mcyt-femslash · 5 months
Niki Nihachu Summer
Alright Niki Nihachu fans, here's an event for you!
Twelve weeks, three prompts each. You can write/draw/create any form of Nihachu content you want! You can add in as many characters as you want or need, no real restrictions on who they are. You can do as many or as few prompts as you want!
Week One: Revenge/Justice/Mercy Week Two: Surrender/Escape/Rebel Week Three: Hurt/Forgiveness/Apathy Week Four: Blue/Purple/Pink Week Five: Hope/Despair/Turmoil Week Six: Sun/Moon/Star Week Seven: Rain/Sunshine/Snow Week Eight: Abandoned/Cherished/Forgotten Week Nine: Sweet/Sour/Spicy Week Ten: Fire/Water/Wind Week Eleven: Fin/Fur/Feather Week Twelve: Bake/Brew/Cook
The tag is #niki nihachu summer, and I hope people have fun creating as much content as they want!
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
@mcyt-femslash April Showers Week 2, sunshine/flowers! (Nooooo I'm not late...)
Cleo winced, wrenching their head away with a scowl. She glared at Lizzie, but when it was met with a look, she hesitated before replacing their head back in the fairy’s hands.
“Can't you make it hurt a little less?”
“Beauty is pain, Cleo.” Lizzie stated dramatically, before adding. “I'll try. Sorry.” She plucked a daisy from the grass beside her and threaded it into the zombie’s fiery locks. She had been hard at work for a long time creating a rainbow in their hair, a beautiful array of flowers. If only Cleo could be a little more patient, it might be a bit more bearable for the both of them.
“And.. there!” She made one last adjustment to a braid, before placing her hands on her hips and puffing her chest out, proudly. Cleo shuffled over to the Fairy Fort’s only pond (they couldn't be bothered to get up to walk), and stared at their reflection. “..Oh, wow..” she ran a hand through her hair. “I look..”
But they could not finish the sentence, so Lizzie did it for her.
“You look beautiful.”
“Yeah, I do.”
Lizzie smiled, hugging them from behind. “Don't sound so surprised. You are beautiful.”
Cleo smiled too, but it was a little bit different. Because they didn't believe her. But she leaned into the shorter’s embrace all the same, with a murmured “Thank you.”
“I mean it.” She pulled away to look Cleo in the eye, able to see through their nonchalance. “You are so beautiful.”
The honesty in Lizzie’s voice.. God, it hurt Cleo’s heart. She smiled as genuinely as they could. “So do I; thank you.”
Lizzie seemed unconvinced, but dropped the conversation and curled into Cleo. And when she rested her head on their lap, they ran their hands through her candyfloss-coloured hair.
“Do you think we'll be okay?”
The ginger was unable to stop the barked laugh that escaped from her mouth. But she almost instantly panicked about upsetting Lizzie, so added too quickly, “I- I'm sure we'll be fine.”
“Wow, you could not have sounded less reassuring.”
Cleo sighed. “Look, I don't know. I don't know if we'll be okay. No-one knows, do they?”
“No. No, I know. But.. sometimes you just hope that you can get just a smidge of certainty from somewhere, anywhere. You know?”
Cleo did know. It was Lizzie's first of the games, and was evidently still struggling to come to grips with her new reality.
She squeezed the fairy's hand. “But at least we've got each other, right?”
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
WAIT WAIT DON'T CLOSE IT *gathers countless drafts in hands* I'VE STILL GOT- I'VE STILL-
As the person in charge of mcyt-femslash, I will allow any and all late submissions...
There is a fine, however - you must find a yuri ship artwork/fanfic/etc, any will do even if they weren't part of the event, and leave a very nice comment for that person to enjoy.
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
Gem turned on her heels to where Pearl was trying to reign in her excitement. It was adorable how strongly Pearl was into the idea of sharing one of Gem’s closest hobbies with her. She clapped, “Right, are you ready to fish Pearl?”
My final piece for Week Four: Snow of @mcyt-femslash!! I had a lot of fun researching ice fishing for this even if i skimmed over all the fishing bits lol
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
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@mcyt-femslash - Week 4: Snow/Cultivation
So I know the "cultivation" part of this prompt meant like, plant cultivation, but I'm taking any excuse to draw wuxia au gempearl
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
Lizzie pulls her wings close to her back, eyes watering. Cleo elects to attribute that fact to the smoke.
@mcyt-femslash week 4 fill, for "cultivation"!
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
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@mcyt-femslash - Week 3: Mist/Roots
Puffychu are so "we could've been happy together if we met at a different time and place but we didn't and we aren't" and it makes me want to bite through concrete
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
"I said that's a massive fuckoff crown, and it looks real, and I wanna know where you got it. Why, did you steal it?"
@mcyt-femslash week three fill, for "mist"!
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
@mcyt-femslash Week 1, rain/growth with Nature Wives! (sorry it's late!)
The witch that returned was not the same witch that had left. That much was evident to Katherine.
Of course, in the more obvious ways, such as the new spells that Shelby had learnt, and took pride in showing off; the newfound companions she had brought home with her (namely Nimbus, the crow who seemed to think he was a cat, constantly craving attention); the new stories she had to tell, of great adventures, of allies and of enemies, of narrow escapes, of losses and of triumphs. Yes, anyone could notice those differences. But Katherine could see further than that.
