take #arms, many #children are more likely to experience a real #gun before a toy one. The AKM so simple to use even a child can operate it, this fact alone has resulted in nearly two hundred and fifty thousand #childsoldiers recruited for use in active #combat. The piece is in balance to challenge the notion that the violence and abuse that can surround a weapon may not always be forward of the #trigger. It is balanced; in part to #demonstrate the #equilibrium of #suffering on both sides of the weapon. In the making of this piece one of the world's most effective #killing #machines was #destroyed. AKM Blue paint stencilled Decommissioned AK47, Russian origin Size 89cm x 25cm [framed 150cm x 100cm] #warart #peace #mccrow #bullets #warchild
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mccrowart · 8 years
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Toy Gun Too (Mattel Fisher Price) The #AKM; Toy Gun Too. Can release 600 rounds per minute as long as the trigger remains pressed down; effective #killing range, up to 1 km. The AKM is 1kg lighter than the #AK47. #Toy Gun Too makes a sharp reference to the #fact that in many #wartorn areas, irrespective of those forced to take #arms, many #children are more likely to experience a real #gun before a toy one. The AKM so simple to use even a child can operate it, this fact alone has resulted in nearly two hundred and fifty thousand #childsoldiers recruited for use in active #combat. The piece is in balance to challenge the notion that the violence and abuse that can surround a weapon may not always be forward of the #trigger. It is balanced; in part to #demonstrate the #equilibrium of #suffering on both sides of the weapon. In the making of this piece one of the world's most effective #killing #machines was #destroyed. AKM Blue paint stencilled Decommissioned AK47, Russian origin Size 89cm x 25cm [framed 150cm x 100cm] #warart #peace #mccrow #bullets #warchild
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mccrowart · 8 years
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mccrowart · 8 years
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mccrowart · 8 years
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I.C.E. Deep frame painted red, glass front, In Case of Emergency painted on glass Removed from Afghanistan Decommissioned AKM enclosed Size 112cm x 51cm x 9cm An almost brand new #AKM from a storage facility in the #MiddleEast. If left #unchecked, this #weapon would be fully functional for decades. A perplexing #realisation about the #illicit small #arms market, which is estimated to be 10 - 20% of the total #globalarmstrade, is that 100% of these weapons #leaked from official #government #stockpiles - just like this one. I.C.E poses a question; if we didn’t feel so #safe, would you keep one, #justincase ?
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mccrowart · 8 years
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World War 2.5 2,038 spent rounds 164cm x 120cm World War 2.5, made up of 2,038 spent rounds. With over 250 #wars since World War II and bolstered by the war on nouns the #GlobalPeaceIndex calculated that in 2012 #violence #cost $9,460,000,000,000; that 11% of #gross world product. #Conflict doesn’t just affect the area of conflict, it affects #everyone. Of all the #enemies to public #liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the #domination of the few.… No #nation could preserve its #freedom in the midst of continual #warfare. — #Jame Madison, Political Observations, 1795
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mccrowart · 8 years
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World War 2.5. 2,038 spent rounds 164cm x 120cmWorld War 2.5, made up of 2,038 spent rounds. With over 250 #wars since World War II and bolstered by the war on nouns the #GlobalPeaceIndex calculated that in 2012 #violence #cost $9,460,000,000,000; that 11% of #gross world product. #Conflict doesn’t just affect the area of conflict, it affects #everyone. Of all the #enemies to public #liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the #domination of the few.… No #nation could preserve its #freedom in the midst of continual #warfare. — #Jame Madison, Political Observations, 1795
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mccrowart · 8 years
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I.C.E. Deep frame painted red, glass front, In Case of Emergency painted on glass Removed from Afghanistan Decommissioned AKM enclosed Size 112cm x 51cm x 9cm An almost brand new #AKM from a storage facility in the #MiddleEast. If left #unchecked, this #weapon would be fully functional for decades. A perplexing #realisation about the #illicit small #arms market, which is estimated to be 10 - 20% of the total #globalarmstrade, is that 100% of these weapons #leaked from official #government #stockpiles - just like this one. I.C.E poses a question; if we didn’t feel so #safe, would you keep one, #justincase ?
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