meatcody · 3 years
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I made a comic I guess :P more info abt it on my insta @/meatcodyy
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meatcody · 3 years
More Sierra hcs
- Childhood
Loud kid tbh lol
Super outgoing but that made other kids dislike her even more
Kids thought she was super clingy
She was always showing ppl her little creations like “hey dude look at this sparkly purse I knitted!!! Isn’t it cool?!!!”
- Relationship w mother
Her mom always gives her a good amount of validation and appreciation
But she self projects onto Sierra. A lot.
parents definitely divorced.. mom’s obsession w Chris started after the divorce as a coping mechanism
Sierra’s grandparents were fans of Chris McLean (<- canon) and were the ones who first got sierra’s mom into being a fan of him also
Grandparents introduced total drama to Sierra’s mom as a way to get her mind of the divorce
This is what sparked her obsession with Chris
Sierra thinks she has a good relationship w her mom but its a little ehhh… not totally toxic but not great
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meatcody · 3 years
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Happy birthday to this lovey girl🥰
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meatcody · 3 years
Things from my notes app pt 1 / ??
I just posted but idfc😛 after watching the theorizer’s vids I’ve been thinking abt his theories and how they make sense and I’m like adding onto them. Ok so hear me out, here’s my theory: Chris is picking NORMAL CHILDREN for the show. When they audition they get a mf SCRIPT! The script probably has the name of the character they have to play. For ex, Heather’s audition paper probably said “mean girl” at the top. She’s like ok cool, fun role, I get money, everything’s fine. Not. At first, the contestants are all fine with playing a stereotype / role because it means they get money in the end. But soon they get so invested in their roles that they forget their real “normal” identities before total drama. Chris has them in this contract so they just keep getting more detached from their real selves each season. This has probably been said before but I just agree with this theory a lot and find it interesting. Oh this is important‼️ I forgot to mention- I bet Chris picks roles / makes up characters that specifically have issues because according to him it would add more drama. I mean, if I was Chris, I would rather have mentally ill contestants than normal average teens right? And that’s so messed up because he’s literally profiting off exploitation of mental illness. Ok tdi theory post done✌🏻
This is from last October btw
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meatcody · 3 years
All stars freaking ruined Sierra and her character development
Oh my god I cannot even explain how much I hate all stars! In the end of world tour, Sierra’s character development is clearly established and her obsession with Cody dies down. But then in AS they completely throw all that away??? Whyyy! It angers me so much because Sierra means so much to me (comfort character tings) and her entire potential is completely thrown out the window in AS
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meatcody · 3 years
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Pov nowen is the best td ship ❤️ my art btw :P
My insta is meatcodyy if u wanna see more art :)
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meatcody · 3 years
Sierra headcanons
I hc her as autistic bcuz
- Bad posture
- Stims
Thumbs in her armpits
Random noises
- hyposensitive / unaware of certain noise + lack of self awareness in general
- Meltdowns
- Hyperfixations
Total drama of course
The internet and technology
- Comes off as rude or bossy sometimes when trying to explain something
- Not understanding social cues
Not knowing when to give other people space / not understanding boundaries
I had another example and I lost it :(
Edit: I remember now. It was the “Sweden sour” ep where heather is like “hello, is there something on my booty??” And Sierra goes “uh no. You’re all good.” Because she didn’t understand that heather was saying that on purpose.
- Can come off as childish
- Loves data and charts (not saying all people with autism enjoy this.. it’s just pretty common)
Other headcanons (some stolen from tumblr):
- German and Native American
- Made her own diy craft club in hs but no one joined
- Her mom is her biggest fan
- Coderra is canon after the show and they develop good communication and have a healthy relationship
- She’s autistic
- She has an alter ego where she’s a singer and does rock ballads + heavy metal (inspired by annick obonsawin)
- Definitely a “gifted” kid in elementary school. She loved reading in the library alone and sometimes lost track of time
- Was very good at school in general
- Although sometimes it was hard to keep up because of her mental health and the fact being around people drained her emotionally :(
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