The way Shelby’s smile stretched a little bit wider than it had before. The way she dared to finish her own sentences, when before she might have trailed off. She didn't fidget nearly as much. And when she laughed, she did so openly and heartily.
She was practically unrecognisable from the girl Katherine had first met. Gods, that girl was- was miles away!
Her heart sank a little at the thought.
That girl. So.. so broken. And if only Katherine had known, she could have done something, anything! ..But it didn't do to dwell. One simply couldn't change the past. (Well, Katherine couldn't, at least - one of Shelby's tales described a character who could indeed perform such feats!)
No, that girl was worlds away. Shelby had changed so, so much.
And Katherine couldn't have been more proud of her.
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
I’m so sorry but in the nicest way possible do yall actually read books or just read words??? Cause I’ve been seeing that trend of people not understanding how “snarled” and “eyes darkened” and “eyes softened” etc. was used in a book and like…
Genuinely, do yall just not have imagination?? Or not understand figurative language??? Also eyes do literally darken and soften have you not lived a life??? How do you read with no imagination? Is this how you get through so many books in one month - you simply don’t take the time the understand the words as they are read?
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
@mcyt-femslash Week 2, sunshine/flowers with Gempearl :D
It was just heavenly.
The whole world was golden - well, as far as Pearl could see. Fields and fields, all trapped under the same spell.
The sunlight soaked into her skin, filling her up with warmth and making a wide smile stretch across her freckled face. Content glowed inside her, a burning white light of purity and happiness and all that's good in the world. She pressed her fingers into the soft dirt beneath her, and felt how they connected her to the Earth like a tree’s roots. She inhaled deeply.
Summer was on the breeze; Pearl could taste it. Could taste the laughter, the joy, the fond memories of moments that hadn't even happened yet.
She waited a moment, and then let her breath go. She released the joy back into the world, leaving a smile in its wake
Pearl didn't need to look up, nor even open her eyes. The voice, scratchy like a rough sea, but at the same time, smoother than the deepest midnight, was one that she knew and loved.
“You can't ignore me, Pearl.”
“Who said I was ignoring you?”
“Well, I said your name and you didn't reply. Pretty sure that's ignoring.” Gem stated matter-of-factly, sitting down next to her girlfriend.
“Nah. It's just not-replying.”
“Whatever.” She playfully rolled her eyes and rested her head on Pearl’s shoulder. They sat for a moment in silence, in the wake of the beautiful golden honey that was sunlight. A bumblebee hummed lazily, and two birds sang of their love to one another.
“It's gorgeous, isn't it?”
Gem smiled fondly. “Oh my god, you are literally a sunflower.”
The brunette gasped dramatically. “THANK YOU!” (This was just about the most amazing compliment in the world).
Gem giggled as Pearl pulled her onto her lap. “You're right, though. It is gorgeous.”
Pearl nodded profoundly. “Though, obviously, not as gorgeous as you.”
The ginger buried her face Pearl's neck to hide the fact that she had turned bright red. “Shut up ♡”
Pearl poked her. “Aww, you're so cute when you're flustered~!”
“For you and you only. ♡”
Gem pressed a sweet kiss against the soft skin of her girlfriend’s neck. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
“Oh my goodness, what is this!” “Flowers,” Pearl grins, holding two bouquets of sunset orange and peachy pink.
@mcyt-femslash week two fill, for "flowers"!
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mcyt-femslash · 5 months
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@mcyt-femslash - Week 2: Sunshine/Flowers
Nature Wives, ft. paladin!Shubble and sun goddess!Katherine dnd au
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mcyt-femslash · 6 months
Hiya! Firstly, I am so excited for this event :D
Secondly, I'm just curious and a little bit confused - you seem to have tagged some pieces with multiple ship names and others with none? Do you think you would be able to tag every piece with a ship name? I totally understand if not! I know there's probably a lot for you to do, so you likely don't have the time. But it would really make me and I feel lots of others happy :)
I do try tagging ship names where I can. But I don't know every ship name for these characters, and with how... less popular femslash ships are compared to slash ships, just simply searching their names will usually just result in different content - sometimes content completely unrelated to either character!
Another issue is that some people like coming up with crack ships, and when they're the only one who is making content for the ship... what do I tag it with when an established ship name doesn't exist yet?
Admittedly, I heavily encourage crack ships, so I really shouldn't complain, but it does make up job harder.
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mcyt-femslash · 6 months
Gem’s leaning into her sniffer egg, intent, eyes wide and earnest. “What are you doing?” “I’m waiting for it to hatch!”
@mcyt-femslash week one fill, for "growth"!
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mcyt-femslash · 6 months
"Ah, there's my guest!" the body chuckled lowly. Ivory hated the nonchalance coating it, the way to sweet timbre made her stomach turn in both familiarity and disgust. She couldn't place where the dreamlike memories came from. Who she'd slighted with her good deeds.
my computer broke so I wrote crossover crackship for @mcyt-femslash to cope 👍
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mcyt-femslash · 6 months
do we have to do all the prompts? Because I've done the first one, but I'm not sure I can do the others
You don't have do all eight prompts, this event is about encouraging and increasing F/F content as well as increasing the amount of content towards characters that don't get enough love, and even if that means you can only do one prompt, that still is helping with the goal.
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